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4rd graded activity - writing

“A worker”
To hand in August 25th
You are going to create a text about a worker person you are going to meet
through an interview. You are going to talk about his life, family and his
job in two paragraphs. Please follow the instructions bellow to complete the
1- To look for someone in the city, it can be in the street, in your
neighbourhood, university, or whatever place you can find a worker
person whose job seems interesting to you.
2- Interview him/her (it can be in Spanish) in order to know some
information that helps you writing your paragraphs.
3- Write a draft with two paragraphs with the answers he/she gave to you.
It must be written in third person, using the grammatical elements and
the vocabulary worked at class.
4- Once you have finished writing and you have corrected your text, type
your text in the computer to hand in on August 25 th.
1st Paragraph:
You must talk about the person’s life, here you will include his name,
age, nationality, hometown, and the members of the family she or he lives
with. (This is the information you will get from the interview) In addition, you
will include a brief description of his physical appearance and his
personality. (This information you can deduce it by looking at the person and
perceiving his personality; e.g. He is kind, she is amiable etc… There is no need to ask
this information in the interview)

2nd Paragraph:
In this paragraph, you are going to talk about her/his job. You will
mention his profession, the duties in his job, his schedules, his holidays,
and you are going to ask if the job is interesting or boring, if the
person is happy or unhappy with it, finally, you are going to ask the
person if he considers he is well-paid or poorly-paid.

*** Add a picture of him/her working***

*You do not need to write the interview, this is just for you to get the
*To know the parameters for writing, please check, read and understand
the rubric for writing.

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