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t SSector
t SSemi-Government
iG t
Thayet Cement Plant
(3 production
d ti lines)
li )
400 tpd Wet Process. 3 - lines
Government Sector Kyangin Cement Plant
((Ministryy off Industry)
y) ( pproduction lines))
400 tpd Wet Process. 4 – lines
Kyaukse Cement Plant
(1 production line)
500 tpd
t d Dry Process
( S.P Kiln System)
9 Trying
y g to pprivatize
vat e all
a the
t e pplants.
a ts.
9 At present only Kyaukse Cement Plant is successfully
i i d on J.V
J V Basis.
B i
9 The foreign partner is CONCH Group of China.
9 The JV Company is planning to set up a new 5000 tpd
Plant and expected to be completed at the end of 2015.
9 (The remaining 2 plants are under the process of J.V
Myanmar Economic Corporation

Semi Government
Sector Myanmar Economic Holding

Nay Pyi Taw City Development

Committee (NCDC)
Myanmar Economic
E i Corporation
C ti (M.E.C)
(M E C)

€ MEC has two plants at Myainggalay near Pa-an.

€ 900 tpd Dry Process NSP system
€ 4000 tpd Dry Process NSP system
Myanmar Economic Holding (M.E.H)

€ MEH has three pproduction lines.

€ 400 tpd Wet Process one line

€ 700 tpd Dry Process N.S.P System one line

€ 1200 tpd Dry Process N.S.P System one line

¾ MEH Cement Plants are under J.V Systems with

M.Y Associates Co., and LVT Thailand.
Nay Pyi Taw City Development Committee

€ 500 tpd Wet Process Cement Plant (Taungphilar)

Lewei Tsp.
1. Triple A Cement Plants
¾ Four production lines
¾ 200tpdd Wet Process 1 Line ( Kyauk Chaw east of
¾ 500tpd Wet Process 1.Line ( Kyauk
y Chaw east off
¾ 500tpd Wet Process 2 Lines (Taungtaw – near Kyaukse)
2. Tiger Head Cement Plant
¾ 300tpd Wet Process 1. Line ((Taungtaw
g – near Kyaukse)
y )
3.Mandalay Cement Industry (Myanmar Sin)
¾300tpdd Dry Process SS.P
P Klin System 2 lines (Taungtaw
– near Kyaukse)
¾300tpd Dry Process S.P Klin System 1 line ( Kyauk
Chaw east of Mandalay plant)
4. Thantaw Myat Cement Plant ( Double Rhinos
¾5000tpd Dry Process N.S.P System ( Kyaukse tsp).
5 Ruby
5. R b Dragon
Cementt Pl

¾ 400tpdd Wet Process 2 Lines ( Tee Kyit Shan State)

6. Crown Cement Plant ( Ngweyi

g y pale
p Mining
g Co.,)

¾ 1500tpd Dry Process N.S.P System (Naung Cho –

Shan State)

7. Apachi Cement Plant ( Shwetaung Co.,)

¾ 1500tpd Dry
D P Process N
SPS System
t (P(Pyin
i NNyaung
g Thazi township)
8 KBZ Cement Plant (Pangpet near Taunggyi –
Shan state)
¾ 1000tpd Dry Process NN.S.P
S P System
9. Max Cement Plant I (Max Company)
¾ 500tpd Wet Process – (At Present, it is under
conversion to Dry Process 2000tpd
p ) (Taungphilar –
Lewei Tsp)
10. Max Cement Plant II
¾ 500tpd Wet Process ( Pyin Nyaung area ) ( formerly
owned by YCDC)
11. Htoo Trading CO.,

¾ 1500tpd Dry process ( Pyin nyaung Region, Thazi

tsp) ( Under installation)

12 Pak
12. P k – link
li k Co.,
C (Pya
(P Taung)
T ) near Mawlamyaing
M l i

¾ 5000tpd
t d Dry Process N
S P System ( Under project
Period) Joint Venture wirh S.C.G (Thailand)
1. Sun Linn Co.,
Waing Maw Tsp (near
( Myitkyina)
k ) Kachin
h State
y Kaungg Ton Co.,
Bhamo Tsp
3 Jade Land Co
3. Co.,
Bhmao Tsp
4. Tamonye Chantha CO.,
Lasho Tsp
5. Tun Thwin Mining CO.,
Kalayy Tspp
6. Asia Phyo CO.,
Kanbalu Tspp
7. United Cement
Pa an Tsp
8. June Industry CO.,
Kyaik Ma Yaw Tsp
9. Zekabar Co.,
Kyaik Ma Yaw Tsp
10. Farmer Pho Yazar CO.,
K ik Ma
Kyaik M Y
Yaw T
11. Nyi Nyar Swan Ah CO.,
Aung Pan Tsp.
12 Tet Lu Co.,
12. Co
Thazi Tsp
13. Asia World CO.,
Thazi Tspp
14. Eden Group CO.,
Thazi Tsp
15. Min Ah Naw Ya Htar CO.,
Pinlong Tsp
16 M
16. Myanmar Naing
N i Group
G CO.,
Kyaukse Tsp
17. 24 Hrs Mining CO.,
Taninthayi Tsp.
Installed Capacities Actual Production
The installed The actual production
capacities of the of existing cement
above mentioned
l t isi only
l 3.66
3 66
existing cement
plants is 5.46
5 46 million ton pper yyear.
million ton per year.
Government plants
o Thayet Cement plant is under the process of
o Presently only one production line is active.
o Kyangin Cement plant is i also
l under
d the
th process
of privatization and presently only one
d i line li isi active.
€ Kyaukse cement plant is already privatized.
€ New 5000tpd is on going process.

€ The plant will be completed at the end of 2015 or

early beginning of 2016.

€ Existing 500tpd plant is running at the rate of

Union of Myanmar Economic Holding Ltd
• UMEHL has three pproduction lines.
• This plant is running under J.V basis.
• The foreign partner is LVT Co.,
Co of Thailand
whose local agent is MY Associated Co.,
• At present, one production line (1200 tpd) is
€ Existing two plants (900 to 4000 tpd) are
€ They are producing only 80% of installed
Triple A are also running

g Head

M d l
Industry also produce 80% of
installed capacity.

are running with full
l t
€ Thantaw Myat Cement Plant at Kyaukse (5000 tpd)
and Kanbawza Cement plant near Taungyi are under
€ So actual production capacity of Myanmar is only
3.66 million ton.
Population Of Myanmar according as 2014 census is 51 to 52 millions.millions Per
capita consumption of cement is 150 kg .So the demand of cement is about 7.8 million.
(Say 8 million ton).
But present production capacity is as mentioned above 3.66 3 66 million ton only.
So the remaining gap is f illed by imported Cement.
Remaining projects which are not realized until now are as shown
i l TheTh delay
d l off realization
li i is i as the
h following:-
f ll i
1. Short Of Investment.
Myanmar Local partners can not afford totally. They need
foreign investment.
2. Electrical power is not suff icient at present. There are many
y Projects
j remainingg to be completed.
3. For big projects they have to rely on imported coal.
4. Most of foreign investers are waiting for 2015 General Election,
because stability of political condition is essential for them.
Cement market
k Price
The above mentioned projects are only some outstanding cases. cases There are
many more small and medium projects.
Dear Delegates,
g Myanmar
y is in the intermediate stage
g off ppolitical
changes. Myanmar people are under the Military Junta for more than half a
Present M
Myanmar Government
G declare
d l to the h world ld that
h theyh are
changing from Military Rule to Democratic State. Then the f irst bold step is
they release Daw Aung San Su Kyi from House Arrest Arrest. After that they
continue to release more and more political prisoners.
Theyy also release the ppress and media to a considerable extent. After f
that American lifted some sanctions. Then some countries from Europe and
Asia start investing in Myanmar.
So Myanmar is at the gate of Development. To become a
developed country,
country it depend upon the true political change.
It wholley depend upon 2015 General Election.
But I hope the military people are now begin to
know the taste of Democracy. Myanmar will def initely
change into Democratic State.
State But , it will change step by
step. We have to wait and see.
There may be some risk to invest in Myanmar. But
who come f irst will get better chance in very near future.
Then Myanmar Cement Industryy will ggrow ffaster.
Welcome To Myanmar

Thank You
S Naing
Soe N i

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