TTTC Memoir Prompt

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Emma Rosendale

Mrs. Storer
English H, Block 1
March 26, 2020
My mom

Angela Rosendale carries her black walkie-talkie. She is an elementary school principal and she
always carries round her walkie-talkie because there is always something new going on with her
students. Sometimes she even brings it home because she always has it hooked into one of her belt
She carries her silver apple watch. On her watch she can get all of the text
messages and emails without having to be on her phone or computer. My
mom is always busy and something new is always coming up with her
work. With her watch she can always be updated right when someone
sends her a message and she’s always on top of it. She is always
responding to parents, teachers, and other administrators
She carries her big work bag. My mom always has her work bag next to
her because even when she is not on campus, she is always working. She is
always writing announcements to the community and getting events ready for
her school. when one thing ends another one begins so she always has
something on her hands. She is taking her planners, notebooks, and files out
of her bag while she works from home.
She carries her stress. My moms school has a lot of special ed.
students and this comes with a lot of work, not always coming from the
students. There are always parents that have concerns about their children. My mom is always stressed
about providing the best education and care for those students. She is constantly observing teachers
with their students to ensure that they are doing their best to help their students. Not only with special
needs students, but my mom tries her hardest to make sure students’ safety and education comes
before everything else.
She carries her compassion. My mom started off as a teacher, then a vice principle, then she
worked at the district office away from students, but she ended up back on campus. She absolutely loves
her students and she always come home with stories about them. She genuinely cares about their well-
beings and makes sure they are all being taken care of. Being around students and working with them is
truly what she is meant to be doing because of her big heart and love for the student body.
She carries her strength. My mom has been through many hardships in her life and he is always
able to bounce back even stronger. Despite all of the obstacles she has faced she is always working to
better herself. In January of 2017 her had open heart surgery and within a few months she was working
on getting her PhD. Her recovery was astonishing to everyone, including her doctors. What takes people
six months to a year to recover from, she did it in a little over three months. Her strength inspires
everyone around her to push themselves to become successful as well.

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