LBP v. de Leon-Deci

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7. LBP v. De Leon b. P2,957,250.00 for the 30.4160 hectares of


THIRD DIVISION Within the time allowed, respondent-appellant filed a

Motion for Reconsideration which was subsequently
[G.R. No. 143275. September 10, 2002 denied by the Court.4cräläwvirtualibräry

LAND BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Petitioner,vs. xxx xxx xxx

LEON, Respondents. On March 17, 1998, the Department of Agrarian
Reform filed in the Court of Appeals a petition for
DECISION review of the decision of the Special Agrarian Court.
The said petition, docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 47005,
was assigned to the Special Third (3rd) Division of the
Court of Appeals. Petitioner LBP also initiated in the
Court of Appeals an appeal of the same decision of
Before us is a petition for review of the the Special Agrarian Court by filing a notice of appeal.
resolution,1 dated February 15, 2000, of the Court of Docketed as CA-G.R. CV No. 60365, the said ordinary
Appeals2 dismissing the ordinary appeal of petitioner appeal was assigned to the Fourth (4th) Division of the
Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP, for brevity), and Court of Appeals.
resolution3 dated May 22, 2000 denying the motion
for reconsideration thereof.
On November 6, 1998, the Special Third (3rd) Division
of the appellate court, through then Associate Justice
The undisputed facts as found by the appellate court Minerva Gonzaga-Reyes5, rendered in CA-G.R. SP No.
are as follows: 47005 a decision6, the dispositive portion of which
The petitioners-appellees Arlene de Leon and
Bernardo de Leon are the registered owners of a WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition for
parcel of land situated at San Agustin, Concepcion, review is GIVEN DUE COURSE. The decision dated
Tarlac covered by TCT No. 163051 with a total area of February 9, 1998 is partially reconsidered. The trial
50.1171 hectares. The subject property was court is ordered to recompute the compensation
voluntarily offered for sale to the government based on the selling price of palay at 213.00 per
pursuant to RA 6657 at P50,000.00 per hectare. The cavan. Petitioner is ordered to pay legal interest at
Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) made a 6% of the compensation so fixed from 1990 until full
counter offer of P17,656.20 per hectare, or a total payment is made by the government.
amount of P884,877.54, but the same was rejected.
Another offer was made by DAR increasing the
SO ORDERED.7cräläwvirtualibräry
amount to P1,565,369.35. In view of the petitioners-
appellees failure to respond to the new offer made by
DAR, the Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Thereafter, on February 15, 2000, the Fourth (4th)
Board (DARAB) took cognizance of the case pursuant Division of the Court of Appeals dismissed petitioner
to Sec. 16 (d) of RA 6657. Subsequently, the DARAB LBPs ordinary appeal (CA-G.R. CV No. 60365), in a
issued an Order directing respondent-appellant LBP to resolution dated February 15, 2000, the dispositive
recompute the value of the subject property in portion of which reads:
accordance with DAR Administrative Order No. 6,
Series of 1992. Applying the pertinent provisions of WHEREFORE, the appeal is DISMISSED for lack of
the said DAR administrative order, respondent- merit.8cräläwvirtualibräry
appellant arrived at a recomputed land value as
follows: In dismissing the ordinary appeal (CA-G.R. CV No.
60365) instituted by petitioner LBP, the appellate
Land Use Area Acquired Value/hectare Total/Land court reasoned that the mode of appeal followed by
Value the petitioner was erroneous considering that Section
60 of RA 6657, otherwise known as the
Sugarland 32.4187 P61,758.85 P2,002,141.63 Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law, mandates that
appeals from decisions of Special Agrarian Courts
should be by petition for review. Therefore, the notice
Riceland 16.6984 P28,449.80 P 475,066.14
of appeal filed by LBP was ineffectual and did not stop
the running of the period of appeal. Also, the
Idle land 1.0000 P14,523.78 P 14,523.78 appellate court took note of the decision rendered by
the Special Third (3rd) Division of the same court
or an aggregate amount of P2,491,731.65, which was involving the same issue and parties, to wit:
again rejected by the petitioners-appellees.
All these notwithstanding LBP does not stand to lose
In a Petition dated October 27, 1994, filed with the anything at all. While it did suffer a setback in this
Regional Trial Court, Branch 63, Tarlac, which is the instant case LBP in one way or the other still we note
designated Special Agrarian Court in the area, that it is likewise victorious in the appeal brought by
petitioners-appellees asked the court, among others, the DAR (CA-G.R. SP 47005). In a decision rendered
to fix the just compensation of the subject property. on November 6, 1998 this court ordered the trial
court to recompute the compensation based on the
In due time the court rendered a summary judgment selling price of palay at P213.00 per cavan. Thus to
on December 19, 1997 fixing the compensation of the this effect with more reason that we should deny the
subject property as follows: appeal even granting the mode of appeal as availed of
is correct to avoid any contradiction of this divisions
with that of the other.9cräläwvirtualibräry
a. P1,260,000.00 for the 16.69 hectares of riceland;

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Petitioner LBP filed a motion for reconsideration but Special Agrarian Courts, in the determination of just
the same was denied in a resolution dated May 22, compensation an appeal by way of a petition for
2000. review or an ordinary appeal?

Hence, this petition questioning the resolutions of the Section 2 of Rule 41 of the 1997 Revised Rules of Civil
Fourth (4th) Division of the Court of Appeals on the Procedure provides for three modes of appeal, to wit:
following assignment of errors:
Sec. 2. Modes of Appeal.
(a) Ordinary appeal. The appeal to the Court of
IN RULING THAT SECTION 60 OF RA 6657 PROVIDES Appeals in cases decided by the Regional Trial Court
THE PROPER MODE FOR THE REVIEW OF THE in the exercise of its original jurisdiction shall be taken
DECISIONS OF THE SPECIAL AGRARIAN COURTS by filing a notice of appeal with the court which
DESPITE SECTION 61 OF RA 6657 WHICH EXPRESSLY rendered the judgment or final order appealed from
MANDATES THAT THE RULES OF COURT SHALL and serving a copy thereof upon the adverse party.
GOVERN THE REVIEW OF THE DECISIONS OF THE No record on appeal shall be required except in
SPECIAL AGRARIAN COURTS BY THE COURT OF special proceedings and other cases or multiple or
APPEALS; separate appeals where the law or these Rules so
require. In such cases, the record on appeal shall be
II filed and served in like manner.

IN NOT RECOGNIZING THAT SECTION 61 OF RA 6657 (b) Petition for Review. The appeal to the Court of
PREVAILS OVER SECTION 60 OF RA 6657, INASMUCH Appeals in cases decided by the Regional Trial Court
AS THE MODE OF APPEAL OF A COURTS DECISION IS in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction shall be by
A MATTER OF PROCEDURE WHICH IS COVERED BY petition for review in accordance with Rule 42.
SUPREME COURT UNDER SECTION 5(5), ARTICLE VIII (c) Appeal by Certiorari. In all cases where only
OF THE 1987 CONSTITUTION AND IN ACCORDANCE questions of law are raised or involved, the appeal
WITH EXISTING JURISPRUDENCE; shall be to the Supreme Court by petition for review
on certiorari in accordance with Rule 45.
Petitioner LBP, in its bid to maintain the legitimacy of
IN DECLARING THAT THE SUPREME COURT MERELY its appeal, contends that the proper mode of appeal
MADE AN INADVERTENT MISTAKE IN REVISING from a decision of the Special Agrarian Court is by
SECTION 1, RULE 43 OF THE RULES OF COURT AND way of a notice of appeal due to the reference by
REMOVING THE DECISIONS OF THE SPECIAL Section 61 of RA 6657 to the Rules of Court as the
AGRARIAN COURT FROM THE LIST OF THOSE governing procedure for appeals to the Court of
APPEALABLE TO THE COURT OF APPEALS BY Appeals. This being the case, the petitioner claims
PETITION FOR REVIEW; AND that the procedure for ordinary appealed cases
provided for in Section 2(a) of Rule 41 of the 1997
Revised Rules of Civil Procedure must be followed,
that is, a notice of appeal is required in order to
perfect the appeal. According to the petitioner, this is
IN DISMISSING THE APPEAL OF THE PETITIONER, the proper mode of appeal in the case at bar
DESPITE ITS RULING THAT THE SUPREME COURT considering that the appealed decision is that of the
MADE A MISTAKE IN ITS ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, Regional Trial Court in the exercise of its original
RENDERING SUCH DISMISSAL AS HIGHLY UNJUST, jurisdiction. Moreover, Section 1 of Rule 43 of the
OPPRESSIVE AND CONTRARY TO DUE PROCESS OF 1997 Revised Rules of Civil Procedure11 (pertaining to
LAW. 10cräläwvirtualibräry appeals by way of petitions for review to the Court of
Appeals of decisions of quasi-judicial agencies and the
The case at bar requires an interpretation of Sections Court of Tax Appeals), does not include decisions of
60 and 61 of RA 6657. The said provisions provide the Regional Trial Courts acting as Special Agrarian
that: Courts.

Section 60. Appeals, - An appeal may be taken from We deny the petition.
the decision of the Special Agrarian Courts by filing a
petition for review with the Court of Appeals within A petition for review, not an ordinary appeal, is the
fifteen (15) days from receipt of notice of the proper procedure in effecting an appeal from decisions
decision; otherwise, the decision shall become final. of the Regional Trial Courts acting as Special Agrarian
Courts in cases involving the determination of just
Section 61.- Procedure in Review. Review by the compensation to the landowners concerned. Section
Court of appeals or the Supreme Court, as the case 60 of RA 6657 clearly and categorically states that the
may be, shall be governed by the Rules of Court. The said mode of appeal should be adopted. There is no
Court of Appeals, however, may require the parties to room for a contrary interpretation. Where the law is
file simultaneous memoranda within a period of clear and categorical, there is no room for
fifteen (15) days from notice, after which the case is construction, but only application.12cräläwvirtualibräry
deemed submitted for decision.

Respondent spouses point to Section 60 of RA 6657 to

support their view that the mode of appeal initiated
by petitioner LBP was erroneous. On the other hand,
petitioner LBP believes that the mode of appeal it
used is permissible under Section 61 of the same law.

What indeed is the proper mode of appeal from

decisions of the Regional Trial Courts, sitting as
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According to the petitioner, Section 61 of RA 6657 of RA 6657 inasmuch as a contrary interpretation

should be followed, not Section 60. The reference by would violate the constitutional provision granting to
Section 61 to the Rules of Court implies that an the Supreme Court the power to promulgate rules
ordinary appeal requiring a notice of appeal is the concerning the protection and enforcement of
proper manner of appealing decisions of Special constitutional rights, pleadings, practice,
Agrarian Courts on just compensation because and procedure in all courts, the admission to the
Section 2(a) of Rule 41 of the 1997 Revised Rules of practice of law, the Integrated Bar, and Legal
Civil Procedure provides that decisions of the Regional Assistance to the underprivileged. (italics
Trial Courts in the exercise of their original jurisdiction supplied)14cräläwvirtualibräry
follow the procedure governing ordinary appeals.
As earlier mentioned, there is nothing in the Rules of
We do not agree. Court that categorically prohibits the adoption of the
procedure for petitions for review of decisions of
First, there is no conflict between Section 60 and 61 Special Agrarian Courts. Section 60 of RA 6657 and
of RA 6657 inasmuch as the Rules of Court do not at the provisions of the Rules of Court can be
all prescribe the procedure for ordinary appeals as the harmonized and can co-exist.
proper mode of appeal for decisions of Special
Agrarian Courts. Section 61 in fact makes no more Moreover, the same Section 5 (5), Article VIII, of the
than a general reference to the Rules of Court and 1987 Philippine Constitution quoted by the petitioner
does not even mention the procedure for ordinary states that (r)ules of procedure of special courts and
appeals in Section 2, Rule 41 of the 1997 Revised quasi-judicial bodies shall remain effective unless
Rules of Civil Procedure as the appropriate method of disapproved by the Supreme Court. Section 60 is
elevating to the Court of Appeals decisions of Special obviously a special procedure. Contrary to the
Agrarian Courts in eminent domain cases. petitioners contention, it cannot be otherwise merely
because it was formulated by the legislature and not
Second, the failure to mention Special Agrarian Courts by any special body. As long as the said section
in Section 1 of Rule 43 of the Revised Rules of Civil provides for a particular process for the governance of
Procedure cannot be construed to mean that a the special court concerned, the provision is
petition for review is not permissible for decisions of accurately classified as a special procedure. Subject to
the said special courts. In fact, the said Rule is not constitutional limitations, the statutory enactment of a
relevant to determine whether a petition for review is special procedure cannot be said to encroach on the
the proper mode of appeal from decisions of Regional power of this Court to formulate rules of procedure for
Trial Courts in agrarian cases, that is, when they act the reason that we have not yet provided for a
as Special Agrarian Courts. Section 1 of Rule 43 of the particular process specifically governing agrarian
1997 Revised Rules of Civil Procedure merely courts. In fact, this Court exercises its constitutional
mentions the Court of Tax Appeals and the other power to promulgate special rules of procedure by
different quasi-judicial agencies without exclusivity in adopting Sections 60 and 61 of RA 6657 declaring a
its phraseology. Such omission cannot be construed to petition for review as the proper mode of appeal to
justify the contention that a petition for review is the Court of Appeals.
prohibited for decisions on special agrarian cases
inasmuch as the category is for quasi-judicial agencies The reason why it is permissible to adopt a petition
and tax courts to which the Regional Trial Courts do for review when appealing cases decided by the
not properly belong. Although Supreme Court Circular Special Agrarian Courts in eminent domain cases is
No. 1-9113 (precursor to Rule 43 of the Revised Rules the need for absolute dispatch in the determination of
of Civil Procedure) included the decisions of Special just compensation. Just compensation means not only
Agrarian Courts in the enumeration requiring petition paying the correct amount but also paying for the
for review, its non-inclusion later on in Rule 43 merely land within a reasonable time from its acquisition.
signifies that it was inappropriately classified as a Without prompt payment, compensation cannot be
quasi-judicial agency. considered just for the property owner is made to
suffer the consequences of being immediately
What is indisputable is that Section 60 expressly deprived of his land while being made to wait for a
regards a petition for review as the proper way decade or more before actually receiving the amount
of appealing decisions of agrarian courts. So far, necessary to cope with his loss.15 Such objective is
there is no rule prescribed by this Court more in keeping with the nature of a petition for
expressly disallowing the said procedure. review.

Third, far from being in conflict, Section 61 of RA Unlike an ordinary appeal, a petition for review
6657 can easily be harmonized with Section 60. The dispenses with the filing of a notice of appeal or
reference to the Rules of Court means that the completion of records as requisites before any
specific rules for petitions for review in the Rules of pleading is submitted. A petition for
Court and other relevant procedures in appeals filed review hastens the award of fair recompense to
before the Court of Appeals shall be followed in deprived landowners for the government-acquired
appealed decisions of Special Agrarian Courts. property, an end not foreseeable in an ordinary
Considering that RA 6657 cannot and does not appeal. This is exemplified by the case at bar in which
provide the details on how the petition for review shall the petition for review before the Special Third (3rd)
be conducted, a suppletory application of the Division (CA-G.R. SP No. 47005) was disposed of way
pertinent provisions of the Rules of Court is ahead of the ordinary appeal filed before the Fourth
necessary. In fact, Section 61 uses the word review to (4th) Division (CA-G.R. CV No. 60365) in the Court of
designate the mode by which the appeal is to be Appeals.
effected. The reference therefore by Section 61 to the
Rules of Court only means that the procedure under Inasmuch as the notice of appeal filed by petitioner
Rule 42 for petitions for review is to be followed for LBP did not stop the running of the reglementary
appeals in agrarian cases. period to file a petition for review, the time to appeal
the decision of the Special Agrarian Court has lapsed,
According to the petitioner, an ordinary appeal rendering the said decision final and executory.
prescribed under the Rules of Court should prevail
over a petition for review provided under Section 60
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WHEREFORE, the appealed RESOLUTIONS, dated

February 15, 2000, and May 22, 2000, respectively,
of the Court of Appeals are hereby AFFIRMED. No


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