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C H A P T E R # 10



Q.1. Who was Meldrum? (GW-14, BP, MN-15, GW, AK-16)

OR How long did he serve Brookfield? (LR-06, GW-07, LR,
MN, DG-08, GW-11, FB-13, AK-16) OR How did he die? (LR-
13, AK-16) OR Who succeeded Wetherby as Headmaster?

Ans. Meldrum had become the Headmaster of Brookfield after

the death of Mr. Wetherby in 1870. He served Brookfield
school for thirty years. He died suddenly due to pneumonia in

Q.2. When did Meldrum die? (GW-14, BP-15, AK-16) OR

Who succeeded Meldrum? (RP-09, GW-10, RP-12)

Ans. Meldrum died suddenly due to pneumonia in 1900. Then

Mr. Chips became Acting Head of Brookfield 1900.

Q. 3. When did Mr. Chips become acting head of the school

for the first time? OR Who became acting head after Mr.
Meldrum? (BP-08)

Ans. In 1900, Mr. Chips became acting head of the school for
the first time when the headmaster fell seriously ill and then
died. Soon Ralston was appointed headmaster.
Q.4. When was Mr. Ralston appointed the Headmaster of
the Brookfield School? (RP-12)

Ans. Mr. Ralston was appointed the headmaster of the

Brookfield School in 1900 after the death of Mr. Meldrum, the

Q.5. Who was Mr. Ralston? (LR.RP, GW, B, GW, MN-09, LR,
FB, DG.GW 10, sw SG-12) OR LR-16) OR Write a brief note
on Ralston. (BP-15) OR What do you know about Ralston
discipline at Brookfield School? (MN-16)

Ans. Mr. Ralston was a new headmaster of the Brookfield

school after the death of Meldrum. He was a modern man of
37. He was s science graduate. He wanted to run the school on
modern lines. He was a strict disciplinarian. He could silence
the boys by lifting an eye brow.

Q6. Why could Ralston not become popular? (LR.14) OR

Ralston that did not win him popularity? (LRDG11, GW
12, MN 15,16, LR-16)

Ans. Ralston was efficient and ambitious. But at the same

time, he was unkind and revengeful. He was feared and
respected but not liked or loved. That is why he could not
become poplar.

Q7. What was Ralston's progress as a Head? OR What

status did Brookfield enjoy during Ralston's stay there?
(BP. FB-11, FB-16) Sum up services of Ralston for school.
Ans. During Ralston's period, the school progressed much. He
met the wealthy people of London for contribution. There were
long waiting lists of boys for admission to the school.

Q.8. How did Ralston announce the death of King Edward

VII? OR What did Ralston announce on a May morning
when everyone was summoned in big hall? (MN -13)

Ans. On a May morning, Mr. Ralston announced as under

“You will all be deeply grieved to hear that his Majesty King
Edward VII died this morning. There will be no school this
afternoon but a service will be held in chapel at 4:30.”

Q.9. What type of man was Mr. Ralston? (MN09, FB-14)

Ans. Mr. Ralston was a young scientific-minded man of 37 He

was modern man with radical ideas. He wanted to run the
school on modern lines.

Q10. Who was Cricklade? (FB-15)

Ans. Cricklade was a young boy who was afraid of the railway
strikers. He thought them queer animals.

Q11. What did Cricklade ask Mr. Chips? (FB-15)

Ans. He asked Chips what they should do if a striker met


Q.12. Who was Mr. Jones and what was his duty? (DG-10,
MN, BP-12, SG-13)

Ans. Mr. Junes was a servant in the Railway department. He

was a striker. He had the charge of the signal-box.
Q.13. What were the political circumstances in the early
twentieth century? (RP-11)

Ans. With the new century, England found threats from

various sides. Germany was then the rising power. Under se
circumstances, a little mistake could result in ruin.

Q.14. Where did Chips and Katherine celebrate Diamond

Jubilee of England? How was Victoria sitting in the
carriage on the day of Diamond Jubilee celebrations of
queen England? (BP FB-10, BP-11)

Ans. To celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of England, Chips and

Katherine went to Lendon. They saw the legendary lady sitting
like something crumbling doll in the carriage.

Q.15. Why was Grayson careless and preoccupied in the

class when they were construing Virgil? OR Why was
Grayson emotionally disturbed? (GW-09) OR What was the
matter with Grayson? Why was he worried? (RP-14) Where
was Grayson's father? (MN-15)

Ans. Grayson's father had sailed on the Titanic. When he

heard the news of its sinking, he was anxious about the safety
of his father. So, he was careless, preoccupied and emotionally

Q.16. What did Chips say to Grayson when he found him

careless and preoccupied? (MN-15)

Ans. Chips asked him to stand behind the rest of the students.
He did not want to be strict to him because he had been pretty
good in the class. He advised him not to show such an attitude
in future.

Q17. What final news about Grayson's father came? (SL-

14) OR What was fate of Grayson's father? (FB-12, LR-15)

Ans. Finally the news came that Grayson's father was among
those who had been rescued. Formerly, it was said that he had
been drowned in the wrecked ship.

Q.18. Which Grayson had Chips to condole with? (BP08,


Ans. Chips had to condole with Grayson senior. It was very

unexpected. In the beginning the of Grayson senior's death
was in the air. But he survived and Chips was distained to
condole with him.

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