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San Pedro College

12 C. Guzman St., Davao City

Graduate School
MSMT Program

April 19, 2020

Task for the 2nd week of the Class.


1) Please watch either of the two Documentary films.

A) Documentary:
Panorama - Contaminated Blood: The Search for the Truth


Take note of the following while watching:

 Take note of the events and maybe formulate arguements, and comparison
between elements.
 Identify the focus of your review, the ideas you agree or disagree with.
 Determine the elements to discuss.
 Create an outline to discuss.

2. Write a Reaction paper of the chosen documentary.

Take note of the following upon writing:

 Introduce the paper. Present brief introducion, the title, producer, characters,
and date of screening.
 Evaluate the documentary. This contains the bulk of the paper. This would
indicate clearly that you have watched and digested the context of the film. You
should estalish and explain your position or response either you agree or you
disagree to the documentary provided with evidences and examples.
 Write conclusion. This presents the summary of your postion. You have to
restate the focus and keypoints that you agree or disagree with.
 Provide References or sources of your evidences.
 Please use this Format: Use A4 size, Margins be set at Left 1.25 inch; Top, Right,
and Bottom margins be set at 1 inch. Font style Arial, font size 11. Line spacing
be set at 1.5 points with O point befeore and after each line.
 Your Complete Name,and Course be at the upper left side of the paper, and on
the upper right corner opposite to your name would be the date.

3. Upload your final outputs into the telegram group chat April 27, 2020 so
that your classmates can also read your reaction.

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