Hospitality Management: Assignment Submission Cover Sheet

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Determining appropriate and professional knowledge, skills and behaviours required by HR


Analysing a completed personal skills audit to identify appropriate knowledge, skills and
behaviours, and develop a professional development plan for a given job role..............................8

Analysing the differences between organisational and individual learning, training and

Analysing the need for continuous learning and professional development to drive sustainable
business performance.....................................................................................................................13

Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of how HPW contributes to employee engagement

and competitive advantage within a specific organisational situation...........................................14

Evaluating different approaches to performance management (e.g. collaborative working) and

demonstrate with specific examples of how they can support high-performance culture and



Every organisation needs employees and they have to train their employee to develop skills and
performance. Employees should have proper knowledge, skills and behaviour according to
organisation culture. These are also required by HR professionals from staff members.
Organisations have to arrange some training and development programs which lead employees to
develop. Continuous learning is important for this. Proper knowledge and understanding are
required for HPW. Performance management is also important.

Employees are assets for an organisation. They are the ultimate persons who make the final
output. In the new world, competition is getting high among organisations. They try to find out
and recruit the best employees who have enough knowledge and skills for completing work.
They need passionate employees for this competing market. Organisations focus on employee
training and development to prepare the perfect. In this assignment, we will discuss knowledge
and skills which an employee needs, learning, training and development.

Determining appropriate and professional knowledge, skills and
behaviours required by HR professionals
As we said before, today's world is challenging, and there is so much competition in any
industry. HR professionals want to hire those people who are very much expert and have much
knowledge and skills in a particular field. As an example, a financial manager needs some skills
and knowledge in the financial field so that he or she can give the best to the company. For HR
manager that will be the same. From the analyse of KSA (knowledge, skills, behaviour) model, a
marketing manager can achieve appropriate and professional knowledge, skills and behaviours
which are required by HR professionals. Below we will discuss these terms [ CITATION
Lin13 \l 1033 ].

Knowledge Skills Behaviour

As a marketing manager, he As a marketing manager, an Responsibility is a great thing
or she should have enough employee needs some skills which is a must need for an
knowledge about his or her like communication skill, employee. An employee
duty or work and has a clear listening skills, interacting should have this so that other
vision about a future career. skills etc. quickly exchange people from the organisation
Proper knowledge about the talks is another skill. These can depend on him in any
field can help a lot to acquire skills are needed to achieve situation. He or she should do
the desired position. HR the goal. duty properly and fulfil all the
professionals need this requirements of the
knowledge for recruiting. organisation.
Every organisation has A marketing manager should In an organisation, there are
unique rules and regulations. have the skills to manage a many procedures and work,
An employee should know company's activities and also and an employee needs to do
about this and follow these. need to settle down the many tasks. There may be
He should know strategies for clashes within the many obstacles. He should
management and proper use organisation. Excellent skills keep himself calm in these
of the asset. need for the company's situations. He should not
betterment. show any rough behaviour.
HR professionals expect these
from a candidate.
A marketing manager should An employee should have Leadership behaviour is a
also have some other some extraordinary skills for significant and valuable asset
knowledge like technical, doing more for the company. to a company. A marketing
personal information about HR professionals prefer this manager should have this. By
his employees, information type of employees who have this behaviour and skill, he
about customers for some specialised knowledge can communicate easily with
interacting correctly. and skills in the marketing team members who can save
sector. time.

Analysing a completed personal skills audit to identify appropriate
knowledge, skills and behaviours, and develop a professional
development plan for a given job role.
There are required many skills in an organisation. Furthermore, when are identified any is
lacking in the organisation, it arranges some program which is called skills audit. Organisation
tries to find out which skilful people they need. There are two ways for them to solving these
problems. Either they hire a skilful person, or they can train the existing employees [ CITATION
Val13 \l 1033 ]. Organising training is a more popular method. A skill audit is discussing below:

Personal Skill Audit:

Knowledge Rating Skill Rating Behaviour Rating

Administratio 4 Active 3 Leadership 5
n & listening
Law & 4 Critical 4 Self-control 5
government thinking
Public safety 3 Safety 5 Initiative 4
& security analysis
Customer & 4 planning 5 Social 4
personal orientation

Professional and development plan:

KSA To Be Activities Duration Developmen Assessment Detailed

Developed Required for t Monitoring of Evaluation
Developmen Approach Development
Problem- Problem- 12 months By solving This can By achieving
solving solving is an the make a this, one can
excellent skill organisation's person more help to solve
for any problem, one and more a company’s
employee in can practice skilful. problem.
any sector. on it.
faces many

problems in
several times.
I can try to
solve these
Active There are Three months Podcast and This can help By achieving
listening many audiobook a person to this skill, one
opportunities are excellent communicate can feel good
to develop in sources. with others in and easily
this field. Movies are a better way. catch others
also fine. speech.
Leadership Leadership is 12 months Teamwork It will I can lead a
a great skill and leading improve my team with
which helps a teams are a maintenance this skill.
person to better way to skill and
grow big. On improve this. leadership
should Leading skill.
improve this. many events
are also can
be a resource.
Planning Planning is a Eight months There is only Practice Success
more one source makes a man depends on
important for this skill perfect. It planning. So
thing for any and that is will make me if I am good
organisation. 'practice, more and at planning, it
More than practice and more expert. will help me
half of the practice'. to be
work success successful.
depends on
One should
good at
The10 \l
1033 ].

Analysing the differences between organisational and individual
learning, training and development.
In this modern world, development is significant for success in industry or personal life. It brings
more benefit to daily life. Many organisations keep in mind this. Many people also aware of this.
Organisational learning means a procedure which creates, retain and transfer knowledge inside
an organisation. It is a knowledge sharing process. Organisation knowledge is a broad concept,
and many organisations try to cover up as much as possible. This knowledge helps them to
achieve the desired goals. Nevertheless, some organisations do not focus on this very much
whereas they should.

On the other hand, employees are part of an organisation. Individual learning refers to the
strength to create individual development through other sources. Employees are also individuals.
They can involve in this personal development. Development of employees can also develop the
organisation. However, individual learning refers to personal development, and organisational
development refers to the development of organisational change which is required for competing
for the market [ CITATION Jon02 \l 1033 ].

Individual learning means the personal learning. It refers to personal development and analysing
the result of personal development. By personal learning, there will be much personal
improvement. It is about a personal side. However, organisational learning is about overall
organisational development. Because there are many goals within an organisation. Individual and
organisational learning are related to each other. If employees focus on personal learning, the
organisation can also develop.

Individual training means personal training. One can take personal training for personal
development. Personal development is significant for a bright career. One can take personal
training from many sources like self-learning and other sources. Organisational training refers to
those terms which are organised by the organisation for developing organisational activities.

Training and learning result in development. Personal and organisational learning and training
can develop personal and organisational activities. Personal learning, training and development
help to build a great career of individuals [ CITATION Ana18 \l 1033 ]. By individual

development, an organisation can also develop because individuals are also a member of it.
Organisation also trains its employees.

Analysing the need for continuous learning and professional
development to drive sustainable business performance.
Continuous learning and professional development are related to each other. Professional
development refers to track and records an employee is all types of knowledge, skills and
developments through continuous learning. An employee can participate in many activities and
organisation track and record this. By this, an organisation can study about the employee and
understand which and what type of training and learning method he or she needs. Organisation
also tracks how much he or she can learn from any training and how much he can apply
practically. Today's world is very competitive. Everyone should be skilful as well as
organisation. For this reason, an organisation need some skilful persons. There are two
situations. Either organisation can recruit a skilful person, or it can give training. Moreover, for
this, continuous learning and professional development are essential [ CITATION Chi17 \l
1033 ].

For example, if an individual wants to progress and build a good career in life, he should focus
on continuous learning and professional development because these can help a lot for acquiring
the desired position. These can help him to improve his skills and knowledge. Nowadays,
technology is changing day by day and industry also. He will not face any significant problem
with this changing situation if he is aware of learning and development. Besides, it is essential
for acquiring relevant knowledge of the relevant sector. Relevant knowledge from other sector
adds extra facilities to an individual's career. A person can carry on the continuous learning
process and professional development, which leads him a successful career. This is also helpful
in personal life as well as professional life.

Finally, we see that continuous learning and professional development is essential for sustainable
business performance. Business performance is significant for the competitive market. When
employees of an organisation are good at learning and development, the performance of an
organisation is automatically growing. So, learning and development are essential for running an
organisation sustainably.

Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of how HPW
contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage
within a specific organisational situation.
High-Performance Working:

In the competitive market, every organisation needs to maintain a suitable environment for
motivating and encouraging their employees and ensure that employees can work smoothly and
do their duties. This type of environment is called High performance working framework or
HPW. This is important and essential for an organisation because it ensures a work-friendly
environment and culinary culture. Employees need this, and they love this. They give their best
performance in this situation [ CITATION Vir19 \l 1033 ].

This is a pleasant working environment, and it is difficult for a manager to manage this type of
environment. There are some excellent strategies to build up this type of environment. One can
use these.

 Recruiting Quality Candidates: Recruiting is one of the most critical activities of an

organisation. Because if there is no good employee, the organisation cannot prosper.

 Communication: Communication is a weapon to reach people. If there is a lack of

communication between manager and employees, it would be not possible to create this
type of high-performance working environment. So, the manager should keep excellent
communication with employees and take care of their needs and demands so that they can
get pace in work life. He also should solve employee's problem.

 Compensate and bonus for the employee: Organisation should give compensation
when employees face any problem. It is a duty for the organisation. They should take
care of their employees. The organisation should also give a bonus to the employee for
their excellent work and performance so that they can be motivated. Money is one of the
motivational factors. A manager can make this type of environment by providing this
type of facilities.

 Creating a Proper Environment: organisational culture is a unique thing. Every
organisation has a unique culture. An organisation can be known for its culture. A kind
and friendly environment can motivate employees a lot for doing their best. For example,
Google has one of the best organisational cultures in this world. People are very much
interested in getting a job at Google. This type of environment can help Google to find
out the best people.

 Decentralisation: This is a better option to get the highest feedback from employees.
When people do their work in a different separate team, they can give better output. They
can do their work correctly. So, decentralisation is essential to create an HPW

 Creating Employees’ Value: Every employee is an asset for any organisation. Any
employee can give a great idea by which an organisation can go to the next level. So, the
organisation should give proper value to their employees. When an employee tries to give
an idea, they should listen to him and take that seriously. A manager should give proper
attention to his employees.

Evaluating different approaches to performance management (e.g.
collaborative working) and demonstrate with specific examples of
how they can support high-performance culture and commitment.
Performance Management Process:

This is a process which refers to an individual's personal view about how they can contribute
their work for the organisation's development and goals. A smart HR team follows the
performance management process for developing an individual's skills, workforce, activities and
tries to enhance and boost business activities. Performance management process has three
processes. We will discuss them below:

 Collaborative working: Work with collaboration with others is a great way to learn very
quickly. An employee can learn a lot more in a team work whereas he cannot if he is
alone. So, collaborative working is a very effective way for performance management.
 Performance journal: The HR team needs to collect the performance result of
individuals. Because it is the output result of him where we can see about his
performance and activities, his success and failure percentage. We can finalise his result
by this record. Thus is the most valuable place where we can store employee's
performance and activity data and use it whenever we need this. This gives a review of
the overall performance of employees. The HR team can create a future training program
and the work schedule of each employee differently. Performance is two types, personnel
version and manager version. Employees have access to personnel version and managers
have both of them [ CITATION NKa \l 1033 ].
 Goals: This is another part of performance management. HR professionals set goals for
employees and employees need to make this fulfil. Every employee has a different goal,
and by this, HR teams review the performance of individuals. They can measure the
overall performance of employees and know that how an employee is reasonable and
skilful and what training they need. An individual need to fulfil the goal for
organisational purpose as well as personal development. In a basic goal, there is some
information like:
o Goal name

o Details about work
o Duration
o Final destination

 Performance review: This is the final step in performance management. This is the
review step. Generally, in this step, employees discuss their performance with their boss
or team manager or leader. A team leader will help individuals to correct their mistakes
and how they can improve future activities. In this step, an employee learns a lot from

By these activities, HR teams can make a high-performance activity culture and pleasant
environment in which they can perform better.

Employee development one of the primary task of an organisation. Because employees are the
ultimate member, who makes the final output of a plan or decision. Individual development is
related to the team and organisational development. Because if an individual develops himself,
the organisation also develops. He is part of the team and organisation. The HR department
should also take care of and aware of employee development. Employees are an asset to an
organisation. There should be excellent communication and relationship between the manager or
boss and employees. If an organisation gives development training, knowledge to the staffs, they
also give the highest feedback.

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