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Zombies to Zealots
Reawaken the Human Spirit at Work!
“Our teams are being blown apart and disembodied weekly.”
“Ugh, it’s like the walking dead around here.”
“Our leaders are asleep at the wheel.”



Poll: Did you a=end our pre-summit session?
When asked what was most important to their business,
22 leaders from 6 global companies responded:

Yes “Energize our people – bring our teams back to life at work.”

If 80% of employees around the globe are
disengaged at work, what in the world have
leadership development gurus and coaches
been up to over these past 20+ years?

3 4


ObjecAves for this session? Defining Working Zombies and Zealots
Zombies: Overworked, dehumanized souls and shells of human beings; ones
What to say to when “Energizing our People” is a top
who lost enthusiasm, zeal, and passion for work; infecNous saboteurs who
business imperaNve for organizaNonal growth. commiserate with others, fueling tensions

How to partner with the team leader in real Nme (versus an

event) to transfer coaching skills so a leader reconnects, and
can shiT into the coaching role – bringing their team to life.
Zealots: Champions for the human spirit, curious, passionate and courageous
Learn more about scaling Team Coaching as the tool kit for human beings; contagious change agents and enthusiasts who make no disNncNon
between work and play. Same Game!
coaches, the original Zombie Rescue Team!

5 6

Change Agents & Partners Energy Wheel

Craig Flanagan Anne Whitaker

Global Head Field Excellence & CapabiliNes EVP – Global Chair, Pharma

7 8


What Keeps Teams from Being Fully Energized? Poll: Using the Language of Energy – Spirited Leadership in my work
with organizaAons can be challenging because:
A.  Zombie Boss – inNmidator, controls others acNviNes, takes credit for
best ideas, spits-yells-tells
A.  Leadership is becoming more authoritarian and people are frozen in fear.
B.  In the Dark – leashed & spoon fed mandates ; can’t see leader vision, no
idea what they are working for, or if their work mabers
C.  Brain Drain – burnt out superheroes, exhausted, can never give enough, B.  Seems the bolder I am with my energy, the more polarizing I become.
slippery slope from resilience to overwhelm C.  I am typically fearless, yet I’ve encountered a few team or organizaAonal
D.  Frozen in Fear – chaos in too many changes and fear of consequence challenges that shocked me or stopped me.
E.  Dispirited – Not enough fun! No sense of Ownership
D.  I could use some upgrades in my language to introduce a shiY from fear to
love - - or care.
E. Truth is - I also withhold some direct communicaAon.

9 10

Language for Zombie Response Teams to The Case

use in ways that create Spirited Workplaces IniAal Engagement Survey

1660 of 1902 of the comments were emoNonal appeals for change
In this Case:
Fear Love
  Employees felt weary, drained of energy, and lacking direcIon or a sense of power
Frozen Unleashed due to mergers and org changes that include integraIng and streamlining cultures.

Myths Truth   Calibrated performance management systems if misused objecIfied people who felt
Divided abenNon One mind
  FrustraIons mounted when cost containment measures and technology complaints
Ego Spirit were not addressed.

Struggle Play   Employees got lost in decision making, unclear about direcIon or future state.

Confusion Clarity
Clarion call to listen and act
Chaos Care in Chaos

11 12


William Bridges Change Curve Zombies to Zealots Energy Curve™

13 14

Stages of organizaAonal development Change Agents Journey
Six Steps 5


3 Select a Coach the

number of teams, share
Teach the
change teams that the successes
agents can provide a and bright
2 Listen to the coaching Npping point spots with
OrganizaNon skills for the enNre enNre
(including the organizaNon organizaNon
IdenNfy the leaders)
1 Change Share 3-5 themes
Agent team with leaders – who
take immediate
Benchmark the acNon.

15 16


QuesAons we posed
  What is your experience of change (relaNve to your work experience)
  What is your experience of change (relaNve to the bigger world view and
your own life)
  How does change show up for you, physically – in your body? EmoNonally?
Mentally? And the realm of meaning?

  What does changing a culture require of you personally?

  What is the most extraordinary and impacmul change you have personally
witnessed, anywhere?
  What are the sacred assumpNons the organizaNon needs to address sooner
than later?
  What do you hold sacred?

17 18

Change Agents Team Coaching as the Accelerator

Unleashing the full potenHal of the company Scaling the Team Advantage process

  A catalyst to build capabiliNes that will put the organizaNon   60 Teams – simultaneously – coached by a change agent
in a posiNon to change in ways that meet the needs of a coach and a professional mentor coach to use this complete
process for team transformaNon… a game plan.
rapidly shiTing business and customer landscape.
  Tied to a business goal, the teams framed a game plan with
  An organizaIonal culture champion who sees the best in others strategic drivers, scoreboards, and a team charter, creaNng a
and works to unleash possibility everyday. plamorm for coaching.

19 20


Team Advantage ™ Some Extraordinary Goals

live our team charter and have all team

Exuberantly members in the top 30% of the company.

corporate mandated customer retenNon

Beat the target by 10%.

Our is a place where people love to work, fell

company valued, have fun, and are engaged.

THE paNent-centered oncology soluNons

We are partner in a changing healthcare
known as environment.

21 22

Impact Results Impact Results

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Impact Results for Leaders Rehumanize

All leadership strategies were posiNvely impacted CreaAng Spirited Workplaces™
Significantly, Energize our People and Culture
Four ShiYs we can all make!

  Enabled employees to problem solve, innovate and conNnuously improve
1. From I, me, mine – to ‘We, We, We!” (Ubuntu)
  Built employees’ change agility by energizing the culture and simplifying
processes 2. From withholding to truth telling
  Raised the leadership capability and expectaNon for coaching through 3. From mandates to Spirited leadership – Coaching
change across the organizaNon and parNcipaNng
  Employees were heard and collaboraNon across departments was visible 4. Becoming the Change Agent in your world – role!

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Y/OUR career path is synonymous with your spiritual path

QuesAons zombies to zealots – remember chapter

Q & A InstrucAons… “The souls of people, on their way to Earth-life, pass through a
room full of lights; each takes a taper—oTen only a spark—to
Please raise your hand with the icon for that guide it in the dim country of this world. But some souls, by
rare fortune, are detained longer—and have Nme to grab a
or post your quesNon in the chat space for the handful of tapers, which they weave into a torch. These are
the torchbearers of humanity—its poets, seers, and saints,
host to catch. (and coaches), who lead and liT the race out of darkness,
toward the light. They are the law-givers and saviors, the light-
bringers, way-showers and truth-tellers, and without them,
humanity would lose its way in the dark.”

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Thank you for joining us

For this in-depth discussion
during this WBECS Summit
Zombies to Zealots
it’s time we
coached team
leaders and teams
For addiAonal informaAon
back to life!
or to connect on a deeper


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