Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Unmastered Competencies IN Biology II

Second Semester
SY 2019 - 2020

Competency Code Competency Number of Students

Compare and contrast the
following processes in plants and
STEM_BIO11/12-Iva-h-1 animals: reproduction, 3
development, nutrition, gas
exchange, transport/circulation,
regulation of body fluids, chemical
and nervous control, immune
systems, and sensory and motor

Prepared by: Noted by:


SST-III (SHS) Principal II

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Oriental Mindoro
PILI NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Quality & Transformative
Pili, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro EDUCATION


Name ________________________________________________ Session No:___________

Grade: _____________________Section:____________________ Date: ________________

I. Objectives: At the end of this module , you as a learner are expected to

1. Differentiate central and peripheral nervous system
2. Cite how the processing of information happened

II. Materials:
Activity Sheets
Learning materials
Internet access
III. Procedures

A. Motivation
On this illustration, In your notebook write something about the process of transferring information.

Answer this: Fill in the

statement below.

__ __ __ __ as a sensor detect external stimuli then integrate to the ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ then
(sense organ) ( Part of Central Nervous System)

leaves to trigger ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.

(muscular system)

B. Analysis

How the nervous system process information?

C. Abstraction

 Neurons are nerve cells that transfer information within the body
• Interpreting signals in the nervous system involves sorting a complex set of paths and
• Processing of information takes place in simple clusters of neurons called ganglia or a more
complex organization of neurons called a brain
• Nervous systems process information in three stages: sensory input, integration, and motor output
• Sensors detect external stimuli and internal conditions and transmit information along sensory
• Sensory information is sent to the brain or ganglia, where interneurons integrate the information
• Motor output leaves the brain or ganglia via motor neurons, which trigger muscle or gland
Many animals have a complex nervous system that consists of
• A central nervous system (CNS) where integration takes place; this includes the brain and a
nerve cord
• A peripheral nervous system (PNS), which carries information into and out of the CNS
• The neurons of the PNS, when bundled together, form nerves

Why our sense organ play important role in the activity of our nervous system?
 Our senses detect information
 Sensory information sent to the brain
 These triggers motor neurons once interpreted by the brain

What is the difference between central and peripheral nervous system?

• A central nervous system (CNS) where integration takes place; this includes the brain and a
nerve cord
• A peripheral nervous system (PNS), which carries information into and out of the CNS

D. Activity

In your notebook, explain the processing of information using the illustration below.

D1. Find meaning and function of following terminologies using science dictionary or though
1. Gray matter
2. Spinal cord
3. Quadriceps muscle
4. Stimuli

D2. Answer the following question:

1. What sense organ detect the stimuli?

2. Where does the information pass through first after detection?
3. What specific part of the brain it was integrated?
4. Does the motor triggers the muscle?
5. How the muscle in the leg react?

E. Reflection

1. As a student how are you going to take good care your nervous system?
2. Does the nervous system plays important role in the body? If yes, in what way?

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