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Last  class  we  were  talking  about  some  rites  of  passage  around  the  world.  Can  you  mention  some  of  them?
While Reading.
a.   Order the paragraphs from 1 to 8 to have a coherent text.
The Insane Tribal Bungee Jumpers of Vanuatu

_____       Instead of strong rubber cords to absorb the force of the fall the Vanuatu tribes use intricately woven vines
tethered to the jumper’s legs and in place of a huge deep canyons to jump into, their impact is absorbed by a
mere few layers of vines spread across the ground.

_____     The diving itself is an annual land-based tradition and is celebrated around the same time as the yam harvest.
Traditionally, the goal of the Naghol divers is to bless the soil for the coming year by skimming the earth with
the top of his head; the ritual is said to guarantee fertile soil for the farmers and a bountiful harvest. Today,
the festival is also rite of passage for young boys who demonstrate their courage by hurling themselves off the
towers. Of course, some do it to impress the chicks, like any society, and others do it just for the hell of it.

_____     Giant wooden towers are built in the southern villages of Pentecost Island, their joints lashed together with
natural vines. No nails, bolts, screws or other manmade building materials are used. The tower is flexible yet
completely anchored to the hillside with even more vines. Divers take a leap from a 25 meter (75 feet) high
bamboo tower and crash towards the ground below while around 300 members of their tribe frenetically
cheer them on.

2     Long before western civilization decided that scaring themselves on giant rubber bands was a great pastime,
the people of Vanuatu had been doing their own version of what we call bungee jumping, for, oh, about 1,500
years. And it makes our so called ‘extreme’ version look like a day out in Disneyland.

1     Imagine taking a nose-dive from the top of a 75-foot bamboo tower, plummeting to the ground with nothing
but vines attached to your feet. Hundreds of your fellow tribesmen stand patiently in awe and expectation,
jeering at your demise. Well, that’s exactly what happens during the Naghol festival on Pentecost Island,
_____     Before the jump, it’s common for those that jump to settle disputes with family and friends, well, in case they
die. But thankfully few do. However, there have been a few damaged spleens and other various injuries. And
just in case they’ve struck a deal with lady luck, the divers must take off any luck charms and refrain from
having sex with a woman the day before he jumps, otherwise the dive could go drastically wrong.

8   The most experienced and flamboyant diver is chosen to close the ceremony; when he lands safely the crowd
goes wild and the festivities begin. The end of the Naghol is celebrated with enough cooked pig for all and
dancing late into the night.

_____     During the daredevil ceremony, as many as 20 divers have their ankles wrapped in traditional woven mats and
tied with plaited vines and liana strands. The vines are meticulously measured to be the right size – too long
and they will slam to the ground, too short and they will crash back into the bamboo tower. The height of
each diver’s jump is dictated by his age and experience. The youngest members of the tribe start the
ceremony and each successive jump means the next jump will be performed from an even higher platform.
Source:  This is a guest post from Dave – the editor of Wacky Archives. For more wacky news, check out
1.   Answer the questions using complete answers.

1.What is the reporter’s opinion 2.Where does this rite take place? 3.What is the distance of the
about this rite? What is the name of the festival? jump and what do they use to
_____________________________ _____________________________ perform the jump?
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10.Are there any rites of passage in our country? Can you mention one 4.How often does this rite happen
that you know about? and how is it done?
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9.What do you think about the way 5.What is the main objective of
these people defy life? Keep   in   The Insane this rite?
mind  the  info  provided  in  the  text.
____________________________ Tribal Bungee ____________________________
____________________________ ____________________________
Jumpers of ____________________________
Vanuatu ____________________________
 8.What   can   be   a    7.According   to   the   text,   what’s   the   meaning   of   6.What’s   the   meaning   of   the  
synonym  for  the  word   the   expression   …”   And it makes our so called expression   the   hell   of   it?   (from  
pastime?     ‘extreme’ version look like a day out in context,   no   dictionary   or  
__________________   Disneyland”?   cellphone  allowed)  
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