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26th March Level - Tough

1) 1000 terrorists were caught by NIA. A unique kind of punishment is

decided for them. They are made to stand in straight line. This first person
is given a sword. First person is asked to kill the second and give the
sword to third. Now the third is asked to kill fourth and pass the sword to
fifth and so on and 999th to kill 1000th, and pass the sword back to first
and repeat the whole process till only 1 person is left behind. And this last
terrorist left will be hanged at a public place. What numbered terrorist will be
the last one?
(Hint: Try with smaller numbers may be 5,6,7,8 and you can derive your own
2) Mr. Chunnibhai the diamond king on his death bed, decided to distribute
his diamonds to his 3 sons. First he called the eldest son and divided his
diamonds in 3 equal parts but 1 diamond was left out he gave that
remaining diamond to his faithful servant Ramu and one of the parts to the
eldest son, then he called his middle son again divided the remaining
diamonds in 3 equal parts ,but again one diamond was left behind. He gave
that remaining diamond to Ramu and one of three parts to the middle son.
Now it was the turn of youngest son and he did the same. Now finally he
called all the three sons together divided the diamonds in 3 parts and again
the remaining to Ramu and 1 part to each of the 3 sons. Find the minimum
number of diamonds Chunnibhai had.
(Hint: Proceed in the reverse order )
3) There are 2 boys Ranbir and Salman both in the love with same girl
Katrina. One fine day Katrina ask them to play a simple game and she will
get married to the winner. She keeps 70 chocolates in a bowl and every
person is asked to pick 1 or 2 chocolates turn by turn. The person picking
up the last chocolate will be the looser of the game. With their love at
stake both of them played very intelligently. Find who will be the winner of
the game if Ranbir starts the game?
(Hint : try with smaller numbers 2,3,4,5,6, 7 ,8 and you have your won
formula )

4) A brand new Dunlop tyre can cover a journey of exactly 2400 km. Find
minimum number of tyres needed for a Bhrat Darshan journey of 4200 kms
by Tata Nano.
5) There are two jars A and B. A contains Orange juice and B contains
equal quantity of wine. From jar A, some quantity of orange juice is
taken out and added to jar B. Now same quantity of wine is taken out
from jar B and added to jar A. At the end out of quantity of wine in jar A and
quantity of orange juice in jar B, which will be more?

6) There are 1000 bottles of wine arranged for a party. But a mischievous
person added poison in one of the bottles. There is just one hour left for
the party. The king has some rats which die in one hour even if they are
given even a slightest of the dose of poison. What is the minimum
number of rats needed to find the bottle which contains the poison?
(Hint: Try with smaller number may be 4, 8, 16. and you have your own

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