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Jl. Monginsidi 2 Lawang Malang
Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Waktu : 60 menit

Kelas : VI (Enam) Nomor : ............................
Hari/Tanggal : Selasa, 12 Maret 2019 Nama : ............................

Choose the Correct Answer between a, b, c or d!

1. Pele is the greatest ……………... player of all time. He was born in Brazil in 1940.
a. tennis c. volleyball
b. basketball d. football
2. Rio’s class is the ……….. to the library.
a. most near c. nearer
b. nearest d. near
3. The Guinness Book of World Records was first printed in ………………
a. England c. America
b. Indonesia d. Netherland
4. X: I’m sorry, but you can’t drink coffee here.
Y: Yes, Oh.. I’ll drink that outside now.
X: Please keep your voice down.
Z: OK. Sorry…
The dialogue takes place in a ….
a. market c. stadium
b. library d. classroom
5. ……………….. is one of the Living World categories.
a. The best swimmer c. The smallest horse
b. The most telephones d. The largest painting
6. Farida : When did you join English course in Pare?
Salama : I ………. English course in Pare in 2012.
a. join c. joins
b. started d. joining
7. Firdaus is ……….. (good) at Math than Andra.
a. the best c. most good
b. better d. worst
8. If I …………. on a mountain, I would ride my bike down it.
a. live c. am living
b. lived d. lives
9. The following is Yassir’s activities that did last summer.
1. He got a campsite before dark.
2. At night, he slept on the tent.
3. Yassir rode into the jungle.
4. He saw beautiful scenery and took a picture.
The correct order is …….
a. 3 – 1 – 4 – 2 c. 4 – 3 – 1 – 2
b. 3 – 4 – 1 – 2 d. 2 – 1 – 4 – 3
10. Last week, I and my father canoed to go ……………. in the lake.
a. sailing c. hiking
b. swimming d. fishing

11. X: Tomorrow, let’s go horse-………… on the hill.

Y: Alright.
a. climbing c. eating
b. riding d. skating


12. Where is the ……… place on earth?
a. hottest c. hotter
b. most hot d. more hot
13. Another word for walking in mountains is …………….
a. hiking c. biking
b. playing d. skiing
14. My sister studies the …………. in the final examination next month.
a. hard c. hardest
b. harder d. more hard
15. Asma : What’s the first film you saw? What did you think of it?
Zainab: Harry Potter. I …………… this film was magnificent.
a. think c. am thinking
b. thought d. thinks
16. If I had a …………….., I would jump out of a plane.
a. sleeping bag c. canoe
b. parachute d. bicycle
17. “I think the film on TV last night was awful”
The opposite of underlined word is …………….
a. wonderful c. horrible
b. ghastly d. bad

Text for number 18 to 22

Neil Armstrong’s name was once very well known. Do you know who is? He was the first person to
walk on the moon. It was July 21, 1969. He was born in 1930. He was always interested in planes. He took
flying lessons when he was only fourteen. And he got his pilot’s license on his sixteen birthdays. At university,
he learnt about engineering. After Neil finished school in 1955, he became a test pilot. In 1962, he became an
astronaut. His dream was going to come true. He was going to flying in space!
18. Who is the man talked in paragraph above? He is …..
a. Nicholas Park c. Charles Lindbergh
b. Neil Armstrong d. Lance Armstrong
19. ………. did Neil walk on the moon? On July 21, 1969.
a. What c. When
b. Where d. Why
20. Neil Armstrong was born in ……...
a. 1969 c. 1955
b. 1962 d. 1930
21. What subject did Neil learn at the university? He learnt about ……
a. biology c. engineering
b. physic d. language
22. In 1962, Neil Armstrong became a ………..
a. astronaut c. engineer
b. test pilot d. sailor
23. The traffic sign means that you can't …….. here
a. park c. turn
b. stop d. start

24. A: What happens in twenty years from now?

B: May be libraries ……. have more computers than books.
a. will c. did
b. do d. are
25. Hasan : Look at the snack! It is very long.
Salama : I am scared of the snack. It is the first time I see this one.
The opposite of long is ……
a. tall c. short
b. old d. wide
26. It is very windy on Saturn, the temperature is .....
Saturn’s seven rings are made of billions of pieces of ice.
a. –178o C c. 130o C
b. –187 C d. 462o C
27. I visited Balekambang beach, I would …………. and go snorkeling.
a. swim c. swum
b. swam d. swimming
28. “The football match this morning was fantastic”
The synonym of underlined word is …………….
a. bad c. awful
b. terrible d. awesome
29. Last month, my sister ……….. (go) to Singapore, she also ………….. (buy) many souvenirs.
The past tense of the both verbs is ……
a. goes, buys c. will go, will buy
b. gone, bought d. went, bought
30. …………….. is a swimming activity under the water and looking at fish.
a. Fishing c. Sailing
b. Snorkeling d. Swimming
31. an – ever – you – have – seen – ? – Alligator.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The correct order of the sentence above is …..
a. 3-4-2-5-1-7-6 c. 4-3-2-5-1-7-6
b. 1-7-4-2-5-3-6 d. 4-1-7-2-5-3-6
32. If I like working hard, that means I am …..
a. hardworking c. mathematical
b. creative d. mechanical
33. This planet orbits the sun every 365 days.
It is ….
a. Neptune c. Uranus
b. Jupiter d. Earth
34. If you’re interested in helping other people, you might become …..
a. an actor c. a nurse
b. a carpenter d. an engineer
35. Q: What do you think about travel in the future?
A: I think that the travel will …… much faster than it is now.
a. am c. is
b. be d. are
36. The sun is the ……… of all the bodies in the solar system.
a. smallest c. largest
b. longest d. furthest
37. The colour of planet is red. It is the fourth planet from the sun. The name is …..
a. Mercury c. Earth
b. Venus d. Mars
38. Can you guess the meaning of the picture?
The message is …..
a. I don’t know. c. Stop!
b. Be quiet! d. Goodbye.
39. X: What were the comedians’ jokes really funny?
Y: They were dreadful.
This opinion is ………..
a. good c. superb
b. bad d. brilliant
40. Hint: A=Z, B=Y…; Z=A, Y=B…
Decode this message! “MRXV GL NVVG CLF”
a. Meet to nice you c. Nice meet you too
b. You nice to meet d. Nice to meet you


1. Tantry : "What do you usually do on Sunday, Dewi?"
Dewi   : "I usually read books. How about you?"
Tantry : "I usually watch TV."
Dewi usually ... on Sunday.
a. reads books c. singing
b. gardening d. dancing
2. Mr. Darren works in a hospital. He treats his patients there. He is a ….
a. nurse c. teacher
b. doctor d. carpenter
3. It is a .... on the road
a. T-junction
b. Crossroad
c. zebra cross
d. traffic light
4. Bandung is a beautiful city. It is located in ....
a. East Java c. central Java
b. West Java d. Jakarta
Read the text below!
My name is Nuri. I live on Jl. Merdeka. My house is near the post office. Today, my mother asks me to
accompany her to the supermarket. The supermarket is on Jl.Bahagia. There are many public places along
this street. 
The park is in the corner, near the library. There is a bank across from the police station, there is also a
cinema. It is beside a bakery. At last, the supermarket itself. It is between the drugstore and the bus station.
5. Where does Nuri live?
a. on Jl. Bahagia                   c. on Jl. Sudirman    
b. on Jl. Merdeka d. on Jl.Benteng
6. Where does her mother want to go?
a. Bank                   c. Hospital
b. Post office                                    d. Supermarket
7. Where is the bank?
a. near the school                                 c. near the drugstore
b. across from police station                 d. beside post office
8. Where is the supermarket?
a. between bakery and cinema                     c. between the drugstore and the bus station
b. near post office                                     d. near the bakery and school
9. Moslems pray in the...
a. mosque c. temple                          
b. church                   d. airport
10. Look ak the picture! The man is …….
a. weak
b. strong
c. lazy
d. clever

11. Mrs. Coles is 77 years old. She is an old woman. The opposite of old is ….
a. young c. healthy
b. strong d. small
12. Tania always gets the first rank in her class. She is the ... student in the class.
a. clever c. cleverest
b. more clever d. cleverer


13. Patrick : “………….?”
Jeffrey : “She is a house wife. She works at home.”
a. What is your mother’s name? c. Where is your mother going?
b. How is your mother? d. What is your mother?
14. “I go to the swimming pool on Saturday.”
a. “Why do you go to the swimming pool?” c. “When do you go to the swimming pool?”
b. “What do you go on Saturday?” d. “Where do you go on Saturday?”
15. Arrange these words into a correct sentence!
the – goes – bank – Haidar – to – saving – money – for.
a. Haidar goes for the bank to saving money.
b. Haidar goes to the bank for saving money
c. Haidar for the bank to goes saving money.
d. Haidar for saving money goes to the bank.
16. . The opposite of long is ....
    a. big c. large
    b. short d. small
17. My friend, Anna, has so many stamps. She likes collecting stamps. She …. philatelist.
a. is c. am
b. has d. are
18. The traffic sign means that you can't ... here
a. Park
b. Stop
c. Turn
d. start
19. “The room is dark. …… the lamp!”
a. switch off c. switch on
b. turn off d. Slow down
20. “Be quiet! The baby is sleeping. …!”
a. Turn on the TV c. Turn off the radio
b. Turn on the radio d. Switch on the TV
21. Raisa  : "Can you give me a pencil?"
Nayla : "...., of course."
a. Yes                     c. Please come                
b. No                         d. Sit down
22. I want to send a parcel for my friend in America. So I have to go to the ….
a. railway station c. bus station
b. museum d. post office
23. Fatim:What’s that in the box? It’s look like heavy.
Rani : Yes, there are many books inside. I have to put in the library.
Fatim: ……………….?
Rani: Oke, thank you so much.
a. Can I help you to throw it.
b. Can I help you to lift it.
c. Can you help me to take it.
d. Can you help me to put it.
24. Today is Monday. Many students go to …..for sport lesson.
a. the mosque c. the yard
b. the library d. the office


25. The class very crowded. The students talk to much while the teacher doesn’t in it.
The chief of class asks his friend to be quiet.
What he says?
a. Keep fight! c. Erase the whiteboard!
b. Clean the class! d. Keep silence!
26. Yesterday was Friday. Today is …..
a. Sunday c. Monday
b. Saturday d. Tuesday
Birthday Invitation
I would like to invite you to my birthday party on Sunday,
January 20th, 2017.
I hope you can come to my house at Jl. Merbabu 56
Best Regard

27. Who’s inviting the party?

a. Sunday c. Best
b. Regard d. Zahra
28. Where the party take place?
a. Jl. Merbabu 56 Lawang c. On Sunday
b. Jl. House d. January 20th.
29. The floor in class is very dirty. They will …. together.
a. cut c. close
b. open d. sweep
30. Soni : The weather is sunny, how about we play kites?
Rinto : ……………’s windy too outside.
Soni : Let’s get out there.
a. That’s a good idea c. I don’t think so
b. That’s bad idea d. I’m lazy outside
31. Rina : Can you show me the way to the station?
Fahmi : yes of course. Just go straight, then … (belok kanan). The station is next to police
a. Turn left c. turn around
b. Turn right d. turn back
32. How much is the shoes? (Rp. 150.000,-)
a. One hundred fifteen thousand rupiahs
b. One thousand five hundred rupiahs
c. One thousand fifty hundred rupiahs
d. One hundred fifty thousand rupiahs
33. Is – swimming – river – Lia – in – deep – the.
Make good sentence from words above!
a. Lia swimming is river in deep the.
b. Lia is swimming in the deep river.
c. Lia in the deep river is swimming.
d. Swimming is river Lia in the deep.
34. The folktale of Malin Kundang is from ……
a. North Sumatera c. North Sulawesi
b. West Sulawesi d. West Sumatera
35. I always read many books all the time. My hobby is …
a. swimming c. reading
b. cycling d. writing
36. Fita : I don’t understand the word in that sentence.
Roni : we can find the meaning in the …….
a. dictionary c. magazine
b. newspaper d. text book
37. ……….students in your room? I think 35 students.


a. How much c. How are you
b. How many d. How long
38. Roro Jonggrang was a ……..woman in Central Java. So, Bandung Bondowoso like her very much. But
That girl didn’t like him.
a. ugly c. lazy
b. beautiful d. bad
39. What will you bring to school if the sky cloudy and very dark?
a. Book c. Umbrella
b. Bag d. Shoes
40. Indonesia has two seasons. There are dry season and …….
a. wet season c. winter
b. autumn d. hot season



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