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Why do some friendships break up? Justify your opinion. Present two examples.

Use the following


When you first make a new friend, you probably aren't thinking about the
future and the possibility that the friendship will end. However, it is inevitable
that eventually some of your friends will no longer be in your life. People grow
apart for various reasons and not every friendship is lifelong.

Well, friendships can end for many reasons, for example:

For many, a fundamental aspect of friendship is caring. Compassion is related to
happiness in a partnership. Love and care can vary in how they are provided and
received. It’s possible that although both friends are sharing care, crossed signals
cause a misinterpretation in affection. On the other hand, it’s quite possible that
there is an actual imbalance in care, ultimately causing a friend to feel
misunderstood, disrespected, minimized, and/or hurt.
A big way context can change is increasing distance. Could a friendship be as
simple as out of sight, out of mind? Are long-distance friendships automatically
doomed? Of course not. Phone calls, text messages, and emails are just a few of
the many ways to continue to foster a friendship from miles away. Regardless of
distance, technological advances allow us to easily maintain a connection.
Distance doesn’t need to be the reason for your friendship failure if you opt to
use social media to keep you close. However, it can be hard to adjust to a screen
bond from a face-to-face friendship.

In conclusion I can say that if you and your friend will help maintain your
friendship, you will be on the same wave and you will have the same paths of life,
you will not betray, and speak from behind then this friendship will exist forever.

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