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Mahogany St., Rabe Subd., Visayan Village, Tagum City

Davao del Norte, Philippines

Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science

Portfolio in
Community and Public Health

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Community and public health is a branch of public health which focuses on people and
their role as determinants of their own and other people’s health in contrast to environmental
health which focuses on the physical environment and its impact on people’s health. Community
health is a part of paramedical and medical intervention or approach which is concerned with the
health of the whole population. It is a discipline that concerns with the study and betterment of
the health characteristic. Meanwhile, public health is the science and art of preventing disease,
prolonging life, and promoting health through this organized efforts and informed choices of
society, organization, public and private communities and individuals. It aims to improve the
health of community through an organized community effort. Community and public health
deals with the health of community which it is preventive rather than curative.

The topics for this term are community organizing, occupational health and safety and
environmental hazards. At the end of the pre-finals, the students will be able to:

 Describe skill’s useful to community’s health value: Community Organizing

 Plan a community health program that mends and gives importance to the community
 Learn the cope of occupational safety and health
 Discuss the different hazards and risk in the workplace
 Enumerate prevention and control efforts of occupational injury
 Identify the different environmental hazards; and
 Discuss the different components of environmental hazard

Reading Assignments

1. In your own words, what is the importance of community organizing and development?

Community organizing and development is arranging or assembling individuals and things in

order to carry out a plan of developing the community successfully. The importance of this is
that this strengthens the ties among people sharing similar values and interests or a community. It
also pays attention to the problems and development of a particular group. This aims to establish
positive results in the development of a community and other decision-influencing institution.
Organizing groups also learns to build alliances across different cultures and beliefs regardless of
its race, class, age group and etc. And lastly, it helps everyone to be attentive of the policies,
problems and solutions implanted in a society.

2. As a medical technology student, how would you apply your knowledge in organizing or
developing programs in a certain community? Cite an example of a problem of a certain
community, and state the things that you can do in order to have a long term solution in a
particular problem.

As a medical technology student I have undergone subjects and lessons all about leadership and
community and public health. I would apply my knowledge first by making a plan on how to
address the problem of a society, second by applying my leadership skills in all aspects and lastly
carrying out the plan so that it would be successful. For example, the barangay Pagsabangan of
Tagum City. Together, we went to the said barangay and asked for the things that are lacking and
also the problems in their community. They mentioned that they have issues regarding the
lactating mothers, teenage pregnancy and also malnutrition. As a student and as a leader I will
first create a scheme of the action that we will do. For example, having a seminar focusing on the
issues in their community and also the proper hygiene and community sanitation because I
believe that these issues are caused by poor education and information Afterwards, part of my
plan is monitoring them, probably every after a month to see if there are development on the
pressing issue in their society. And I think I will declare my success if there is a development of


1. In your own words, what is the importance of occupational safety and health in a certain

The main goal of occupational health and safety is to prevent injuries, diseases, and even death
due to work. This is very important in every workplace to ensure the health of our fellow
workers. A workplace has different hazards and risk but because of this occupational safety and
health it minimizes risk for our workers and avoid certain accidents.
2. Identify as many types of occupation in the school as you can.

• Administrators

• Teachers

• Canteen Services

• Guidance Counselor

• School Nurse

• Librarian

• Custodian

• Security Guards

• Janitors

3. Identify possible health hazards to each type of occupation. Give comments or


• Administrators- Ergonomic Hazard due to repetition of work. Mechanical Hazard

• Teachers-Ergonomic Hazard, Physical Hazard, Mechanical Hazard

• Canteen Services- Food Safety Hazard, Physical Hazard, Mechanical Hazard

• Guidance Counselor- Ergonomic Hazard, Mechanical Hazard

• School Nurse- Biological Hazard, Physical Hazard, Mechanical Hazard

• Librarian- Ergonomic Hazard, Physical Hazard, Mechanical Hazard

• Custodian- Ergonomic Hazard, Physical Hazard, Mechanical Hazard

• Security Guards- Physical Hazard, Mechanical Hazard,

• Janitors- Physical Hazard and Mechanical Hazard.

We already know the hazards and risks in our workplace so we should always be mindful and be
observant on your surroundings. And also pay attention to our own health in dealing with
different things every day.

In your own words, what is the importance of knowing the environmental health hazards?

“Environmental health comprises those aspects of human health including quality of life, that are
determined by physical, chemical, biologic, social, and psychosocial factors in the environment”

Environmental hazard may be encountered at work, home or in the community via several and
different things. Environmental health hazards include land and climate related hazards, water
related hazards, food borne hazards, vector borne hazards, domestic hazards, occupational
hazards and many more. This can affect our life specially our human body because it can cause
physical health problems. With this, the hazards that we encounter in our daily life can be
avoided through proper knowledge, education and precautions. Environmental health hazard can
help us in dealing the hazards and risk in our everyday life. Many have a hard time addressing or
handling their health situation because of poor education. Through proper education and
knowledge, we have a great advantage in dealing such situations and avoiding the hazards and
risks present in our community. Therefore, we should all be mindful and being proactive of all
the things happening in our surroundings.

Reading Assignment Scores

Assessment 1

Assessment 2

Assessment 3



Back when I was still a junior high school student I was able to create community activity
plan. It is when I have applied for Chief Girl Scout Medal Scheme, that is why I have some prior
knowledge about creating a plan for the community. When I was in my immersion days, we
didn’t experience being deployed in hospitals. We are tasked to do community program that
touches health related topics, thus and so I only experienced a bit difficulty in making the
community plan for the community and public health. I have pondered that everything really
needs to be planned. It is for the reason that many things should be considered before taking into
action. This community organizing lesson helped me to assess my skills in planning. It also made
me realize the things that should be given importance. Community organizing is also very
important for the reason that this strengthens the ties among people sharing similar values and
interests or a community. It also pays attention to the problems and development of a particular

It is obvious that management of health and safety in the workplace is very important
because along with protecting employees. It also increases productivity when employees are
healthy and happy. I have always thought that it is not possible to have accidents if everyone
should be careful. All this time, my idea was wrong. Wherever we may go, there is always
hazards in the environment. In our workplace we can encounter many hazards and we are
exposed to different risks. Through OHS, this hazards can help in reducing the illness, accidents
and other situations making sure that your employees are healthy and safe to work five days a
week. Protect your employees to protect the company. We encounter different people every day
who are also workers. They are also exposed to hazards in their workplace which is why we
should never forget to remind them about OHS. We must also be mindful and careful.

Just like occupational health and safety this is created to let everyone know the hazards in
our environment. Environmental health hazard is one of the most important things that we should
know. There are possible things in our surroundings that can harm us. For example,
contamination. Contamination by infectious agents or chemicals can cause mild to severe illness.
Protecting water sources and minimizing exposure to contaminated water sources are important
parts of environmental health. The health effects of toxic substances and hazardous wastes are
not yet fully understood. Environmental hazard may be encountered at work, home or in the
community via several and different things. We should always be careful and aware of the things
that surrounds us. With environmental health hazard we can promote health awareness and
preserve life.


With all the lessons that we have tackled, I have gain more knowledge about the topics
that we’ve discussed. All these things are very important in our subject which is community and
public health. Through this I have applied some things that are applicable in the situation that we
are facing right now. This also helped me in making plans or program regarding prevention of
the possible hazards and risk that are present in our house.
We have achieved our objectives in this term, for we are able to get outcomes or
assessment that we have complied and serves as a feedback of the lesson that we have learned.
Providing all the needs in the environment is a big job but as a student, I know I can help a little
because I have learned something from our class. We have made a project plan regarding the
issues and problems in our chosen community. We have evaluated our skills in making the
project proposal. We are educated and have discussed the and types of hazards in each
workplace. We are also equipped with knowledge of environmental health hazard and have
talked about its components.

Therefore, I conclude that we have achieved our goal and objectives through assessing
our knowledge by studying the materials that was given to us and answering or giving response
to those homework and assessments.

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