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Emma Rosendale

Mrs. Storer
English 3 Honors
March 15, 2020
My Biggest Take Away
My biggest take away from A Raisin in The Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry,
is that money truly is a source of happiness. No, it is not the only place
happiness can come from, but there is a lot you cannot to without it. In Ruth
and Walters marriage, they had many problems because of their financial
status. They always argued about not having enough money or what they
spent it on. the same goes for the rest of the house, they were all on edge
until they got that insurance money because it opened up new opportunities
for them.
In the play/ film and even in real life money can buy happiness. As
seen in the film, families are happier when they live in a better place. They
were too close to each other on a regular basis and even the thought of
living in their apartment made them irritable. Once they found out they were
moving into a better home and a better neighborhood they danced with joy
and there was less arguing. This is expected because when you live in a
place you do not want to be in, of course you will not be happy.
Another example of how money buys happiness is that you are made
to do more things with money. When you have more money, you are more
likely to go on trips to other places or countries, you can buy things you
want, you can go to amusement marks and concerts. These are all things
that people do to find joy, without money you cannot do any of this. I have
been fortunate enough to travel to different countries and seeing new places
and meeting new people is probably when I have the happiest. Others who
are not as fortunate as I have been do not get to experience it because in
the world we live in, you need to be pretty well-off to travel.
Aside from the material things wealth can bring you, money can also
bring happiness through being able to provide for you family. You are able to
have food and shelter, both make living conditions better, which makes
one’s quality of live better. you can also receive a better education from
having wealth. You can buy all the supplies you need, and like those who
attend Mater Dei and other private schools/universities, you can attend
schools that are said to have better academic programs. My parents wanted
me to be set up well for my future and since they are able to pay for it, they
have sent me to a private school to make sure I have the education I need. A
better education also opens up more opportunities for when I am an adult,
which will allow me to choose a path that I am happy with. This will also
allow me to create a good life for my kids as well.

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