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Basics About Risk And Money Management

Risk and money management are the final piece to complete your initial round through this
course. We have prepared a few lessons for you with the most important concepts that you will
need to understand in order to manage your risk and money effectively. Keep in mind that
most points are suggestions and how you apply the principles depends on your personal risk

We highly recommend that you get a trading journal and we on Tradeciety have developed the
#1 trading journal available in the market. It has been modeled after own journals initially and
we keep improving it over time. Use the discount code Tradeciety to get $30 off.
Check out the Edgework trading journal

Let’s recap:
▪ Your minimum required Reward:Risk ratio should be 2:1. Never go lower on an initial trade entry and
always try to aim higher
▪ Never risk more than 1% of your account per trade. Especially in the beginning
▪ Don’t worry too much about individual trades. Accept losses when they come – I mentioned it
throughout the course often that losses can’t be avoided
▪ Variance means that you can’t control the outcome of single trades but over the long-term your edge
will play out if you stick to the rules Thanks to mr.Sir for share and skillerm for uploading.

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