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Dunman High School

2011 Year 5 H2 CHEMISTRY

Tutorial: Chemical Energetics (Part I)

A Calorimetric Calculations
Steps to calculate ∆H

Step 1: Write the balanced equation (where possible)

Step 2: Calculate apparent amount of heat absorbed/ released by

reaction, Q’ using Q’ = mc∆T

Step 3: Calculate actual amount of heat absorbed/ released by reaction,

Q, using Q’ (no heat loss to surrounding)
or Q’ = 100 Q (x% efficiency)

Step 4: Calculate n where n = no. of moles of water (neutralisation)

n = no. of moles of substance (combustion)
Step 5: Calculate enthalpy change using ∆Hrxn =+n
where (–) for exothermic reaction and (+) for endothermic reaction

1 A flame calorimeter was used to find the standard enthalpy change of combustion of
propan–1–ol. The following information was obtained during the experiment:
(not ‘c’) Heat capacity of apparatus = 3.01 kJ K–1
Mass of propan–1–ol burned = 2.40 g
Initial temperature = 27.3°C Temp   ∆H < 0
Maximum temperature = 52.3°C

(a) Explain, with the aid of a chemical equation with state symbols, what is meant by the
standard enthalpy change of combustion of propan–1–ol.

The standard enthalpy change of combustion of CH3CH2CH2OH is

the energy evolved when one mole of CH3CH2CH2OH is
completely burnt in oxygen under standard conditions.

CH3CH2CH2OH(l) + 9
O2(g) → 3CO2(g) + 4H2O(l)
Refers to actual amount of heat
2011 Year ‘Q’

(b) Calculate the amount of heat evolved during the combustion. [75250 J]
Amount of heat evolved,
Since specific heat
Q’ = C∆T = Q (assume 100% efficiency) capacity, ‘c’ not
= 3.01×103 × (52.3 – 27.3) mentioned, use heat
= 75.3 kJ capacity, ‘C’

(c) Calculate the standard enthalpy change of combustion of propan–1–ol.
[Specific heat capacity of water is 4.18 J g–1 K–] [–1881250 J mol–1]
m 2.40
No. of mole of CH3CH2CH2OH burnt, n = = = 0.04000
M 60.0
Q 75250
∆Hc (CH3CH2CH2OH) =– n =–
CH 3CH 2CH 2OH 0.0400
= – 1880 kJ mol–1

(d) Why would inadequate supply of air lead to error in the above results?

Inadequate supply of air leads to incomplete combustion of

propan–1–ol. This leads to a decrease in the amount of heat
evolved and hence inaccuracy in the ∆Hcө(CH3CH2CH2OH).

(e) Due to heat loss to surroundings.

2011 Year 5 H2 CHEMISTRY
∆H c(C3H8) = – Q / no of moles C3H8
2 The standard enthalpy change of combustion of propane is –2200 kJ
–1 3
mol . A 2.40 dm sample of propane was burned under a container of
water originally under r.t.p. conditions.
Given that the process was 75% efficient, calculate the mass of water in
the container that could be heated to 80°C. [718 g]

V 2.40
No. of mole of CH3CH2CH3 burnt, n = V = = 0.100
m 24.0

Actual amount of heat evolved, Q = –∆Hcө(CH3CH2CH3) × n

= –(–2200×103) × 0.100
= 220000 J

Since process is 75 % efficient,

Apparent amount of heat absorbed by water, Q’
= Q (Actual amount of heat evolved by burning propane)

Apparent amount of heat absorbed by the water, Q’

75 75
100 × Q =
100 × 220000 = 165000 J

Since Q’ = mc∆T
⇒ 165000 = m × 4.18 × (80.0 – 25.0)
Obtain from Data Booklet

Mass of water heated, m =
4.18 × 55.0 = 718 g

2011 Year 5 H2 CHEMISTRY
3 –3
3 The chemical reaction between 30 cm of 1.0 mol dm sodium hydroxide
solution and 20 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm–3 sulfuric acid solution in a plastic cup
gave rise to a temperature rise of 7.3°C due to neutralisation. The
process efficiency was expected to be 90%.

Explain, with the aid of a chemical equation with state symbols, what is
meant by the standard enthalpy change of neutralisation.

H+(aq) + OH–(aq) → H2O(l)

The standard enthalpy change of neutralisation is the energy
evolved when one mole of water is formed from the neutralisation
between acid and alkali under standard conditions.

Calculate the standard enthalpy change of the neutralisation reaction.

[Assume specific heat capacity of the solution to be 4.18 J g–1 K–1 and its
density to be 1 g cm–3] [–56507 J mol–1]

H2SO4(aq) + 2NaOH(aq)  Na2SO4(aq) + 2H2O(l)

Apparent amount of heat evolved, Q’

= mc∆T = (30 + 20) × 4.18 × 7.3 = 1525.7 J
Q’ = 100 × Q (given 90% efficiency)
Actual amount of heat evolved, Q =
90 × 1525.7 = 1695.2 J
No. of mole of H2SO4 = × 1 = 0.0200 mol
No. of mole of NaOH = × 1 = 0.0300 mol
NaOH is the limiting reagent.
Hence no. of mole of H2O formed, n = 0.0300
Q 1695.2
∆Hn = – n = – 0.0300 = – 56.5 kJ mol–1
H 2O

2011 Year 5 H2 CHEMISTRY

B Calculations Using Bond Energy

Definition: Bond energy of X–Y bond is the average energy absorbed

when one mole of X–Y bonds is broken in the gaseous state to
form X and Y atoms. i.e XY (g)  X (g) + Y (g)

Application: – A measure of bond strength

– Used to calculate enthalpies of reactions
∆Hrxn = Σ BE of bonds broken in rxts
– Σ BE of bonds formed in pdts

• Energy is absorbed in bond breaking in reactants: endothermic (+)

• Energy is released in bond formation in products: exothermic (–)

4 Suppose that ethene and steam react to give carbon monoxide and hydrogen with an
enthalpy change of 254 kJ mol–1 as given.
C2H4(g) + 2H2O(g) → 2CO(g) + 4H2(g)

(a) Explain, with the aid of a chemical equation with state symbols, what is meant by the
bond energy of C≡O.

C≡O(g) → C(g) + O(g)

The bond energy of C≡O is the average energy absorbed when one
mole of C≡O bonds is broken in the gaseous state to form C and
O atoms.

(b) With the aid of appropriate bond energy data from the Data Booklet, calculate the
bond energy of C≡O bond in carbon monoxide. [+1046 kJ mol–1]
reactants products

C2H4(g) + 2H2O(g) → 2CO(g) + 4H2(g)

2 H 2 C O 4 H H

4 (C–H) 2(2)(O–H)

∆Hrxn = [BE(C=C)+4BE(C–H)+4BE(O–H)] – [2BE(C≡O)+4BE(H–H)]

BE(C≡O) = {[610+4(410)+4(460)]–254–4(436)} = + 1046 kJ mol–1

2011 Year 5 H2 CHEMISTRY

5 Some bond energy values are given in the table below:

Bond Bond energy / kJ Bond Bond energy / kJ

mol mol–1
H–H 436 H–H 436
P–P 208 Cl–Cl 244
P–H 322 H–Cl 431
The P–H bond energy is the average of the H–H and P–P values. Explain
why the H–Cl bond energy is not the mean of H–H and Cl–Cl values.

Electronegativity of P≈ H

 H–H, P–P and P–H bonds are non–polar

 BE (P–H) is the average of BE (H–H) and BE (P–P)

Electronegativity of Cl > H
 H–H, Cl–Cl are non–polar while H–Cl bond is polar due to
difference in electronegativity
 BE (H–Cl) is not the average of BE (H–H) and BE (Cl–Cl)

2011 Year 5 H2 CHEMISTRY
C Other Calculations Methods of ∆H rxn

2 Methods

(1) Using enthalpy change of formation, ∆Hf, method

Formula: ∆Hrxn θ = Σ∆Hf θ(pdts) – Σ∆Hf θ(rxts)

 Note that ∆Hf of element (e.g H2) is always zero

 Use only if ∆Hf (pdts) and ∆Hf (rxts) are provided

(2) Using Hess Law Energy Cycle method

Hess’ Law: The enthalpy change accompanying a chemical reaction
is the same regardless of the route by which the chemical change
occurs, provided the initial and final conditions are the same.


∆H2 ∆H4
By Hess Law, ∆H1 = ∆H2 + ∆H3 + ∆H4

 All ∆H must have the correct signs
 Multiply a reaction by a factor ⇒ multiply ∆H by the same factor
 Reverse a reaction ⇒ Reverse the sign of ∆H

6 The standard enthalpy change of dimerisation of ethene to form but–1–

ene, as follows, is –10 kJ mol–1:
2CH2=CH2(g) → CH2=CHCH2CH3(g)
Calculate the standard enthalpy change of combustion of ethene, given that
the standard enthalpy change of combustion of gaseous but–1–ene is –20 kJ
mol–1. [–15 kJ mol–1]
(Can use Hess’ Law Energy Cycle Method to solve)

 2C2H4(g) → C4H8(g) ∆Hrxnθ
2011 Year 5 H2 CHEMISTRY
 C4H8(g) + 6O2(g) → 4CO2(g) + 4H2O(l) ∆Hc (C4H8)

Hess’ Law Energy Cycle

∆Hcθ (C2H4) = ?
Aim: C2H4(g) + 3O2(g) 2CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)

½ ∆Hrxnθ ½ ∆Hcθ(C4H8)

C4H8(g) + 3O2(g)

By Hess’ law:
∆Hcθ (C2H4) = 1
∆Hrxnθ+ 1 ∆Hcθ (C4H8) = 1 [–10 + (–20)]= – 15 kJ mol–1
2 2 2

7 The standard enthalpy change of combustion of cyclohexane is

–3924 kJ mol–1. Given that the standard enthalpy changes of
formation of water and carbon dioxide are –286 kJ mol–1 and
–394 kJ mol–1 respectively, calculate the standard enthalpy
change of formation of cyclohexane. [–156 kJ mol–1]
(Can use ∆Hf Method to solve Q7)

Formula Method
C6H12(l) + 9O2(g) → 6CO2(g) + 6H2O(l) ∆ Hc θ(C6H12)=–3924 kJ mol–1

∆Hcθ(C6H12)= [6∆Hfθ (CO2)+6∆Hfθ (H2O)] – [∆Hfθ (C6H12)+9∆Hfθ (O2)]

⇒∆Hfθ (C6H12) = [6(–394) + 6(–286)] –9(0)–(–3924) = – 156 kJ mol–1

2011 Year 5 H2 CHEMISTRY

*8(a)Diamond and graphite are allotropes of carbon. Using the following data,
construct an energy cycle to calculate the standard enthalpy change of
reaction for the conversion of diamond to graphite.
C(diamond) → C(graphite)

Reaction ∆Hθ / kJ mol–


C(diamond) + O2(g) → CO2(g) –395.4

C(graphite) + ½ O2(g) → CO(g) –109.0
CO(g) + ½ O2(g) → CO2(g) –283.0

C(diamond) C(graphite)
∆Hrxn = ?

+O2(g) + ½O2(g)
–395.4 –109.0

+ ½O2(g)
CO2(g) CO(g)
By Hess’ Law,
∆Hrxnθ = –395.4 + 283.0 + 109.0
= –3.4 kJ mol–1

2011 Year 5 H2 CHEMISTRY

(b) Sketch an energy profile diagram of this conversion of diamond to

graphite, given the activation energy for the reaction to be +726 kJ mol–1.

Energy, E
+726 kJ mol–1


∆–3.4 kJ mol-1H > 0
Reaction pathway

*9(a) Meals–ready–to eat (MRE) are military meals that can be heated on a
flameless heater. The heat is produced by the following reaction.
Mg(s) + 2H2O(l) → Mg(OH)2(s) + H2(g)
Given that the standard enthalpy change of formation of H2O(l) and
Mg(OH)2(s) are –286 and –925 kJ mol–1 respectively, calculate the
standard enthalpy change for this reaction.

∆Hrxnθ = [∆Hfθ Mg(OH)2+∆Hfθ (H2)] – [∆Hfθ (Mg)+2∆Hfθ (H2O)]

= (–925 + 0) – ( 0 + 2(–286))
= –353 kJ mol–1

(b) A MRE pack contains 2.4 g of magnesium which comes in contact with
100 g of water upon breaking a valve. Using your answer in (a),
determine whether this pack can be used to raise the temperature of the
water from 25 °C to its boiling point.

n = no. of moles of Mg reacted

= 2.4/24.3
= 0.09877 mol
Assuming process is 100% efficient,
∆H = −
Q = – (–353) x 0.09877
= 34.86 kJ
Q = mc(Tmax – Tinitial)
34.86 x 1000 = 100 x 4.18 x (Tmax – 25)
Tmax = 108.4 °C
Hence the energy released by the pack is sufficient to raise the
temperature of the water to its boiling point.

2011 Year 5 H2 CHEMISTRY

*10 Liquid hydrazine, N2H4, is used as a rocket fuel and to prepare gas
precursors used in air bags. Hydrazine, when undergoes complete
combustion, produces nitrogen and water. Approximately 260 thousand
tones of hydrazine are manufactured annually.

(a) Explain what is meant by standard enthalpy change of formation of


Enthalpy change of formation of hydrazine is the energy change when 1 mole

of hydrazine is formed from its elements in the standard states under
standard conditions.

(b) Given the following data:

Enthalpy change of formation of steam = –242 kJ mol–1

Enthalpy change of vapourisation of water= +44 kJ mol–1
Enthalpy change of combustion of N2H4(l) = –637 kJ mol–1

Draw an appropriate energy cycle to determine the standard enthalpy

change of formation of liquid hydrazine. [+65 kJ mol–1 ]

N2(g) + 2H2(g) N2H4(l)

2x∆Hf(H2O(g)) ∆Hc(N2H4)

N2(g) + 2H2O(g) N2(g) + 2H2O(l)


By Hess’ law,

∆Hf(N2H4) = 2(–242) – (–637) – 2(+44)

= +65 kJ mol–1

2011 Year 5 H2 CHEMISTRY

E Born–Haber Cycle
Important points to remember when drawing Born Haber Cycle:

 Use “” for endo rxn and “” for exo rxn
 Follow the sequence: (label the arrows)

I.E (can be exo rxn or endo rxn)

∆Hat Start: ∆Hlatt

Elements in
standard state


 If ∆Hat(X2) value is not given, refer to Data Booklet to obtain

value of BE(X–X)
BE( A 2 ) = 2∆Hat ( A 2 )

11 The lattice energy of lithium chloride can be calculated from a Born–

Haber cycle using the following standard enthalpy data:

Enthalpy change of formation of lithium chloride –409 kJ mol–1

Enthalpy change of atomisation of lithium 159 kJ mol–1
Enthalpy change of atomisation of chlorine 121 kJ mol–1
Electron affinity of chlorine –364 kJ mol–1

(a) Construct a Born–Haber cycle for lithium chloride and use the cycle, with
the aid of appropriate ionisation data from the Data Booklet, to determine
the lattice energy of lithium chloride. [–844 kJ mol–1]

2011 Year 5 H2 CHEMISTRY

∆Hfө(LiCl) Li(s) + 1
Cl2(g) → LiCl(s) –409 kJ mol–1
∆Hatө(Li) Li(s) → Li(g) 159 kJ mol–1

∆Hatө(Cl2) 1
Cl2(g) → Cl(g) 121 kJ mol–1 From Data
2 Booklet
1st IE(Li) Li(g) → Li+(g) + e 519 kJ mol–1

EA(Cl) Cl(g) + e → Cl–(g) –364 kJ mol–1

∆Hlattө(LiCl) Li+(g) + Cl–(g) → LiCl(s) ?

Born–Haber cycle to determine ∆Hlattө(LiCl):

Li+(g) + Cl(g) + e
1st IE(Li) EA(Cl)
Li(g) + Cl(g) Li+(g) + Cl–(g)
∆Hatө(Cl2 )
Li(g) + Cl2(g)

Li(s) + 1
Cl2(g) ∆Hlattө(LiCl)

By Hess’ law:
∆Hfө(LiCl) = ∆Hatө(Li) + ∆Hatө(Cl2) + 1st IE(Li) + EA(Cl) + ∆Hlattө(LiCl)
⇒ ∆Hlattө(LiCl) = –409 – [159 + 121 + 519 + (–364)
= – 844 kJ mol–1

2011 Year 5 H2 CHEMISTRY

(b) Explain how you would expect the numerical magnitude of the lattice
energy of sodium chloride to compare with that of lithium chloride.
q+ q−
∆Hlatt ∝ r + r
+ −
• Same cationic and anionic charge
• Ionic radius, r+: Na+ > Li+
• Magnitude of ∆Hlattө: NaCl < LiCl

Smaller ionic radius
⇒ Oppositely charged ions are closer
⇒ Electrostatic force of attraction becomes stronger
Hence the larger the magnitude of lattice energy
(Stability of ionic compound is greater)

12 Suppose calcium can form two ionic compounds with chlorine: calcium(I)
chloride (CaCl) and calcium(II) chloride (CaCl2).

The following information about some standard enthalpy changes is provided:

Lattice energy of calcium(I) chloride –700 kJ mol–1

Lattice energy of calcium(II) chloride –2197 kJ mol–1
Enthalpy change of atomisation of calcium 178 kJ mol–1
Electron affinity of chlorine –362 kJ mol–1

(a) Draw a Born–Haber cycle in each case to determine the standard

enthalpy change of formation of (i) calcium(I) chloride; (ii) calcium(II)
chloride. [–759 kJ mol–1]

(i) For CaCl;

∆Hfө(CaCl) Ca(s) + ½ Cl2(g) → CaCl(s) ?

∆Hatө(Ca) Ca(s) → Ca(g) 178 kJ mol–1
½ BE(Cl2) 1/2Cl2(g) → Cl(g) ½BE(Cl–Cl)
= ½ (244)
1st IE(Ca) Ca(g) → Ca+(g) + e 590 kJ mol–1
EA(Cl) Cl(g) + e → Cl–(g) –362 kJ mol–1
2011 Year 5 H2 CHEMISTRY

Ca (g) + Cl (g) → CaCl(s)
+ –
–700 kJ mol–1
Born–Haber cycles to determine (i) ∆Hfө(CaCl)

Ca+(g) + Cl(g) + e
1st IE(Ca) EA(Cl)
Ca(g) + Cl(g) Ca+(g) + Cl–(g)
½ BE(Cl2 ) ∆Hlattө(CaCl)
Ca(g) + Cl2(g)

Ca(s) + Cl2(g)


By Hess’ law:
∆Hfө(CaCl)=∆Hatө(Ca)+1/2 BE(Cl2)+1st IE(Ca) + EA(Cl) + ∆Hlattө(CaCl)
= 178 + (244) + 590 + (–362) + (–700)
= – 172 kJ mol–1

(ii) ∆Hfө(CaCl2)

∆Hfө(CaCl) Ca(s) + Cl2(g) → CaCl2(s) ?

∆Hatө(Ca) Ca(s) → Ca(g) 178 kJ mol–1
BE(Cl2) Cl2(g) → 2Cl(g) BE(Cl–Cl)
1st IE(Ca) Ca(g) → Ca+(g) + e 590 kJ mol–1
2nd IE(Ca) Ca+(g) → Ca2+(g) + e 1150 kJ mol–1
EA(Cl) Cl(g) + e → Cl–(g) –362 kJ mol–1
∆Hlattө(CaCl2) Ca2+(g) + 2Cl–(g) → CaCl2(s) –2197 kJ mol–1

2011 Year 5 H2 CHEMISTRY

Born–Haber cycles to determine (ii) ∆Hfө(CaCl2)

Ca2+(g) + 2Cl(g) + 2e
2nd IE(Ca) 2EA(Cl)
Ca+(g) + 2Cl(g) + e Ca2+(g)+2Cl–(g)
1st IE(Ca) ∆Hlattө(CaCl2)
Ca(g) + 2Cl(g)
BE(Cl2 )
Ca(g) + Cl2(g)
Ca(s) + Cl2(g)

By Hess’ law:
∆Hfө(CaCl2) = ∆Hatө(Ca)+ BE(Cl2)+ 1st IE(Ca)+2nd IE(Ca)+

= 178 + 244 + 590 + 1150 + 2(–362) + (–2197)

= –759 kJ mol–1

(b) Comment on the relative numerical magnitudes of the standard enthalpy

change of formation of calcium(I) chloride and calcium(II) chloride.

Formation of CaCl is less exothermic than that of CaCl2.

Since magnitude of ∆Hfө(CaCl) is less than that of ∆Hfө(CaCl2),
Hence CaCl is energetically less stable than CaCl2.

2011 Year 5 H2 CHEMISTRY

E Energetics of Aqueous Solution

 ∆Hθsol = the energy change when one mole of the substance is
completely dissolved in a solvent to form an infinitely dilute
solution under standard conditions.

 ∆Hθhyd = the energy evolved when one mole of the gaseous ion
is hydrated under standard conditions.

 ∆Hθlatt = the energy evolved when one mole of the solid ionic
compound is formed from its constituent gaseous ions under
standard conditions.

 Memorise how to draw the energy cycle for calculation of

∆Hθsol of an ionic compound

From lecture notes

∆Hθsol = ∆Hθhyd – ∆Hθlatt

Memorise how to draw the energy level diagram for calculation

of ∆Hθsol of an ionic compound

Exothermic dissolution Endothermic dissolution

From lecture notes

2011 Year 5 H2 CHEMISTRY

13 The lattice energy of lithium chloride is –848 kJ mol–1 and that of

sodium chloride is –776 kJ mol–1. Some enthalpy changes of hydration
are listed below:
Ions ∆Hθhyd /kJ mol–1
Li+ –499
Na –390

Cl –381
(a) Draw two energy cycles using data in this question to determine the
enthalpy change of solution for these two salts. [–36 kJ mol–1]

Energy cycle to determine ∆Hsolnө(LiCl):

LiCl(s) Li+(aq) + Cl–(aq)

– ∆Hlattө(LiCl) ∆Hhydө(Li+) ∆Hhydө(Cl–)

Li+(g) + Cl–(g)

By Hess’ law:
∆Hsolnө(LiCl) = –∆Hlattө(LiCl) + ∆Hhydө(Li+) + ∆Hhydө(Cl–)
= –(–845) + (–499) + (–381)
= – 32 kJ mol–1

Energy cycle to determine ∆Hsolnө(NaCl):

NaCl(s) Na+(aq) + Cl–(aq)

–∆Hlattө(NaCl) ∆Hhydө(Na+) ∆Hhydө(Cl–)

Na+(g) + Cl–(g)

By Hess’ Law:
∆Hsolnө(NaCl) = –∆Hlattө(NaCl) + ∆Hhydө(Na+) + ∆Hhydө(Cl–)
= + 5 kJ mol–1

2011 Year 5 H2 CHEMISTRY

(b) Comment on the relative solubilities of sodium chloride and lithium


The dissolution process for LiCl is exothermic compared to the

dissolution process for NaCl which is endothermic.
Hence, LiCl is more soluble in water than NaCl

(c) State the significance of the relative numerical magnitude of the lattice
energy of sodium chloride compared to lithium chloride

q+ q−
∆Hlatt ∝ r + r
+ −
• Ionic radius, r+: Na+ > Li+
• Magnitude of ∆Hlattө: NaCl < LiCl
• LiCl is more stable than NaCl since ∆Hlattө LiCl is more

(d) Explain how you would expect the numerical magnitude of standard
enthalpy change of hydration of bromide ion to compare with that of
chloride ion.

∆Hhyd (anion) ∝ r

• Ionic radius of Cl – < Br –
• Charge density of Cl – > Br –
• Strength of interaction with water molecules : Cl– > Br–
• I ∆H hyd I : Cl – > Br –

2011 Year 5 H2 CHEMISTRY

*14 Calcium reacts with water to form aqueous calcium hydroxide.

Ca(s) + 2H2O(l) → Ca2+(aq) + 2OH–(aq) + H2(g) ∆H
Some enthalpy changes are listed below.
Enthalpy change of atomisation of calcium = +178 kJ mol–1
Enthalpy change of neutralisation = –58 kJ mol–1
Enthalpy change of hydration of Ca2+(g) = –1577 kJ mol–1
Enthalpy change for 2H+ + 2e(aq) → H2(g = –796 kJ mol–1
By using data in this question and relevant data in the Data Booklet,
draw an energy level diagram to determine ∆H for the above reaction.
–339 kJ mol–1

Ca2+(g) + 2e + 2H+(aq) + 2OH–(aq)


Ca2+(g) + 2e + 2H2O(l)

1st + 2nd IE

Ca2+(aq) + 2e + 2H+(aq) + 2OH–(aq)

Ca(g) + 2H2O(l)

∆Hat,Ca ∆Hr
Ca(s) + 2H2O(l)


Ca2+(aq) + 2OH–(aq) + H2(g)

By Hess’ Law,
∆H = +178 + 1740 – (–116) – 1577 – 796
= –339 kJ mol–1


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