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Statement of object head of the budgetary outlay for National School of Drama, New Delhi for year 2017-18

Activity No. Name of the Activity Object Head of Budget BE-2017-18

1(2) Theatre workshop and part time courses in various Revenue 75.00
parts of the country and other training programmes
for the faculty & staff on Direction /technical /play
writing / play production/Admn. & management
2 Organising of couses of training /workshops for Revene 25.00
children theatre in Delhi and Outside Delhi

3(1) Production & Collaborative Programme) Revenue 80.00

3(2) Interpretation Centre -MoC’s Scheme Prasad & Revenue 2.50
Hriday at Varanasi – NSD’s Activities at the two
centres in varanasi (Schools) Remuneration of
Contractual staff and TA/DA of visiting experts for
training production of plays.

3(3) Exhibitions Collaborative programmes Revenue 10.00

3(4) APB – Festival (Collaborative Programme) Revenue
3(5) Production study training including Performance of Revenue 150.50
st nd rd
students Production – 1 year , 2 year and 3 year
students (Collaborative Programmes)

3(6) Cultural Exchange Programme – Participation by Revenue 80.00

Students and faculty with performances of students
production, seminars , observation & learning prod.
processes etc.

3(7) NSD's -Classical festival and Interpretation Centre Revenue 50.00

at Varanasi – Training & performance/ production

3(8) APB- Festival at member theatre institute of Asia - Revenue

preparatory work - Remuneration of Chief Co-
ordinator of the festival
3(9) APB - festival of member theatre institute of Asia - Revenue
Preparatory work Remuneration of Asstt. Co-
ordinator and Technical Co-ordinator

3(10) NSD's Theatre workshops & Festivals in SAARC Revenue 30.00

Countries (viz. Srilanka, Bhutan, Bangladesh and
4(1) Documentation & Archieves – Digitization of Revenue 5.00
documents , photographes , records etc.
4(2) Documentation and Archieves – Editing of plays, Revenue 3.00
documents etc.
4(3) Documentation & Archieves – Video Recording of Revenue 10.00
plays , events etc.
5 Upkeep and maintainance of NSD- Auditoriums & Revenue 75.00
Yoga Hall = (4 No.)
6(1) Promotion of Folk and Tribal Arts Revenue 20.00
6(2) Folk & Tribal Arts & Educational tour by NSD’s Revenue 10.00
regular students of 1st , 2nd year (2 No.)
7(1) NSD’s Repertory Co’s performances – Weekend Revenue 30.00
theatre shows
7(2) NSD’s Repertory Co. performances – Sponsored Revenue 15.00
7(3) NSD’s Repertory Co. Performances – Tour Shows Revenue 45.00

7(4) NSD’s Repertory Co. Production of New Plays (3 Revenue 45.00

7(5) NSD’s Repertory Co’s – Summer Theatre Festival Revenue 40.00

8(1) NSD – TIE Co. Theatre workshop with the Toli Revenue 8.00
artists for 5 days
8(2) NSD TIE Co. performances of plays in Delhi and Revenue 50.00
Outside Delhi
8(3)(9) NSD’s -Festival of Classical Playsin two cities Revenue 90.00
8(4) NSD’S TIE CO. SUMMER THEATRE Revenue 65.00
8(5) NSD- TIE Co. production of plays (New) Revenue 30.00
8(6) NSD – TIE Co. Sunday Club I & II Activities with Revenue 40.00
the Children (Batch of 150 Children)
8(7) NSD – TIE Co. – Sunday Club Festival of 6 plays Revenue 10.00
and six shows
8(8) NSD's TIE Wing in Varanasi - Teaching & Revenue
Training - Initial Expenditure on opening of centre
for infrastructure
8(9) NSD’s TIE Wing Varanasi- Theatre Festival Revenue
9(1) International Theatre Festival & Parallel Festival – Revenue 8.00
BRM at Delhi & four other cities –Preparatory
work (Invitation of entries)
9(2) International Theatre festival & Parallel Festival – Revenue 30.00
BRM at Delhi & four other cities – Preparatory
work (Selection of entries)
9(3) International Theatre festival and Parallel Festival – Revenue 125.00
BRM IN Delhi & Four other cities – Preparatory for
logistics – accommodation for Groups ,
Auditoriums , confirmed booking etc.
9(4) International Theatre festival and Parallel festival – Revenue 475.00
BRM in Delhi & four other cities
9(5) Parallel BRM Festival at three venues in stages Revenue 125.00
other than NE
10(1) International Children Theatre festival – Bal Revenue 100.00
Sangam /Jashne Bachpan
10(2) International Children Theatre Festival – Revenue 25.00
Jashnebachpan – Logistic arrangements
11 Office Exp. contingency including Building (M) ( Revenue 135.00
Improvement in available infrastructure facilities
including upkeep of Bahawalpur House Campus of
12(1) NSD Centre at Mumbai (to start one year advance Revenue
course in play writing /phased worksops on play
12(2) Seminar, workshops etc on play writing Revenue
culmination by a festival show.
13 Lighting , Sound , Photography, Audio , Video Revenue 35.00
equipment in studio, Rep. Co. Computer Labs (5
No Studio, Labs etc.)
14 Research work & publications programmes of NSD Revenue 50.00
(Appox. 3 publication per year and other reports ,
brouchers etc. )
15 Scheme for Running a Bookshop in NSD- Campus Revenue 15.00

16 Appreciation course and workshops Revenue 16.00

17(1) implementation of official language policy in NSD- Revenue
Visit of the Rajbhasha committee and inspection of
NSD Regional Centres

17(2) Implementation of official language Policy in NSD- Revenue 5.00

4 No. workshops /Seminars /Inspection
17(3) Implementation of official language policy in NSD- Revenue 2.00
Hindi Divas (Pakhwara)
18 Scholarship /fellowship to students and fellows Revenue 80.00
(Students & fellows )
19 Students productions and productions with students Revenue 30.00
directed by foreign directors
20 Staff requirement on Contractual basis for Revenue
introduction of new courses.
21 Curriculum Activities Revenue 5.00
22 NSD – Bengaluru Centre, Bangalore Revenue 120.00
23 Convocation /Awards/convention Revenue
24 Running and maintenance of students Hostel Revenue 185.00
including monthly rent of the premises

25 Library Revenue 25.00

26 Festival, Seminar and Training in Indian Classical Revenue
theatre of 3 months duration in four regions
27 Theare olympics *(2018)- Research, Visits Revenue
including foreign visits, Planning , Press
Conferences , Site Selection, Token payment for
blocking the dates for booking of performance
veneues/logistics etc.
28 Legends E-Elkazi Chair - Fellowship scheme Revenue 15.00
29 Artist in Residence Scheme Revenue 15.00
30 Creation of Capital Assets – plan General (for Plan-Creation of Capital 2100.00
performance of core activities under Plan – Assets
General) Light equipment/sound
equipment/projectors, conference room A/v
systems etc. and Redevelopment of NSD Campus
31(1) NSD’s NE Activities – Essential equipments for Revenue- North East 40.00
programmes /activities in NE including upgradation Activities
of training spaces , studios etc. for performance and

31(2) NSD’s NE Plan Activities – Theatre workshops in Revenue- North East 75.00
NE Regions Activities

31(3) NSD’s NE Plan Activities – Children Theatre Revenue- North East 27.00
workshops Activities

31(4) NSD’s North East Activities – National Theatre Revenue- North East 45.00
Festival at Manipur Activities

31(5) NSD’s NE Activities –North East theatre festival – Revenue- North East 300.00
Poorvottar at 8 venues (4 in NE & 4 out of NE) Activities

31(6) NSD’s NE Activities – Shows of NSD’s TIE & Revenue- North East 70.00
Rep. Co. in NE Region Activities
31(7) NSD’s NE Activities – Salary of Contractual Staff Revenue- North East 350.00
other office & contingency expenses including Activities
running and maintenance, AMC etc.

31(8) NSD’s NE Activities – NSD’s STTC Centre Revenue- North East 185.00
Gangtok / Teaching and training one year regular Activities
courses in Dramatics arts

31(8A) NSD's Theatre workshops & Festivals in SAARC Revenue- North East 30.00
Countries (viz. Srilanka, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Activities
31(9) NSD’s NE Activities – NSD’s TIE Wing Theatre Revenue- North East 135.00
Training Centre, Agartala (Tripura) Activities

31(10) NSD’s N.E. Activities-Participation of N.E. Groups Revenue- North East 25.00
in the International Children Theatre Festival- Activities

31(11) NSD's NE- Activities - Participation of NE. Groups Revenue- North East
in the festival at Varanasi Activities

31(12) NSD’s N.E. Activities-Participation of N.E. Groups Revenue- North East 15.00
in the Octave Festival. Activities

31(13) NSD's NE- Activities - Participation of NE. Groups Revenue- North East 29.00
in the festivals & Seminars on Indian Classical Activities
31(14) NSD’s N.E. Activities- Website development Revenue- North East 4.00
including software maintenance for uploading Activities
information relating to NSD’s NE Activities

31(15) NSD’s N.E. Activities- Workshops on play write & Revenue- North East 25.00
staging of play Activities

31(16) NSD’s NE Activities – Parallel BRM Festival at Revenue- North East 45.00
one venue in NE Activities

31(17) NSD’s NE Activities – Participation by NE- Revenue- North East 45.00

Groups , students of NSD TIE centre in BRM at Activities
31(18) NSD’s NE Activities – National Theatre festival at Revenue- North East 100.00
three/four venues Activities

31(19) NSD’s NE Activities –Tour shows in NE Revenue- North East 55.00

32(1)(2)( National Tribal Festival of Dance, Music, Folk Plan Tribal sub plan
&Theatre (under Tribal Sub - Plan)
National Tribal Festival of Dance, Music, Folk & Revenue 491.00
Theatre (under Tribal Sub- Plan )-Organizing of
Workshops, Seminars, Lectures, Craft Mela, Folk
Drama etc.
33 Staff Salaries & Allowances etc. – **Plan General Revenue 1666.00

TOTAL 8572.00

1. Proposal for Additional sanction
Theatre Olympics
mpics 2018 *for2500.00
the year 2017-18
* The proposal for sanction of fund for organizing theatre olympics 2018 is under consideration of
MoC- details as under:
Rs. in lakhs
Gross Estimated Budgeted cost = 5350
Less: Provision in BRM-18
Under Item No. 9(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) 763.00
Under NE- M31(31(18)(16)
31(18)(16) 160.00 923
Net requirement 4427

2.**Provision for staff salaries under Non-Plan in the Financial year 2016-17 was Rs. 1316.00 lakh and
under Plan Rs. 350.00 . In the Financial year 2017-18 merged provision for Staff Salaries & allow. has
been made under Revenue expenditure for Staff Salaries & allowance etc.

3. Sanctioned RE-2016-17 Rs. in lakhs

Plan - General 2250
Plan - Creation of Capital Assets 2100
Plan - Salaries 350
Plan- NE 1800
Plan- TSP 700
(B) Non- Plan
Non- Plan - General 220
Non- Plan - Salaries 1316
Total 1536
Total (A+B) 8736

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