Local Will Be Vocal To Go Global

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स मेव जयते
"Truth Alone Triumphs"

Local(India) have to be
Vocal(about China) to go
Global(establishing India as an
better alternative than China)


Then 2020 must be its

Foundation Year

Why Local(India) should be

Vocal about China ?
(We will be mentioning majorily recent Chinese activities)

China's continuous support to Pakistan on FATF to keep Pakistan

out of entering FATF Black List

China's serial 'technical hold' had kept terrorist Masood Azhar

away from the UN-designated terrorist, and the sanctions it
entails, since 2009

China raising Kashmir issue at UN continuously & with greater

speed; Prior to August 2019, the last time Kashmir was raised
at the UNSC format was in 1971; it has since been raised
thrice within a period of nine months(August 2019,January
2020 & April 2020)

Why China is so restless??

It's an alarming situation for India

China interferes directly in Nepal in order to save the

Communist Party Government of Nepal.

1st Time Nepal Government(Communist Government of Nepal)

has issued such strong remarks on India over Lipu Lekh Pass
road by a press release (Because of Chinese external pressure )

Nepal will be issuing a new political map to regain the territories

which belong to India according to its map.

It is for the first time that Nepal armed police force has been
deployed at the border.

Note:Surprisingly, Nepal did not notice the construction work for

such a long period of time. The developments couldn't have escaped
Nepal's radar. It still remains unclear as to what made nepal choose
to object now when the road was inaugurated.

We have always found evidences of Chinese involvement in North

East Insurgency.

Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and the Indian Army

clashed in Ladakh and Sikkim along the border recently in
separate incidents one after other.

Chinese direct presence have been found in Gilgit-Baltistan

region from many years

China is building a dam on Indian territory occupied by


The CPEC passing through Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir challenges

Indian sovereignty

Note:China doesn't care about India's territorial integrity. In

the past few days, Chinese troops provoked skirmishes with
Indian soldiers at the border in Sikkim. Chinese helicopters
flew close to the Line of Actual Control(LAC) with India in
Ladakh.And now building dam in Gilgit Baltistan region
where Chinese firm has a 70 per cent stake in the joint
venture, while the FWO holds the remaining 30 per cent

Why China is so restless??

It's an alarming situation for India

Highlly Alarming Point,because their frequency is very high

6 Op-eds by Chinese Officcials in last two months in Indian

newspaper with one sided Chinese rhetoric

Chinese advertorial published in The Hindu shown as it is a media


Note: Chinese Op-eds can attack  India by touching sensitive Indian issues directly,one side praises for CPC &
Xi Jinping whereas Indian officials do not get too many chances to write op-eds in Chinese media & India can
neither touch the sensitive issue nor it can take name directly and Indian op-eds should be more balanced.

India can't let China

to attack on its

India had enough of Chinese bullying,foul tactics

& illegal claims .

What are Chinese leverages but

why India should not worry?
Financing: India has taken loans of $500 milliion from AIIB,$1.5
billion from ADB,$1 billion from NDB & $ 1 billion from World
Bank so far during Corona crisis.


ADB 6.4% 6.3% India Vs China Voting
NDB 20%
rights at multilateral
financial institutions
AIIB 26.64% 7.63%

World Bank 4.42% 2.91%

Except for AIIB,China will not be able to jeopardize India's situation at any major financial
institution & India also holds a very good reputation in international credit line because of
its tremendous credit history.

API Dependency: India imports around 90 per cent of APIs used

to make antibiotics from China

But GOI approves a package of Rs 13,760 crore to boost manufacturing of APIs & medical
devices in country that will make India independent of China very soon.(Indian export of
APIs during the 1990s was far ahead than China)

P5 Membership Misuses Against India: Despite of China's

blockade over the issue of terrorist Masood Azhar or raising
Kashmir issue at UNSC,it has not been successful because of
series of India's diplomatic wins on several occassions.

Note: India through its diplomacy,bilateral relation

between nations & reputed image making new
mark in international arena on different issues.

Border Dispute: Chinese illegal occupations in Aksai Chin & N-E

region is always a troublesome for India because it doesn't
recognises Mac Mohan Line.

Chinese hypocrisy lies in accepting the Mac Mohan Line demarcation on stating his border
with Myanmar.And it is not just India, China has disputes with more than 16 countries.The
whole world has now understood the Chinese imperialism and its expansionist designs
through its border dispute mechanism.

India China Trade: India’s trade with China is USD 87.07 billion
in 2018-19.

Where India faces a trade deficit of USD 53.57 billion.India has now started making it
independent in crucial sectors during Covid-19 pandemic and taking it towards self
sufficient & self reliant.So,even if India take measures on China through tariffs & sanctions
then it will be China who will be at loss.

China Emerging As A Global Leader During Covid-19: China

has got very little success in emerging as world leader through
its mask diplomacy & by paying to international media and that
too for a very little time in the month of March.
Chinese masks diplomacy failed miserably once the countries realized about its faulty test
kits,fake PPE kits,counterfeit masks and returned it in anger.Now,the whole world
unanimously blaming China for Coronavirus crisis.
Whereas India, on both commercial and grant basis has supplied medicines to 133
countries (446 million HCQ tablets and 1.54 billion Paracetamol tablets) and apart from it
India has led the SAARC initiative & pledged $10 million toward a COVID-19 emergency
fund and it also announced that it would be putting together a team of specialists for the
SAARC states.

China's opposition on India's bid for NSG Membership: The

anti-India stand taken by China on NSG membership clearly
shows that it will be not easy for India to join the NSG group.

India has shown the world that India is always a responsible player in the region and
it gets it due by becoming a member of the coveted MTCR group and it establishes
Indian demand more strongly for its NSG membership.

One sided Chinese Positive Rhetoric


Threatening Foreign Firms


Military Aggression

Threatening Other Countries


China's Nervousness Symptoms


China's nervousness
symptoms indicates about
the following outbreak:
China don't want foreign companies to
exit its land.
China is doing military aggression
specifically only on those countries who
are in talks with these foreign firms.
China's military aggression wants to
establish a perception that other
countries are neither safe nor politically
China don't want Taiwan to get observer
status at WHA led by 5 Eyes group.

Enemy's worst
times are the
biggest opportunity

When the whole world wants to sue China,blame China

for Coronavirus pandemic & to lessen their dependency
on China.It has given India a strategic timing advantage
along with an opportunity to become a geo-industrial
alternative of China.
Why Local(India) Needs

To Be Vocal About China

in order to Go Global ?
World looks at India as a global leader and  only
India has the ability to contain China in Asia.
Being mute will only show the defensive approach
of India towards China & it will enhance the
position of China.
Now the time has come when India has to openly
endorse the Taiwan membership at WHA.
India has given befitting reply to China on Sikkim &
Ladakh border likewise taking more decisive step
will strengthen the position of India globally.
India has to be more realpolitik rather being
idealistic because China has never neither
respected our sovereignty nor integrity or our
genuine demands at UN.
When world looks at you with great responsibility
then you have to live up to expectations.
Whole Indian sentiment is in favor of India and
against the China(In Civil-Disobedience Manner)
Every other alternate day a social media trend
happening in India & around the world against
China & about its lies.

Either It's
It will be

This is the time when all of electronic media,print media,digital

media,social media & every citizen(if government can't be
vocal on every issue) should be vocal about the reality of
China & its regressive approaches, aggression,human rights
violations & curbing of freedom of speech & expression
On what Issues we KUNAL

have to be Vocal ?
Coronavirus Outbreak: China hide the information from the
world,delayed its reporting to WHO,played victim card initially
with the help of WHO & lied about its human to human
transmission again with the help of WHO.

Mask hoarding,PPE kits hoarding, Ventilators hoarding & supplying

fake & faulty medical equipment to the other nations at the cost of
their lives and threatening other nations who ask for an
independent investigation on virus outbreak.

1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre: June 4 should be widely

reported and discussed in the media,social media & on public
platforms where CPC has crushed the student's democracy
protest with bullets and tanks mercilessly.

Debt Colonization: Many countries have been pushed into indebtedness

due to Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative by its Debt Traps.

Kenya's Mombasa port,Sri Lanka's Hambantota port,Pakistan's Gwadar

Port,Djibouti, Fiji, the Maldives, Montenegro, Port Sudan,Tonga and Zambia
are not China's cheap loans to poor nations but a debt trap which China will
be using for its militrary bases as well.

Chinese Illegal Occupations & False claims over other nations

land or sea: China has illegally occupied Tibet,Inner Mongolia &
Xinjiang within China.

China has also territorial disputes with

India,Taiwan,Japan,Russia,Vietnam,Philippines,Brunei,Malaysia & others
on the basis of false historical claim like they did with India and in
South China Sea by changing historical map of Nine Dash Line to Ten
Dash Line to Eleven Dash Line(May be they will make 360 Dash Line and
tell the whole world that Pangaea,approximately 335 million years ago
was actually the One Chinese Landmass).

One China Policy: Whole world should be united against the

forceful One China Policy over Taiwan & Hong Kong.We should
be in unison with democractic voices of Taiwan & Hong Kong.

Human Rights Abuses of Minority In China: Chinese government and

Communist Party are threats to human rights in their autonomous regions
where they are wiping out the ethnic and cultural identities of Uighurs and
other Muslim minorities in Xinjiang,Buddhists in Tibet,Mongols in Inner
Mongolia,Zhuangs in Guangxi & Huis in Ningxia.

China’s Pursuit of a New World Media Order: China has bought

press across the world & it continues to do so in order to curb anti
China news & glorify its false work.It coincides with launch of Belt
and Road initiative and president Xi Jinping’s call to “tell China’s story
better” to the world.

Technological,information & Digital Warfare against the

world: With 5G technology,AI,Blockchain,Robotics,Cybersecurity
& different 4.0 Industrial revolution technologies,China is
already leading in its research & development capacity & now it
has started spying,mining data & monitoring other governments
& people's activities through its different global companies.

Self Awareness Is The Only

Missile Which Can't Be
Intercepted In The Battles of
21st Century
: Kunal Prakash

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