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Drive: Which provides linear/rotatory motion is called as “Drive”.
The drive that can be provide by the electricity is called Electric drives.

Fig 1.1 Block diagram

Electric drive: A complete set consisting of a power source, a power converter, a motor, a
controller and a feedback system is defined as “Electric drive”.
Functions of each:
Power source:-
1. It produces the required power or energy in the available form.
2. It can be an IC engine or generator or even be a battery.
1. Motor is coupled to the actual process.
2. The process can be anything like cutting, grinding, rotation, punching, lifting,
shearing and pressing etc.
3. The motor can be of any type of AC or DC which is suitable for load.
1. This is the process which is to be controlled.
2. Usually to control the load either the torque or the speed or both need to be
Power Converter:-
1. This block converts the type of energy given by the source into the form which is
required by the motor.
2. The output of the power converter is controlled by the controller.
Ex: - Rectifier, D.C generator etc.
1. This block is the brain of the industrial drive.
2. It receives the data or signal from the load about the parameter to be controlled.
3. It also receive data from the reference.
1. It compares both the data and generate the required control signals.
2. These control signals in turns will control the power source.

Functional diagram

Fig 1.2
Advantages of Electric drives:
1. It is more flexible.
2. Controlling of operating characteristics is easier.
3. Remote controlling is possible.
4. It is highly efficient.
5. Free from smoke and dust.
6. Occupy less space.
7. Switch starting and switch.
8. More economical.
9. Conversion of physical parameters into manageable data is very co-efficient in
electrical drives.
10. Reliable in operation.
11. Noise level is less and stopping possible.
1. It can’t be used in remote areas where electricity is not available.
2. They require continuous power supply.
3. The saturation of magnetic core leads to errors in measurements which may leads to
collapse of the system.
Types of drives:-
1. Group drives – (group of load, only one drive).
2. Individual drives (each process, each drive).
3. Multi-motor drives.
1. Group drives:-

Fig 1.3 Group drives diagram

1. If a group of loads are given drive by a single large capacity motor, then we call it a
group drives.
2. The figure shows the schematic layout of long drives shaft is supported on either
sides by two bearings.
3. Different loads are belted to the drive to the drive shaft with the help of pulleys
mounted on the drive shaft.
4. By using pulleys of different diameters, different speeds can be obtained acts at
respective loads.
5. The capacity of the main motor will be equal to the sum of the individual loads which
are given larger for future expansion.
1. The cost of single large motor is less than the individual motor.
2. High over load capacity is possible even though the individual motor work on very
high over load, the overload on the main motor will be less.
3. Controlling is easier as there is only one motor.
4. Well suited for small industries like textiles. Flour mills etc.,
1. The motor will be under loaded during majority of working time. Therefore motor
runs at lesser efficiency.
2. If one or two loads are used to main motor will be running at under load condition.
3. If the motor develops a fault all the loads have be shut down.
4. The overall transmission efficiency of the system is very poor due to belts, pulleys,
shafts etc.
5. The flexibility of the system is also very poor.
6. The future expansion is not possible if the motor is fully loaded.
7. The noise level of the system is very high.
8. The appearance of the drive is not good.
1. Spinning mills, flour mills are run by using these drives.
Industrial drives:-
1. If each load is having its own motor and tis own control system, we call the drive an
individual drive system.
2. The capacity of each motor is design by considering its load, each motor can be
operated and controlled separately.
3. The system is used where different parts of a process run at different loads and
different speed controls are required.
1. A fault in one motor will effect the single only.
2. All motors will be working at their full load better efficiency.
3. Controlling is possible on individual basics.
4. Addition or deletion of load is very easy.
5. The system is flexible.
6. The noise level is very less.
7. It has good appearance.
1. Initial cost is very high.
2. Overload capacity for individual motor is les.
3. The cost of control automation is more.
1. Automobile, paper and also for many application in industries.
Multi-motor drives:-
Some loads will have different speed requirement and different load characteristics with in
the same machines in such loads different motors will be used to drive different parts, such
a drive is called a multi-motor drive.
Used in complicated machine tools like lathes, cranes, rolling mills, robotics, auto-machines
Classification of drives:

Type of A.C.Drives
supplies D.C.Drives
of drives Group drives
Based on Individual drives
Multi-motor drives

A.C. Drive:-
1. 99% of the industrial applications used A.C. drives. AC drives can be 1-phase, 3-phase or
2. They are so popular because of availability of A.C everywhere and trouble free operation
of machines even with zero maintenance.
3. For the given capacity, the size of the motor decreases with increase in frequency.
4. The cost of operation, cost of maintenance and initial cost are smaller for A.C drives
compared to D.C.
D.C Drives:-
1. D.C. drives has special characteristics like fine speed control, high torques, good load
sharing etc.
2. In particular they are used where speed control is very very important, where precision
speed control is required.
3. However they suffer from disadvantages like sparking at the brushes, more no. of moving
Parts, wear and tear, frequent maintenance etc.

Comparison of AC and DC drives:

S.n A.C. Drives D.C. Drives
1. There are no brushes and 1. There are brushes and commutator
2. No sparking problems. 2. There is sparking problems
3. AC drives have very rugged 3. Very delicate construction.
4. Less number of moving parts 4. More number of moving parts.
5. For given capacity, size and weight is 5. Size and weight is more
6. Speed control is difficult 6. Speed control is very easy and very fine speed
control is possible
7. Low torque machine 7. High torque machine.
8. Low efficiency 8. High efficiency.
9. Low maintenance. 9. Continuous maintenance in required.
10. They can be built to any size or 10. There is a limit for capacity due to sparking.
11. Low cost 11. High cost

Types of loads:-
1. Based on time.
2. Based on duty cycle.
Duty cycle:-

Fig 1.4
The industrial or domestic load will follow a particular pattern in terms of magnitude of load
(power) put on the motor and it duration. This is called load pattern. The same pattern
repeats again and again over a period of 24 hours. This pattern which repeat again and
again is called as Duty cycle.
Classification of loads based on time:-
1. Continuous – Constant loads:-
These loads remain constant for considerably longer time.

Fig 1.5
Ex: - Fans, blowers, centrifugal pumps, etc.,
2. Continuous Variable loads:-
These loads vary continuously over a period and the pattern may or may not repeat.

Fig 1.6
Ex: - Cranes, metal cutting, conveyors etc.
3. Pulsating loads:-
Some loads remain loads constant over a longer period with pulses of loads super
imposed such loads are called pulsating loads.
Ex: Compressors, reciprocators pumps.
4. Impact Loads:-
The loads which acts for a very brief period, reach their max value suddenly and become
zero suddenly are called Impact loads.
Fig 1.7
Ex: Punching machine, forging hammers.
5. Short time intermittent load:-
The loads on the motor occurs periodically with longer idle time. The duty cycle may or
may not repeat.

Fig 1.8
Ex: Lift, escalation etc.
6. Short time loads:-
These loads act for a very small period and remain idle for longer duration.
Ex: Washing machine, mixie’s.
Classification based on duty:-
Based on duty the loads are classified into
1. Continuous only
a) Continuous constant duty
b) Continuous variable duty
2. Short time duty
3. Intermittent duty

1. Continuous duty:-
If the load remains continuously for a longer period we call that load as continuous duty
There are two types of continuous loads:-
a) Continuous constant loads:-
After starting these loads remains constant for a longer time for such loads the
temperature is as shown by temperature curve. After some time the temperature
produced and the temperature dissipated will be equal and hence the temperature
remains constant.

Fig 1.9
Selection of motor:-
For such loads, continuous rating of the motor is to be considered.
Continuous rating of the motor.
(1.152 to 1.13) constant load
15 to 30% excess rating is considered to take care of unforeseen over loading condition.
Continuous rating:-
It is equal to output power that a machine can supply continuously for longer period
without its temperature raising crossing its thermal limit.
b) Continuously Variable load:-
The variable load may have a sequentially repeating duty cycle. For the load curve
shown in fig the dotted line shows the thermal curve

Fig 1.10
Selection of motor:-
1. When the variation between max and minimum load is small.
Rating of motor = highest or max load
= (1.15 to 1.13) x max load
2. When the variation are larger the motor is selected on the basis of average power.
A more appropriate method is to calculate avg power loss because the temperature
raise is due to losses of the machine.
The average power is given by

Torquen tn
 Tavg 
Pt1 1  P2t2  Pt3 3 ............Pntn

Ttotal time
P – Total power
t – Load duration
n – no. of variations or no. of time periods
Total – total time.

In 2 Rtn
L avg 
Average Loss:

Torquen tn
 Tavg 
Average Torque:
Short time load:-
Loads which operate for smaller duration less than 30m and remains idle for sufficiently
longer time are termed as short time loads.
Their idle time is sufficiently longer. So that the motor regains its initial temperature
(sufficient cooling time is available).
Ex: - Mixies, Grinder, Washing machine etc.
Fig 1.11
Selection of motor:-
Motors are selected on the basis of short time rating short time rating will be much
greater than the continuous rating. In other words the machines will be manufacture to
bear over loads for short duration without exceeding thermal limit. As such loads allow
sufficient cooling time (Idle time) the motor cools down to room temperature before it is
restarted again.

Short time rating:-

The over load capacity (beyond the rated power) which a motor can support and
withstand for a short duration without exceeding its thermal limit is called short time
Intermittent duty or periodic intermittent duty loads:-

Fig 1.12
Fig 1.13
1. If the load on the motor, follows a definite pattern with respect to power and time,
with sufficient idle time between two loadings we call them period intermittent
2. The idle time allows sufficient cooling and brings back the motor to the initial
temperature, duty of such loads is given by

Duty factor = TON  TOFF
Some loads will be characterize with high starting losses. The starting losses add to the
temperature rise. The duty factor of such loads is given by

TON  TStart
Duty factor = Start
Some loads will have high starting losses sand braking losses. Heat is produced and adds
to temperature raise when brakes are applied. Duty cycle of such loads is given by

TON  TStart  TBrake

T  TON  TOFF  TBrake
Duty factor = Start
Selection of motor:-
For such loads motor is selected on the basis of constant load that appears on the motor
Same diagram as fig 1.12 and 1.13
The constant load is shown in the graph. Rating of the motor is less than constant loads
(slightly lesser). Add the load allows sufficient Cooling time, the whole overload capacity of
the motor is exploited (made us of).
The motor rating is selected at a value slightly lesser than, the constant load.
The worked out problems are not included in the material
Load Equalization:-

Fig 1.14
The process of smoothing out the load/torque fluctuation within a short time by an extra
means is called load equalization.
The industrial loads vary from no load to full load within a short period. These fluctuations
will create similar fluctuations in the current drawn from the supply. As a result we will have
to sue higher rating cables. Load fluctuations also cause supply voltage fluctuations. To
avoid all these a mechanism is used such that kinetic Energy of the motor during No load
period is stored and the stored Energy is released during Full load period. This process
reduces the difference between N.L current and F.L current.

1. A fly wheel is mounted on the load shaft for load equalization.
2. Flywheel is an extra metal wheel which is mounted on the same shaft and rotates
along with the rotor.

Fig 1.14
3. The flywheel stores the extra kinetic energy that motor during no load and supplies
same energy to the motor during F.L. period.

Types of enclosers of Motor:-

The motors are enclosed by casing for the following reasons:
1. To protect the internal parts of the motor from external damage.
2. To protect the operating personnel from loose and flying objects of the motor.
3. To dissipate the heat produced.
There are number of types of enclosers.
 Open type enclose:-
1. These motors are completely open, exposing all the internal parts.
2. Such motors are used only where the surroundings are completely free from dust
and moisture and where the movement of personnel is completely restricted.

 Grounded type enclosers:-

1. The end cover of such motor will have guards as shown in fig below

Fig 1.15
2. It protects the motor from flying objects.
3. They don’t offer any protection against dust and moisture, but they are well
ventilated and there is no need for external cooling methods.

 Screen protected type:-

1. It is an advancement of guarded type along with the end cover guards a wire mesh
with small hole will be provided at the both ends.
2. This offers an extra protection larger dust particles.

 Drip proof type:-

1. The encloser is designed in such a way that drips water, will not enter the motor.
Such enclose are meant for outdoor usage.

Fig 1.16
 Splash proof type:-
The encloser is designed in such a way that even jet/splash of water will not enter into
the motor such motors are used where the liquids are used for most of sprays.
 Totally enclosed:-
The motor is totally enclosed from all the sides. Only the shaft is visible outside. It
offers protection from all types of damages, but additional arrangements are
required for heat dissipation.

 Pipe ventilate type:-

The enclosers will have pipes embedded into the surface. Water, air or other types
of coolants are circulates through these types to dissipates the heat produced. These
motors are costly and are used where the operating conditions are very hot.

 Flame proof type:-

Some operating conditions need extra provisions such that the sparks produced
inside the motor are not allowed to escape into the atmosphere. The processes like
pumping petrol, diesel, spirit and gas etc., need such arrangements. These motors
are so designed that any spark produced inside the motor is not allowed to come

 Bearings:-
Bearing is a device which allows restricted or constrain and movement between
two or more surfaces. The friction between surfaces is reduced by lubricating.

Types of bearings:-
1. Plain Bearing – The simplest bearing with two sliding surfaces.
2. Ball bearing – Metal balls are used to take the load and reduce friction.
3. Roller bearings – Cylindrical rollers are used instead of balls.
4. Fluid bearings – The load is taken by the fluid gases (liquids).
5. Magnetic bearing – Load is taken by the magnetic field.

 Noise:-
Drives produce acoustic noise (sound waves) due to vibrations of the machines
and the vibration of laminations inside the machine. The domestic appliances and
the commercial appliances should produce as much less noise as possible. There are
many methods used to reduce the production of noise.
Mechanical vibrations can be reduced by spring mounting or rubber mat
mountings. The spring and rubber mats absorbs the vibrations.
Flexible pipes or conduits used for running the wiring to the machines will also
reduce the noise produced.
Apart from mechanical vibrations magnetostriction of the lamination produce a
humming noise. This noise can be reduced by tightly holding the laminations
Some of the methods for reducing the noise:- Reason/source of noise Method to reduce noise

1. Resonance By using rubber or spring mounting

2. By vibrations of laminations By tightening the holding screen and nuts

3. Magnetic Pulsations By producing exact even number of slots

4. Due to the friction of bearings Apply lubricants

5. Due to loosen parts Tightening the parts

6. Worn out bearing Replacing the bearing

 In industrial drives stopping a drive has equal importance to stopping a drive.
 A braking system is used to stop the rotatory machine.

 The following are the different braking system that are employed:
1. Mechanical braking
2. Compressed air braking
3. Vacuum braking
4. Magnetic braking
5. Hydraulic braking
6. Electric braking
In the all systems except electrical braking the machine is brought to rest by applying
frictional force between the brake drum and the brake shoe. The Kinetic energy of the
running machine is converted into Heat energy at the surface of contact.

Advantage of Electric braking:-

1. The wear and tear on the brake shoes and brake drum can be completely eliminated.
2. No need to replace the worn out braking surface.
3. Very large braking torques can be produced.
4. Higher rates of retardation are possible.
5. Regenerative braking is possible with regenerative braking in which the K.E of the
machine has can be converted into E.E and fed back to machine.

Types of Electric Braking:-

1. Plugging
2. Rheostatic braking/ dynamic braking
3. Regenerative braking

1. In this type of braking system the motor brought to rest by applying a force in the
opposite direction.
2. The opposite torque is created by reversing the armature magnetic field when the
terminals of the armature are reversed the armature current will be reversed and
hence its magnetic field is reversed.
3. The rheostat is connected in series with the armature during plugging.
4. The rheostat serves two purposes.
V  Eb
Ia 
i. If the limits of armature current : Ra  R (R – resistance of rheostat)
ii. By varying the rheostat the retardation can be controlled.
5. The motor is disconnected from the supply at the instant when its speed is 0 (zero),
otherwise it runs in opposite direction.

1. During plugging the power required to stop the motor is drawn from the supply.

Fig 2.1 Shunt motor

Fig 2.2 Series motor

Derivation of braking Torque:-

V - Supply voltage
Eb – Back Emf
Ia - Armature current
Ra – Armature resistance
R – Plugging resistance

When the armature terminals are reversed, the back emf will be reversed and total
voltage across the armature will be
V  Eb
V  Eb
Ia 
Ra  R
V Eb
 
Ra  R Ra  R
  60 A
Ra  R Ra  R

1 P
Tb   ZI a  
Braking Torque:
2  A

  ZNP 
1  ZP  V 60 A 
   
2 A  Ra  R Ra  R 
 
1  ZP  V  1  ZP  1 N 2
     
2 A  Ra  R  2  A  Ra  R 60
Tb  k1  k2 N 2
Shunt motor:
 is Constant

I sh is constant

Tb  k3  NK 4
Series motor:

 I a
Flux is directly proportional to armature current.
 Tb  k5 I a  k6 I a 2 N
Plugging of 3-  Induction motor:

1. Plugging in a 3-  induction motor is achieved by reversing the connections of any

two phases.
2. Reversal of two phases will reverse the direction rotation of stator magnetic field,
when the field is reversed the rotor will try to rotate in opposite direction and hence
a braking torque is applied.
3. The supply is disconnected when the rotor speed is zero.

Fig 2.3 Fig 2.4

Problems not included in this file.

Rheostatic/dynamic Braking:-
The biggest drawback of plugging is it draws the braking power also from the supply.
In other words additional power is drawn from the supply during braking. This
disadvantage is overcome in rheostatic braking. The kinetic energy that the motor has is
converted into E.E by running the motor as Generator. This electrical energy is
dissipated in a rheostatic hence the name rheostatic braking.
To convert the motor into generator the armature connections are disconnected from
the supply and are connected across a braking rheostat as shown below:
Fig 2.5 N.C Fig 2.6 R.B.C
For shunt its winding is connected to supply during braking in order to maintain the
magnetic field. In case of a series motor the series filed is reversed and rheostat forms a
closed path as show in fig. The existing armature current exists to flow to maintain the
magnetic field.
In both the cases by varying the rheostsat the braking torque and retardation can be
controlled. Retardation braking torque is maximum when the value of R is zero.
Problems are not included in this file

Regenerative braking:-
The braking system in which the kinetic energy that the load has at the instant of braking
is converted into electrical energy and is fed back to the source is called Regenerative
In the earlier two methods (Plugging & dynamic braking) this kinetic energy is wasted.
Moreover the earlier methods draw power from the source during braking.
Conditions for Regenerative braking:-
Eb > V
The generated voltage > terminal voltage
1. Regenerative braking is applicable to following motors:
a. Separately excited motor
b. Shunt motor
c. Compound motor
d. Series motor with special arrangement
e. Induction motor
Shunt motor Regenerative braking condition

Fig 2.7 Fig 2.8

1. A shunt motor supplies energy to the source when its back emf ( Eb) is more than the
supply voltage.
2. This condition appears in the cases where the motor is driven by the load, for
example a crane when lowering a load will drive the motor.
3. Another example is moving down a gradient will run the run the motor.
4. In both the cases the load drives the motor at speeds greater than the rated speed.

When the speed is more, Eb is greater than V and hence energy is fed back to
supply. The removal of kinetic energy decreases the speed.

When the speed becomes less than the rated speed Eb becomes less than V and again
motoring action takes place. To avoid this we need extra mechanical braking system to stop
the motor.
Series Motor:-
Normal Condition Regenerative braking condition

Fig 2.9 Fig 2.10

When  becomes zero N is max (more than the rated speed horribly)
In case of series motor when the armature current reverse during braking the series field is
also reversed. To avoid this we need special arrangements to see that the field direction
remains same even when the current direction is reversed. The following two methods are
Fig 2.11 Motoring condition Fig 2.12 Generating condition

Method 1:-
In method 1 the connection to the series field are reversed during braking as shown in fig
But the field coil is highly inductive braking the current for reversal of connections is
Method 2:-
In the second method the series motor is temporarily converted a compound generator. In
this the series field is a combination of three or four no. of coils connected in parallel of
show in fig 2.12
During the regenerative braking the motor is temporarily converted into a long shunt
generator by changing the connections to the field coils as shown in fig above. This method
is a better method compared to first method.

3-  Induction Motor:-

Fig 2.13
When a 3-  winding of an Induction motor is fed with 3-  supply a rotating magnetic
 120 f 
 Ns  
field which rotates at a speed s  P  is setup. The rotating magnetic field induces
an emf in the rotor circuit. When the rotor winding is closed, a rotor current is setup,
creating a rotor magnetic field. Due to the interaction of two magnetic fields, the rotor
rotates with a speed r . During motoring action r is always < s . The different speed is
called slip speed (S).

N N  N s ), the motor begins

If the rotor is made to rotate at a speed more than s (if r
to supply active power to the mains. This mechanism is called induction generation. The
motor works as generator only as long as r
N  Ns .

However the motor continues to draw reaction power from the supply during both
motoring and generating condition. If the generator is disconnected from the supply and
connected across a load then induction generator stops working because if can’t draw
reactive power from the load. In other words induction motor works as Induction generator
only as long as it is connected to grid supply.
1. Refrigerator:-
1. Refrigerator is used to store perishable foods, medicines water etc. for longer
2. Lower temperatures slow down the growth of bacteria and hence the frozen foods
take longer period to get spoiled.
3. Apart from storage of foods a refrigerator will also have a freezer (ice box) to
prepare ice cubes.
1. A frig will have thermally insulate box into which the items to be stored or loaded.
2. Temperature from the inside of the box is taken out and it is dissipated into the
3. This follows the unnatural transmission heat from a low temperature point to a high
temperature point.
4. This phenomenon requires the cooling coolant fluid (frayon gas) to be maintain at
different pressures. To maintain the differences in pressure an electrical driven
compressors is used.
Load cycle:-
The operation of the compressor is intermittent. The on and off timing of the
compressor depends on the following factor:
1. Volume of storage items.
2. Initial temperature of the items.
3. Temperature settings.
4. Ambient temperature (room temperature).
5. No. of opening and closing of temperature.
Suitable motor:-

A 1-  capacitor motor is used (3-  slip ring motor for large units).
Vacuum cleaner:-
1. It is used to clean or remove dust and dirt in the surfaces like floor, walls, furniture
2. A dust pouch is provided into which the dirt and dust is collected.
3. After cleaning this pouch is emptied.
1. It works on the principle of creation of low pressure areas.
2. A high speed fan is used to create low pressure within a container, by blowing out
the air.
3. The air form outside enters into the low pressure area through inlet with a force. On
its way carries the dirt and dust into the low pressure area where it is stored in
Suitable motor:-
A universal motor is used as to provide high torque and to run high speed and also if works
on both A.C and D.C.
Air conditioner:-
1. AC’s are used to cool the room temperature and maintained temperature as our
requirements or needs.
2. They are available in two models:
a. Window mounted model
b. Split model
Window mounted model:-
1. In window mounted model all the components like fan, compressor and compressor
cooling blower are housed in a single container.
Split model:-
In split model only the fan and temperature setting mechanism are placed inside the
room and the remaining components are housed in an outdoor unit.
1. A compressor will cool the fluid (frayon gas) circulating through a pipe work.
2. A fan mounted behind the pipe work will blow air into the room via the pipe
3. The cool fluid inside the pipe absorbs heat the air and cools it, the cool air is
circulation inside the room.
4. A temperature sensor which is mounted on AC units sensor which temperature
(room) and sends the signals to the controlling unit to turn on/off the compressor.
5. The blower fan will have speed control to control the flow of air.
6. The hot fluid is again circulated back to compressor where it is cooled.
Load cycle:-
1. Compressor turned ON and OFF intermittently depends on the temperature.
2. It’s off time is more compared to ON time the duration of on time depends on the
room temperature.
Compressor fan:-
1. This fan follows the duty cycle of compressor.
2. It is ON when the compressor is ON and OFF when the compressor is OFF.
Cool air blow fan:-
This fan is continuously ON, irrespective of temperature.
Suitable motor:-
Compressor and compressor fan:-

A 1-  capacitor motor is used with suitable rating.

Cool air blower fan:-

A 1-  capacitor motor with suitable rating is used.

Water pump:-
Discharge rate lit/sec
Stage (1 stage=20ft)
1. The domestic purpose of pump is to lift water from bore well/tube wells/
underground such to overhead tanks.
1. The domestic pumps are either reciprocating or centrifugal pumps for lifting.
2. Reciprocating pumps are used for lower heads and lower discharge rate. Here the
efficiency is low their operation makes a lot of noise. (compressor)
3. The centrifugal pumps have more efficiency lift water to higher heads and their
operation noise less.
Load cycle:-
1. The size of motor depends on the two factors:
a. Head to which water is lifted
b. The rate of discharge.
The rate of discharge is the volume of water be lifted per unit time (lit/sec)
2. In general terminology the head is measured in (20ft – 1 stage).
3. The load cycle where is from a few minutes to a maximum of 1 hour depending on a
no. of inhabitants (residents) in the buildings.
Suitable motors:-

1-  capacitor or 3-  motors are used. Up to 3Hp rating 1-  capacitor motors are used, beyond
3Hp the size of the 1-  motor is bulky and its cost is also more. Therefore beyond 3Hp we used a

3-  Motor depending on the type of supply available.

Hair dryers:-


It is used to dry the wet hair and also for cosmetic purposes like arranging the hair in different


1. A high speed fan is used to blow air over the hair.

2. Some hair driers will also have heating have a heating element to blow hot air.
3. Depending on the requirement, the fan speed as well as the temperature controls are

Load cycle:-

It is used for a few minutes in a day.

Suitable motor:-

Universal motor is used.

Air cooler:-

The air coolers are used to cool the living. This done by evaporating the water. When the water is
evaporated humidity in the space increased. Therefore air coolers are used where there is cross

Principle of operation:-

Cooler will have a fan which blows the air trapped in the compartment. When the air in the
compartment is blown out, the air from the surroundings rushes into the compartment. The
compartment valve are made with grass mats. Water is sprinkled or dripped continuously on these
mats with a small pump. The air while passing through the grass mat evaporates water and gets
cooled. This cool air blown out by the fans.

Load cycle:-

Load cycle is continuous operation for number of hours during day time and throughout the night
time in summer.

Suitable motor:-

Fan/blower: - A 1-  capacitor motor with totally enclosed body is used.

Pump: - A shaded pole motor with inbuilt centrifugal pump is used.

Washing machine:-

Washing machines are used to wash laundry like Lenin, clothes etc. The commercially available
washing machines are in different types.

A twin tub washing machine will have two tubs, one for washing and another for drying. Each tub
will have a separate motor. A single tub machine uses the same tub for both washing and drying.

The machines are available in both types of vertical loading and horizontal loading. They are
available in fully manual, semiautomatic and fully automatic models.

The fully automatic models perform all the function like soaking, washing, rinsing, drying
automatically based on the program given.

Working principle:-

1. A motor is used to spin the clothes. In modern machines the rotation is reverse periodically
for a better wash.
2. A gear system is used or multispeed motors are used for different speeds of rotation.
3. Fully automated machines used microprocessors for programming different process, like
soaking and rinsing etc.

Load cycle:-

1. Load cycle depends on the type of use like domestic and commercial.
2. Domestic machines will have a load of around one hour per day whereas commercial
machines will be running continuously.
3. In both cases the loading on the motor is intermittent.

Suitable motor:-

1. A 1-  capacitor motor for washing.

2. A universal motor for drying or a 1-  capacitor motor with multispeed drive also used.



1. It is used to make edible powder, spice powders, chutneys etc.

2. It is exclusively used in kitchens, more in Asian kitchens.


1. It will have a container with lid in which set of blades are provided at the bottom.
2. These blade set is rotated by a motor a detachable coupling.
3. A high speed motor, usually a universal motor is used.
4. The universal motor is provided with different winding for different speeds. A speed selector
switch is provided to select the speed.
5. An overload relay is also provided to protect the motor from over loads.

Load cycle:-

1. Load cycle depends on the type of use like domestic and commercial.
2. Domestic machines will have a load of around 15 minutes per day whereas commercial
machines will be running continuously.
3. In both the case the loading on the motor is intermittent.

Suitable motor;-

A multispeed universal motor is used, the motor will have 3-4 windings to obtain different speeds.

Wet grinders:-


A wet grinder is used to make a pester (butter) of food grains for cooking. The grains are soaked in
water for few hours and then are ground to make a batter.

Working principle:-

It has a large steel container with grinding stones inside. Two stones are made to rotate against
each other such that the grain is trapped (crushed) between them and becomes batter. The stones
will have rough surface for faster grinding. A motor with multispeed drive is used to produce rotary

Load cycle:-

1. Load cycle depends upon the domestic use and also for the commercial use
2. For the domestic purpose the usage span is about 15-30 minutes.
3. In commercial use the machines will be running continuously.
4. In both cases the loading on the motor is intermittent.

Suitable motor:-

Grinding is a low speed operation therefore a 1-  capacitor is used.


Textile mills:-
The raw cotton which is received in the industry or at the industry from the market
undergoes different process, before it is converted into cloth.

Ginning is a process of removal of seeds from the cotton, simple motors like 3-  or 1- 
squirrel cage induction motor without speed controls are used.
It is the process of blowing the seedless cotton in a room into a, by strong current of air.
This process is carried out to remove the dust and sand particles if any and also to remove
the moisture.

For this process 1-  and 3-  squirrel cage induction motor without speed controls is
The cleaned cotton is formed in to thin layers called lapse. This process is used to carry the
cotton easily and space reduction.

3-  Squirrel cage induction motors with speed controls are used. The lapse are drawn into
this silvers of cotton.
Motors with high torques and speed control required. A slip ring induction motor, with
speed control are used.
1. The silvers of cotton are twilled into threads with suitable thickness.
2. The preparation of thread is done by wound around the spools to form reels of
3. Now the thread is ready to woven into clothes.
4. 3-  Squirrel cage induction motor with speed controls are used.
1. The thread is woven into cloth using looms.
2. This process requires frequent ON and OFF.
3. 1-  And 3-  slip ring induction motors are used.
4. Al motors used in spinning mills are totally enclosed type to avoid the entry of the
dust and cotton into the motor.

Paper industries:-
1. Grass, wood pulp, waste paper are the raw materials for the paper industry.
2. They are converted into fine pulp by grinding with water.
3. Chemical process are carried out to bring the color to the paper.
4. For this grinding operation, high torque motor is required.
5. 3-  Slip ring induction motors are used.
6. The pulp is dried out to remove the moisture.
7. The wet pulp is pressed into sheets of paper with uniform thickness.
8. This is called a coarse paper.
9. The coarse paper is passed between two roller drums to convert into fair paper of
fine quality this process is called pressing.
10. The paper coming out from the rollers is rolled into rolls of paper.
11. The paper coming out from the rollers is rolled into rolls of paper.
12. The process of pressing and rolling require highly precise speed controls.
13. DC motors with ward Leonard speed control method or AC motors with
voltage/frequency method are used.
Rolling mills:-
1. Rolling mills are the industries where the steel is in the form of inguards, is
transformed into sheets, bars of required thickness.
2. The steel industry given the final product (steel) in the form of thick sheets (six to
nine inches) and these sheets are called inguards.
3. The rolling mills, will role the inguards, into the sheets and bars of required
4. The iguards are heated first and then the hot inguards are passed, which we roller
drums driven by motors.
5. The roller drums press the inguards, into the thin sheets and bars.
6. Different cross-section like L ,I,C rails etc.
7. The motor used are usually DC motors with ward leonard speed controls or AC
motor v/f speed control methods.
Ship Propulsion:-
1. Passenger ship, cargo ships and sea forming vessels produce their own electricity
using diesel generators.
2. The generators can be ac or dc depending on the requirement.
3. For many big ships and cargo ships will used turbo alternators of very large capacity
to supply the propulsion motor and other utility like cooling, lightning etc.
4. The turbo alternators are generally diesel run or gas run generators.
5. For very big ships 3-  induction motor or synchronous motors with speed controls
are used.
6. They are usually speed vessels.
7. For high speed vessels like ferry boats, luxury vessels, fishing boats etc., used DC
motors with speed control for propulsion.
Excavators are used to dig holes into the ground and to load the mud into buckets.
1. These application need two characteristics:
a. Very high starting torque
b. The speed should fall with increase torque
(Inverse torque-speed characteristics)
2. AC series motor and dc series motor have these two characteristics. Therefore they
are used other application of these motors are like cranes, lifts, hoists etc.
The underground mines will have different types of operation like supply of air and
water outside, cutting, digging of ore, transportation of coal or ore to ground level etc.
Different types of motor are used for different operations:-

Type of operation Type of motor used

Pumping of air and water etc., 1-  Induction motors or 3-  squirrel
cage induction motors
Digging, cutting of coal etc., High starting torque motors are required.
Double cage induction motors and
squirrel cage induction motors
Transformation of coal to surface Using conveyor belts or trolleys DC series
motor, slip ring induction motors

Underground mines have different types of operation like supply of air and water from
outside, cutting, digging of coal ore, transportation of the coal or ore to the ground.
Different types of motors are used for different operations:-

Type of operation Type of motor used

Supply of air and water 1-  and 3-  squirrel cage induction
Digging, cutting of coal and ores etc., High stating torque motors are required
like double cage induction motors, slip
ring induction motor, universal motors
Transportation of coal to surfaces Using conveyers or trolleys DC series
motors or slip ring induction motors are

Lime and silica are the main raw materials for the production of cement.
1. The lime stone is crushed and ground into a fine powder using ball mills.
2. This powder is added with powders of iron ore bauxite, gypsum etc., at very high
temperature in closed chamber.
3. In dry process the powders are added in dry form.
4. In wet process water is added to from slurry, mixed well using mixers and then dried
to form cement.
Types of motors:-
Conveyers - DC series or slip ring Induction motors.
Balls mills – double cage induction or slip ring induction motors.
Mixiers – double cage induction motors or slip ring induction motors.
Sugar mills:-
1. In sugar mills the cane is crushed to extract juice, the juice is purified and dried by
using different techniques to get a mixture of sugar crystals and molasses.
2. The molasses is separated from sugar crystals and sugar is dried for package.
Types of motors:-
Crushing – Double cage induction motor or slip ring induction motor.
Separation of sugar and molasses – Using centrifugal machines and squirrel cage
Flour mills:-
The grains like wheat, maize etc. are ground to make flour. Two types of crusher are
used one is of iron and the other is of stone crusher.

3-  Squirrel cage induction motors are used to roll the crusher.

Specification of motor:-
1. Rating (Kwh or Hp or KVA)
2. Type of supply (1-  or 3-  )
3. Voltage
4. Frequency
5. Operating temperature
6. Type of enclose
7. Duration of operation (continuous or intermittent (short time rating) )
8. Type of drive
9. Type of starting
10. Type of insulation
11. Type of braking
Suitable motor for hard disk drive (HDD) and printer:-
PMMC (Permanent magnetic moving coil) motor is used in HDD, to drive the stack
pointer. The advantage of PMMC motor is weight of rotor is very small and the power
required to rotate is very small at the same time the rotor can attain very high speeds.
Servo motor, high starting torque, angular and linear position controlled precisely
The requirement of a printer is that the paper or sheet has to be rotated in steps for
each line of motor. Stepper motor are capable of rotating continuously as well as rotation in
Robotics require a precise control of linear position, angular position, speed, velocity etc.
At times some application need high torques also. Different types of motors like servo
motors, DC motors, stepper motors, PMMC motor etc., are used depending on the
requirement servo motors are special motors whose angular position, speed, velocity can be
very precisely controlled. They are available in both AC and DC types.

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