Cognizant Degreed - Story

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Keeping the Skills of 250,000

Employees on the Cutting Edge




1994 285,800 globally • Skill measurement and
HEAD OFFICES FEATURES USED • Empower employees to own
Teaneck, NJ • Personal learning network their learning
• Machine-curated & context- • Simplify the fragmented learning
INDUSTRY sensitive recommendation of experience
IT Services and Consulting learning resources
• Content market place


Helping a quarter-million Build a platform that provides Accelerated skill development
employees in 38 countries stay context-sensitive content from months to weeks and was
on the cutting edge of the always- recommendations aligned to able to identify the top 30 digital
changing information technology job types, which recognizes the leaders. 15% of the organization is
industry. company’s continuous learners currently participating in “learning
and supports anyone who is willing groups” with positive feedback and
to adapt. a wide-reaching business impact.


Cognizant helps its client companies lead their digital transformation, and
they needed to do the same for their employees’ growth. With Degreed,
they built a platform that featured “learning groups” (referred to as
“learning pods”) for leaders, managers, and technical workers. Users
reported that the new tool was easy to use and helped make learning a
habit. Now thousands of employees are directing their own development in
ways that align with Cognizant’s strategic priorities: increasing learning
agility, supporting future-readiness, and developing skills that align with
organizational roles and business priorities.


CHALLENGE selected by individuals, peers, experts, and algorithms.
Cognizant is one of the world’s largest information The platform ought to promote agility with the ability
technology (IT) companies. Their clients are the for users to receive support from personal networks. It
most powerful firms in every industry — healthcare, also needed to integrate seamlessly with any content —
banking, transport, energy, media, and many more. internal or external. And of course, it had to look elegant
Clients look to Cognizant for technological guidance and intuitive.
while redesigning business models, innovating existing
products, and overhauling operations. This is what
Degreed delivered on all of Cognizant’s needs — and
it means to “be digital and do digital,” as folks at
then some.
Cognizant like to say.

Needing structure for many different employees,

But how could Cognizant do this for its own people?
Cognizant formed “pods” for three types of learning.
What would it take to help employees become as
The ‘pod model’ was a change management framework
adaptable and innovative as their clients?
developed within Cognizant to align with the company’s
Cognizant has over 250,000 employees spread principle, “experience, believe, evangelize.”
across offices in 38 countries and 80 cities. Plus, in
The T-Pod supported technical workers with Pathways
the IT industry, skills have a shockingly short shelf life.
for certification and groups for troubleshooting. The
So Cognizant had to find a solution that addressed
M-Pod served managers of people, projects, and
both scale and speed. Employees needed personalized
products, fitting their on-the-go lifestyles and making it
learning paths with timely and relevant resources. The
easy to share with teams. The L-Pod was for leadership
firm needed clarity on how these paths would fall in
and onboarded their key business leaders and helped
line with overall organizational priorities, even as some
them experience the Degreed platform. It delivered
business strategies might change in the future.
daily nuggets based on personal interests, and it offered
Cognizant started looking for a learning experience peer-to-peer connections with other leaders.
platform. It needed to feature curated resources,



Supports technical workers with Serves managers of people, projects, Onboarding key business leaders
Pathways for certification and and products, fitting their on-the-go and helping them experience the

groups for troubleshooting. lifestyles and making it easy to share
with teams.
Degreed platform. It delivers daily
nuggets based on personal interests,
and it offers peer-to-peer connec-
tions with other leaders.


Once leadership understood the potential of Degreed learning hours. And 30% of learning content curated in
and the program approach, they became internal Pathways has been from employees outside the L&D
ambassadors, helping other employees get started on team.
their pods and Pathways.

The best thing about Degreed is

Building skills was just half of the task, though.
Cognizant also sought to shift the learning culture of
that I can choose a topic of interest
their organization. To do this, they enacted a behavior and a daily snippet or an article on
change strategy that involved development, role- that subject comes in automatically.
modeling, understanding, and reinforcement. This way I can learn something
piece by piece over a period. The
Development and role-modeling started the culture key is that it creates a habit of
shift. Cognizant rolled out campaigns, webinars, learning and that is important.
and challenges to teach the basics of the platform —Cognizant employee
and to help employees create a habit of learning.
Once some employees started catching on, the
But making strategic alterations at this scale also
company celebrated them as role models. Monthly
required some change management and one special
leaderboards highlighted the most active and
challenge was consistency. Degreed allowed anyone
influential users.
to design learning Pathways, which Cognizant wanted,
but before long, the countless new Pathways were
Positive reinforcement solidified the new learning
scattered and unstandardized. Users became confused
culture. Employees received personalized messages
and overwhelmed. In response, the learning and
reminding them of the importance of learning and
development team created guidelines for Pathways,
how the Degreed platform aligns with company
disseminating them through orientation materials.
priorities. Six weeks in, Cognizant started a feedback
Quickly, the Pathways were organized and streamlined.
loop to monitor responses to the change. After all this,
workers reflected on how learning helped fulfill their
Another trick was sustaining engagement after initial
larger goals.
enthusiasm faded. Cognizant launched campaigns —
such as 101 Reasons to Learn and Be Future Ready — that
According to Cognizant, analyses of various data
kept people coming back to learn more. They also
sets indicate that the culture of learning within the
devised gamification strategies for the different pods:
company moved from “needs-based to a preemptive
weekly tech competitions for the T-Pod, a ten-day
and continual approach.” For example, the amount
habit-building challenge for the M-Pod, and a series on
of time spent on informal learning in just 2 quarters
learning methodologies for the L-Pod.
has been almost equivalent to a full year of formal


After the first year, the improvements are undeniable.
Cognizant launched 40 pods, reaching about 15% of
the organization — approximately 40,000 people.
They viewed 262,691 resources in the first year,
totaling nearly 900,000 hours of learning. Half of all
users voluntarily continued to learn beyond what was
required. The growth rate of learning was exponential,
as the resources consumed quintupled from under
5,000 to over 25,000 in just one quarter.

The business impacts became clear, too. A team

working on Secure Coding Practices accelerated
their skill development in only a week-and-a-half;
Cognizant employees love Degreed; it helps them find
relevant content, build their skills, and make a daily another team working on Java Spring did the same in
habit out of learning. four weeks. Product managers in Digital Engineering
embraced social learning as an effective approach to
keep themselves up-to-date with the latest trends.
“I drew inspiration from the other learners.” Another business unit identified its top 30 digital
—T-Pod participant leaders through a series of challenges on Degreed.
According to Cognizant’s statistical parameters, 90% of
“Degreed helps me with curated content that is the 40 groups in the initial rollout were successful.
relevant for my area of work.”
—L-Pod participant Ultimately, the platform boosted curiosity, developed
necessary skills, and built a dynamic network for
“The Degreed 10-Day Challenge increased my
learning. It was through that trio that Cognizant helped
motivation. Now at least once a day, I spend
some time improving my knowledge.” itself create a digital transformation and reskill their
employees. There aren’t a whole lot of guarantees in the
—T-Pod participant
IT world, but one is that change is inevitable. By building
a culture of learning, Cognizant is able to stay ready for
whatever’s next.

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