Server Rules

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SurvivalCraft Server Rules

Here are the rules from SurvivalCraft.

1. Diamonds
1.1 Diamonds are the currency of the server.
1.2 Diamonds may not be mined with fortune.
1.3 Diamond gear may only be obtained from the end or villagers.
2. Netherite(1.16)
2.1 Netherite is allowed as long as you obtain the diamond gear through
villagers or the end (see 1.3).
3. Farms
3.1 AFK or Semi AFK farms are not allowed.
3.2 Automatic collection of materials farms are not allowed.
3.3 XP farms are not allowed.
3.4 Food farms (with farmland and water) are allowed.
3.5 Animal farms are allowed (see 9).
4. Stealing, grieving and PvP
4.1 Stealing is not allowed on the server. Every item can be tracked.
4.2 Grieving is not allowed on the server.
4.3 Players cannot be killed in a greenzone. (5.2)
4.4 If you want a PvP battle with someone you can ask them. Do not start
one randomly.
5. Greenzones
5.1 Greenzones are zones where you are protected. You also can’t break or
place anything in the greenzones.
5.2 The greenzones are : Spawn, Noobie’s Mall and Simon’s Shop.
6. Starting a shop
6.1 Everyone is allowed to start a shop.
6.2 If you want to sell anything you need to sell it for diamonds.
6.3 By starting a shop you need to say it. This needs to be registered.
7. Trades
7.1 You are allowed to trade with everyone.
8. Datapacks
8.1 Datapack “AFK display” : Will show in the chat or a player is afk or not.
8.2 Datapack “Anti Creeper, Enderman and Ghast grief” Those mobs will no
longer do any damage.
8.3 Datapack “Double shulker shell drops” : A shulker will drop double the
amount of his normal drops.
8.4 Datapack “Dragon Elytra Drop” : The Enderdragon will drop an Elytra.
8.5 Datapack “More Mobs Head” : Some mobs will drop their head after
they die.
8.6 Datapack “Mulitplayer Sleep” : If one person in the world sleep, the
whole server will turn into day.
8.7 Datapack “Player Head Drops” : A player drops his/her head if they die.
9. Animals breeding.
9.1 Every animal needs 3x3 blocks of space.
9.2 There need to be in a realistic cage or free in your land.
10. Villagers breeding.
10.1 Villagers need a realistic house.
10.2 Their house needs to be 3x3 blocks of space.
10.3 Every villager needs his own house. If you have 2 villagers in your
house it needs to be 3 blocks more (4x3).
10.4 Villagers need to have the opportunity to go outside when they want
11. Buildings
11.1 Every building needs to be realistic. It can’t fly.
11.2 Don’t build in someone else his/her/their area.
12. Nether
12.1 Unimproved Nether belongs to no one. You are welcome to build and
improve it as you see fit. However, please do not make changes to others'
builds without their permission. Again, please label your things to avoid
12.2 You can’t claim Nether Fortresses.
13. Mods
13.1 You are not allowed to cheat.
13.2 if you are unsure about using any third-party tool that can potentially
be considered cheating.

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