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Name of Teacher King P.

Devesfruto Grade/Year Level Grade 9 Teaching

Learning Area Science Quarter 3 Date: ___/ ___/ _____
Content Standards: The learner demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among heat, work, and
Performance Standards: The learner shall be able analyze how power plants generate and transmit electrical
Competency: Explain how heat transfer and energy transformation make heat engines like
geothermal plants work. (S9FE-IVg45)
Content Conservation of Energy
Knowledge Identify the ways to conserve energy.
Learning Understanding Justify that there is urgency to conserve energy.
Doing Make an action plan on how the students’ household conserve energy.
Resources Needed: Learner’s Material, Teacher’s Guide, Visual Aid, etc.
Elements of the Methodology
Review a. What are the different types of power plants?
Preparation b. What energy transformations occur in these power plants.
Motivation a. How long do you watch TV in a day? In a week?
b. How often do you charge your phone?
c. Do you think you are using responsibly?
Set up learning stations. Instruct the students to proceed to their group. Give the
Activity students 2 minutes to stay in the station before proceeding to the next on a
Lesson Proper rotational basis.
Station 1: Video Presentation
Station 2: Song
Station 3: Artwork
Station 4: Poem
Analysis a. What is energy conservation?
b. What are the ways to conserve energy?
Abstraction a. Energy conservation is widely regarded as the fastest and cheapest means to
reduce demand for electric power and delay the need for new power generating
facilities. Accordingly, it is often the first option considered when power demand
begins to outpace supply.
b. Below are some the many ways to conserve enery:
1. Adjust your day-to-day behaviors
2. Replace your light bulbs
3. Purchase energy efficient appliances
4. Install energy efficient windows
5. Insulate your home
Application Instruct the learners to complete the template for the action.

Assessment 50 words essay.

How urgent is energy conservation that “later” is not the time it should be done?
Assignment Reinforcing the Watch short videos or commercials of energy conservation advocacies.
day’s lesson.
Enriching the
day’s lesson.
Enhancing the
day’s lesson.
Preparing for the
new lesson.

Energy Conservation Advocacy in My Home

Action Plan
Answer the following questions in the rationale of this action plan.
*What is energy conservation?
* Why is there urgency for energy conservation?
* Are the efforts exerted for this advocacy sufficient?
* Does your help for this effort count?
Outcome Action Needed Why Who How When

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