Tap Dance and Me: An Experience

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Ma. Kyla Angelica C.

Manzanares 2019-20502
I – BS Community Nutrition PE 2 TD WFA

Tap Dance and Me: An Experience

It was enlistment period. I am required to take my 2 nd PE as stated in the BS Community

Nutrition curriculum. As a transferee from other university, I have a regular enlistment priority
and it’s really tough to get a slot from my desired classes. Honestly, PE 2 tap dance isn’t one of
my choices because I’m not that good and graceful in dancing. I actually selected my slot in this
class in order to make sure that I could take one. When I saw that my slot was granted into this
class, I’m having second thoughts whether to grab this opportunity or not because 7:00 AM class
is too early. I’ve thought it through, and eventually decided to take it since I’ve read a lot of
reviews online and seek advice from my friend who took this class that being in a tap dance class
is fun and worth it.

August 2, 2020. Friday. 7:00 AM. It was the first day of class. The first ever subject that
I’ve attended in my freshman year during the second semester. I wasn’t ready yet in school but I
have to deal with since it’s a daily part of my life in college. I went to the dance studio room as
early as I can. I’ve already met and interacted with one of my classmates and told me that she
had already been a student of Ma’am Kimpo last semester.

When it’s almost 7:00 AM, our professor, Ma’am Rosalinda Kimpo entered the room.
We talked about the rules when it comes to attendance, grading system, etc. She also told us
about the requirements throughout the semester such as 1 by 1 with our name at the back, and
tapping shoes. Through the next meetings, our professor started to teach us the very basic of tap
dancing. It feels great that I could learn it very well. I was determined to practice and enjoyed
every beat of the music while correctly executing the steps. Day by day, our tap dance session
becomes complicated and faster. It’s easier to give up but I didn’t. Seeking help from my
classmates and asking my professor to do it again is the best way to pick up the moves easily and
doing it over and over again. I haven’t missed one session in this class since some of the
additional steps were only taught by our professor once and it’s too hard to catch up if you didn’t
learn it yet. Overtime, my feet became used to it. I l truly appreciate the art of tap dancing and
love it even more as time passes by.
Ma. Kyla Angelica C. Manzanares 2019-20502
I – BS Community Nutrition PE 2 TD WFA
Even though we’ve only made it halfway the semester, there are so many things in this
class I’m thankful for. First, believing in myself that I could surpass my own expectations;
second, the friends I’ve met and being with them is one of the best memories of my college life,
and last but not the least, my tap dance professor, Ma’am Rosalinda Kimpo, for being persistent
and passionate in everything she does. I’ll greatly treasure the learnings I’ve got and I never
regret taking tap dance class. It boosts my energy every morning and lifts my mood considering
that there’s a lot of school loads to worry about. I’ve also realized that being in this class will
not only enhance your tap dance skills and body coordination but it would also test how you
interact with everyone since it’ll be helpful to practice altogether. If only I had a chance to take
this PE again, I’d definitely want to.

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