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P.0, Box: 9435, Doha Qatar Tel. Nos +074 4412 7653, +976 4481 7897 Fax No. +074 40203034 E-mait Website: wow. PART 13: TRAFFIC SIGNS. ‘SRNo | SPECIFICATION TGOUSIGN TRADING] REMARKS/COMMENTS 13.24 [instalation Requirements for Trai Signs COMPLIANCE TO THE TEM 1 fllsign faces shall be of the designated type, color and size. comeuy | COMPLIANCE TO THE GTCH fans delvered Tor use in the project shal be new and |.nused condition, except where otherwise designated; and shal be stored off the ground and under cover in a manner comety S PER THE SPECIFICATION > lepproved by the Engineer. Any sign damaged, discolored or a defaced during transportation, storage or erection shall be riected 3 _ [ihe postion and mounting height of ech sign shall be as comply WerEATO DRAWING designated Designated post length are approximate only. When progress lorthe works atthe appropriate stage the Engineer wll lauthorize the location ofeach sign, withthe chainage and 14 _ Pst eistance from the edge of the road pavement. The come | SEEATTACHED STANDARD contractor shall be responsible for determination ofthe exact DETAILS / SHOP DRAWINGS post length to provide the designated vertical clearance. Feld utting oF poss shall be performed by sawing, Welded posts ll not be permitted. I posts shall be erected vertically and where two oF more 5 [Posts are provided for any sign the faces ofthese posts shallbel — Coyypry | SEEATTACHED STANDARD lined up and their defection angle checked form compliance DETAILS / SHOP DRAWINGS ith this Part before concreting in Fora period of 14 days after concreting in position, all posts hall be suitably braced to prevent movement. Sign faces INSTALL PRIOR TO ENGINEER 6 should not be fixed to posts unt after the bracing has been comety ne emoved and the Engineer has inspected and approved the fost stability and foundations ; MATERIAL TEST REPORTS AND 7 [ilzosshalbe ofthedensted te andshal berated] coyy | cemmcaTe WL BE fsainst corrosion by hot dip galvanizing siwrtee ure petvenr lUniess otherwise designated, al signs shall be erected so that he edge and face of the sgn are tru vertical and the face is lt an angle of 95 to the centerline; that i, facing slightly away 8 [irom the centerline of the lane which the sign serves. Where | COMPLY REFER TO DRAWING lanes avide or are on sharp curves, the Contractor shall refer he orientation ofthe sign face tothe Engineer for his fnstruction. TOBE APPLIED INSIGN sign supports shall be plumbed vertical. ‘comPty 9 [allsign supports shall be plumbed vertical. eeneaont riage .0. Box: 9435, Doha Qatar Tol. Nos #974 4412 7653 +974 4481 7807 Fax No. +974 40203034 SOL S{GN ww Ear blogsslncm seat ‘Webste: wow. ean Banh er SRE Oe SS ara 10 Isurface shall be as designated. compu REFER TO DRAWING an. fionshatetenenedtosinsppersinaeorsance withthe | Gayyny | REFERTOTHE sTANDAED esgated requirements and te recommendstions fhe si ETAL Imnufacure tthe stan of the Engen. fn conractor shal ats own expense immedi ater erection and aprovaly the nee over the Sen nore fe prevent mGleadingfomaton being dsployed: The sz [Powengsna be cosewemve esionsecretyfaedoverthe | coyuy | SEEATTACHEDSTANDARD faceothesgn sng aang of mancord os otto DETALS/ DRAWINGS lesmage the sign. The Contractor shal maint seh coverings ln good order unl rect othe Engineers nsrucon fo tnt remove Se sal be ovaugh Carel CUE DATE DORE 15 hiowatores heopedtccurenticdsulbeapporesyy] norco | TOBEAPUDIN GH recs, momen fe gi/ terra bio Wh he -_ . SOL-SIGN TRADING eS SS SOL SIGN wens sown Jou

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