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CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore

Department(s): Department of Civil Engineering

Semester: 06 Section(s): A
Hydraulic Structures and Irrigation Design - Drawing 10CV65 Lectures/week:
Course Instructor(s): Prof. Preeti Jacob, Mini Liza George
Course duration: 03 Feb. 2014 – 23 May 2014


Q1) Describe the various investigations required for reservoir planning.
Q2) With a neat sketch, explain various storage zones of a reservoir.
Q3) Define safe yield, average yield and secondary yield.
Q4) Explain the various factors to be considered while selecting a site for reservoir.
Q5) Explain the procedure for determining storage capacity and yield of a reservoir using mass curve.
Q6) List out the different types of reservoirs based on the purpose.
Q7) List out the geological investigations required for geological planning.
Q8) List out the hydrological investigations required for geological planning.
Q9) What are the engineering surveys required for reservoir
Q10) Discuss in detail about reservoir sedimentation. How do you estimate the probable life of a reservoir.
Q11 Discuss the environmental effects of reservoir.
Q12) What do you understand by mass inflow curve and how it is prepared.
Q13) Discuss various methods of reservoir sediment control.
Q14) What do you understand by demand curve. Explain the method of calculating reservoir capacity for a specified
yield, from the mass inflow curve.
Q15) The monthly yield of water from a catchment is given below. Determine the minimum capacity of the reservoir by
mass curve method if the flow is drawn at a uniform rate. Values are given in millions cubic meters.
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Inflow 1.4 2.1 2.8 8.4 11.9 11.9 7.7 2.8 2.52 2.24 1.96 1.68
Million m3
Q16) An unrequired stream provides the following volumes through each successive 4-day period over a 40 day
duration at a possible reservoir site. What would be the reservoir capacity needed to ensure maintaining the
average flow for these 40 days, if the reservoir is full to start with. What is the average flow. What would be the
approximate quantity of water wasted in spillage in this case.
Day 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Runoff 0 9.6 5.4 2.3 3.5 2.3 2.2 1.4 6.4 12.4 10.9
Q17) The amount of water flowing from a certain catchment area of the proposed dam site are as tabulated below:
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Inflow 2.83 4.25 5.66 18.40 22.64 22.64 19.81 8.49 7.10 7.10 5.66 5.66
Million m3
i. The minimum capacity of reservoir if water is to be drawn off from the reservoir at uniform rate and no
water to be spilled over.
ii. The initial storage required to maintain the uniform demand as above. Use mass curve analysis.
Q1) Discuss in brief various modes of failure of gravity dams and their remedies.
Q2) What is uplift pressure. What is the effect of drainage gallery on uplift pressure diagram.
Q3) Design and draw the practical profile of a gravity dam to a suitable scale when the height of water to be stored =
55m, specific gravity of concrete = 2.4, free board = 2.75m
Q4) Analysis of forces acting on a gravity dam yielded that the resultant lies outside the outer middle third point.
Discuss the practical consequences of the analysis.
Q5) Obtain the base width of elementary profile of gravity dam with respect to stress criterion with usual notation.
Q6) Following data were obtained from the stability analysis of a concrete growth dam:
Total overturning moment about toe = 1x106 kN-m
Total resisting moment about toe = 2x106 kN-m
The vertical force above base = 5x104 kN
Base width of the dam = 50m
Slope of the d/s face = 0.8(H) : 1(V)
Calculate the maximum and minimum vertical stress to which the foundation will be subjected to. What is the
maximum principle stress at toe. Assume there is no tail water.

Q7) Derive an expression for base width of elementary profile of gravity dam for no tension condition when the
reservoir is full.
Q8) Derive an expression for base width of elementary profile of gravity dam for no sliding condition when the
reservoir is full.
Q9) A concrete gravity dam has the following features:
Top of dam – RL 200m
Top width @top – 6m
RL of bottom of dam – 116m
RL of tail water level – 122m
RL of full reservoir level – 196m
Upstream face is vertical. Downstream face is vertical upto RL 191m and thereafter downstream face slopes
2H:3V. Drainage holes are located 8m away from upstream face, unit weight of concrete 23.5 kN/m3. Calculate
maximum vertical stress at the toe and heel
Q10) Define gravity dam. Explain forces that act on a gravity dam
Q11) Explain step by step the analytical procedure to be adopted for analyzing the stability of gravity dams.

Q12) Discuss briefly forces acting on a gravity dam with the help of a neat sketch.
Q13) Explain the various modes of failure of gravity dam and mention their remedies.
Q1) Explain with neat sketches different types of earth dams.
Q2) What are the causes of failure of earth dams. Explain them along with relevant sketches.
Q3) Briefly explain the method of drawing a phreatic line for a homogeneous earthen dam section.
Q4) A flow net is plotted for a homogenous earthen dam of 22m and free board 2.0m. The results obtained are,
No. of potential drops – 10
No. of flow channels – 4
The dam has a horizontal filter of 30m length at the downstream end and the coefficient of permeability of the
dam material is 5 x 10-4 cm/sec. Calculate the discharge per m run of the dam.
Q5) What are the precautions to be taken to avoid failure of earthen dam during the design procedure.
Q6) In order to find the factor of safety of the downstream slope of 2:1 during steady seepage, the section of the earth
dam was drawn. A possible slip circular arc passing through the toe of the dam was drawn. The soil mass was
divided into nine slices, each of 5m width. The end ordinates of the slices are 2.5, 4.5, 6, 7, 7.5, 6 and 4.5m
respectively from toe towards upstream. Assuming all the slices are dry, find the factor of safety. Take
i) Dry weight of soil dam – 18 kN/m3
ii) Length of arc – 54m
iii) Cohesion of soil of dam – 24kN/m2
iv) Angle of internal friction of soil in dam - 25°.
Q7) Draw a section of an earth dam of 20m height indicating the various parts of the dam.
Q8) How would you proceed to determine the phreatic line through homogeneous earthen dams provided with
horizontal filter.
Q9) Explain the method of stability analysis of upstream slope during sudden drawdown by Swedish slip circle method.
Q1) Design a tank surplus weir for a major tank connected with tanks in series.
1. Field data
Combined catchment area of group of tanks -29.5km2
Intercepted catchment area – 22.8km2
General ground level at proposed site – 15.8m
Level at which good foundation soil is available – 14m
Slope at the proposed surplus works from its centerline reaches 14.8m in a distance of 10m
2. Construction details
Full tank level :17.5m
Max water level :18.3m
Tank bund level :19.5m
Top width of bund : 2.2m
Side slopes :2:1
3. Other details
Make provision to store water up to MWL. Proper abutments, wing walls and returns are to be designed.
Assume a hydraulic gradient of 1 in 5 and Ryves coefficient =9.
Draw to a suitable scale
1) Half plan at top and half plan at foundation
2) Half elevation and half sectional elevation
3) Cross section across the weir.
Q2) Design a canal drop (Notch type) for the following data
Particulars U/s canal D/s canal
Full supply discharge 10m3/s 10m3/s
Bed level +20.00 +18.00
Full supply level +21.50 +19.50
Bed width 8.0 8.0
Top level of embarkment +22.50 +20.50
Top width of embarkment 2.0m 2.0m
Side slopes 1:1(cut) 1.5:1(fill)
Average ground level 20.50 12.50
Hand soil available@ 18.50
Draw to a suitable scale
1) Half plan@top and half of foundation
2) Half elevation & half longitudinal section
3) Cross section along the canal
Q3) Design the details of a canal regulator with the following particulars
Particulars Upstream Downstream
Full supply discharge (FSQ)(m3/s) 18.0 15.0
Bed width (m) 12 12
Bed level (m) +50.00 +50.00
Full Supply Level (FSL) (m) +52.00 +51.75
Top level of Bank (m) +53.00 +52.75
Top width of Bank (m) 2.0 2.0
Side slopes (H:V) 2:1 2:1

Bligh’s creep coefficient – C – 10

General ground level at this site +52.00m
Good soil for foundation (HRL) or (GFL) is available at +49.00m
Splayed type wing-walls are to be provided.

Draw to suitable scale the following views:

a) Half longitudinal section and half longitudinal elevation
b) Half plan at top and half at foundation level
c) Sectional elevation through regulator vent
d) Cross section of wing walls
Q4) Design a tank sluice for an earthen dam (Tank bund) with the following particulars

Maximum water level (MWL) +126.0m

Low water level (LWL) +123.0m
RL of Top of bund (TBL) +128.0m
Side slope of the bund 2:1 on both sides
Top width of bund 2.0m
RL of sill of sluice +122.0m
Bed level of canal +122.0m
Side slopes of canal 1.5:1
Canal bed width 1.2m
Canal discharge 0.2m3/s
Good Foundation or Hard Rock level +121.5m
General ground level +122.5m

Design the barrel and cistern. Draw the following views:

a) Longitudinal elevation along the centre of sluice barrel
b) Half plan at top and half plan at foundation
c) End view
Q5) Design a suitable cross-drainage work, given the following data at the crossing of a canal and a drainage

Full supply discharge 30m3/s
Full supply level +213.5m
Canal Bed level +212.0m
Canal Bed width 20m
Trapezoidal canal section 1.5H:1V slopes
Canal water depth 1.5m

High flood discharge 300m3/s
Drainage bed level +207.5m
High flood level +210.0m
General ground level +212.5m

Q6) Design a tank surplus weir for a major tank connected with tanks in series.
1. Field data
Combined catchment area of group of tanks -25km2
Intercepted catchment area – 20km2
General ground level at proposed site – 15m
Level at which good foundation soil is available – 13.5m
Slope at the proposed surplus works from its centerline reaches 14m in a distance of 10m
2. Construction details
Full tank level :17m
Max water level :17.8m
Tank bund level :19m
Top width of bund : 2.2m
Side slopes :2:1
3. Other details
Make provision to store water up to MWL. Proper abutments, wing walls and returns are to be designed.
Assume a hydraulic gradient of 1 in 5 and Ryves coefficient =9.
Draw to a suitable scale
1) Half plan at top and half plan at foundation
2) Half elevation and half sectional elevation
3) Cross section across the weir.

Q7) Design a canal drop (Notch type) for the following data
Particulars U/s canal D/s canal
Full supply discharge 8m3/s 8m3/s
Bed level +19.00 +17.00
Full supply level +20.50 +18.50
Bed width 8.0 8.0
Top level of embarkment +21.50 +19.50
Top width of embarkment 2.0m 2.0m
Side slopes 1:1(cut) 1.5:1(fill)
Average ground level 19.50 11.50
Hand soil available@ 17.50
Draw to a suitable scale
1) Half plan@top and half of foundation
2) Half elevation & half longitudinal section
3) Cross section along the canal

Q8) Design the details of a canal regulator with the following particulars
Particulars Upstream Downstream
Full supply discharge (FSQ)(m3/s) 19.0 16.0
Bed width (m) 12 12
Bed level (m) +55.00 +55.00
Full Supply Level (FSL) (m) +57.00 +56.75
Top level of Bank (m) +58.00 +57.75
Top width of Bank (m) 2.0 2.0
Side slopes (H:V) 2:1 2:1

Bligh’s creep coefficient – C – 10

General ground level at this site +47.00m
Good soil for foundation (HRL) or (GFL) is available at +54.00m
Splayed type wing-walls are to be provided.

Draw to suitable scale the following views:

a) Half longitudinal section and half longitudinal elevation
b) Half plan at top and half at foundation level
c) Sectional elevation through regulator vent
d) Cross section of wing walls

Q9) Design a tank sluice for an earthen dam (Tank bund) with the following particulars

Maximum water level (MWL) +123.0m

Low water level (LWL) +120.0m
RL of Top of bund (TBL) +125.0m
Side slope of the bund 2:1 on both sides
Top width of bund 2.0m
RL of sill of sluice +119.0m
Bed level of canal +119.0m
Side slopes of canal 1.5:1
Canal bed width 1.2m
Canal discharge 0.2m3/s
Good Foundation or Hard Rock level +118.5m
General ground level +119.5m

Design the barrel and cistern. Draw the following views:

a) Longitudinal elevation along the centre of sluice barrel
b) Half plan at top and half plan at foundation
c) End view

Q10) Design a suitable cross-drainage work, given the following data at the crossing of a canal and a drainage

Full supply discharge 25m3/s
Full supply level +211.5m
Canal Bed level +210.0m
Canal Bed width 20m
Trapezoidal canal section 1.5H:1V slopes
Canal water depth 1.5m
High flood discharge 270m3/s
Drainage bed level +205.5m
High flood level +208.0m
General ground level +210.5m

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