Percent in Agriculture Per Capita Income

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Business Statistics by Ahmad Jalil Ansari (Bahria University)

Home Assignment#04
Part I: Regression Analysis
Problem#01: Following data provide the test marks of 8 students obtained in entry test as well
as the CGPA at the completion of BBA.
Student A B C D E F G H
Admission Score 74 69 85 63 82 60 79 91
CGPA 2.6 2.2 3.4 2.3 3.1 2.1 3.2 3.8

1. Find regression equation

2. Is there direct relation or inverse?
3. A student obtained 75 marks. What CGPA is expected from him?
4. Another student obtained 60 marks. What CGPA is expected from him?
Problem#02: Use following to find the best fit line
x 1 3 4 6 8 9 11 14

y 10 12 8 6 4 4 3 1

1. Find regression equation

2. Is there is direct relation or inverse?
3. What is the expected value of y if x is 5? What is the expected value of y if x is 0?
Problem#03: In 1960 the per capita income in for some European countries and the percent of
the labor force that works in agriculture in 1960 are given in following table.

Country Sweden Denmark France Norway Iceland Austria Greece Spain

Percent in Agriculture 14 18 85 20 25 23 56 42
Per capita income 1644 1049 1013 977 839 681 34 290

1. Find a regression equation between percent of labor force in agriculture and per capita
2. Is there is direct relation or inverse?
3. Find the per capita income in a country that has 21 percent of labor in agriculture.
4. Also find the per capita income in a country that has 2 percent of labor in agriculture.
Part II: Coefficient of Determination
Problem#04: Find the Coefficient of Determination in problem#01. Interpret the result.
Problem#05: Find the Coefficient of Determination in problem#02. Interpret the result.
Problem#06: Find the Coefficient of Determination in problem#03. Interpret the result.
Part II: Coefficient of Correlation
Problem#07: Find the Coefficient of Correlation in problem#01. Interpret the result.
Problem#08: Find the Coefficient of Correlation in problem#02. Interpret the result.
Problem#09: Find the Coefficient of Correlation in problem#03. Interpret the result.
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