Ivonne Importance of P-Glycoprotein - Fund Clin Pharm - 2004

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doi: 10.1111/j.1472-8206.2004.00291.

REVIEW Functional interaction of intestinal CYP3A4

and P-glycoprotein
Kari T. Kivistöa*, Mikko Niemia, Martin F. Frommb
Dr Margarete Fischer-Bosch Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, Stuttgart, Germany
Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Nuremberg,

bioavailability, Intestinal CYP3A4-mediated biotransformation and active efflux of absorbed drug
CYP3A4, by P-glycoprotein are major determinants of bioavailability of orally administered
P-glycoprotein drugs. The hypothesis that CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein may act in concert to limit
oral drug bioavailability is attractive from a theoretical point of view. Evidence in
support of such an interplay between CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein comes mainly
Received 6 July 2004;
revised 1 August 2004;
from a limited number of in vitro and animal studies. Obviously, it is a challeng-
accepted 6 September 2004 ing task to demonstrate in vivo in humans that the function of CYP3A4 and
P-glycoprotein in enterocytes is complementary, and results to directly support this
concept remain elusive. However, CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein are clearly an
*Correspondence and reprints:
integral part of an intestinal defence system to protect the body against harmful
xenobiotics, and drugs that are substrates of both proteins often have a low
bioavailability after oral administration. The functional interaction of intestinal
CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein warrants additional study. Further understanding this
interplay would be potentially useful during drug development to solve bioavail-
ability problems of new drug entities.

extruded from inside the enterocytes into the intestinal

lumen by the P-glycoprotein can be reabsorbed into the
Intestinal oxidative biotransformation and active efflux enterocytes and is thus exposed again to CYP3A4.
of absorbed drug are now recognized as major determi- Furthermore, P-glycoprotein might prevent further
nants of bioavailability of orally administered drugs. interaction of CYP3A4-generated metabolites with the
CYP3A4 is localized in the human small intestine to the enzyme (which might result in product inhibition) by
columnar epithelial cells lining the intestinal lumen [1] extruding them out of the enterocytes [9,10]. Some
and P-glycoprotein is found on the apical surface (that is, examples of drugs that are substrates of both CYP3A4
luminal entrance site) of these cells [2,3]. That CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein are given in Table I [11,12]. It is
and P-glycoprotein may act synergistically in the small noteworthy that drugs that are substrates of both
intestine to limit oral drug bioavailability is suggested proteins often have a low oral bioavailability. Further
not only by their joint presence at sites of drug understanding the background of the interactive nature
absorption (and elimination) but also by the extensive of intestinal CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein will therefore
overlap in their substrate specificities [4–7]. The function be important also in controlling and improving oral
of P-glycoprotein may allow CYP3A4 to have repeated bioavailability of CYP3A4/P-glycoprotein substrates [8].
and prolonged access to its substrate molecules [7,8]. The purpose of this review is to briefly summarize the
In other words, a portion of the xenobiotic molecules current knowledge regarding the functional interaction

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622 K. T. Kivistö et al.

Table I Selected substrates of P-glycoprotein. of intestinal CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein. As it is very

difficult to prove directly in humans that these proteins
P-glycoprotein substrate CYP3A4 substratea
have synergistic actions in limiting the bioavailability of
Anticancer agents orally administered drugs, most studies that have inves-
Docetaxel + tigated this hypothesis have relied on in vitro or animal
Etoposide +
Imatinib +
Paclitaxel +
Teniposide +
Vinblastine +
Vincristine + CYP3A4, the major isoform of the CYP3A subfamily, is
Beta-blockers one of the most important drug-metabolizing enzymes
Bunitrolol )
in humans. CYP3A4 has a very broad substrate
Carvedilol +
Celiprolol )
specificity and is involved in the phase I metabolism
Talinolol ) of about 50% of currently used drugs. The primary site
Calcium-channel blockers of expression of CYP3A4 is the liver, but intestinal
Diltiazem + enterocytes also contain high amounts of CYP3A4
Mibefradil + [1,13,14]. CYP3A4-mediated biotransformation in the
Verapamil +
gut wall has been shown to substantially contribute to
Other cardiovascular drugs
Digitoxin )
the overall first-pass metabolism of a large number of
Digoxin ) therapeutic drugs [15–21]. For example, a pharmaco-
Quinidine + kinetic study in healthy volunteers showed that the
HIV protease inhibitors first-pass extraction ratios of oral midazolam for the
Amprenavir + gut and liver were comparable (43 and 44%, respect-
Indinavir +
ively, yielding an overall oral bioavailability of about
Nelfinavir +
Saquinavir +
30%) [20]. Similar results were later directly obtained
Ritonavir + for verapamil with a multilumen intestinal perfusion
Corticosteroids catheter in healthy subjects [21]. On the contrary, it
Dexamethasone + has been argued that the role of intestinal drug
Methylprednisolone + metabolism in the first-pass effect may have been
overemphasized [22]. This view was based on problems
Cyclosporin +
Sirolimus +
inherent in the methodology available for determin-
Tacrolimus + ation of in vivo intestinal first-pass metabolism in
Antiemetic drugs humans and the fact that the total CYP3A4 content of
Ondansetron + the human small intestine is small compared with that
Antibiotics of the liver [13]. This apparent discrepancy may partly
Erythromycin +
lie in the anatomical localization of intestinal CYP3A4
Levofloxacin )
expression [14,22]. Duodenal and proximal jejunal
Atovastatin + mucosa, which are readily exposed to drug molecules
Lovastatin + dissolved in the gastric and intestinal contents, are rich
Antihistamines in villi, the tips of which are lined with mature
Fexofenadine ) CYP3A4-containing enterocytes [1]. This strategic
Terfenadine +
localization of CYP3A4 provides the first site for
Other drugs
metabolism of orally ingested drugs. We recently found
Amitriptyline +
Itraconazole + a much higher CYP3A4 protein content in enterocytes
Losartan ) isolated from human duodenal or jejunal mucosa
Morphine + compared with CYP3A4 content in liver samples
Phenytoin ) obtained from the same subjects [14]. This study thus
Rifampin +
lends further support to the view that metabolism in
Indicates whether P-glycoprotein substrates are (+) or are not ()) substrates the gut wall substantially contributes to the overall
of CYP3A4 ([11,12] and references therein). first-pass metabolism of many CYP3A4 substrates.

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CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein 623

actions of CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein during drug

P-glycoprotein is a plasma membrane-bound glyco-
protein that belongs to the superfamily of ATP-binding
cassette (ABC) transporters [23,24]. P-glycoprotein, the
encoded product of the ABCB1 (MDR1) gene, serves as
a drug efflux pump that decreases intracellular drug
concentrations. The significance of P-glycoprotein as
a xenobiotic efflux pump was first realized when it The available direct experimental evidence in support of
was found that cancer cells expressing P-glycoprotein the concept that CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein may act in
are resistant to a large number of anticancer drugs concert to limit oral drug bioavailability originates from
(multidrug resistance, MDR) as a result of active a limited number of in vitro and animal studies.
extrusion of anticancer agents out of the tumour cells Obviously, it is a very difficult if not impossible task to
[25]. P-glycoprotein is also widely expressed in healthy demonstrate in vivo in humans that the function of
tissues, limiting entry (absorption) of drugs and other CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein in enterocytes is comple-
xenobiotics into the body and specific anatomical mentary. Moreover, factors such as level of expression of
compartments and facilitating their elimination. Drug these proteins along the length of intestine and satura-
absorption was previously considered to be essentially a tion phenomena due to high local drug concentrations
passive process dependent mainly on the physicochem- are likely to modulate the effect of P-glycoprotein on
ical characteristics of the drug (e.g. lipophilicity). intestinal, CYP3A4-mediated drug metabolism in vivo
However, it is now well established that efflux drug [22,27].
transporters such as the P-glycoprotein may reduce Cummins et al. [36] recently set out to determine the
drug absorption [26,27]. P-glycoprotein, which is contribution of P-glycoprotein in determining the extent
localized to the apical membrane of the epithelial cells of CYP3A4-dependent drug metabolism in CYP3A4-
lining the intestinal lumen [2,3], is recognized as a transfected Caco-2 monolayers expressing both CYP3A4
major factor limiting drug bioavailability [27–32]. In and P-glycoprotein, using reasonably selective CYP3A4/
contrast to CYP3A4, the expression of P-glycoprotein P-glycoprotein substrates and inhibitors. It was discov-
appears to increase progressively along the length of ered that when P-glycoprotein alone was inhibited (by
intestine [22,33]. Like CYP3A4, P-glycoprotein exhibits GG918), the extent of metabolism of the dual CYP3A4
a very broad substrate specificity, consistent with a role and P-glycoprotein substrate K77 (a cysteine protease
in transporting compounds absorbed into the entero- inhibitor) was decreased, but there was no change in the
cytes back into the intestinal lumen. extent of metabolism for the exclusive CYP3A4 substrate
felodipine. The authors concluded that P-glycoprotein
can work in concert with CYP3A4 to increase the extent
of drug metabolism, by controlling the access of the drug
to the intracellular metabolizing enzyme [36]. It should
Several studies have shown that intestinal and hepatic be noted that use of Caco-2 cells to investigate the
CYP3A4 enzymes are not co-ordinately regulated interplay between CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein may be
[28,34]. This seems to be the case also with P-glyco- problematic because expression of multiple drug efflux
protein [14]. As common regulatory transcription factors transporters and low CYP3A4 content. There are also
such as the orphan nuclear receptor PXR are involved in other studies that have involved in vitro intestinal
the induction of CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein by, e.g. models and lend support to the interplay hypothesis
rifampicin ([35] and references therein), it has been [9,10,37,38]. In addition, support for this theory has
speculated that the basal intestinal expression of these been obtained from a simulation model [39].
proteins might be co-regulated. However, no significant On the contrary, using CYP3A4-expressing Caco-2
correlation was observed between enterocyte P-glyco- cell monolayers, Mouly et al. [40] recently showed that
protein and CYP3A4 levels in 25 kidney transplant the P-glycoprotein inhibitor LY335979 increased the
recipients [28], suggesting that the expression of CYP3A4 formation rate of a major CYP3A4-mediated metabolite
and P-glycoprotein in the intestine is regulated sepa- (M7) of saquinavir at each saquinavir concentration
rately. This does of course not preclude synergistic tested. The authors suggested that this might have

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624 K. T. Kivistö et al.

resulted from increased cellular content of saquinavir digoxin metabolism (digoxin is metabolized by CYP3A
due to reduced P-glycoprotein-mediated efflux. However, in the rat) in animals treated with quinidine, a potent
interpretation of this finding is not straightforward as M7 P-glycoprotein inhibitor, compared with the control
is a P-glycoprotein substrate and is subject to secondary group. The authors hypothesized that quinidine
and tertiary metabolism by CYP3A4 ([40] and references increased the extent of digoxin metabolism by blocking
therein). In any event, this study suggests that both the P-glycoprotein-mediated biliary secretion of digoxin
CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein are involved in the intesti- and thus prolonging exposure of digoxin to hepatic
nal first-pass extraction of saquinavir. CYP3A.
Cummins et al. [41] later extended the findings from
their in vitro study by investigating modulation of
intestinal CYP3A4-mediated metabolism by P-glyco-
protein in vivo, using an isolated rat single-pass intes- Although the hypothesis that CYP3A4 and P-glyco-
tinal perfusion system with mesenteric cannulation. K77 protein work together to coordinate an absorption
and GG918 were again used as a CYP3A4/P-glycopro- barrier against xenobiotics is attractive from a theoret-
tein substrate and P-glycoprotein inhibitor, respectively, ical point of view (Figure 1), support for this notion
and midazolam was used as an exclusive CYP3A4 largely comes from a small number of in vitro and
substrate. The results further supported a role for animal studies. Direct evidence to support synergism
P-glycoprotein in modulating the extent of intestinal, between these two proteins remains elusive, and the
CYP3A4-mediated biotransformation [41]. quantitative contribution of P-glycoprotein to the intes-
A number of in vitro studies and in vivo rat studies tinal absorption and CYP3A4-mediated metabolism of
performed to characterize the role of intestinal P-glyco-
protein in drug absorption and metabolism have relied
on substrates and inhibitors that affect both CYP3A4
and P-glycoprotein, precluding differentiation of the
relative contribution of CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein on Gut lumen Drug metabolite
intestinal drug metabolism.
There is at least one study performed in humans that Apical
indirectly supports the interplay between P-glycoprotein (luminal)
and CYP3A4 in the gut wall [42]. This study, in which ATP P-glycoprotein
the small intestine was perfused with quinidine by means
of a multiluminal perfusion catheter in eight healthy
volunteers, demonstrated the importance of intestinal
P-glycoprotein and CYP3A4 for the plasma concentra-

tions of quinidine, a substrate of both P-glycoprotein and Enterocyte


CYP3A4. The dose-corrected plasma quinidine AUC from


zero to 3 h was negatively correlated with both intestinal

P-glycoprotein content and intestinal CYP3A4 content.
That is, higher amounts of these proteins were associated Basal
with lower plasma quinidine concentrations, indicating
that the oral bioavailability of quinidine was limited by
both P-glycoprotein-mediated efflux and CYP3A4- Figure 1 A scheme of the proposed functional interaction between
mediated metabolism in the gut wall. In addition, as CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein in human enterocytes. (1) Drug
expected, dose-corrected intraluminal quinidine concen- absorption via passive diffusion or carrier-mediated processes
trations were positively correlated with intestinal from the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract into the enterocyte.
P-glycoprotein expression [42]. (2) CYP3A4-mediated metabolism. (3) Transport of the parent drug
and/or its metabolite(s) from the enterocyte into the gut lumen
It deserves to be mentioned in this context that
by P-glycoprotein. (4) Translocation of the drug and/or its
interplay between CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein may metabolite(s) across the basal membrane of enterocytes via passive
also occur in the liver, as recently demonstrated by diffusion or carrier-mediated processes into the portal vein.
Lau et al. [43]. They used an isolated perfused rat liver Reproduced from Ref. [26] with the permission of Blackwell
model and found a significant increase in hepatic Publishing (Oxford, UK).

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CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein 625

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