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Group 12 : Anida Triyana Putri (1811040371)

Chandra Aditia Nugraha (1811040369)

Melina Ayu Pratiwi (1811040404)


Paulin Robinson, in his books, defines evaluation as the discovery of the value for
some purpose. Other clearler definition is proposed by alderson and murphy who write that
evaluation is concerned with describing what is there and placing some value on what is

Why evaluation in ESP ?

 ESP has developed in respose to certain pressures.

 Developments in the theoretical bases of language teaching indicated a need to pay
more attention to the individual learner.
 The word of commerce and technology were producing host of people with specific
language learning needs at that time.
 A demand was generated as a result for courses which would equip particular learners
with necessary skills to carry out particular task in English.

There are two levels of evaluation have been brought into prominence :

A. Learner Assessment. In any language course, there is a need to assess student’s

performance at any strategic point. i.e. at start or at end. Learner assessment has great
importance in ESP because it deals with the ability to perform particular
communicative tasks. The result of this kind of evaluation enables sponsors, learners
and teachers to
B. Course Evaluation Levels of evaluation. Evaluating ESP course helps to establish
whether it is meeting its aims or not. Course evaluation also plays a useful social role,
by showing the various parties involved (teachers, learners, sponsors etc) that their
views are important.

Evaluation of learner reflects not just learner’s performance but to some extent the
effectiveness of otherwise of the course too. Evaluation of the learners is unlikely to indicate
exactly where a fault lies, but it will at least, but it will at least indicate the existence of a fault
somewhere. More price dagnostic evaluation can then be used to trace the fault.

In this sense, both course and learner evaluations have similar function in providing
feedback on the ESP course. Howefer, each type of evaluations also has other purposes and
procedures. Thus, while bearing in mind the similarity of role a feedback, we shall consider
those two kinds of evaluation separately.

Learner Assessment

There are type of learner assessment :

a. Placement tests
The aim of placement tests is to determine the learners state of knowledge before the
ESP begins. Placement tests are used to place the learners in the ESP course most
suited to student needs. If a learner is already proficient in the skills required, no
futher tuition is required. The placement test is diagnostic indicating how far and in
what ways the learner falls shortof proficiency level. A good placement test should
reveal positive factors. It should show not just what the learner lacks but also what
potential for learning can be exploited in ESP course.
b. Achievement tests
Achievement test is the least problematic, because it is usually internal to the course
and does not have to conform to external influences. It is should reflect the nature and
content of the course itself (Alderson and Hughes, 1981). This kind of test, usually
ESP teacher is most likely to have to contruct. In contructing a good ESP achievement
test you should follow the basic principles as you would for contructing any test.
Principles to conduct achievement test:
 Test whatyou can reasonably assume the learners have learnt.
 Test what actually to be tested.
 Avoid bias in the test.
c. Proficiency test
Davies and west (1984) in the introduction to their guide to English language
examinations, identify the primary purpose of language testing in the eighties as
proficiency testing designed to assess whethere candidates will be able to perform the
language tasks required of them. Such tests, they say, are primarily
criterionriferenced. There is no pass/fail distinction, but rather a scale of degrees of
proficiency in the task. An example of such a scale is that used for the British
Council’s ELTS test which is used to assess a candidate’s ability to study at an
English- medium institution of higher education:
The move towards profiency testing fits very neatly with the concept of ESP,
which is crucially concerned with enabling learners to perform certain language tasks.
Profiency test for specific purposes should, therefore, be able to give a reliable in
indication on whether a candidate is proficient enough to carry out the tasks that will
be required.

Course evaluation

ESP course is like any courses thet its existention is justified as a particular
educational need. Through evaluation, ESP course is actually fulfilling the needs. The
sponsor also needs clear information to be supplied the suitable course and as well further
investment and support on the result.

Establishing the meeting of aims, evaluating the ESP course is the solution. From
many revisions of course, the information is gotten and also help to guide the design of
similar courses. Showing the various parties involved, course evaluation is as a social role.
Teacher, learners, sponsors etc, are the parties involved, course evaluation is as a social role.
Teacher, learners, sponsors are the parties involved that their opinions are important.

There are four aspect of ESP based on Alderson and Waters (1983):

1. What should be evaluated ?

Everything that is significant must be evaluated. However, there are two important
things that must be constraints:
a. The ability of the teacher collect the information.
b. The ability of the teacher to use the information for evaluating.

ESP course, in learning centered approach, is to meet two main needs of the learner.
The first their needs as language learner and second their needs as language user.
Through the aims of RSP course, its evaluation is concened with assessing the extent
of their needs.

There are two basic question before assessing the students:

a. Is the course fulfilling the learners language learning and using needs?
b. Has the course fulfilled or is the course fulfilling language users needs?
2. How can ESP courses be evaluated ?
In theory, there are many ways to evaluate ESP course, from simulation to
suggestion boxes.however, in practice, most ESP courses are evaluated using one or
more of the following techniques:
 Test result
 Questionnaires
 Discussions
 Interviews
 Informal means (e.g. unsolicited comment, casual chart etc)

The suitable techniques are used base on the teaching situation best. For gathering
the evaluation information is in the first stage process. Then, collected and
summarized it, if it is extensive. It needs to be discussed with all interested parties
and conclusion drawn. Finally, it is included in evaluation report as a basis futher
discussion and decision making.

3. Who should be involved in the evaluation ?

In every colleague will vary about who involved in ESP course evaluation. It
is likely in practice there are ESP teaching institution, the ESP teachers, the learners,
and the course sponsors.
Evaluation is concern with people evaluation of value and the opinions. It is
related with their interest and concern. Getting learners views are more difficult
because they do not give real view. Learners tought that views will influence their
assessment. Therefore, the views of learners could support the SP course and useful
for feedback. The way of getting information by asking who you ask and how you ask
is important.
4. When (and how often) should evaluation take place ?
 There is an undoubted danger in doing course evaluation too frequently.
 The dangers is not doing course evaluation often enough are equal, or greater.
 If there is no proper channel or forum for these views, there is a risk of
misunderstanding or at worst hostility.
 It is difficult to prescribe how often course evaluation should be done.
 All sensitive and responsive teaching will include this a continuing feature
According to Hutchinson and Water in 2008, the most appropriate time to evaluate the
course are:
a. In the first week of the course.
b. At regular intervals through out the course.
c. At the end of course.
d. At the end of the course in each meeting, because it is effective to know how well
the course achieved the goal.

It is difficult to prescribe how often course evaluation should be done. It is need

sensitivity and respond in evaluating the course. Besides, it is also depend on the
characteristics of the individual theaching situation

References :

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