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Infinity News

Mohammad Abdullah Kawish

6 March 2020

PLAY: ​INN Intro.mp4

Host 1: Cut TO Camera

Hello, and thanks for tuning in
to Infinity News! I’m your host

Host 2:
And I’m your other host,

Host 1:
In today’s top stories, The
director-general of the World
Health Organization has warned
governments that the continued
international spread of the
novel coronavirus​ ​is "not a
drill" and will require
significant action if public
health authorities are to
contain the deadly outbreak.

Host 2:
The call to action comes as the
global number of people
infected by the virus nears
100,000 -- a grim milestone
that now appears inevitable
with self-sustaining clusters
continuing to expand in South
Korea, Japan, parts of Europe,
Iran and the United States.

Host 1:
The virus has spread to more
than 80 countries and
territories since it was first
identified in the Chinese city
of Wuhan in December last year.
Health experts have suggested
that newly emergent clusters in
Europe and the Middle East
could accelerate the global
spread of the disease

Host 2:
As the number of cases and
deaths from novel coronavirus
increase across the United
States, federal health
officials are working to expand
testing for the fast-moving

Host 1:
Still, Vice President Mike
Pence, who is leading the
administration's response to
the outbreak, acknowledged
Thursday there was a shortfall
in the number of testing kits
required to meet demand.

Host 2:
By Thursday afternoon, there
were at least 228 cases of the
novel coronavirus in the United
States -- with 70 in Washington
state alone -- according to the
US Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, as well as
state and local governments.

Host 1:
The hardest-hit area has been
the city of Kirkland in
Washington state, where the
virus infected several people
in a nursing home. Thirteen of
the 14 people killed by the
virus in the US were in

Host 2:
For our beloved viewer’s well
being, we would like to present
this small presentation
regarding basic protective
measures against the new
coronavirus by the World Health
Organization. PLAY:​ WHO Coronavirus.mp4


Host 1:
Over in Brazil, 32 people have
passed away since Sunday, as
heavy rains have swamped the
states of Sao Paulo and Rio de
Janeiro, with more rain
predicted and mudslides
possible, authorities said

Host 2:
Dozens are still unaccounted
for, and more than 5,000 have
been displaced, according to
the Sao Paulo Civil Defense
Authority and the governor of
Rio de Janeiro. Brazil has been
suffering from unusually heavy
rains this year. February was
the rainiest month for Sao
Paolo since record-keeping
began 77 years ago, according
to the National Meteorological

Play:​ Brazil Flood.mp4

Host 1:
And authorities warn that
relief is not coming soon.
After 72 hours of continuous
rainfall, even more rain is
expected, and authorities are
asking communities to remain on
high alert for possible

Host 2:
In Guaruja alone, 17 people
were killed, including a
firefighter in the rescue
mission. About 200 people lost
their homes, the Sao Paulo
Civil Defense added.
Host 1:
According to the State
Secretariat for Social
Development and Human Rights,
it was announced that a relief
fund will be created for those
affected by the floods.

Host 2:
The amount of rain that fell
across Rio de Janeiro on Monday
morning was equivalent to more
than half the average for
March, as the city's
Operational Defense describes.
In Santa Cruz, it rained 6
inches in 32 hours, just less
than the average for the entire

Host 1:
Humanitarian aid has been
delivered to the Baixada
Santista region, with
mattresses, blankets, food, and
clean water being distributed
to residents​.
Host 2:
Stay tuned as we invite members
of the Civil Liberties and
Public Policy student group to
speak with us on the 34th
Annual Conference held on April
3rd till 5th.

Host 1:
See you after this short break.


Play:​ Bridge Commercial 2.MOV

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