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Case #1: The Stark Enterprise

Recommended Event Purpose Approach Event Potential

Virtual Event (If appropriate) Duration/Frequency Benefits

Virtual Events Involves more Team buildings, Four weeks with Let everyone in
for planning and voices in webinars and three to four hours the team to
goal setting. planning and teleseminars commitment give own
goal setting. opinions and
ideas that
would result
into a common

Case #2: The Sky Closet

Recommended Event Purpose Approach Event Potential
Virtual Event (If appropriate) Duration/Frequency Benefits

Team Create clarity Virtual team- Two to three days The team will
Development on goals, building events. and twice in a year get a clearer
directions and picture of their
practices. It goal and with
brings team that they will
together to work with one
strengthen their another to put
connection and into the reality
outline their what they have
goals. imagined

Case #3: The Speak Job

Recommended Event Purpose Approach Event Potential
Virtual Event (If appropriate) Duration/Frequency Benefits

Peer Learning It provides an Peer coaching As long as the time Learning can
Approach opportunity for circles. is convenient to be comfortable
peers to be the trainer and the with fellow
involved in the trainee and until peers, it may
learning the trainee makes drive you to
process the progress on learn more
together. his/her skills. having
someone with
your age as a

Case #4: The Ignite Leadership Consultancy International

Recommended Event Purpose Approach Event Potential
Virtual Event (If appropriate) Duration/Frequency Benefits

Mentoring in the Passing on N/A It can be so long It helps the

Virtual Space tips, as the mentor and individual to
information, the mentee have a much
and ideas maintain a joyous, deeper grasp
based on peaceful and on a certain
personal harmonious skills and it
experience. relationship. shapes its
character with
new learnings

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