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Chap6 Section4 (Samue…

Mercenary- hired soldier
Transfer - to move
Recruit - to enlist
Previous - earlier

They had to bring ships all across the Atlantic to battle.
3. People from the south were concerned about giving guns to slaves, they thought it could be
The British forces he expected did not arrive, and he was blocked by General Gates’ troops
a. Liked king George
b. Liked the parliament
c. Didn't think they would win the war
d. Didn't want to leave Britain
Dear Editor,
I think America will win they're independence against Britain, because we have superior firepower
and are more strategic. We have more willing men who will be to the fight at a moments notice.
The revolutionaries face many challenges, the winter of 1776 lowered the size of the patriots a
ton, a lot of them running away. They also lost several battles, such as the battle of Long Island.

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