Microtensile Bond Strength of Different Acrylic Teeth To High-Impact Denture Base Resins

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Microtensile Bond Strength of Different Acrylic Teeth

to High-Impact Denture Base Resins

Amanda C. Colebeck, DDS, MS,1,2 Edward A. Monaco Jr., DDS,3 Christopher R. Pusateri, DDS, MS,3 &
Elaine L. Davis, PhD4
Fellow, Maxillofacial Prosthetics, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
Formerly, Resident, PG Prosthodontics, University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, Buffalo, NY
Clinical Assistant Professor, Restorative Dentistry, University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, Buffalo, NY
Professor, Oral Diagnostic Sciences, University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, Buffalo, NY

Keywords Abstract
Ridge lap; surface treatment; denture
processing; bond strength.
Purpose: This study evaluated the effect of denture base acrylic, denture tooth com-
position, and ridge-lap surface treatment on the microtensile bond strength (μTBS)
of three commercially available denture teeth and two injection denture processing
Amanda C. Colebeck, 206 Commodore systems.
Terrace, Cheektowaga, NY 14225. Materials and Methods: Sixteen experimental groups were formed (n = 3), accord-
E-mail: Amanda.Colebeck@gmail.com ing to denture tooth surface treatment (no treatment or surface treatment recommended
by the manufacturer), denture base processing technique and acrylic (SR-Ivocap-
Contents of this article have been presented Ivocap Plus or Success-Lucitone 199), and tooth type-composition at bonding inter-
in poster format at the American face (BlueLine DCL-PMMA, Portrait IPN-PMMA, Phonares II-PMMA, Phonares
Prosthodontic Society Annual Meeting II-NHC). Rectangular bar specimens with a 1 mm2 cross sectional area were fabri-
(Chicago, February 2013) and the Academy of cated and subsequently thermocycled at 10,000 cycles between 5°C and 55°C with a
Prosthodontics Annual Meeting (Maui, April 15-second dwell time. Select specimens underwent μTBS testing in a universal testing
2013). Oral presentations have been given for machine with a 1 kN load cell at 0.5 mm/min crosshead speed. Data were analyzed
the master’s dissertation of the first author
statistically by two and three-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test (α = 0.05).
(Buffalo, April 2013) and at the John J. Sharry
Results: Mean μTBS ranged between 56.2 ± 5.6 and 60.8 ± 5.0 N/mm2 for the
research competition at the American College
Ivocap Plus specimens and 13.3 ± 5.12 to 60.1 ± 6.0 N/mm2 for the Lucitone
of Prosthodontists Annual Session (Las
199 specimens. Among the Ivocap specimens, BlueLine DCL and Phonares II NHC
Vegas, October 2013).
had significantly higher μTBS than Portrait IPN to Ivocap Plus acrylic. There were no
This research was funded in part by a statistically significant differences among Blueline, Phonares II PMMA, and Phonares
generous grant from The Academy of II NHC, or between Phonares II PMMA and Portrait IPN. Within the Luctione
Prosthodontics. 199 specimens, there was a significantly higher μTBS for BlueLine DCL and Phonares
II NHC denture teeth with the manufacturer-recommended surface treatment when
The authors deny any conflicts of interest.
compared to control surface. BlueLine, Portrait, and Phonares II PMMA groups
Accepted March 7, 2014 achieved significantly higher mean μTBS than the Phonares II NHC group. There
were no statistically significant differences among BlueLine, Portrait, and Phonares
doi: 10.1111/jopr.12196 II PMMA groups.
Conclusion: When evaluating the μTBS of PMMA and NHC denture teeth to base
resins, a stronger bond was achieved using materials produced by the same manufac-
turer. Within the Luctione 199 specimens, the Phonares II NHC group demonstrated
significantly lower bond strength than other specimens, suggesting that gross ridge-lap
reduction of NHC denture teeth is not recommended if a base acrylic by a different
manufacturer from the tooth is going to be used.

Debonding of acrylic teeth from the denture base remains a and clip attachments or large implant-supporting frameworks
common problem in prosthodontic practice, involving 22% to can lead to debonding and fractures.3
30% of repairs.1 With the increased use of implants in support The majority of studies examining denture tooth to acrylic
of oral prostheses, denture tooth debonding may become an bond strength have used simple shear or tensile forces.4 The EN
even greater clinical challenge due to increased biting forces.2 ISO 22112 bond strength test is designed as a pass or fail test
In addition, inadequate acrylic resin thickness as a result of bar in which denture teeth that have a cohesive mode of fracture

Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2014) 1–9 

C 2014 American College of Prosthodontists 1
Microtensile Bond Strength of Acrylic Teeth to Denture Base Colebeck et al

Table 1 Experimental groups

Denture base product/ Injection method Denture tooth product Surface treatment Groupa

Luctione 199/Success Blueline DCL Glaze removed, polished CBL

- Portrait IPN Glaze removed, polished CPL
- Phonares II PMMA Glaze removed, polished CPhL
- Phonares II NHC Glaze and PMMA removed, polished CPhNL
- BlueLine DCL Glaze removed, roughened, monomer EBL
- Portrait IPN Glaze removed, roughened, monomer EPL
- Phonares II PMMA Glaze removed, roughened, monomer EPhL
- Phonares II NHC Glaze and PMMA removed, roughened, monomer EPhNL
SR-Ivocap Plus/Ivocap Blueline DCL Glaze removed, polished CBI
- Portrait IPN Glaze removed, polished CPI
- Phonares II PMMA Glaze removed, polished CPhI
- Phonares II NHC Glaze and PMMA removed, polished CPhNI
- BlueLine DCL Glaze removed, roughened, monomer EBI
- Portrait IPN Glaze removed, roughened, monomer EPI
- Phonares II PMMA Glaze removed, roughened, monomer EPhI
- Phonares II NHC Glaze and PMMA removed, roughened, monomer EPhNI

C, Control group; E, Experimental group; B, Blueline; P, Portrait; Ph, Phonares II PMMA; PhN, Phonares II NHC; L, Lucitone 199; I, Ivocap.

pass the test.5 This test does not account for the surface area The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of
of the ridge-lap surface bonded to the denture acrylic, and it is denture base polymer type, denture tooth composition, and
therefore difficult to accurately compare bond strengths among ridge-lap surface treatment on the μTBS of three commer-
different specimens. In contrast, the microtensile bond strength cially available denture teeth (highly cross-linked PMMA and
(μTBS) test provides the ability to control the bonded surface NHC) and two injection denture processing systems with their
area, allowing each specimen to have a more uniform distribu- corresponding base acrylics. The null hypothesis was based on
tion of interfacial stresses.6 Two studies have been published the assumption that there would be no significant difference in
detailing the use of this technique with acrylic denture teeth μTBS of the different denture teeth to the two denture base
and base materials.7,8 resins in any of the treatment groups.
The most recent generation of denture teeth, nano-hybrid
composite (NHC), is a mixture consisting of a urethane
dimethacrylate matrix and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) Materials and methods
clusters embedded in the structure. This material is layered This investigation evaluated the μTBS of two heat-polymerized
with highly cross-linked PMMA to create a denture tooth that high-impact denture base resins and injection-processing sys-
is highly esthetic on the superficial structure but supposedly tems (SR-Ivocap Plus resin/Ivocap, batch No. 69797, Ivoclar
reliable in bonding at the ridge-lap surface (SR Phonares II, Vivadent; Lucitone 199 resin/Success, batch No. 120524,
Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein). While this design is Dentsply International, York, PA), to three highly cross-linked
acceptable in many cases, there are times, especially in implant acrylic denture teeth (Portrait IPN, Dentsply International;
prosthetics, that denture teeth must be drastically reduced at the BlueLine DCL, Ivoclar Vivadent; Phonares II, Ivoclar Vi-
ridge-lap surface to fit the tooth in the space available, resulting vadent). Phonares II denture teeth were sectioned and tested
in exposure of the NHC material at the bonding surface of the at the PMMA surface (Phonares II PMMA) and composite
tooth. No published studies have reported on the bond strength surface (Phonares II NHC) in separate groups. A total of 48
of denture base acrylic to NHC material. mandibular first molar denture teeth were divided into eight
Previous studies using mechanical and chemical preparation groups of three teeth (n = 3) for each of the two acrylic resins,
of the denture tooth ridge-lap surface in attempts to improve making 16 groups in total (Table 1).
bond strength have produced mixed results.3 Spratley9 con- Initially, all teeth were roughened on their occlusal surface
cluded that grinding on the ridge laps of denture teeth or appli- with a carbide bur (H251.11.060, Brasseler USA, Savannah,
cation of monomer on the ridge laps prior to acrylic packing did GA) and embedded in clear autopolymerizing acrylic resin (Or-
not make a significant difference in bond strength. Addition- tho Resin; Dentsply International) contained within a 25 mm
ally, Morrow et al10 determined that application of monomer diameter polypropylene mounting cup (Struers, Ballerup, Den-
on unmodified ridge laps decreased bond strength. Other in- mark). Phonares II PMMA teeth (groups CPhI, CPhL, EPhI,
vestigators reported improved bond strengths when teeth were and EPhL) were sectioned with a diamond disk (911H.11.180,
treated with monomer and mechanically modified on the ridge Brasseler USA) on a slow-speed handpiece to expose only
lap.11,12 The contradiction of results is likely due in part to PMMA at the bonding surface prior to embedding the oc-
the differences in denture teeth, acrylic resin, and experimental clusal portion in acrylic resin. Phonares II NHC teeth (groups
technique used in preparing and testing specimens. CPhNL, CPhNI, EPhNL, and EPhNI) were sectioned to expose

2 Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2014) 1–9 

C 2014 American College of Prosthodontists
Colebeck et al Microtensile Bond Strength of Acrylic Teeth to Denture Base

Figure 1 Phonares II denture tooth intact (left-hand side) and sectioned (right-hand side) with UV LED flashlight illumination demonstrating difference
in composite and PMMA fluorescence.

Figure 3 Specimens invested in flask with sprues for injection process-

Figure 2 Resin-tooth-wax specimens. ing prior to full flasking.

only the NHC layer at the bonding surface prior to embedding paper under water cooling in a polishing machine (MetLab
in acrylic resin. The sectioned teeth were examined with a UV Corp., Niagara Falls, NY). Teeth in all groups were placed in
LED flashlight (Inova X5 UV Flashlight, Nite Ize Inc., Boulder, an ultrasonic unit for 10 minutes with distilled water and then
CO) at 395 nm wavelength to differentiate the composite sur- air dried at room temperature.
face (greater amount of fluorescence) from the PMMA surface Customary denture processing methods were used to pro-
(Fig 1). All acrylic denture teeth were flattened at the exposed cess the denture base. Baseplate wax (TruWax, Dentsply In-
bonding surface with 400-, 600-, and 800-grit silicon carbide ternational) was warmed and compressed into a polypropylene

Figure 4 Microtensile specimen preparation with a high precision saw.

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C 2014 American College of Prosthodontists 3
Microtensile Bond Strength of Acrylic Teeth to Denture Base Colebeck et al

mounting cup followed by placement of the tooth (embedded in Five beams were selected from each tooth, totaling 15 beams
clear acrylic resin) against the wax surface so the bonding sur- for each test condition. Each specimen was individually held in
face of the tooth was in contact with the wax (Fig 2). Specimens a metallic holding set with cyanoacrylate adhesive (Zapit Base
were inspected under magnification to ensure a complete seal and Accelerator, Dental Ventures of America, Corona, CA) and
between the clear acrylic resin and wax. The resin-tooth-wax aligned to a universal testing machine (Instron, Canton, MA).
specimens were invested in type III dental stone (Quickstone, Prior to alignment in the holder, digital calipers were used to
Whip Mix Corp., Louisville, KY) in a flask corresponding to record the exact area (mm2 ) at the bonded interface for each
the processing technique indicated (Ivocap or Success), and specimen. The force (N) at specimen failure and the mode of
wax sprues were formed prior to full flasking (Fig 3). Tinfoil failure (adhesive, cohesive, mixed) were recorded for each spec-
substitute (Separating Fluid, Ivoclar Vivadent) was used as a imen. The μTBS was calculated using the following equation:
separating medium. Flasks were placed in a clean boil-out tank R = F/A, where “R” is the microtensile strength, “F” is the load
(KaVo America Corp., Charlotte, NC) at 90°C for 5 minutes required for specimen failure (N), and “A” is the interface area
and then opened. Excess wax was removed, and a second 5- (mm2 ) of the specimens. The results in N/mm2 were converted
minute boil-out was accomplished. Flasks and bonding surfaces to MPa, as 1 MPa = 1 N/mm2 . The debonded surfaces of the
of the teeth were scrubbed with hot soapy water (Dawn liquid teeth and base were observed under a light microscope to record
detergent, Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, OH) and flushed with the mode of failure (Fig 5). The mode of failure was classified as
clean boiling tap water to remove wax remnants. All specimens (1) adhesive (clean break at the bond), (2) cohesive (full break
were examined under a microscope to ensure complete wax in the base material or tooth), and (3) mixed (a combination of
removal. Before resin packing, teeth in the experimental group adhesive and cohesive failure). Representative specimens were
had their exposed bonding surface roughened with a carbide selected and observed after coating with evaporated carbon in
bur (H251.11.060), cleaned with boiling tap water, air dried, a scanning electron microscope (Hitashi S-4000, Hitachi High
and painted with one drop of monomer. The monomer was left Technologies America, Inc., Schaumburg, IL) operated at 25
undisturbed for approximately 3 minutes prior to denture base kV (Figs 6, 7).
injection. The monomer applied to the teeth for each processing Statistical analysis was performed using two-way and three-
acrylic differed depending on manufacturers’ recommendation way ANOVA to analyze the results at a significance level of 0.05
(Ivocap Plus: Probase Cold Monomer, Ivoclar Vivadent; Luci- in an SPSS statistical software program (version 15.0; SPSS
tone 199: Lucitone 199 monomer, Dentsply International). Inc., Chicago, IL). Follow-up multiple comparisons (Tukey
For the groups processed with Success Injection System HSD) for cell means were used to further elaborate on the
(Dentsply International), Lucitone 199 denture acrylic resin results. The frequency for each mode of failure was reported
(batch No. 120524 light pink; Dentsply International) was for each group.
mixed according to the manufacturer’s instructions, injected
for 1 minute under pressure in the injection apparatus, allowed Results
to bench set for 30 minutes, and then placed in a water tank
polymerization unit for 9 hours at 73°C (163°F), followed by The mean μTBS (MPa) and standard deviation as well as mode
30 minutes at boiling (100°C). The curing unit was allowed to of failure for each group are listed in Table 2. Microtensile
cool to room temperature, and specimens were deflasked. bond strength data were analyzed using three-way ANOVA at
For the groups processed with Ivocap Injection Base System a significance level of 0.05. The analysis demonstrated a statis-
(Ivoclar Vivadent), capsules of acrylic resin (batch No. P69797, tically significant difference between the groups with respect
SR-Ivocap Plus High Impact, shade preference; Ivoclar Vi- to tooth type (F3,224 = 69.28, p < 0.005), acrylic base mate-
vadent) were triturated according to the manufacturer’s recom- rial (F1,224 = 134.42, p < 0.005), surface treatment (F1,224 =
mendations and injected under 6 bars of pressure for 5 min- 26.45, p < 0.005), tooth by acrylic (F3,224 = 99.82, p < 0.005),
utes with the manufacturer’s pressure apparatus. The flask was tooth by surface treatment (F3,224 = 4.64, p < 0.005), acrylic by
then placed in a tank of boiling water (100°C) for 35 minutes. surface treatment (F1,224 = 5.69, p = 0.018), and the interac-
The flask assembly was immediately placed into cold water for tion among tooth, acrylic, and surface (F3,224 = 5.1, p = 0.002).
20 minutes. The pressure apparatus was subsequently removed, To interpret the significant results, a simple interaction effects
and the flask was kept in cold water for an additional 10 min- analysis was performed using two separate two-way ANOVAs,
utes before the specimens were deflasked. After processing, one at each level of acrylic base material used, correcting the
gross nodules of acrylic resin were removed with a carbide bur F ratio values by using the mean-squared error and degrees
(H251.11.060) in a slow-speed handpiece, and specimens were of freedom from the three-way ANOVA.13 Follow-up multiple
hydrated by immersing in room temperature water for 24 hours. comparisons (Tukey HSD) were used to identify the statistically
Each tooth/acrylic resin set was serially sectioned perpen- significant differences among cell means. Table 3 displays the
dicular to the bonded interface into beams on an electrical high results of the two-way ANOVA statistical analyses.
precision saw with water cooling (Isomet 1000, Buehler Ltd, A two-way ANOVA comparing the mean μTBS by tooth type
Lake Bluff, IL) and a diamond wafering blade (4” wafering and surface treatment in the Ivocap specimens demonstrated
blade, high concentration Cat#M412H, MetLab Corp, Niagara no statistically significant effect for surface and no interac-
Falls, NY) to obtain regular specimens with a 1 mm2 mean tion between tooth and surface (Table 3). There was a statisti-
cross-sectional area (Fig 4). Specimens from each group were cally significant difference in mean μTBS by tooth type (p =
subsequently subjected to 10,000 thermocycles in water baths 0.002). Follow-up multiple comparisons (Tukey HSD) demon-
at 5°C and 55°C, with a 15-second dwell time. strated that BlueLine and Phonares II NHC groups achieved

4 Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2014) 1–9 

C 2014 American College of Prosthodontists
Colebeck et al Microtensile Bond Strength of Acrylic Teeth to Denture Base

Figure 5 Examination of specimens under light microscope to identify mode of failure as adhesive (left-hand side), cohesive (right-hand side), and
mixed (not shown).

Figure 6 SEM analysis of adhesive failure. Denture tooth on left-hand side and denture base on right-hand side.

Figure 7 SEM analysis of cohesive failure. Denture tooth shown in both images.

significantly higher mean μTBS than the Portrait IPN group. demonstrated that the BlueLine and Phonares II NHC groups,
There were no statistically significant differences among Blue- with the manufacturer-recommended surface treatment of
line, Phonares II PMMA, and Phonares II NHC, or between roughening and monomer application demonstrated higher
Phonares II PMMA and Portrait. The results for mean μTBS mean μTBS than the control surface (p < 0.005). There was
for the Ivocap Plus group are illustrated in Figure 8. no significant effect for surface in the Portrait or Phonares II
A two-way ANOVA comparing the mean μTBS by tooth PMMA groups. There was a statistically significant differ-
type and surface treatment in the Lucitone 199 specimens ence in μTBS by tooth type (p < 0.005). Follow-up multiple
demonstrated a significant main effect for surface treatment comparisons (Tukey HSD) demonstrated that BlueLine, Por-
(Table 3). Follow-up multiple comparisons (Tukey HSD) trait, and Phonares II PMMA groups achieved significantly

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C 2014 American College of Prosthodontists 5
Microtensile Bond Strength of Acrylic Teeth to Denture Base Colebeck et al

Table 2 Descriptive statistics for mean μTBS (15 specimens/group)

Ivocap Plus (I) Lucitone 199 (L)

Sample group Denture tooth R (MPa) CO/AD/MIX R (MPa) CO/AD/MIX

Control (C) Blueline DCL (B) 58.6 ± 9.2 4/11/0 51.3 ± 10.7 6/9/0
- Portrait IPN (P) 50.4 ± 8.7 6/9/0 58.7 ± 6.3 13/2/0
- Phonares II (Ph) 58.7 ± 4.8 12/3/0 50.1 ± 8.5 11/4/0
- Phonares II NHC (PhN) 58.1 ± 5.3 0/15/0 13.3 ± 5.12 0/15/0
Experimental (E) BlueLine DCL (B) 60.0 ± 7.7 10/3/2 60.0 ± 6.1 9/2/4
- Portrait IPN (P) 56.2 ± 5.6 8/7/0 60.1 ± 6.0 15/0/0
- Phonares II PMMA (Ph) 59.1 ± 8.2 7/8/0 50.6 ± 8.3 12/3/0
- Phonares II NHC (PhN) 60.8 ± 5.0 0/15/0 30.9 ± 7.1 0/15/0

Groups: Control- glaze removed, polished; E- glaze removed, roughened/monomer

CO/AD/MIX represents the number of cohesive/adhesive/mixed failures in each group of 15 specimens.

Table 3 Two-way ANOVA of bond strength data

Acrylic Variable df Sum of squares Mean square F p

Ivocap Plus Tooth 3 797.914 265.971 5.062 0.00207

Surface 1 199.735 199.735 3.802 0.05244
Tooth × Surface 3 121.933 40.644 0.733 0.53330
Error 224a 5514.093 52.537a
Total 120 406373.012
Lucitone 199 Tooth 3 25853.019 8617.673 164.030 0.00000
Surface 1 1488.420 1488.420 28.331 0.00000
Tooth x Surface 3 1413.369 471.123 8.967 0.00001
Error 224a 6254.092 52.537a
Total 120 298592.767

These values were from the omnibus three-way ANOVA.

higher mean μTBS than the Phonares II NHC group. There surface area and allowing each specimen to have a more uniform
were no statistically significant differences among BlueLine, distribution of interfacial stresses.6
Portrait, and Phonares II PMMA groups. The results for The overall results of this study offer limited support that
mean μTBS for the Lucitone 199 group are illustrated in materials from the same manufacturer may achieve a stronger
Figure 9. bond. Among the specimens tested with Ivocap Plus acrylic,
The quality of the bond was evaluated for all specimens there was significantly greater bond strength with the teeth
(Table 2). No adhesive failures were observed for the experi- made by the same manufacturer as the base acrylic compared to
mental Portrait group processed with Lucitone 199. The mode a denture tooth made by a different manufacturer. For Lucitone
of failure for all Phonares II NHC groups was 100% adhe- 199 groups, while the result was not statistically significant, the
sive. Experimental Blueline groups processed with both acrylic denture tooth produced by the same manufacturer as the acrylic
types demonstrated some mixed failures, while all other groups base had a higher mean μTBS in the control group as compared
had a combination of adhesive and cohesive failures among the to the control groups of the other denture teeth. There have been
specimens. very few studies reporting on the compatibility of teeth and
acrylics by the same manufacturers versus combinations from
different manufacturers. Dalal et al15 investigated the effect of
Discussion curing cycle on the strength of the bond between homogeneous
crosslinked acrylic resin teeth and heat-cured acrylic resin base
In prosthodontic practice, debonding of denture teeth from the material, finding that the strongest bonds were achieved when
denture base is a major concern. In past studies, denture tooth to both the denture tooth and resin were made by the same manu-
base bond failure has been determined by test methods such as facturer. Patil et al16 matched pairs of acrylic resin denture teeth
tensile, shear, peel, and four-point flexure testing.4 As observed and denture base acrylic from three separate manufacturers to
by other authors, these conventional tests are not a reliable investigate the bond strength compatibility among the brands.
method for testing bond strength between denture teeth and Although no statistical significance was achieved, the authors
base resin because they are not truly testing the bonded interface reported a trend with each of the acrylic resin denture base ma-
and tend to induce cohesive fractures.14 The present study used terials forming a stronger bond with the denture teeth from the
a μTBS test that has the advantage of controlling the bonded same manufacturer.

6 Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2014) 1–9 

C 2014 American College of Prosthodontists
Colebeck et al Microtensile Bond Strength of Acrylic Teeth to Denture Base

Figure 8 Microtensile bond strength (MPa) of Ivocap groups by tooth type and surface treatment.

Many studies have reported on the effect that ridge-lap sur- The different processing techniques used by the Ivocap and
face treatments have on the bond strength between denture teeth Success injection systems may also account for the lack of sig-
and base acrylics, but there is little consensus among them.3,8-11 nificance of surface treatment among the Ivocap groups. The
Additionally, it is difficult to compare the results of one study Ivocap Injection System injects the base acrylic into the den-
to another, as the materials and testing parameters can vary ture mold under six bars of constant pressure for 5 minutes on
greatly. The present study found a significant effect for Blue- the bench top, and the pressure is kept constant while curing
Line and Phonares II NHC tooth specimens processed with in a boiling water bath for 35 minutes. The flask is designed in
Lucitone 199 base acrylic; the treatment of roughening and such a way that a temperature gradient is achieved within the
monomer application produced higher mean μTBS as com- flask, resulting in the denture polymerizing from the anterior
pared to the control groups. There was no statistical signifi- region to the injection area. This allows uncured material to be
cance of surface treatment among the groups processed with continuously pressed into the flask, compensating for polymer-
Ivocap Plus acrylic. Considering that Ivocap Plus and Lucitone ization shrinkage. With the Success injection system, Lucitone
199 acrylics are chemically similar, it is not clear why this 199 acrylic is injected under pressure for only 1 minute. There
occurred. Perhaps the operator variation is reduced with the may be a component of the high pressure and continuous in-
Ivocap system, since the acrylic is supplied in a container with jection of acrylic in the Ivocap system that allows the diffusion
a pre-measured automatically triturated powder:monomer ratio of monomers into the denture teeth, accounting for the lack of
(vs. the operator-measured and hand-mixed Lucitone 199 sys- significance of surface treatment.
tem). While every effort was made to consistently measure the In this study, the research hypothesis that the highly cross-
Lucitone 199 powder and liquid and mix with the same amount linked PMMA denture teeth and NHC teeth with PMMA
of setting time, there may have been variance among the spec- present at the bonding interface (Phonares II PMMA) will
imens processed. The application of monomer prior to resin have a greater bond strength to denture base compared with
packing is advised by manufacturers to prime the ridge-lap sur- the NHC denture teeth with PMMA removed (Phonares II
face by dissolving part of the PMMA of the tooth, providing free NHC) was partially accepted. Lucitone 199 acrylic bonded
double bonds that may copolymerize with the PMMA of the with Phonares II denture teeth demonstrated the lowest bond
denture base.17 Lang et al18 observed improved bond strength strength among all specimens tested. It was also the only
among denture teeth pretreated with monomer prior to acrylic combination that demonstrated purely adhesive failure. The
packing and noted that Lucitone 199 is dry with little methyl failure mode for all other groups in this study consisted of
methacrylate available in the acrylic for dissolution of the tooth some combination of cohesive, adhesive, or mixed failure,
PMMA. except Portrait IPN with Lucitone 199 acrylic and ridge-lap

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C 2014 American College of Prosthodontists 7
Microtensile Bond Strength of Acrylic Teeth to Denture Base Colebeck et al

Figure 9 Microtensile bond strength (MPa) of Lucitone 199 groups by tooth type and surface treatment.

surface modification (group EPL), which had only cohesive 3. When bonded to Lucitone 199, BlueLine, Portrait, and
failure. These results indicate that an acrylic denture base Phonares II PMMA groups achieved significantly higher
and composite denture tooth may only achieve a mechan- mean μTBS than the Phonares II NHC group.
ical, rather than chemical bond with one another. In con- 4. Phonares II NHC groups demonstrated only adhesive
trast, the purely cohesive failure mode demonstrated by group failure when bonded to Lucitone 199 and Ivocap base
EPL suggests that this combination of tooth, base acrylic, acrylic. Portrait IPN with Lucitone 199 acrylic and ridge-
and surface treatment create a highly compatible bonded lap surface modifications demonstrated only cohesive
interface. failure. All other groups had some combination of cohe-
Based on these results, lab technicians and dentists should sive, adhesive, or mixed failure.
exercise caution when grossly reducing the ridge lap surface of
the NHC denture teeth, especially if a base acrylic by a different
manufacturer from the tooth is going to be used; however, this
study was limited in the variety of ridge-lap surface treatments Materials support was graciously provided by Dentsply Inter-
and type of denture teeth and base acrylic tested. Hence, fur- national and Ivoclar Vivadent.
ther research investigating the bond strength of different NHC
denture teeth with various acrylic resins and surface treatments
would be necessary to draw definitive conclusions and recom-
mendations. 1. Darbar UR, Huggett R, Harrison A: Denture fracture-a survey.
Br Dent J 1994;176:342-345
2. Rodrigues AH: Metal reinforcement for implant-supported
Conclusions mandibular overdentures. J Prosthet Dent 2000;83:511-513
3. Goodacre, CJ, Bernal G, Rungcharassaeng K, et al: Clinical
Within the limitations of this study, the following conclusions complications with implants and implant prostheses. J Prosthet
can be made: Dent 2003;90:121-132
1. Among the Ivocap specimens, BlueLine DCL and 4. Patil SB, Naveen BH, Patil NP: Bonding acrylic teeth to
acrylic resin denture bases: a review. Gerodontology 2006;23:
Phonares II NHC had significantly higher μTBS than
Portrait IPN to Ivocap Plus acrylic. 5. ISO 22112: Dentistry—artificial teeth for dental prostheses.
2. Within the Luctione 199 specimens, there was a signifi- International Organization for Standardization. Geneva,
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