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Roll No. ........ 11451 MBA 2 Year (2nd Semester) (Old Scheme) Examination, May, 2012 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Paper : 2203/50803 Time : Three hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 70 Before answering the question, candidates should ensure that they have been supplied the correct and complete question paper. No complain in this regard, will be entertained after examination. Note: Attempt any four questions from Section — A, selecting at least one question from each Unit. Section - B is compulsory to attempt. All questions carry equal marks. SECTION -A UNIT-I 1. Discuss the challenges of HR professionals in the present environment. What strategies are taken into consideration while managing those challenges ? Explain. 4 2. Define HR information system. How does it play role in human resource planning ? Discuss. 14 11451-1150-(P-4)(Q-9)(12) P.T.O. UNIT-IL 3. What is the impact of training on socialization of employees ? Explain with examples. 14 4. Discuss the role and importance of executive development programme for the Organizational success. 14 UNIT - 1 _ 5. Enumerate the meaning and concept of potential appraisal. How does it differ from performance appraisal ? Explain. 14 6. Explain the elements of executive compensation. What factors play role in determining compensation for different categories in the organization ? 14 UNIT-IV 7. Define the role of HR in Virtual Organizations. Explain emerging tends that compel such roles to take place. 14 8. Write short notes on the following : 14 (a) Role of HR in mergers and acquisitions (b) Challenges in Outsourcing. 11451-1150-(P-4)(Q-9)(12) (2) SECTION - B (Case Study — The Wet Floor) 9. Sushma works in Infosoft Solutions Pvt. Ltd. She works there as Project Leader. Occasionally her job demands coming early for her duties or stay till late evening hours. Once she was handling 2 projects simultaneously and on one such day she had convened a meeting with her team members regarding project delivery. She had called her team members at 0800 hours. Sushma is a disciplinarian and generally she follows duty timings strictly. Discipline starts with me, was her firm principle. She had made a habit of coming 5 minutes early at least. However, on that day she could not make meeting time of 0800 hours and she was worried of her reputation could be at stake. Time was 0805 and she reached main gate of her company. Hurriedly she swiped her card and rushed towards board room. That time few housemen were doing cleaning. One of the housemen had spread soap solution on the floor. Unaware of what is on the floor, she continued to rush to the board room. In hurry, Sushma slipped her foot. The floor was made of marbles and soap solution was sprinkled over it. The floor had become quite slippery. Sushma, could not control her balance on the slippery floor 11451-1150-(P-4)(Q-9)(12) (3) P.T.O. and fell down. Slippery floor dragged her couple of feet further. ‘The impact was so strong that she wailed loudly. Her team members rushed to help her. Somehow she could get up with the help of her team members. Considering her wailing because of pain, she was taken to the hospital. In the hospital it was discovered that her hip bone was broken. Later she was immobile for about two months because of hip injury. Later in investigation, it was revealed that the houseman who was cleaning the floor had not put the display board “Caution : Floor is Wet”. Question : Read the above case study carefully and find out the communication issues involved in it. 14 11451-1150-(P-4)(Q-9)(12) (4)

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