Nervous System

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Nervous System

 Master controlling and communicating Somatic

system of the body.  Voluntary nervous system
 Electrical impulses, signaling device or  Allows us to consciously or
means of communicating with body cells. voluntarily control our skeletal
 Nervous system: rapid electrical impulses; muscles.
Endocrine system: hormones that are  Not all skeletal muscle activity is
released into the blood. controlled by this motor division.
E.g. stretch reflex
3 overlapping functions
1. It uses its millions of sensory receptors to Autonomic
monitor changes, stimuli, in and out of the  Involuntary nervous system
body. The gathered info is called sensory  Regulates events that are autonomic
input. or involuntary, such as the activity of
2. Processes and interprets the sensory input smooth and cardiac muscles and
and decides what should be done at each glands.
moment, Integration.  Sympathetic and Parasympathetic.
3. Effects, or causes a response by activating
muscles or glands via motor output. Nervous Tissue: Structure and Function
 Made up of 2 principal types of cells,
STRUCTURAL CLASSIFICATION Supporting cells and Neurons.
 Includes all the nervous system organs
 2 subdivisions: CNS and PNS SUPPORTING CELLS
 Lumped together in the CNS as glia/ glial/
Central Nervous System neuroglia which literally means “nerve glue”
 Brain and spinal cord  Types of CNS neuroglia:
 Occupy the dorsal body cavity and act as the
integrating and command centers of the a.) Astrocytes
nervous system. - Abundant star shaped cells that
 Interpret incoming sensory info. Based on account for nearly half of the
past experiences and current conditions. neural tissue.
- Numerous projections have
Peripheral Nervous System swollen ends that cling to
 Cranial nerves (carry impulses to and from neurons.
the brain) and spinal nerves (carry impulses - Forms a living barrier between
to and from the spinal cord). They serve as capillaries and neurons and helps
communication lines that link all parts of the determine capillary permeability.
body. - It helps in protecting the neurons
 Part of the nervous system outside the CNS. form harmful substances that
might be in the blood.
FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATIONS - Also aid control the chemical
 Concerned only with PNS structures environment in the brain by
 2 subdivisions: sensory (afferent) and motor mopping up leaked potassium
(efferent) ions and recapturing released
Sensory (Afferent, toward)
 Convey impulses TO the CNS from sensory b.) Microglia
receptors. - Spiderlike phagocytes that
 Keeps the CNS constantly informed of monitor the health of nearby
events going on the body. neurons, and dispose of debris,
 Somatic Sensory Fibers, impulses from the including dead brain cells and
skin, skeletal muscles, and joints. bacteria.
 Visceral Sensory Fibers, impulses from the
visceral organs. c.) Ependymal
- Glial cells that line the central
Motor (Efferent, away) cavities of the brain and the
 Convey impulses FROM the CNS to spinal cord.
effector organs, the muscles and glands. - Beating of their cilia helps to
 Impulses activate muscles and glands or circulate the cerebrospinal fluid
cause a motor response. that fills those cavities and forms
 2 subdivisions: Somatic and Autonomic
a protective cushion around the - Axon, neuron processes that convey
CNS. incoming messages (electrical signals)
AWAY from the cell body.
d.) Oligodendrocytes - Axon hillock, each neuron has only one
- Glia that wrap their flat axon which arises form cone-like region of
extensions tightly around the the cell body.
nerve fibers producing myelin - Axon Terminal contains hundreds of tiny
sheath, fatty insulating coverings. vesicles, or membranous sacs that contain
chemicals called Neurotransmitters (cell to
 Glial cells are NOT able to transmit nerve cell).
impulses like neurons. - Synaptic Cleft, tiny gap that separates each
 They NEVER lose their ability to divide, axon terminal. This is where
whereas most neurons do. neurotransmitters are found.
 Most brain tumors are gliomas, formed by - Neurons never actually touch other neurons.
glial cells.
 Types of PNS neuroglia: 3. Myelin Sheath
a.) Schwann Cells - Whitish, fatty material which has a waxy
- Form the myelin sheath around appearance.
the nerve fibers that are found in - Protects and insulates the fibers and
the PNS. increases the transmission rate of nerve
b.) Satellite Cells - No channel
- Acts as protective, cushioning - Schwann Cells insulates axons outside the
cells. CNS in a jelly-roll fashion.

NEURONS a.) Neurilemma, part of Schwann

 Aka nerve cells cell that is external to the myelin
 Highly specialized to transmit nerve sheath.
impulses from one part of the body to b.) nodes of Ranvier, gaps or
another. indentions of each Schwann cells.
 Neurons differ structurally from each other
 Neurons don’t routinely undergo cell - Myelinated fibers are also found in the CNS.
division after birth. - CNS sheath lack a neurilemma, plays an
 Tracts, bundle of nerve fibers in the CNS. important role in fiber regeneration.
 Nerves, bundle of never fibers in the PNS. - Multiple Sclerosis, an autoimmune disease
in which the myelin sheath is gradually
1. Cell Body destroyed, converted to hardened sheaths
- Metabolic center of the neuron. called scleroses.
- Its transparent nucleus contains a visible - White Matter, dense collection of
nucleolus. myelinated fibers (tracts)
- LACKS centrioles (amitotic) - Gray Matter, collection of unmyelinated
- Rough ER, aka Nissl Bodies, and fibers.
impt. in maintaining cell’s shape, are FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF
abundant in the cell body. NEURON
- Cell bodies are found in the CNS in clusters  Groups neuron according to the direction the
called nuclei. nerve impulse is travelling relative to the
- If this part is damaged, cells die and does CNS.
not replaced.
- Ganglia, small collections of cell bodies. 1. Sensory (Afferent) Neurons
- Gangliole, relay station  Carry impulses from the sensory receptors to
the CNS.
2. Processes  Cell bodies are always found in a ganglion
- Aka fibers, vary in length outside the CNS.
- Longest ones in humans reach from the  Keep us informed about what is happening
lumbar region of the spine to the great toe. both inside and outside the body.
- Dendrites, neuron processes that convey  Dendrite endings contain specialized
incoming messages (electrical signals) receptors.
TOWARD the cell body. o Cutaneous sense organs are
proprioceptors, detects stretch or
tension, tendons and joints in skeletal
muscles. It also informs our brain of  Remainder of the peripheral and central
our own movement. process function as axons. In this case, it
o Propria is a Latin word which means conducts the nerve impulses both toward
“one’s own” and away from the cell body.
o Types of sensory receptors:  Sensory neurons are found in the PNS
a.) Free nerve endings are the
most numerous but the least NERVE IMPULSES
specialized of the cutaneous  Irritability and Conductivity, the 2 major
receptors. (Pain and functional properties of neurons.
temperature receptors)  Irritability, ability to respond to a stimulus
and convert it into a verve impulse.
b.) Meissner’s corpuscle exists  Conductivity, ability to transmit the impulse
in our fingers. (touch receptors) to other neurons, muscles, or glands.

c.) Lamellar corpuscle is found 1.) Resting membrane is polarized

in the dermis of the skin. It  Polarized in which the inside of the neuron’s
detects sensitivity of vibration. plasma membrane is more negative.
(deep pressure receptor)  Inside: (K+) ; Outside: (Na+)
 As long as the inside remains more negative
d.) Golgi tendon organ than the outside, the neuron will stay
(proprioceptor) inactive.
 Membrane is relatively impermeable to both
e.) Muscle spindle, detects the
changes in length.
2.) Stimulus initiates local depolarization
 Stimulus changes the permeability of a local
2. Motor (Efferent) Neurons
“patch” of the membrane, and sodium ions
 Carry impulses form the CNS to viscera,
diffuse rapidly into the cell.
muscles, or glands
 The polarity of the membrane interchanges.
 Cell bodies or motor neurons are located in
The inside becomes more positive and the
the CNS.
outside becomes slightly negative.
3. Association Neurons (Interneurons)
3.) Depolarization and generation of an action
 Connects motor and sensory neurons in potential
neural pathways.
 Depolarization, making the inside of the cell
 Cell bodies are typically found in the CNS. more positive.
 Causes membrane polarity to be completely
reversed and an action potential is initiated.
 Based on the number of processes extending 4.) Propagation of the action potential
from the cell body.
 Depolarization causes permeability changes.
 #2 is repeated
1.) Multipolar
 Action potential propagates rapidly along
 Most common structural type, many
the entire length of the membrane.
extensions from the cell body.
 All motor and association neurons are
5.) Repolarization
 K+ ions diffuse out of the cells as the
permeability of the membrane changes
2.) Bipolar
again, restoring the negative charge on the
 Neurons with 2 processes, an axon and a
inside of the membrane.
 E.g. eyes, ears, nose 6.) Initial iconic conditions restored
 This is rare in adults because of  Ionic conditions of the resting state are
degeneration of the neurons. restored later by the activity of the Na +- K+
3.) Unipolar
 3 Na+ ions are ejected for every 2 K+ ions
 Short single process leaving the cell body. carried back into the cell.
 Very short and divides it into proximal and
distal processes.
 Reflexes are rapid and predictable
 Involuntary responses to stimulus
 Occur over neural pathways (reflex arc)
Na+ gate is opened.  Both CNS and PNS
Depolarization Threshold value is -55mv, influx of
1.) Somatic Reflexes
 Skeletal muscles
Peak of action potential, Absolute  E.g. pulling your hand away from a hot
1st: Refractory object
Na+ gate is deactivated ; K+ is
Depolarization activated.  Motor neurons na diretso
approximately 40 mv
2.) Autonomic Reflexes
 Smooth muscles, the heart, and glands
2nd: Expels 3 Na+ ions and 2 K+ ions  E.g. secretion of saliva, changes in the sizes
which will rush ito the cell
Na+ and K+ pump is opened
of pupils
 BODY FXNS, digestion, elimination, blood
pressure, and sweating
 Involuntary responses
3rd: volts of membrane is lower than
Hyperpolarization -75mv. 5 elements of reflex arc
a.) Sensory reacts to a stimulus
b.) Sensory Neuron carries message to the
Integration Center or CNS
c.) Integration Center, processes info and directs
4th: resting membrane
motor output
Normal Voltage
d.) Motor Neuron carries message to effector
e.) Effector Organ, muscle or gland eventually
stimulated or motor output

 Myelinated fibers conduct impulses much Types of Reflex Arc

faster because the nerve impulses literally 1.) 2-neuron reflex arc
jumps from node to node, Saltatory  Simplest type
Conduction.  Patellar (knee jerk) reflex, used to determine
if the motor neuron is functioning well.
axon terminal is the end of action potential  No interneuron
1 opening of Ca+ gates  Quadriceps muscle is involved here

Ca+ will go to axon terminal 2.) 3-neuron reflex arc

2  Flexor or withdrawal reflex
 Limb is withdrawn from a painful stimulus
disruption in the synaptic vesicle
binding of Ca+ ions to synaptic vesicle  Consists of 5 elements
 There is always a delay at synapses
proceed to plasma membrane to releases cell  More synapse = the longer it takes to happen
4 contents (neurotransmitter)  Sensory input


5 stimulates receiving neuron  Develops during the embryonic neural tube
 Neural tube extends through the brain and
Na+ gates will open spinal cord.
6  Ventricles, opening of neural tube that is
filled with cerebrospinal fluid. Have 4
Action Potential chambers.
4 major regions of the Brain
Saltatory Conduction 1.) Cerebrum
 Largest region
 Left and Right Hemisphere
 It develops and grows
 Performs higher functions, such as speech
THE REFLEX ARC  Gyri, elevated ridges of tissue
 Sulci, shallow grooves
 Fissures, deeper grooves b.) Corticol Area (special senses),
 Longitudinal fissure, single deep fissure that visual: posterior part of the occipital
separates the cerebral hemisphere lobe; auditory: temporal part;
 3 main regions of Cerebral hemisphere olfactory: deep inside the temporal
a.) Cortex / Gray Matter, controls
voluntary and skilled skeletal muscle c.) Primary Motor Area sends
activity. (OUTER) impulses to skeletal muscles. It is
anterior to the central sulcus.
b.) White Matter is situated within Corticospinal (Pyramidal) Tract is
fiber tracts deep to gray matter. E.g. motor neurons that descend from the
Corpus Callosum that connects the spinal cord. Body is represented
hemispheres and Association Fibers upside down and crossed pathways.
which connects the area of the Its finest control include: face, mouth
specific hemisphere. (INNER) and hands. Motor Homunculus is a
spatial map on the motor cortex.
c.) Basal Nuclei / deep pockets of
Gray Matter buried within the white d.) Broca’s Area is involved in our
matter that help regulate voluntary ability to speak. It is found in the
activities. Internal capsule is tight left hemisphere and base of primary
band of projections. If damaged, a cortex of the brain. Other specialized
person might have Parkinson’s, non- cell: Anterior (higher intellectual
degenerative disorder and occurs reasoning, proper manners and
mostly to old males, and Huntington, etiquette) & Posterior (patterns and
hereditary and occurs to both male faces) Association Areas and Speech
and female. (INNERMOST) Area (located at the junction of the
temporal, parietal, and occipital
 Cerebral Cortex, function includes speech, lobes.
memory, logical, and emotional response, as
well as consciousness Wernicke Area (Speech Area) is
 4 lobes of the cerebral cortex responsible for comprehension of
a.) Frontal, reasoning, motor skills,
2.) Diencephalon
expressive language, higher level
cognition. If damaged, it could lead  Or Interbrain
to behavioral changes.  Sits on top of the brain stem and is enclosed
by the cerebral hemispheres.
b.) Parietal, tactile and sensory  Connected with Hormones
information, such as pressure and  3 parts:
touch. If damaged, numbness may a.) Thalamus, which encloses the
experience. shallow third ventricle of the brain,
is a relay station for sensory
c.) Occipital, visual stimuli and impulses passing upward to the
information. If damaged, color sensory cortex. It is the judgment
blindness and dyslexia may center of the brain. (Localization and
experience. Interpretation)

d.) Temporal, sound and language b.) Hypothalamus, Literally means

interpretation. If damaged, auditory under the thalamus, makes up the
impairment may experience. floor of the diencephalon that is an
important autonomic nervous
 4 specialized areas system. It transfers impulses to the
correct part of Primary Somatic
a.) Primary Somatic Sensory Area, Sensory Area for localization and
located in the parietal lobe posterior interpretation and plays a role in the
to the central sulcus. It allows us to regulation of the body temperature,
recognize pain, temperature, and water balance, and metabolism. It is
touch. A spatial map, called Sensory also the center for many drives of
Homunculus, to show how much emotion. This is also the house of
tissue has been devoted to a sensory Limbic. It regulates the pituitary
area. (CROSS PATHWAY) glands: Thyrothropine and
Corticothropine. Lastly, it houses  Provides precise timing for skeletal muscle
mammillary bodies for olfaction activity and control our balance
(smell). equilibrium.
 Can be compared to an automatic pilot,
c.) Epithalamus forms the roof of the continuously comparing the brain’s
third ventricle. Important part “intentions”.
include: Pineal Gland and Choroid  If damaged, a condition called ataxia could
Plexus which produces cerebrospinal experience.
fluid. (Ependymal)  Ataxia, movements become clumsy and
3.) Brain Stem
 About the size of a thumb in diameter and
approx. 3 inches long.
 Has many small gray matter areas
 Produce rigidly programmed autonomic
behaviors necessary for survival
 Associated with cranial nerves and control
vital activities, such as breathing and blood

a.) Midbrain, relatively small part of

the brain stem. It extends from the
mammillary bodies to the pons
inferiorly. Cerebral Aqueduct is a
tiny canal that travels through the
midbrain. 2 bulging fiber tracts
involved in vison and hearing:
Cerebral Peduncles, which convey
ascending and descending impulses,
and Corpora Quadrigemina, four
rounded protrusions.

b.) Pons, meaning bridge, a rounded

structure that protrudes just below
the midbrain. This is mostly fiber
tracts. It has important nuclei
involved in the control of breathing.

c.) Medulla Oblongata is the most

inferior part of the brain stem. It is
an important fiber tract area. It also
contains many nuclei that regulate
vital visceral activities and centers
that control heart rate, blood
pressure, breathing, swallowing, and
vomiting. Fourth ventricle lies
posterior to the pons and medulla
and anterior to the cerebellum.

 Reticular Formation, diffuse mass of gray


4.) Cerebellum
 Large, cauliflower like that projects
dorsally from under the occipital lobe of the
 Have 2 hemispheres and convoluted
 Also have an outer cortex made up of gray
matter and an inner region of white matter.

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