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Title no. 107-S01

Experimental Study of Reinforced Concrete Bridge

Columns Subjected to Near-Fault Ground Motions
by Hoon Choi, M. Saiid Saiidi, Paul Somerville, and Saad El-Azazy

Recorded fault normal, near-fault earthquakes typically exhibit a motion in the near-fault region. Near-fault ground motions
high-velocity pulse due to the superposition of S-waves. Shake may include a strong pulse only if the rupture direction runs
table tests were conducted to investigate the effects of near-fault toward the site.
ground motions on the seismic performance of bridge columns that Somerville (2002) reported that near-fault forward rupture
are designed for near-fault earthquakes. Four large-scale reinforced
directivity velocity pulse is a narrow band pulse whose
concrete circular columns with different initial periods were tested. The
design spectra included the current California Department of period increases with magnitude. This magnitude dependence of
Transportation spectrum and a new spectrum developed in this the pulse causes the response spectrum to have a peak whose
study. The most distinct measured column response was the period increases with magnitude, such that the near-fault
relatively large residual displacements even under moderate levels ground motions from smaller earthquakes may exceed those
of motion. The shake table test results revealed that it is necessary of larger earthquakes at intermediate periods (approximately
to control residual displacement at the design stage. The data also 1 second). Chopra and Chintanapakdee (2001) concluded
showed that the plastic hinge length in sufficiently confined that the velocity-sensitive region for near-fault motion
columns subjected to near-fault earthquakes is comparable to that spectra is much narrower, and the acceleration-sensitive
of columns experiencing far-field motions. and displacement-sensitive regions are much wider,
compared to far-field motions.
Keywords: bridge column; dynamic response; near-fault ground motion;
reinforced concrete; residual displacement.
A study by Hamilton et al. (2001) found reduction in
plastic hinge length under pulse-type ground motions based
INTRODUCTION on quasi-static and pseudo-dynamic column test results.
Ground motion records obtained in recent major earthquakes High strain rates were measured in columns subjected to a
have shown that near-fault ground motions are different from loading protocol that included effects of impulsive near-fault
far-field motions, which form the basis of most seismic ground motions in a study by Gibson et al. (2002). The study
design guidelines. Near-fault ground motions often contain a states that the effects of impulsive loading can be included
strong and long period velocity pulse that could cause severe by modifying the steel and concrete properties for the high
structural damage. Because many near-fault ground motions strain rate induced during impulsive loading. The studies by
have been recorded mostly in recent years, the importance of both Hamilton et al. (2001) and Gibson et al. (2002) also
high-velocity earthquake pulse on structures has only concluded that impulsive loading has little effect on the displace-
recently been realized. ment ductility capacity for well-detailed flexural columns.
The typical approach in current seismic design provisions Kawashima et al. (1998) reported that residual displacement
to address the near-fault earthquake effects is to amplify the magnitude is dominated by column stiffness ratio, which is
base line design earthquake forces by either increasing the the plastic stiffness divided by the elastic stiffness. Other
ground acceleration or directly applying a modification parameters, such as structural period, soil type, ductility,
factor on the design base shear. The California Department earthquake magnitude, or epicenter distance, are not significantly
of Transportation (Caltrans) Seismic Design Criteria (SDC) correlated with residual displacement. Based on this finding, a
(2004) document requires site-specific analysis of potential residual displacement prediction method was developed. They
earthquakes when the bridge is located near a known active stated that impulsive loads could potentially cause higher residual
fault for critical bridges. This process is costly and long. displacements than those estimated using an analytical model
“Near-fault” is defined as a region within 10 miles (16.1 km, that they developed.
but rounded to 15 km) of the fault. For noncritical bridges, Phan et al. (2007) found that the most unique measured
the Caltrans SDC specifies a correction factor of up to 1.2 response characteristic from two large-scale shake table
that is applied to spectral acceleration for far-field ground results was the large residual displacements. They found that
motions. This amplification factor only affects the demand existing hysteresis models were unable to estimate residual
part of the design procedure. More than 73% of bridges in displacements accurately and developed a new hysteresis
California are close to known active faults (personal model. A framework for the evaluation of reinforced
communication 2005). Data for other earthquake-prone concrete bridge columns with respect to the control of
states are not available. Nonetheless, the data for California residual displacement was proposed.
indicate that near-fault earthquake effects could be
potentially critical.
The effects of near-fault ground motions on structures ACI Structural Journal, V. 107, No. 1, January-February 2010
MS No. S-2007-400.R2 received April 22, 2009, and reviewed under Institute publication
have been studied by a number of researchers. According to policies. Copyright © 2010, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including the
studies by Abrahamson (1998), directivity (dependence on making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent
discussion including author’s closure, if any, will be published in the November-December
the rupture direction) is one of the primary factors affecting 2010 ACI Structural Journal if the discussion is received by July 1, 2010.

ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2010 3

Near-fault ground motions also often contain permanent
Hoon Choi is a Bridge Engineer at URS Corporation in Roseville, CA. He received
his BS and an MS from Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea; his MS from Oregon ground displacements. These ground displacements are
State University, Corvallis, OR; and his PhD in civil and environmental engineering caused by the relative movement of the two sides of the fault
from the University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV, in 2008. His research interests
include structural testing, repair and retrofit of structures, and earthquake engineering of
in which the earthquake occurs. These displacements are
reinforced concrete bridges. discontinuous across a fault having surface rupture and can
subject a bridge crossing a fault to significant differential
M. Saiid Saiidi, FACI, is the Director of the University Office of Undergraduate
Research and a Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of
displacements. These static ground displacements occur at
Nevada-Reno. He is the founding (and a former) Chair and a current member of ACI approximately the same time as the large dynamic motions,
Committee 341, Earthquake-Resistant Concrete Bridges. He is also a member of ACI indicating that the static and dynamic displacements need to
Committee 318-D, Flexure and Axial Loads (Structural Concrete Building Code), and
Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 352, Joints and Connections in Monolithic Concrete be treated as coincident loads (Somerville 2002).
Structures. He has served on several other ACI committees in various forms including
subcommittee Chair.
Paul Somerville is a Principal Seismologist and Manager of the Pasadena Office of Test specimen details
URS Corporation. He received his BSc from the University of New England, Australia,
and his MSc and PhD from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Four large-scale reinforced concrete bridge columns were
Canada. His research interests include the development of physics-based strong designed, constructed, and tested in the Large Scale Structures
motion prediction models. Laboratory in the University of Nevada-Reno (UNR). The
Saad El-Azazy is the Seismic Research Program Manager at the California models were all flexure-dominated circular spiral columns
Department of Transportation (Caltrans). He received his BS from Cairo University, tested as cantilever members. The axial load index (defined
Giza, Egypt, and his MS and PhD from the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. His as the ratio of the axial load to the product of the gross
research interests include bridge seismic retrofit and performance of new bridges.
column section area and the specified concrete compressive
strength) was 0.08 and was representative of the axial index
The purpose of the study presented in this paper was to in typical modern bridge columns, which ranges from 0.05 to
investigate near-fault ground motion effects on reinforced 0.1 (personal communication 2005). The design of the full-
concrete bridge columns that are designed for near-fault scale prototypes was completed first, followed by scaling of
earthquakes using shake table testing and analysis. To the specimens for shake table testing. The models were
accomplish this goal, four large-scale reinforced concrete divided into two groups. The design of the first two was
bridge columns, which were designed according to the based on the Caltrans SDC version 1.3 (Caltrans 2004) to
current Caltrans seismic design criteria (SDC) (2004) and satisfy the current Caltrans near-fault provisions with a
new proposed design spectra, were tested on a shake table target displacement ductility capacity of 5. The other two
under near-fault ground motions. columns (Group 2) were designed based on new spectra
that were developed in the course of this study.
RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE The specimens in the first group were labeled MN and
Near-fault motions in recent earthquakes have been particularly ETN. The purpose of testing these models was to determine
destructive due to their high-velocity pulse. Only a limited the adequacy of the current Caltrans provisions for near-fault
number of experimental studies have focused on near-fault ground motions. The difference between MN and ETN
motion effects on concrete structures and, except for the was the initial cracked stiffness period of the prototypes
study by Phan et al. (2007), none have simulated representative represented by these columns. The prototype period associated
near-fault earthquakes using shake tables. Specific design with MN and ETN was 0.66 and 1.5 seconds, respectively.
provisions have been developed by Caltrans. The effectiveness of MN was comparable to Columns 9F1 and NF-1 that were
these provisions, however, has not been studied. In the study tested previously at UNR (Choi et al. 2007). The design
presented in this paper, dynamic shake table testing with of 9F1 and NF-1 was based on the Caltrans SDC (2004)
realistic near-fault ground motion records was used to provisions for far-field earthquakes. Testing of MN
evaluate the performance of bridge columns and determine demonstrated the effect of using the provision of Caltrans
if the current Caltrans near-fault provisions and proposed near-fault motion amplification on the response.
design response spectra are satisfactory. The second group, SETN and SVTN, one with a prototype
period of approximately 1.5 seconds (SETN) and the other
CHARACTERISTICS OF NEAR-FAULT with a prototype period of close to 2 seconds (SVTN), were
GROUND MOTIONS designed based on a new spectrum that was developed in this
Near-fault ground motions, which have caused much of study to evaluate the effect of this spectrum on the response.
the damage in recent major earthquakes, typically contain a The soil type, seismicity of the site, and material properties
strong velocity pulse in the fault normal direction. Forward used in the design of the first group were used in the design
rupture directivity occurs because the rupture front propagates at of the second group. Table 1 presents detailed information
the same velocity as the site shear wave velocity (Abrahamson for the test models. Data are also listed for two other
1998). Measured records and analytical studies have shown previously tested columns, 9F1 and NF-1, that will be
that forward directivity leads to high-velocity impulsive discussed subsequently.
shaking on structures with a relatively long period (T > SETN was designed to match the initial prototype period
0.5 seconds) because of the superposition of S-waves of ETN. The Caltrans SDC3 provisions were used to design
emanating from different parts of the fault as it ruptures. In both columns; however, the spectral acceleration for ETN
the rear of the rupture direction, however, the arrival times was based on the current Caltrans near-fault spectrum,
for the waves from different parts of the ruptured fault are whereas spectral acceleration for SETN was determined
different and, hence, a more distributed velocity history with from the proposed spectrum. The goal was to determine the
smaller amplitudes and longer duration is measured effect of using different design spectra on similar columns.
(Somerville 2000). The purpose of testing SVTN was to determine the response

4 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2010

of a long-period column designed according to the new Table 1—Specimen details
design spectrum. Group 1 Group 2
The scale of the specimens was 30% except for SVTN in NF-1/9F1 MN ETN SETN SVTN
which the relatively long target period necessitated a change Height,
1.8 (72) 1.6 (63) 2.8 (108.5) 2.8 (108.5) 2.5 (98.5)
of scale to 20% to accommodate the maximum height limit m (in.)
of the test setup. Details of MN are shown in Fig. 1. Other Diameter,
0.41 (16) 0.36 (14) 0.36 (14) 0.36 (14) 0.30 (12)
models were similar. The dimensions and reinforcement are m (in.)
listed in Table 1. Longitudinal
2.0 2.9 2.9 3.6 3.0
steel ratio, %
The specified yield strength for all the reinforcement was
420 MPa (60 ksi). The average measured yield strength of Transverse
0.92 1.37 1.54 2.05 1.82
steel ratio, %
the steel bar samples was 490 MPa (71 ksi) for MN and ETN,
Aspect ratio 4.5 4.5 7.75 7.75 8.2
441 MPa (64 ksi) for SETN, and 476 MPa (69 ksi) for
Caltrans Caltrans Caltrans Somerville Somerville
SVTN. The specified concrete compressive strength was ARS curve
far-field near-fault near-fault
34.5 MPa (5 ksi) with a 9.52 mm (3/8 in.) maximum aggregate Prototype
size. The average measured concrete strength at testing was 0.72 0.66 1.50 1.36 1.79
period, s
44.1 MPa (6.4 ksi) for MN and ETN, and 46.9 MPa (6.8 ksi) Spectral
1.275 1.397 0.750 0.953 0.825
for SETN and SVTN. acceleration, g
Scale, % 33 30 30 30 20
New acceleration response spectrum
The seismological part of the study included refinement of
existing broadband near-fault spectra to provide a realistic
level of demand incorporating forward rupture directivity
effects. A modified spectrum with site parameters similar to
the current Caltrans design spectrum that had been used to
design Specimen MN and ETN was developed. The new
spectrum is based on the median of the Abrahamson and
Silva (1997) relationship, and then adjusted for forward
directivity effects. Figure 2 shows the modified spectrum for
moment magnitude 7.5 and 0.6g peak ground acceleration
(PGA). Compared to the Caltrans near-fault spectrum, the
modified spectrum shows considerably higher spectral
accelerations (SA) at periods of 1.25 seconds or higher. At a
period of 2 seconds, the increase is approximately 35%. At
periods of 1ess than 1.25 seconds, however, the Caltrans
spectrum has higher spectral accelerations.

Test setup and instrumentation

The shake table test setup for all the test columns was
identical. The specimens were fixed to the shake table, and a
mass rig system that was rigidly connected to the top of the
columns provided the mechanism for inertial loading. The
total equivalent weight of the inertial mass was 276 kN
(62 kips) for MN, ETN, and SETN; and 200 kN (45 kips) for
SVTN. The axial load was applied using a hydraulic jack and
prestressing bars anchored to the shake table. The hydraulic
line for the axial load system was connected to an accumulator to
Fig. 1—Reinforcement details for Column MN.
minimize fluctuation of the axial load during testing.
Various instrumentations were used to measure the internal
strains, curvatures, displacements, accelerations, and forces.
Most of the instrumentations were located in the plastic using 10 near-fault ground motion records (including
hinge regions. Details of the instrumentation are presented in Rinaldi) showed that the Rinaldi record led to large ductility
Choi et al. (2007). demands without exceeding the shake table capacity
(Saiidi et al. 2005). One of the 10 records was synthetic and
Input motions the other nine were measured records collected in different
The fault normal component of the acceleration record at countries during different earthquakes of different
the Rinaldi receiving station recorded during the 1994 magnitudes. They all included relatively high-velocity
Northridge earthquake was simulated using a shake table. pulses. The time axis of the input record was compressed by
The distance from the station to the fault was 7.1 km (4.4 mi). the square root of the scale factor to account for the scale
The fault normal component of this motion has a peak ground effect. The original Rinaldi velocity history without time
acceleration of 0.838 g, a peak ground velocity of 1.66 m/s compression is presented in Fig. 3. Note that the velocity
[65.4 in./s], and a peak ground displacement of 289 mm amplitudes are also reduced by the square root of the scale
(11.3 in.) (Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center factor. The same reduction factor applies to the velocity of
2007). This record was selected because it contains forward far-field motion, thus maintaining the maximum velocity
directivity effects. Furthermore, pretest analytical studies ratio between near-fault and far-field motions.

ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2010 5

Table 2—Loading program
Target Target Target Target
Run Factor PGA, g Factor PGA, g Factor PGA, g Factor PGA, g
1 0.05R* 0.04 0.05R* 0.04 0.05R* 0.04 0.05R* 0.04
2 0.10R* 0.08 0.10R* 0.08 0.10R* 0.08 0.10R* 0.08
3 0.20R* 0.17 0.20R* 0.17 0.20R* 0.17 0.20R* 0.17
4 * 0.25 * 0.25 * 0.25 * 0.25
0.30R 0.30R 0.30R 0.30R
5 * 0.38 * 0.38 * 0.38 * 0.38
0.45R 0.45R 0.45R 0.45R
6 * 0.50 * 0.50 * 0.50 * 0.50
0.60R 0.60R 0.60R 0.60R
7 0.75R* 0.63 0.75R* 0.63 0.85S† 0.53 0.85S† 0.53
8 * 0.75 * 0.75 † 0.59 † 0.59
0.90R 0.90R 0.95S 0.95S
Fig. 2—Design spectra. 9 1.05R* 0.88 1.05R* 0.88 1.05S† 0.65 1.05S† 0.65
10 1.20R* 1.01 1.20R* 1.01 1.15S† 0.71 1.15S† 0.71
11 1.35R* 1.13 1.35R* 1.13 NA NA 1.25Sv 0.77
12 NA NA 1.50R* 1.26 NA NA 1.35S† 0.83
13 NA NA * 1.38 NA NA † 0.89
1.65R 1.45S
14 NA NA NA NA NA NA † 0.98
15 NA NA NA NA NA NA † 1.08
R is Rinaldi.

S is Rinaldi Receiving Station (RRS).
Note: NA is not available.

Fig. 3—Velocity record of Rinaldi and RRS motions.

During Run 3, the north extreme longitudinal bar yielded.
Several flexural cracks were formed near the base on the
north side during Run 4. Because the primary direction of
displacements was toward the south, flexural cracks
extended on the north face of the column during subsequent
runs. The cover concrete started to spall at the column base
on the south face during Run 6. During Run 7, the spiral bar
yielded and four spirals were exposed, but there was no
visible core damage. After Run 8, the column exhibited
permanent displacement. The existing cracks on the north
side had widened and the spalled area increased through
tests. Damage to the core concrete was evident after Run 10.
Fig. 4—Acceleration histories of Rinaldi and RRS motions. During Run 11, one longitudinal bar ruptured, several other
longitudinal bars buckled, and damage penetrated the core
by approximately 51 mm (2 in.). Figure 5(a) shows MN after
Multiple intensities of input motion were applied to the failure, and Fig. 6(a) shows the permanent displacement
test models in the north-south direction with gradually after the last test.
increasing amplitudes to failure or when the shake table
reached its limit. This allowed the evaluation of the column Specimen ETN
performance under different earthquake levels. The testing Thirteen simulated earthquake runs were applied on ETN.
program is presented in Table 2. Similar to MN, extensive damage was localized in the lower
In SETN and SVTN, the Rinaldi Receiving Station (RRS) third of the column. Damage during the first four runs was
motion was applied for high-amplitude tests to place high limited to flexural cracks. Spalling began during Run 5.
ductility demand on the columns. The RRS record was a Considerable concrete spalling at the column base was
synthetic motion generated by matching the Rinaldi motion observed after Run 6. Unlike MN, the direction of residual
to the new acceleration response spectrum (Fig. 2). Figures 3 and displacement was changed to the north after Run 9. This was
4 show the velocity and acceleration histories of the original because as the specimen softened and its period was elongated
Rinaldi and RRS records. Like the actual Rinaldi motion, the and became close to the period of the return pulse in the input
RRS velocity record shows a large pulse first, followed by record, thus causing reversal of residual displacement. After
several medium-amplitude pulses. Run 11, the residual displacement was visible and spirals
were exposed on both the north and south faces of the column.
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Testing of ETN ended after Run 13 without any bar rupture
Specimen MN because, during Run 13, the mass rig system reached its
Eleven simulated earthquake runs were applied on MN. displacement limit of 406 mm (16 in.). Even though ETN did
The specimen began to exhibit visible cracks after Run 2. not fail, it was tested to 0.15 of drift ratio (the horizontal

6 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2010

Fig. 5—(a) MN; (b) ETN; (c) SETN; and (d) SVTN after the last test.

Fig. 6—(a) MN; (b) ETN; (c) SETN; and (d) SVTN with residual drift.

displacement divided by column height) and a large residual displacement history was not recorded during this run.
displacement of 330 mm (13 in.) was developed. Figure 5(b) Severe concrete spalling on the south side of the column can
shows the damage state and Fig. 6(b) shows the column with be seen in Fig. 5(c). Figure 6(c) shows SETN after the test.
residual displacement after the last run. Extensive spalling of
concrete on both sides of the column can be seen in Fig. 5(b). Specimen SVTN
Fifteen simulated earthquake runs were applied on SVTN.
Specimen SETN Minor flexural cracks appeared starting in Run 3 on the north
Because SETN was designed based on the newly developed side of the column base. Run 8 caused more flexural cracks,
ARS curve, the RRS motion was applied at high amplitude tests and spalling began on the south side of the column at the
(Run 7 and higher) to evaluate the column performance column-footing interface. This trend continued through
under a consistent motion. Ten runs were applied. In the first Run 9, with extensive spalling appearing on south side in the
six runs, the Rinaldi motion was used to compare performance lower portion of the column. Four spirals were exposed.
of SETN with ETN. After the initial four runs, only minor Extensive spalling occurred on both sides of the specimen
cracks were visible on the north side. During Run 5, long during Run 12. Nine spirals on the south side and two spirals
flexural cracks were formed and concrete spalling at the on the north side of the column were exposed. The residual
south side of the column base was observed. Spalling displacement was 91 mm (3.6 in.) after Run 12. During the
increased on the south side to a height of 203 mm (8 in.) and large-amplitude RRS Runs 13 to 15, the longitudinal bars
five spirals were exposed during Run 7. After Run 8, SETN were exposed and flexural cracks widened, but there was no
was visibly tilted and three more spiral hoops were exposed. significant degradation in the concrete core. Most of the
Similar to ETN, SETN met the mass rig displacement limit cracks were in the plastic hinge region. Similar to other tall
during Run 10. Fourteen spirals were exposed due to columns, SVTN reached the displacement limit of the mass
343 mm (13.5 in.) of concrete spalling on the south face. rig system during Run 15. Therefore, SVTN did not fail, but
Even with approximately 14% of residual drift, there was no the column was left with large residual displacement. Figure
visible concrete core damage or reinforcing bar damage. A 5(d) shows the damage after taking off external gauges from
displacement transducer failed during the last run due to the west side of SVTN and Fig. 6(d) shows SVTN with the
large displacement of the column; hence, the lateral column large residual drift after the tests.

ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2010 7

Fig. 7—Displacement histories for: (a) MN; (b) ETN; (c) SETN; and (d) SVTN.

Displacement histories ETN, SETN, and SVTN, respectively. Note that because
The measured column lateral displacement histories are ETN, SETN, and SVTN did not fail, the actual ductility
shown in Fig. 7. It can be seen that all columns experienced capacities of those columns would be higher than these
high-amplitude deformations early during each run due to values. Comparing MN with NF-1 (the counter-part column
asymmetric velocity pulse in the initial part of the input designed for far-field earthquakes), the ductility capacity in
motion. The pulse pushed the columns to swing in a whip- Specimen MN was 13% larger. This shows that the current
like fashion and generated large displacements in one Caltrans near-fault provision could improve column
direction. Because this single pulse contains most of the performance compared to the column designed without
earthquake energy, the columns did not undergo full consideration of near-fault motions. Note that the ductility
displacement reversals. The velocity pulse in the Rinaldi capacity of NF-1 exceeded 10, which is sufficiently high
motion has a peak value of 1660 mm/s (65.4 in./s) in one direction for strong earthquakes, and the additional ductility
and 721 mm/s (28.4 in./s) in the other direction (Phan et al. 2007). capacity due to the Caltrans near-fault provisions is not
The residual displacement was cumulative in all the necessarily consequential.
columns except for ETN. The change of residual drift The effect of using the new design spectrum was evaluated
direction in ETN is attributed to the softening of the column by comparing the response of ETN and SETN. These
due to inelastic deformations. The long effective period of columns had the same height. For comparable levels of drift
ETN matched the period for the return velocity half-cycle ratio, the internal strains were higher and the damage was
that followed the main pulse. This half-cycle pushed the more extensive in SETN. For example, at 10% drift, the
column in the opposite direction. The column continued to maximum longitudinal bar strain in SETN was 64% higher
deform more in subsequent runs. The same effect was not than that of ETN, and the maximum height of spalled
observed in SETN, which is comparable to ETN with respect concrete was 25% higher in SETN than that of ETN. The
to the period. The reason is that the RRS motions were higher longitudinal and transverse steel in SETN did not
applied at high amplitude tests of SETN, and the pulse period seem to reduce the level of damage for the same drift ratio,
of RRS was approximately two times the period of the in part, because the number of cycles in the new spectrum-
Rinaldi motion. Thus, the period elongation of SETN matched RRS motion used in SETN was higher than that of
from previous runs could not affect the direction of the Rinaldi motion used in ETN.
residual displacement.
Residual displacements
Force-displacement relationships All of the specimens experienced high magnitudes of
The cumulative measured hysteresis curves are shown in residual displacement due to the large velocity pulse of the
Fig. 8. It can be seen that the hysteresis curves are highly ground motion. Figure 9 shows the measured residual drift
asymmetric, reflecting asymmetric input motions. The ratio versus PGA for MN, NF-1, and 9F1. Specimens NF-1
curves were all relatively wide, indicating reasonable energy and 9F1 were identical columns tested on shake tables in
dissipation capacity in all the columns. This trend was previous studies (Laplace 2004; Phan et al. 2007). Unlike
expected because all the models were flexure dominated MN and NF-1, 9F1 was subjected to the 1940 El Centro
with sufficient confinement steel. ground motion, which did not include forward directivity
All the columns exhibited ductile behavior. For each effects. Among these columns, MN and NF-1 had
column, a backbone envelope curve was developed based on considerably higher residual displacements due to the
peak forces with the corresponding displacements for characteristics of the Rinaldi ground motion. Even though
different runs. The envelopes for the predominant direction NF-1 and 9F1 were nearly identical, NF-1 experienced up to
were idealized by elasto-plastic curves to estimate the 50 times higher residual displacement than 9F1 did (Phan
maximum achieved displacement ductilities. The resulting et al. 2007). As the PGA increased, the residual drifts in MN
displacement ductilities were 12.5, 7.2, 8.6, and 6.7 for MN, and NF-1 also increased. It should be noted that the

8 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2010

Fig. 8—Measured force-displacement hysteresis curves.

measured residual displacements are higher than they would

be if a single motion, rather than multiple motions, had been
applied. Nonetheless, the fact that 9F1, which was also
subjected to multiple motions, did not exhibit any significant
permanent displacements, demonstrates the effect of the
impulsive near-fault motion.
The amounts of longitudinal and transverse steel in MN
were 45% and 49% more than those of NF-1, respectively.
The additional reinforcement was required due to the higher
design spectral acceleration. The additional reinforcement in
MN led to an average of a 36% reduction in residual
displacement for runs with a PGA of 0.60g and higher
(Choi et al. 2005). This indicates that for certain initial
periods and earthquake records, additional reinforcement Fig. 9—Residual drift ratio comparison.
could reduce the residual displacement. Nonetheless, even in
MN, the residual displacement was relatively high. Under a
PGA of 0.6g, considered to be a moderate earthquake contained 24% more longitudinal and 33% more transverse
motion, Fig. 9 shows that the residual drift ratio was 0.01. reinforcements than its sister column, ETN, due to higher
Figure 10 presents the relationship between the residual demands from the new ARS curve. SETN, however,
and the maximum drift ratios. The data show that residual experienced a higher residual drift ratio until the maximum
displacements from shake table tests were high. Figure 10(a) drift ratio of 0.12. This confirms that simply placing a higher
shows the residual drift ratio for up to a 0.05 maximum drift demand design force would not lead to a reduction of the residual
ratio. It can be seen that the residual drift increased as the displacement, and that a more direct design step is required to
maximum drift increased, except for ETN. In ETN, the shift control residual displacement. Although column failure is
in the effective period after 0.04 maximum drift ratio generally defined as the rupture of reinforcement and the loss
reversed the primary direction of the column displacement, of lateral strength, in reality, a large residual displacement
thus reducing the residual drift. The figure also shows that might constitute “failure” because it could lead to bridge
the residual drift in SVTN was considerably lower than other closure even though the column might be only moderately
test specimens. This trend was true only for smaller runs and damaged. In Japan, reinforced concrete bridge columns with
changed during higher runs, as shown in Fig. 10(b). The residual drift ratios of more than 1.75% were replaced after
residual drift ratios significantly increased at 0.06 of the Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake (Kawashima et al. 1998).
maximum drift ratio and higher. Even though all of the specimens All the test models in the present study reached this threshold
were well confined and designed for near-fault ground during the runs, with the PGA ranging from 0.59 to 1.1 g.
motion, after columns experienced a large displacement that
the high velocity pulse generated, they could not recover the Strain rate effect
drifts. The shortest specimen, MN, showed a less residual The strain rate was calculated using two methods for both
drift ratio from 0.085 to 0.14 maximum drift ratio, compared the tensile strains in the longitudinal steel and the compressive
to the longer period columns, but the basic trend was strains of the concrete. Instantaneous strain rate was
comparable among all columns. Specimen SETN computed by using a seven-point central difference numerical

ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2010 9

Table 3—Plastic hinge length comparison
Measured, mm (in.) 398.8 (15.7) 464.8 (18.3) 337.8 (13.3) 424.2 (16.7)
Equation by Paulay
261.6 (10.3) 355.6 (14.0) 373.4 (14.7) 330.2 (13.0)
et al. (1992), mm (in.)

Δplastic = Δu – Δy (1)

Δ plastic = ( φ u – φ y ) ⋅ ⎛ L – ----p-⎞ ⋅ L p (2)
⎝ 2⎠

where Δu is the ultimate displacement of the column; Δy is

the yield displacement of the column; φu is the ultimate
curvature of the column; and φy is the yield curvature of
the column.
The theoretical Lp was also calculated using the method by
Paulay and Priestley (1992). Table 3 lists the measured and
calculated plastic hinge lengths. Results show that the
measured lengths were generally longer than the calculated
values, a trend that is observed in columns subjected to far-
field earthquakes as well. Note that ETN, SETN, and SVTN
did not fail and, hence, the “measured” values are lower than
plastic hinge lengths corresponding to the ultimate condition.
This is because the plastic hinge length is a function of the
maximum curvature in the critical section. The data in the
table show that the velocity pulse in the near-fault motions
did not lead to a short plastic hinge, and the tendency
Fig. 10—Residual drift ratio versus maximum drift ratio. reported in Hamilton et al. (2001) for shorter plastic hinges
was not observed.
method for the run, at which yielding in tension and
compression first occurred in the most critical longitudinal Overall assessment
bars. In addition to using the central difference method, the The most distinct response seen in shake table testing of
average strain rate was calculated as a change in strain over the models under the Rinaldi motion was the high magnitude
the first yielding time period. The compressive yield strain of the residual displacements even under moderate motions
under pseudo-static loading (with no strain rate effect) was due to the unique characteristics of fault normal near-fault
assumed to be 0.002, and the tensile yield strains were ground motions. The highly asymmetrical velocity of these
obtained from pseudo-static testing (with no strain rate motions is responsible for the large residual displacements.
effect) of the bar samples. The directivity pulse in the Rinaldi motion was strong
The percent increases in the tensile and compressive yield enough to push the models into the inelastic range, and the
stresses due to the strain rate effect were determined using columns oscillated about a new base line after each subsequent
Kulkarni and Shah’s (1998) method. The values of percent test. Because the seismic response of structures depends on the
increases from both methods ranged from 7 to 10% in dynamic characteristics of the structure and the earthquake in
tension and from 11 to 14% in compression. The percent addition to the nonlinear properties of the structure, the
increases in the 9F1 test, the column that was subjected to magnitude of residual displacement could vary. The discussion
series of the El Centro earthquake, ranged from 9 to 10% in presented in this article is based on the data presented herein and
tension and was 11% in compression from both methods. in a previous study by Phan et al. (2007).
The results show that the percent increase in the yield stress A valid question might arise on whether the observed
due to near-fault motions is comparable to that of other residual displacements would occur had only a single motion
earthquakes. Note that the strain rate in the test models is been applied. This issue was not studied in shake table tests
higher due to the compression of the time axis. but was investigated using analytical models. It was found
that residual displacements are not necessarily increased
Plastic hinge length because the column has been damaged in previous earthquake
The “measured” plastic hinge length Lp was determined runs. A detailed description of analytical model is beyond the
using the elasto-plastic idealization of the measured force- scope of the present paper and is presented elsewhere (Choi et
displacement and moment-curvature data. Using the al. 2007). Some examples of the analytical results, however,
moment area method, Eq. (2) was used to determine the are described herein to demonstrate the trends. The analysis
plastic displacement. The average of the measured curvature was conducted using a single-degree-of-freedom nonlinear
over the lowermost two gauge lengths—203.2 mm (8 in.) for dynamic analysis model with a single lumped nonlinear
MN and three lengths, and 304.8 mm (12 in.) for the rotational spring placed at the base. This model was
others—was used, because most of the plastic deformation described in by Phan et al. (2007). Figures 11 to 13 present
was concentrated over that region. Plastic hinge length Lp displacement responses for three of the earthquake runs
was calculated using the following equations applied on MN, causing peak drift ratios of approximately

10 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2010

2%, 5%, and 7%, respectively. These drift ratios correspond
to low, moderate, and high levels of nonlinearity, respectively.
The responses are shown for a single earthquake run super-
imposed on the displacement history for the same run when
that motion is part of a series of earthquake motions with
increasing amplitudes. It is evident in Fig. 11 (with a peak
drift ratio of approximately 2%) that the individual and
multiple run responses were nearly the same, both leading to
small residual displacements at the end of the runs. This is Fig. 11—Calculated response for single versus multiple
attributed to the fact that residual displacements are small motions at 2% drift ratio.
when the level of nonlinearity is relatively low. In Fig. 12,
where nonlinearity is moderate, both motions led to significant
residual displacements of approximately 1%. In this case,
multiple motions caused a larger permanent drift. This trend
was reversed in Fig. 13, in which the level of nonlinearity
was relatively high (drift ratio of over 7%). In this figure, it is
clear that both motions led to significant residual
displacements. But the single motion caused a larger
permanent displacement. The difference in the trend
between Fig. 12 and 13 is attributed to the dynamic characteristics Fig. 12—Calculated response for single versus multiple
of the column in relationship with those of the input motions at 5% drift ratio.
motion. Softening of the column in multiple runs could
place the column in the lower energy part of the response
spectrum and lead to lower maximum and residual
displacements. What is evident, however, is that the impulsive
motion of the near-fault earthquake record led to significant
residual displacement, whether the motion was applied as a
single motion or if it was a part of multiple motions.
The data presented in previous sections showed that the
directivity pulse in the Rinaldi motion pushed the column to
one direction and that there was not a sufficient reversed Fig. 13—Calculated response for single versus multiple
pulse to push the column back. The only exception to this motions at 7% drift ratio.
trend occurred in ETN, in which the residual displacements were
relatively small initially and were later reversed. Under larger single earthquake record instead of multiple motions is
motions, however, larger residual drifts were seen even in applied to the model.
ETN and the trend was similar to that of the other columns. 2. The column designed based on the current Caltrans
The residual displacement data for ETN and SETN near-fault provisions showed a 36% reduction of the residual
show that an increase in the longitudinal and transverse displacement compared to a column designed for far-field
reinforcement is not necessarily sufficient to reduce residual earthquakes. This trend is valid only for relatively stiff
displacements. (short-period) columns.
Because there are no written guidelines for the design of 3. The new ARS curve led to significantly higher spectral
reinforced concrete bridge columns with respect to control of acceleration compared to the current Caltrans ARS curve at
residual displacement in the current Caltrans SDC, and many periods of 1.25 seconds and longer. The higher demand,
bridges, including more than 73% of bridges in California, however, did not lead to a lower residual displacement for
are in the vicinity of active faults, the control of residual long-period columns.
displacement needs to take place at the design stage. Phan et 4. Simply adding more longitudinal and transverse steel
al. (2007) presents a preliminary framework for the consid- due to increased spectral acceleration with the same target
eration of residual displacements in design. This framework, ductility level was not sufficient to reduce residual displacements.
however, requires reliable residual displacement spectra that The residual displacement needs to be checked at the design
have yet to be developed. stage if the bridge is in the vicinity of an active fault.
5. The steel and concrete strength increases due to strain rate
CONCLUSIONS effects induced by the impulsive near-fault record were compa-
Response of conventionally reinforced concrete bridge rable to the strength increase by far-field ground motions.
columns under near-fault earthquakes was investigated 6. The ductility capacity and measured plastic hinge
through shake table tests of four bridge column models. The lengths for columns subjected to near-fault earthquakes were
following conclusions are drawn: comparable to those of columns of the same scale tested
1. Asymmetrical, high-amplitude velocity pulse due to the under far-field earthquakes.
forward directivity of the fault normal component of near-
fault motions could generate large displacements in one side. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Generally, this displacement is only partially recovered due This project was sponsored by California Department of Transportation
(Caltrans) Grant 59A0439. The comments from M. Yashinsky and M. Mahan of
to a lack of a reversed pulse, thus leading to a significant Caltrans and H. Ghasemi of FHWA are greatly appreciated. The authors are
residual displacement. Sample analytical results showed that also thankful to P. Laplace, P. Lucas, and D. Hillis of the UNR structures
significant residual displacements could occur even when a laboratory for their dedicated assistance in the course of shake table testing.

ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2010 11

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12 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2010

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