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Name: Siti Aminah

Npm: 18033963

Summary of literal reading

Literal reading understanding is reading reading texts and understanding the reading
contents about what is mentioned in the text expressly

Literal reading is an activity of reading limited to knowing and capturing the meaning
(meaning) stated explicitly (explicitly). That is, the reader is only trying to capture information
that is located literally in the reading and not trying to capture the deeper meaning, namely the
implicit meaning, both in the inter-line level let alone the meaning that lies behind the line.

In the taxonomy of reading comprehension, literal reading ability is the lowest reading
ability, because in addition to the reader being more passive also does not involve critical
thinking skills. In other words, when doing the reading process, the reader is only trying to
accept a variety of things that are written from the words that are read or expressed by the
author. Therefore, for measuring the level of reading comprehension at this level, we can use
key words questions: what, who, where or when.

The Purpose of Literal Reading

Literal reading aims only to recognize the meaning that is written explicitly in the reading
text. The reader simply captures the information contained literally (reading the lines) in the
reading text. He did not try to explore or capture further. Techniques like this are usually used
in low-level teaching and learning, for example elementary-junior high school students.

Examples of Literal Reading

Elementary students who are given the task of reading a story book or a book about

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