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Beware of Nutritional Pitfalls.

Vegetarian diets will not enhance immunity if they are deficient in vitamin B-12, vitamin D, and omega-3 fats. Chia, flaxseed,
walnuts, organic, non-GMO soybeans, and leafy greens furnish omega-3. Nutritional yeast and fortified nondairy milk often have
vitamin D, but vegetarians should have their vitamin B-12 and D levels checked annually and supplement as needed. Both vitamins
are essential to immune performance.

Meat substitutes generally are high in sodium and fat, but very low in fiber. Juices have minimal fiber. Definitely not a winning
combination for preventive medicine! Emphasize a variety of colorful, whole plant foods for the best prevention of superbugs.

Avoid Deficiencies.

Besides B-12 and vitamin D deficiencies, other nutrient deficiencies can work havoc on the immune system. While it is true, a short
fast improves natural killer cell activity, not eating enough protein decreases antibody production. Adequate amounts of vitamins C,
D, A, and B-12 are essential for optimal immune efficiency. As we age, the lymphocytes become less efficient. Wise calorie-
restriction, vitamin E from nuts and seeds, and folic acid from greens and oranges slow down this aging of the specific immune

Include these Trace Elements!

Nutrients and phytochemicals work in synergy to enhance immunity. Therefore, we encourage eating a healthful diet instead of just
using vitamin and mineral supplements as insurance. Selenium and zinc deserve especially attention for immune health. Selenium
also helps NK cells to proliferate and increases their virus-fighting activity, too. Brazil nuts, cashews, oats, brown rice, lentils, and
spinach provide good amounts of this trace mineral. One Brazil nut has more than the daily requirement for selenium!

Zinc is a trace mineral that exerts antioxidant activity and is essential for all immune cells. Zinc deficiency reduces the efficiency of
T-lymphocytes. While it is important to have sufficient zinc in your diet, too much zinc can actually inhibit the function of the immune
system. How much do you need? About 11 to 15 milligrams a day for an adult. Taking more than 25 mgs. a day can have adverse
effects. Plant foods are not high in zinc. A half a cup of tofu provides 2 mgs, one cup of oatmeal has 2.3mgs, one-half cup of most
legumes and one-fourth cup of nuts contain approximately 1 mg. of zinc. Vegetarians can be at risk for zinc deficiency if their diet is
not carefully balanced to include zinc.

Rev up the Viral Killers.

Moderate exercise increases antibody production. It improves T-lymphocyte function in the elderly, and slows down the aging of the
immune system. Regular exercise improves resting natural killer activity in the elderly. Aerobic exercise increases the number and
efficiency of the natural killer cells. Following strenuous, exhaustive exercise though, and the number of natural killers is decreased,
and their activity is depressed for several days. 12

Contrast Showers!

If you do not have a neurological or circulatory disorder, severe anemia, or a blood vessel disorder, contrast showers are an
excellent way to propel dormant immune cells into active service. Do an alternating hot and cold shower, as tolerated, in a warm
bathroom: hot for 1 ½ minutes and cold for 30 seconds; do three exchanges. Be sure to make the second and third changes
progressively hotter. Finish with cold. Hot and cold showers boost the number of circulating white blood cells. Perform this treatment
twice a day, ideally. And one time a day is much better than none! Rest afterwards to enhance the effect.


Partial sleep deprivation reduces natural killer cell activity.  Even a modest sleep deprivation for part of the night can reduce the
killing ability of the natural killer cells by almost 30%. 13 Just one night of short sleep produces an inflammatory response that is

Think Positively.

Scientific studies confirm these observations. They show that major depression, for example, reduces NK cells’ effectiveness. A
persistent negative outlook erodes both the ability of the NK cells and killer T-lymphocytes to destroy viruses and cancer cells. The
emotions and reactive thinking common in depression—helplessness, loneliness, hopelessness, lack of social support, and
unhealthy suppression of these feelings—not only depress the mind but the immune system as well.15
Stress reduces the ability of NK cells to make interferon, a chemical that substantially decreases viral replication. However, problem-
solving techniques and coping skills improve NK activity in stressed persons. If the individual possesses high emotional stability and
low anxiety, stress actually promotes NK cell activity. On the other hand, the same stress can result in a significant decline in NK
cells if the individual possesses high anxiety and low emotional stability. 16 Confidence, openness, social support, effective coping
skills, self-discipline, trust, faith, and a will to survive improve NK cells’ efficiency. 17


Although we should be concerned about potential emerging viral pandemics, we need to take a proactive stance rather than go into
a panicked frenzy. Proactive is the healthier, preventative approach!

© 2020, Wildwood Sanitarium. All rights reserved .

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