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2010 DHS Year 5 Chemistry

The Gaseous State Tutorial

1. The ideal gas equation is given by pV=nRT, sketch the following graph for an
ideal gas:

(a) p against n at constant V and T(k)

(b) p against V at constant n and T(k)
(c) p against ρ (density of gas) at constant T(k)
(d)* against T/oC

(e) against p at constant T
(f)* against p




2010 DHS Year 5 Chemistry

pressure / density




(f) p

2010 DHS Year 5 Chemistry

2. An ideal gas occupied a volume of 4.00 dm3 at 15oC and 1.01 x 105 Pa.
What will be the volume of the gas at 80oC and 4.00x105 Pa?

Vi = 4.00 dm3 Vf = ?
Ti = 15 oC = 288.15 K Tf = 80 oC = 353.15 K
Pi = 1.01 x 105 Nm-2 Pf = 4.00 x 105 Nm-2

Using Equation of State:

PiVi Pf V f

Ti Tf
(4) 1.01  10 5 V f (4.00  10 )

288.15 353.15
V f  1.237
 1.24 dm 3

The volume of the gas at 50oC and 3.25 x 105 Nm-2 is 1.24 dm3

3. A balloon can hold 1000 cm3 of air before bursting. The balloon contains 975
cm3 of air at 5C. Will it burst when it is taken into a house at 25C? Assume
that the pressure of the gas in the balloon remains constant.

Using Charles’ Law:

V1 V2

T1 T2

975 V2

278.15 298.15

V2 
 1045cm 3  1000cm 3

Therefore, the balloon will burst when it is taken into a house at 25 C.

2010 DHS Year 5 Chemistry

4. What is the mass of potassium required to react with hydrochloric acid to

produce 10.00 dm3 of hydrogen at 30oC and at a pressure of 6.0x104 Pa?

2K (s) + 2H+ (aq) 2K+ (aq) + H2 (g)

Using ideal gas equation, pV = nRT

PV (6.0  10 4 )(0.010)
n 
RT (8.314)(303.15)
 0.2381
 Number of mol of H2 evolved = 0.2381
Mole ratio 2K H 2

Number of mol of K = 0.4762

Mass of K = 0.4762 x 39.1

= 18.6 g

5. A compound M has the composition by mass, C: 80.0%; H: 6.70%; O: 13.3%.

(a) Calculate the empirical formula of M.
(b) 0.306 g of liquid M was vaporized at 480 K, which is just above its
boiling point, and it occupied 100 cm3 at a pressure of 101 kPa. Calculate the
relative molecular mass of M and hence its molecular formula.

%mass 80.0 6.7 13.3
Ar 12 1 16
No of mol 6.6667 6.7000 0.831125
Divide by 8 8 1
Empirical formula is C8H8O

(b) Using ideal gas equation, pV = nRT

pV = RT

2010 DHS Year 5 Chemistry

mRT (0.611)(8.314)(480)
M 
pV (101  10 3 )(100  10 6 )
 120.5
Let the molecular formula be (C8H8O)n
n[8(12) + 8 + 16] = 120.5
120n = 120.5
n  1

Therefore, molecular formula of M is C8H8O

6. (a) Calculate the density of nitrogen dioxide at 0.970 atm and 35 oC.
(b) Calculate the molar mass of a gas if 2.50 g occupied 0.875 L at 91.0kPa and
35 oC.
0.970  1.01 10 5  (14.0  32.0)
(a) Density of nitrogen gas = = 1760 g m-3
8.314  (35  273)

2.50  8.314  (35  273)
(b) Molar mass of gas = 3
= 80.4 gmol-1
91.0  10  0.875  10

N2 O2
2.0 L 3.0 L
1.0 atm 2.0 atm
25 oC 25 oC
The diagram above shows two bulbs connected by a stopcock, each filled
with the respective gases at the pressure stated. Assuming that the gases do not
react, what is the final pressure inside the whole system when the stopcock is
opened? If the temperature of the system was increased to 60 oC, what will be the
pressure inside the system?

Using Boyle’s Law, p1V1 = p2V2

For N2, 1.0 (2.0) = p2 (5.0)
Partial pressure of N2 = 0.4 atm

2010 DHS Year 5 Chemistry

For O2, 2.0 (3.0) = p2 (5.0)

Partial pressure of O2 = 1.2 atm

Final pressure inside the system = 1.2 + 0.4 = 1.6 atm

p1V1 p 2V2
Using equation of state, 
T1 T2

1.6  5.0 p 2  5.0

25  273.15 60  273.15
1.6  (60  273 )
Pressure inside the system = = 1.79 atm
25  273

8. 6.00 dm3 of methane at a pressure of 2.02 x 105 Nm-2, 20.0 dm3 of ethane at
a pressure 3.5 x 105 Nm-2 and 2.5 dm3 of propane at a pressure 1.01 x 105
Nm-2 are introduced into a 30 dm3 vessel. Find the final pressure of the
resultant mixture assuming the temperature remains constant throughout the

Vf = 30 dm3

For methane Vi = 6.00 dm3

Pi = 2.02 x 105 Pa

Using Boyle’s Law, PiVi = PfVf

6.00(2.02x105) = Pf (30)

Pf = 4.04 x 104 Pa (1)

For ethane Vi = 20.0 dm3

Pi = 3.5 x 105 Pa

Using Boyle’s Law, PiVi = PfVf

20.0(3.5x105) = Pf (30)

Pf = 2.33 x 105 Pa (2)

2010 DHS Year 5 Chemistry

For propane Vi = 2.5 dm3

Pi = 1.01 x 105 Pa

Using Boyle’s Law, PiVi = PfVf

2.5(1.01x105) = Pf (30)

Pf = 8.42 x 103 Pa (3)

Therefore total pressure of resulting mixture = (1)+(2)+(3)

= (4.04 x 104) + (2.33 x 105) + (8.42 x 103)

= 2.818 x 105

= 2.82 x 105 Pa

The final pressure of the resultant mixture is 2.82 x 105 Pa

9. Potassium chlorate, KClO3, decomposes according to the equation

2 KClO3 (s)  2 KCl (s) + 3 O2 (g)
A sample of KClO3 is partially decomposed, producing O2 gas that is collected
over water. The volume of gas collected is 250 cm3 at 26 oC. The total
pressure of the gases collected is 1.017 x 105 Pa. Given that pressure of
water vapour at 26 oC is 3322 Pa,
(a) How many moles of O2 are collected?
(b) What mass of KClO3 was decomposed?

Both oxygen and water vapour are collected in the vessel.

Partial pressure of oxygen = 1.017 x 105 – 3322

= 98378 Pa

Using ideal gas equation, pV = nRT,

(98378)(250 x 10-6) = n (8.31)(26 + 273)
98378  250  10 6
(a) No. of mol of O2 collected =
8.314  (26  273)
= 0.00989

Mole ratio 2 KClO3  3 O2

2010 DHS Year 5 Chemistry

No. of mol of KClO3 decomposed = 0.00989 x (2/3)

= 0.00659
Mass of of KClO3 decomposed = 0.00659 x (39.1 + 35.5 + 3 x 16.0)
= 0.808g

10. What are the assumptions made in deriving the ideal gas equation? Under
what condition will a real gas not obey the ideal gas equation? Explain your

Assumptions of real gases in the ideal gas equation:

1. The gas particles have negligible volume i.e. the volume of the gas particles
is negligible compared with that of the container.

2. There are negligible intermolecular forces of attraction between gas


3. The collisions which occur between gas particles and with walls of the
container are perfectly elastic

4. The kinetic energy of gaseous molecules is proportional to the absolute


5. The particles of a gas are in constant random motion

Conditions at which real gases disobey the ideal gas equation:

 High pressure
 Low temperature

At high pressure:
- the gas particles are closely packed together in a small volume

- As a result, volume occupied by the gas particles becomes significant

compared to volume of the container.

At low temperature:
- The molecules possess low kinetic energy and move at a slower pace

- As such intermolecular forces of attraction become significant and

collisions become inelastic

2010 DHS Year 5 Chemistry

11. 0.0800 g of a liquid compound was completely vaporized in a gas syringe at

127oC and a pressure of 1 atm. 81.0 cm3 of vapour was produced.

(a) Determine the relative molecular mass of the liquid.

(b) The liquid used was pure methanol (CH3OH). It is known that there is
significant intermolecular attraction between the molecules of methanol.
Suggest reasons why there is a difference between the theoretical value of
the Mr and the value obtained in part (a).
PV 
a) mRT (0.0800)(8.314)(400)
M  
PV (101  10 3 )(81  10 6 )
 32.5

(b) Theoretical relative molecular mass of CH3OH= 12.0 +3.0+ 16.0+1.0 = 32.0

Theoretical and experimental values are inconsistent due to methanol being a

real gas. Methanol deviates from ideal gas behavior due to the intermolecular
Hydrogen bonding which is present in methanol.

12 (i) Does the behavior of noble gases approach or deviate more from ideality,
going down the group from helium to xenon? Suggest reasons for your
 Noble gases deviate more from ideality, going down the group from helium to
 Going down the group, the gas particles increase in size
 Bigger gas particles experience greater intermolecular forces of
 Thus, the deviation from ideality increases
(ii) State the conditions in which the behavior of real gases is most nearly ideal.
Explain why.
 Real gases behave nearly ideal under conditions of high temperature and
low pressure
 At high temperature, gas molecules have high energy and move faster,
thus, intermolecular forces of attraction become can be overcome and
collisions become more elastic

2010 DHS Year 5 Chemistry

 At low pressure, gas molecules are at constant motion in a bigger volume,

thus, volume of gas is approximately negligible compared to volume of

13. Data-based application problem for H2 Chemistry

Almost all cars currently use what is called a four-stroke combustion cycle to convert
gasoline into motion. The four-stroke approach is also known as the Otto cycle, in
honor of Nikolaus Otto, who invented it in 1867.

The pistons in an automobile engine are driven by the following reaction between
octane (C8H18, molecular weight = 114 g mol-1) and oxygen (O2, molecular weight
= 32 g mol-1), which takes place in the cylinders.

2 C8H18 + 25 O2  16 CO2 + 18 H2O

(a) If the cylinder has a total volume of 6.15 litres and one fifth of the air filling this
volume at 1 atm and 27oC is oxygen, calculate the partial pressure of oxygen in
the engine and hence determine the mass of octane necessary to combine
exactly with the oxygen. (Take R = 8.314 JK-1mol-1).
From the question, 1/5 of the total volume is occupied by oxygen
 20% of the total volume is oxygen
 Mole fraction of oxygen is 20%

Partial pressure of oxygen = 0.20 (1) = 0.20 atm

Using Ideal Gas Law, pV=nRT

pO2 V 0.20  1.01  10 5  6.15  10 3

No of mol of O2 =   0.04983
RT 8.31  (27  273)

From the equation, the reaction between octane and O2

2C8H18 ≡ 25O2
No of mol of C8H18 =  0.04983  0.003986
 Required mass of octane = 0.003986 x 114.0 g/mol = 0.454 g

2010 DHS Year 5 Chemistry

(b) Should octane burn in limited supply of oxygen, incomplete combustion will
occur. Construct a balanced equation showing this process.

C8H18 + O  8CO + 9H2O
2 2

(c) Carbon monoxide poisons human by irreversibly binding to haemoglobin in the

bloodstream which will take up oxygen binding sites and eventually causing the
blood to lose all of its ability to transport oxygen leading to death. Exposure to a
carbon monoxide concentration of 0.40% by volume is quickly lethal and exposure at
2000 ppm for one hour will cause unconsciousness. If a defective automobile in a
sealed garage having a volume of 4.10 x 104 litres produces 0.60 mol of carbon
monoxide per minute,
(i) Calculate how long will it take to reach the lethal concentration of CO? Assume
that the volume remains constant at 27oC and at a pressure of 1 atm.
(ii) Mass of CO required in 2000 ppm to cause unconsciousness after one hour

Temperature of garage = 27 + 273.15 K = 300.15 K

Volume of CO required to become lethal = 0.40% x 4.10 x 104 litres
= 164 litres
= 0.164 m3

Using ideal gas law, pV=nRT

(1 x 1.01 x 105) (0.164)= n (8.314) (300.15)
1.01 10 5  0.164
No. of mol of CO required to become lethal = = 6.637
8.31 300

Since the automobile produces CO at a rate of 0.60 mol/min,

Time to produce 6.644 mol of CO = = 11.1 min

Units of ‘ppm’ means ‘parts per million’:

ppm by mass  1 ppm = 1 g in 106 g
ppm by volume  1 ppm = 1 cm3 in 106 cm3

2000 ppm = 2000 litres in 106 litres

Volume of CO to cause unconsciousness = 6
 4.10  10 4 = 82 litres = 0.082 m3
Using ideal gas equation, pV = nRT,

2010 DHS Year 5 Chemistry

(1 x 1.01 x 105) (0.082) = n (8.314) (300.15)

1.01 10 5  0.082
No. of mol of CO to cause unconsciousness = = 3.3188
8.31 300
Mass of CO required to cause unconsciousness = 3.3188 x (12.0 + 16.0)
= 92.9 g

14. The graph below shows the plots of compressibility factor, Z, against pressure, p,
for an ideal gas, hydrogen gas, ammonia and methane.




(a) From the graph, which gas, H2 or CH4 deviates more from ideal gas behavior?
Using the kinetic model theory, explain your choice.
(b) The graphs for NH3 and CH4 greater deviation from ideal gas behavior for NH3
before both graphs cross at A. Explain the above observation.

(a) CH4 deviates more from ideal gas behavior

 According to the kinetic model theory, gas particles have negligible volume
and negligible intermolecular forces of attraction between particles
 Both H2 and CH4 are real gases and thus deviate from ideal gas behavior,
 CH4 deviates more because CH4 molecules occupy a bigger volume
compared to H2 molecules
 Also, CH4 molecules experience greater intermolecular forces of
attraction between particles compared to H2 molecules

(b) The gases CH4 and NH3 both deviate from ideal gas behavior.
 NH3 molecules experience greater intermolecular forces of attraction
as there are hydrogen bonding between particles, while CH4 molecules
have weaker intermolecular forces of attraction

2010 DHS Year 5 Chemistry

 This causes NH3 molecules to occupy a smaller volume than CH4

molecules at intermediate pressures
 As pressure increases the volume of NH3 quickly reaches a minimum
while that of CH4 can still be compressed.
 As such, at high pressures, the increase in pressure will result in a more
significant increase in Z for NH3 compared to CH4
 This results in the cross as A, showing NH3 having increasing deviation
from ideal gas behavior.

Answers to MCQ questions

Qn 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Ans 1&2 B 1,2,3 D 1&2 D A A C B


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