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API RBI v8.03.

03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................. 3
2 Components and Configurations .......................................................................................................... 3
Tiers........................................................................................................................................................... 3
Configurations ........................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Prerequisites and Assumptions............................................................................................................. 5
4 Installation ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Acquire Software ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Installation Steps....................................................................................................................................... 6
5 Considerations ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Installing the APIRBISERVICE Windows Service ........................................................................................ 6
Installing Multiple Instances of the API RBI Server ................................................................................... 7
6 Upgrading API-RBI ................................................................................................................................. 7
Software Upgrades ................................................................................................................................... 7
Upgrading MySQL Databases .................................................................................................................... 7
Upgrading SQL Server and Oracle Databases ........................................................................................... 7
7 Property Editor...................................................................................................................................... 8
Local DB Connections ............................................................................................................................ 8
Remote DB Connections ....................................................................................................................... 8
Server Connections ............................................................................................................................... 9
Bundle DB.............................................................................................................................................. 9
8 Starting the API RBI Application .......................................................................................................... 10
Starting 1-Tiered Installation(C/S/D) ...................................................................................................... 10
Starting 2-Tiered Installation (C/S – D) ................................................................................................... 11
Starting 2-Tiered (C-S/D) and 3-Tiered Installations ............................................................................... 12
Starting the apirbiservice ........................................................................................................................ 13
Starting the apirbiservice with the Windows GUI............................................................................... 13
Starting the apirbiservice with the Command Line ............................................................................ 13
RBI Icons .................................................................................................................................................. 14

The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.
API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

9 Support................................................................................................................................................ 14
Appendix A. 1-Tier: Client/Server/Database Installation Steps.............................................................. 16
Appendix B. 2-Tier: Database – Client/Server Installation Steps ........................................................... 20
Appendix C. 2-Tier: Client – Server/Database Installation Steps ........................................................... 28
Appendix D. 3-Tier: Client – Server – Database Installation Steps ......................................................... 35
Appendix E. Supplemental Data.............................................................................................................. 45

The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.
API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to assist Users, IT Departments, System Administrators, and Database
Administrators in the planning, installation, and configuration of The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.’s
(E2G) API RBI v8.03.03 product and supporting applications. Additional support is provided in the API
RBI Administrator’s Guide. In any case where differences are found between this document and the
Administrator’s Guide, follow the information in the Administrator’s Guide.

2 Components and Configurations

The API RBI product is a 3-tier architecture product (client, server, and database). The Client tier
provides the program’s graphical user interface. The Server tier provides the interface between clients
and the database tier; much of the logic and calculations for the application are performed by the server
tier. The Database tier provides the storage of API RBI data in a relational database management
system (MYSQL, SQL Server, or Oracle). All three tiers of the application are required for the application
to work.

The three tiers can be configured and installed in four basic types of configurations:

Client/Server/Database: in this configuration (Figure 1), all components are installed and executed on
one machine (i.e., laptop or desktop). This is a stand-alone, single-tier configuration.


Figure 1 - Single-Tier Configuration

Client/Server – Database: in this configuration (Figure 2), the client and server software are installed on
one (or multiple) machine(s) (i.e., laptop or desktop) and the database is installed on a database server.
This is a two-tiered configuration.

The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.
API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Database Server


` `

Figure 2 - Two-Tiered Configuration (Client/Server - Database)

Client – Database/Server: in this configuration (Figure 3), the client software is installed on one (or
multiple) machine(s) (i.e., laptop or desktop) and the database and server are installed on a server. This
is also a two-tiered configuration.

Application Server


` `

Figure 3 - Two-Tiered Configuration (Database/Server - Client)

Client – Server – Database: in this configuration (Figure 4), the client is installed on one (or multiple)
machine(s), the server is installed on an application server, and the database is installed on a database
server. This is a three-tiered configuration.

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Database Server Application Server


` `

Figure 4 - Three-Tiered Configuration

3 Prerequisites and Assumptions

Minimum system requirements for installation are listed in Table 1. Additionally, for all installations a
relational database system is required. Minimum RDBMS requirements are listed in Table 2.

For installation on servers and workstations, the user must have full system administrator privileges. To
successfully operate the application, the user must have full permissions in the apirbi_installation folder
and all sub-folders.

Hardware Requirements Software Requirements

Client Machine 1 GB RAM Windows 2000/XP OS
(2-Tiered (C-S/D) or 3-Tiered (C- 1GHz or better Java 1.6.0 (minimum)
S-D) installations only) 80 MB Drive Available
Client Machine 1.5 GB RAM Windows 2000/XP OS
(Standalone I-Tiered (C/S/D) or 2 GHz of better Java 1.6.0 (minimum)
2-Tiered (C/S-D) installations) 1 GB Drive or better .Net Framework 2.0 (minimum)
Application Server 1 GB RAM Windows Server 2003
2GHz or better (minimum)
500 MB Drive Available Java 1.6.0 (minimum)
.Net Framework 2.0 (minimum)
Database Server Per database requirements MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle

Table 1 - System Requirements

RDBMS Minimum RDBMS Version

MYSQL (stand-alone, included 5.0
with the product)
MYSQL (enterprise) 5.0
SQL Server SQL Server 2000
Oracle 8i

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Table 2 - Database Requirements

4 Installation
Acquire Software
Access the download site at A valid user name and password
are required. Access to the download site has been restricted to designated corporate-wide points-of-
contact. To determine your point-of-contact, or to register as the point-of-contact, contact the Help
Desk (Table 4). Once logged in to the download site, there are two files that are required.

Application File: From the download site, left-click on the link “API RBI v8.03.03” and select “Save” from
the dialog window. Select a location to save the file. Once the download is complete, decompress and
save the installation file (APRRBI_setup_8.03.03.exe).

License File: From the download site, right-click on the link “api_rbi_[mmmYY]_80302.lic” and select
“Save Target As” from the pop-up menu. Select a location to save the file and save as

Installation Steps
Prior to attempting to install the software, the system administrator should review this Installation
Guide to ensure understanding of system requirements, installation configurations, multiple
installations, and upgrades.

Appendix A defines the steps for installing a 1-Tier Client / Server / Database application.

Appendix B defines the steps for installing a 2-Tier Client / Server – Database application.

Appendix C defines the steps for installing a 2-Tier Client – Server / Database application.

Appendix D defines the steps for installing a 3-Tier Client – Server – Database application.

For any installation configurations not explicitly defined herein contact E2G.

5 Considerations

Installing the APIRBISERVICE Windows Service

In a multi-tiered environment, the server-tier should be started as a windows service. By installing as a
windows service, the server-tier will restart automatically whenever the server is started and does not
require a user to log-in to the machine. Installing apirbiservice as a Windows Service should be done
after the server software installation is complete (Section 4) but prior to starting the application (Section

The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.
API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

The apirbiservice does not check the database for schema changes as it defaults to the command line
option “Dnocheckschema”. apirbiservice is installed by executing the following command from the
command line in the apirib_installation folder: apirbiservice –install.

Installing Multiple Instances of the API RBI Server

There can be up to 12 instances of the API RBI service installed on a server. Each service can be
configured to point to a different database. Each instance requires the minimum hardware
requirements listed in Table 1. To install multiple services run the installation as described in Appendix
C or Appendix D with the note: Each installation must be in different folders and have a unique service
name; to facilitate this, consider creating a folder structure such as apirbi/serviceA/apirbi_installation,
apirbi/serviceB/apirbi_installation, etc as this provides a logical, maintainable structure that is easy to
work with.

6 Upgrading API-RBI
This installation can be used to upgrade existing API-RBI installations from version 6.01 to present.
Users should contact the Help Desk (Table 4) for assistance upgrading from versions prior to 6.01.
Database back-ups should be performed prior to attempting any software upgrade. All API-RBI
components (client, server, and database) must be upgraded during this process. Version checks are
performed between the database, server, and clients and the software will not run if the versions are
not the same.

Software Upgrades
The preferred upgrade process is to perform a clean install. To facilitate this, users should uninstall the
software using either the Add/Remove Programs Windows’ functions or by double-clicking on the
UNWISE.cmd file in the apirbi_installation file. Once the existing application is removed users should
follow the steps listed in Section 4. Prior to uninstall, local MySQL users should move or copy their
databases to a different location. Apirbiservice users must uninstall the existing apirbiservice prior to
uninstalling the current version. To do this, stop the service and then execute >>apirbiservice –remove
from a command line in the apirbi_installation directory.

Upgrading MySQL Databases

When started, the API-RBI software will upgrade MySQL databases automatically. This process may take
several minutes and occurs during start-up. Users should allow extra time for the software to start
when upgrading databases.

Upgrading SQL Server and Oracle Databases

To upgrade existing SQL Server and Oracle database a database administrator must run SQL scripts from
a database application (i.e., SQL Server’s Query Analyzer). The scripts are listed in Table 5. Which
scripts to run is dependent on the current version of the RBI database. The system administrator should
determine the current version and run all scripts sequentially from the current version to the newly

The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.
API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

installed version. Again, the database should be backed-up prior to attempting the upgrade. If any
problems, issues, or questions arise while attempting to upgrade a SQL Server or Oracle database please
contact E2G.

7 Property Editor
The Property Dialog Editor is used to change the properties that are used to connect to the API RBI
Server and API RBI Database. This activity should be performed by system administrators. The Property
Editor can be used to set up multiple primary as well as remote databases to which the server can
connect. Each tab in the editor must be saved independently by pressing the “Save” button. This editor
changes the file (in the apirbi_installation\ref folder) on the server. This option
is available only on computers that have the server tier of the software installed.

Local DB Connections
The Local DB Connections form (Figure 5) provides information about the primary databases to which
this server tier may connect. Make changes and press save. A prompt will appear alerting the user that
the file is being overwritten.

Figure 5 - Local DB Connections

Remote DB Connections
The Remote DB Connections form (Figure 6) provides information about the remote node databases to
which the server tier may connect. Make changes and press save. A prompt will appear alerting the
user that the file is being overwritten.

The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.
API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 6 - Remote DB Connections

Server Connections
The Server Connections form (Figure 7) provides information about the server tier. Make changes and
press save. A prompt will appear alerting the user that the file is being

Figure 7 - Server Connections

Bundle DB
The Bundle DB form (Figure 8) provides information about the heat exchanger bundle table. Make
changes and press save. A prompt will appear alerting the user that the file is
being overwritten.

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 8 - Bundle DB

8 Starting the API RBI Application

Starting 1-Tiered Installation(C/S/D)
To start a 1-Tiered (C/S/D, MYSQL) installation, the user simply double-clicks on the blue api-rbi local.lnk
icon (refer to Table 3). Once clicked, the user will be presented with the select database window (Figure
9 - Select Database).

Figure 9 - Select Database

Once the appropriate database has been selected and ok is clicked, the login window will be presented
(Figure 10).

Figure 10 - Login Screen (1-Tiered)

No actions should be performed on the login window. The application will continue to launch and when
ready will display the RBI splash screen (Figure 11).

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 11 - RBI Splash Screen

Starting 2-Tiered Installation (C/S – D)

Starting a 2-Tiered C/S-D installation is dependent on the RDBMS being active. It is anticipated that 2-
Tiered installations will include an enterprise RDBMS managed by database administrators so
instructions for starting the database are not included here. Prior to starting the server-tier, ensure the
database is running. From the client machine double-click the red api-rbi installation remote.lnk (refer
to Table 3).

Once clicked, the login window will appear (Figure 12). Ensure all information is correct, enter the
password, and select Login.

Figure 12 - Login Screen 2-Tiered (C/S-D)

Once Login is clicked, the application will continue to launch and when ready will display the RBI splash
screen (Figure 11).

The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.
API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Starting 2-Tiered (C-S/D) and 3-Tiered Installations

2-Tiered (C-S/D) and 3-Tiered installations must be started sequentially with the database first, then the
server, and finally the clients. It is anticipated that 2-Tiered (C-S/D) and 3-Tiered installations will
include an enterprise RDBMS managed by database administrators so instructions for starting the
database are not included here. Prior to starting the server-tier, ensure the database is running.

Once the database is running, the server-tier must be started (refer to Starting the apirbiservice). Once
the server-tier is started, the client-tiers can be started. To start the client-tier, double-click on the
green api-rbi installation.lnk icon (refer to Table 3).

Once clicked, the login window will appear (Figure 13). Ensure all information is correct, enter the
password, and select Login.

Figure 13 - Login Screen 2-Tiered (C-S/D) and 3-Tiered

Once Login is clicked, the application will continue to launch and when ready will display the RBI splash
screen (Figure 14).

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 14 - RBI Splash Screen

Starting the apirbiservice

This section is only valid for 2 and 3 tiered installations that are using the apirbiservice. Once the
apirbiservice has been installed (see Installing the APIRBISERVICE Windows Service) it can be started in
either of 2 ways: GUI or command line.

Starting the apirbiservice with the Windows GUI

From Start  Settings  Control Panel  Administrative Tools  Services List: locate apirbiservice,
right-click, and select Start (Figure 15).

Figure 15 Windows Services GUI

Starting the apirbiservice with the Command Line

From Start  Run  CMD (to open a command line): at the DOS prompt type: net start API RBI service
(Figure 16).

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 16 Command Line Service Start

RBI Icons
As part of the installation process, shortcuts (RBI icons) are copied to the desktop. These icons are
described in Table 3.

Icon Function Action

Used to start the 1-Tiered C/S/D If using MYSQL, this icon starts
configuration. all required components for a 1-
Tiered installation. If using SQL
Server or Oracle, these RDBMSs
need to be started separately
prior to clicking this icon.
Used to start the 2-Tiered (C- This icon starts the client
S/D) or 3-Tiered configuration. software for connection to an
already configured and started
server and database.
Used to start the 2-Tiered (C/S- This icon is used to start the
D) configuration. server and client tiers for
installations connecting to a
database tier installed remotely.
Table 3 - Start-Up Icons

9 Support
Support (i.e., installation, technical, etc.) is provided to licensed clients through the E2G Software
Support Help Desk. To contact the Help Desk refer to Table 4.

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Table 4 - Software Help Desk

Phone E-Mail
(Please include RBI in the subject line)

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Appendix A. 1-Tier: Client/Server/Database Installation Steps

 Ensure the API RBI software is not running;
 If using MYSQL, back-up the database files to a separate location;
 If using SQL Server or Oracle for this configuration please contact E2G for assistance as needed;
 Double-click on apirbi_setup_8.03.02;
 Select next on the welcome window (Figure 17);

Figure 17 - Installation Welcome

 In the Destination Location window, select next to install in the default location or click browse
to select a different location(Figure 18);

Figure 18 - Destination Location

 If you are upgrading the current installation, it is recommended to select delete the existing
application on the installation type window (Figure 19) and then click next;

The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.
API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

WARNING: upgrading an existing application may overwrite existing files (i.e., .rbx, .rbr,
database, RBIExport, etc).

Figure 19 - Installation Type

 In the installation components window, select client/server/database (Figure 20) and then click

Figure 20 -Installation Components

 The values entered into the APIRBI Server Properties window (Figure 21) are dependent on the
type of database being used. Refer Table 6 and then click next;

The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.
API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 21 - APIRBI Server Properties

 The APIRBI Remote Node Properties window (Figure 22) is used to configure the interface with a
second database. For more information regarding Remote Node and its uses, refer to the Users’
Guide. Since remote node configuration can be done after the installation, it is recommended
that the defaults be accepted and then to click next;

Figure 22 - APIRBI Remote Node Properties

 Click next on the Start Installation window (Figure 23);

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 23 - Start Installation

 Click finish on the APIRBI window (Figure 24);

Figure 24 - APIRBI

 Copy the previously downloaded license file (api_rbi_main.lic) into the apirbi_installation\ref
 If a MYSQL database was backed-up put a copy of the database into the
apirbi_installation\MYSQL\data folder (starting the local application will automatically update
the database structure);
 Set-Up is complete; refer to Section 8 for directions on starting a 1-Tier application.

The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.
API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Appendix B. 2-Tier: Database – Client/Server Installation Steps

Database Tier
Included with the installation executable are the scripts required to create the required database
components for all 3 supported relational database systems (MYSQL, SQL Server, Oracle). The
installation executable can be run on either the database server or a separate PC to provide the
database script files.

 If using an Enterprise version of MYSQL, ensure that “default_storage_engine = MyISAM” in the

my.ini file;
 Double-click on apirbi_setup_8.03.02;
 Select next on the welcome window (Figure 25);

Figure 25 - Installation Welcome

 In the Destination Location window, select next to install in the default location or click browse
to select a different location (Figure 26);

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 26 - Destination Location

 In the installation components window, select database (Figure 27) and then click next;

Figure 27 - Installation Components

 In the database installation window, select the database type (Figure 28) and then click next;

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 28 - Database Installation

 Click next on the Start Installation window (Figure 29);

Figure 29 - Start Installation

 Click finish on the APIRBI window (Figure 30);

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 30 - APIRBI

 The necessary database scripts are now located in the folder selected during installation
(apirbi_installation\apirbi\schema\[MYSQL, MSSQLSERVER, or ORACLE];
 For a new RBI installation, the database administrator should create the RBI database by
executing the createDB_[databasetype].cmd file followed by executing the
createTB_[databasetype].cmd file. Modification to these files may be necessary if non-default
values are desired (i.e., database name, username, password, etc.). Questions concerning which
scripts are necessary for upgrading existing databases should be directed to E2G.

Client/Server Tier
In this configuration, the client and the server are on the same machine and it is therefore
recommended to install the full client/server/database configuration even though the local database
files will not be used.

 Ensure the API RBI software is not running;

 Double-click on APIRBI_Setup_8.02.exe;
 Select next on the welcome window (Figure 31);

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 31 - Installation Welcome

 In the Destination Location window, select next to install in the default location or click browse
to select a different location(Figure 32);

Figure 32 - Destination Location

 If you are upgrading the current installation, it is recommended to select delete the existing
application on the installation type window (Figure 33) and then click next;
WARNING: upgrading an existing application may overwrite existing files (i.e., .rbx, .rbr,
database, RBIExport, etc);

The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.
API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 33 - Installation Type

 In the installation components window, select client/server/database (Figure 34) and then click

Figure 34 - Installation Components

 The values entered into the APIRBI Server Properties window (Figure 35) are dependent on the
type of database being used. Refer to Table 6 then click next;

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 35 - APIRBI Server Properties

 The APIRBI Remote Node Properties window (Figure 36) is used to configure the interface with a
second database. For more information regarding Remote Node and its uses, refer to the Users’
Guide. Since remote node configuration can be done after the installation, it is recommended
that the defaults be accepted and then to click next;

Figure 36 - APIRBI Remote Node Properties

 Click next on the Start Installation window (Figure 37);

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 37 - Start Installation

 Click finish on the APIRBI window (Figure 38);

Figure 38 - APIRBI

 Copy the previously downloaded license file (api_rbi_main.lic) into the apirbi_installation\ref
 Set-Up is complete; refer to Section 8 for directions on starting a 2-Tier (C/S-D) application.

The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.
API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Appendix C. 2-Tier: Client – Server/Database Installation Steps

Server/Database Tier
In this configuration, the server and database are on the same machine and it is therefore
recommended to install the full client/server/database configuration.

 If using an Enterprise version of MYSQL, ensure that “default_storage_engine = MyISAM” in the

my.ini file;
 Ensure the API RBI software is not running;
 If using MYSQL, back-up the database files to a separate location;
 Double-click on apirbi_setup_8.03.02;
 Select next on the welcome window (Figure 39);

Figure 39 - Installation Welcome

 In the Destination Location window, select next to install in the default location or click browse
to select a different location(Figure 40);

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 40 - Destination Location

 If you are upgrading the current installation, it is recommended to select delete the existing
application on the installation type window (Figure 41) and then click next;

Figure 41 - Installation Type

 In the installation components window, select client/server/database, check NT Services (Figure

42), and then click next;

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 42 - Installation Components

 The values entered into the APIRBI Server Properties window (Figure 43) are dependent on the
type of database being used. Refer to Table 6 and then click Next;

Figure 43 - APIRBI Server Properties

 The APIRBI Remote Node Properties window (Figure 44) is used to configure interfacing with a
second database. For more information regarding Remote Node and its uses, refer to the Users’
Guide. Since remote node configuration can be done after the installation, it is recommended
that the defaults be accepted and then to click next;

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 44 - APIRBI Remote Node Properties

 Click next on the Start Installation window (Figure 45);

Figure 45 - Start Installation

 Click finish on the APIRBI window (Figure 46);

Figure 46 - APIRBI

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

 Copy the previously downloaded license file (api_rbi_main.lic) into the apirbi_installation\ref
 If the APIRBI Service Name was changed from the default during installation, the
apirbiservice.ini must be modified. To do this, navigate to the apirbi_installation folder and edit
the apirbiservice.ini using Notepad. Edit “appname”, “servicename”, and “displayname” in the
file to match what was selected during installation;
 From a DOS prompt, navigate to the apirbi_installation folder and execute “apirbiservice –
install” to install as a Windows service;
 From Windows Services start the apirbiservice;

Client Tier
 Ensure the API RBI software is not running;
 Double-click on apirbi_setup_8.03.02;;

Select next on the welcome window (Figure 47);

Figure 47 - Installation Welcome

 In the Destination Location window, select next to install in the default location or click browse
to select a different location(Figure 48);

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 48 - Destination Location

 If you are upgrading the current installation, it is recommended to select delete the existing
application on the installation type window (Figure 49) and then click next;

Figure 49 - Installation Type

 In the installation components window, select client (Figure 50), and then click next;

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Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 50 - Installation Components

 Click next on the Start Installation window (Figure 51);

Figure 51 - Start Installation

 Click finish on the APIRBI window (Figure 52);

Figure 52 - APIRBI

 Set-Up is complete; refer to Section 8 for directions on starting a 2-Tier (C-S/D) application.

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Software Installation Guide
Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Appendix D. 3-Tier: Client – Server – Database Installation Steps

Database Tier
Included with the installation executable are the scripts required to create the required database
components for all 3 supported relational database systems (MYSQL, SQL Server, Oracle). The
installation executable can be run on either the database server or a separate PC to provide the
database script files.

 If using an Enterprise version of MYSQL, ensure that “default_storage_engine = MyISAM” in the

my.ini file;
 Double-click on apirbi_setup_8.03.02;
 Select next on the welcome window (Figure 53);

Figure 53 - Installation Welcome

 In the Destination Location window, select next to install in the default location or click browse
to select a different location(Figure 54);

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Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 54 - Destination Location

 In the installation components window, select database (Figure 55) and then click next;

Figure 55 - Installation Components

 In the database installation window, select the database type (Figure 56) and then click next;

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Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 56 - Database Installation

 Click next on the Start Installation window (Figure 57);

Figure 57 - Start Installation

 Click finish on the APIRBI window (Figure 58);

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Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 58 - APIRBI

 The necessary database scripts are now located in the folder selected during installation
(apirbi_installation\apirbi\schema\[MYSQL, MSSQLSERVER, or ORACLE];
 For a new RBI installation, the database administrator should create the RBI database by
executing the createDB_[databasetype].cmd file followed by executing the
createTB_[databasetype].cmd file. Modification to these files may be necessary if non-default
values are desired (i.e., database name, username, password, etc.). Questions concerning which
scripts are necessary for upgrading existing databases should be directed to E2G.

Server Tier
 Ensure the API RBI software is not running;
 Double-click on apirbi_setup_8.03.02;
 Select next on the welcome window (Figure 59);

Figure 59 - Installation Welcome

 In the Destination Location window, select next to install in the default location or click browse
to select a different location(Figure 60);

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Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 60 - Destination Location

 If you are upgrading the current installation, it is recommended to select delete the existing
application on the installation type window (Figure 61) and then click next;

Figure 61 - Installation Type

 In the installation components window, select server, check NT Services (Figure 62), and then
click next;

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Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 62 - Installation Components

 The values entered into the APIRBI Server Properties window (Figure 63) are dependent on the
type of database being used. Refer to Table 6 and then click Next;

Figure 63 - APIRBI Server Properties

 The APIRBI Remote Node Properties window (Figure 64) is used to configure interfacing with a
second database. For more information regarding Remote Node and its uses, refer to the Users’
Guide. Since remote node configuration can be done after the installation, it is recommended
that the defaults be accepted and then to click next.

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Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 64 - APIRBI Remote Node Properties

 Click next on the Start Installation window (Figure 65);

Figure 65 - Start Installation

 Click finish on the APIRBI window (Figure 66);

Figure 66 - APIRBI

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Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

 Copy the previously downloaded license file (api_rbi_main.lic) into the apirbi_installation\ref
 If the APIRBI Service Name was changed from the default during installation, the
apirbiservice.ini must be modified. To do this, navigate to the apirbi_installation folder and edit
the apirbiservice.ini using Notepad. Edit “appname”, “servicename”, and “displayname” in the
file to match what was selected during installation;
 From a DOS prompt, navigate to the apirbi_installation folder and execute “apirbiservice –
install” to install as a Windows service;
 From Windows Services start the apirbiservice;

Client Tier
 Ensure the API RBI software is not running;
 Double-click on apirbi_setup_8.03.02;
 Select next on the welcome window (Figure 67);

Figure 67 - Installation Welcome

 In the Destination Location window, select next to install in the default location or click browse
to select a different location(Figure 68);

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Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 68 - Destination Location

 If you are upgrading the current installation, it is recommended to select delete the existing
application on the installation type window (Figure 69) and then click next;

Figure 69 - Installation Type

 In the installation components window, select client (Figure 70), and then click next;

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Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Figure 70 - Installation Components

 Click next on the Start Installation window (Figure 71);

Figure 71 - Start Installation

 Click finish on the APIRBI window (Figure 72);

Figure 72 - APIRBI

 Set-Up is complete; refer to Section 8 for directions on starting a 3-Tier (C-S-D) application.

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API RBI v8.03.03 Page
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Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

Appendix E. Supplemental Data

File Name File Database Type Use
ApiRbi_v5010035_v61001_diff SQL MYSQL Upgrade database
version 5.01.0035 to
ApiRbi_v6000000_v6010005_diff SQL MYSQL Upgrade database
version 6.00.000 to
ApiRbi_V601_V700006_diff SQL MYSQL Upgrade database
version 6.01 to 7.00.006
ApiRbi_V601_v8000000_diff SQL All Upgrade database
version 6.01 to
ApiRbi_V800_V801_diff SQL All Upgrade database
version 8.00 to 8.01
ApiRbi_V801000_V8020000_diff SQL All Upgrade database
version 8.01.0000 to
ApiRbi_V802000_V8020001_diff SQL All Upgrade database
version 8.02.0000 to
ApiRbi_V802001_V8020002_diff SQL All Upgrade database
version 8.02.0001 to
ApiRbi_V802002_V8030000_diff SQL All Upgrade database
version 8.02.0002 to
created SQL All
4.0-5.0-Input_File_Mapping TXT MYSQL This is the field mapping
from APIRBI Product to
fortran calculator input
4.0-5.0-Output_File_Mapping TXT MYSQL This is the field mapping
from fortran calculator
output deck to APIRBI
20050110-Apirbi_SQL_Patch-Length SQL MYSQL Removed length field
from v5.0 validation as it
became conditional
ApiRbi_Fluid_Patch SQL MSSQLSERVER In v8.0 sqlserver had a
bug saving empty fluids
prv_null_fix SQL MYSQL In the first PRV release

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Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

(v7.0), extraneous
empty PRVs were being
resetroot SQL MYSQL All baseline configurable
data for root login was
set to expire in 1 year
from install unless reset
by an actual login
schema_bundle TXT MYSQL No longer used as of
8.03 (will be removed
from future releases)
schema_help TXT MYSQL No longer used as of
8.03 (will be removed
from future releases)
schema_history TXT MYSQL Entire history of schema
changes - all comments
schema_precise TXT MYSQL The schema that the
entire PAIRBI Product is
based upon
schema_user TXT MYSQL The schema that the
entire PAIRBI Product is
based upon
Apirbi_MSSQLSERVER SQL MS SQL Server Generated lexically for
sqlserver from
schema_precise and
createDB_MSSQLSERVER CMD MS SQL Server Example script-based
default database and
userid/password create
for sqlserver
createTB_MSSQLSERVER CMD MS SQL Server Example script-based
default database tables
calls the generated
InspectionPlanningRecordsReset_MSSQLSERVER SQL MS SQL Server In v8.00 it was found an
inspection planning save
bug was creating
multiple inspection
planning records per
component, this deleted
the extra invalid records
Mssqlserver_v800_indexes SQL MS SQL Server After assisting a
customer move all
tables and data from
many MYSQL individual

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Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

databases into a single

enterprise sqlserver
database, it was found
that the indexes were
missing from the
mssqlserver Importer,
this fixes the missing
Apirbi_MYSQL SQL MYSQL Generated lexically for
MYSQL from
schema_precise and
Apirbi_ORACLE SQL Oracle Generated lexically for
oracle from
schema_precise and
createDB_ORACLE CMD Oracle Example script-based
default database and
userid/password create
for oracle
createTB_ORACLE CMD Oracle Example script-based
default database tables
calls the generated
Table 5 - Database Scripts

APIRBI Server Properties

Database Entry Name User entered value.
Database Server IP Address For local MYSQL (default) installation:
For non-local installations (database is on a
different machine), this should be the IP address of
the machine where the database is running.
Database Server Port [Defaults:
MYSQL: 3306
SQL Server: 1433
Oracle: 1522]
Database Name [Default: EEG]
Database User Name [Default: EEG]
Database Password [Default: EEG]
Database SID (Oracle only) Oracle DB SID
APIRBI Server IP Address For installation with the server running on the
local machine:

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Date: 01 June 2009 S/W Version: 8.03.5792

For non-local server installations, this should be

the IP address of the machine where the server is
APIRBI Server RMI Port [Default: 3693)
If multiple services are running on a networked
installation, each service MUST have a unique
APIRBI Server RMI Port.
APIRBI Service Name [apirbiservice, apirbiserviceA – apirbiservicek]
If multiple services are running on a networked
installation, each service MUST have a unique
APIRBI Service Name.
APIRBI Server User Manager Name [apirbiservicemanagerA – apirbiservicemanagerk]
If multiple services are running on a networked
installation, each service MUST have a unique
APIRBI Server User Manager Name. The Server
User Manager Name must match the service
APIRBI Server Broadcast Port [Default: 3696]
If multiple services are running on a networked
installation, each service MUST have a unique
APIRBI Server Broadcast Port.
Table 6 -Server Properties

Full Argument Abbr. Use

-help, --help -h, --h Prints this help
-host -ho Takes an argument for server host name or IP address
-port -po Takes an argument for server TCP/IP Port (defaults to
-user -us Takes an argument for server user login (defaults to
-pass -pa Takes an argument for server user password (defaults
to root)
-rmisvc -rs Takes an argument for server RMI Service Name
(defaults to APIRBIService)
-rmimgr -rm Takes an argument for server RMI User Manager Name
(defaults to APIRBIUserManager)
-local -lo Takes an argument for server local or remote (defaults
to true (local))
-DBSELECT Takes no arguments, launches popup MYSQL database
select list
NOTE: -local LOCAL must also be specified
Table 7 - apirbiclient.exe Start Options

The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.

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