Chips CH 5 Bright Grammar

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Q.1. Why did Chips sometimes look at his feet when he

lived at Mrs. Wickett's? (BP09 RP13)

Ans. He wrenched his foot which became the cause of his

marriage with Katherine. Recollecting this incident, he looked
at his feet and wondered which of his feet had done such a
great service.

Q.2. What did Chips tell Katherine when he depreciated

himself and his attainments? (MN-15)

Ans. Chips told her of his ordinary degree, his occasional

difficulties of discipline of the certainty never getting
promotion and of his ineligibility to marry a young and
ambitious girl.

Q 3. From where was Katherine married? (SG-10, LR-12)

Ans Katherine was an orphan. She was married from the

house of her aunt in Ealing as she had no parents.

Q4. What did Katherine feel and address Chips on the

night before wedding (DG-08.MN, GW-10, LR 14) OR Who
said for the first time "Goodbye Mr. Chips? (RP-16)
Ans. Katherine said that she felt like a new boy beginning his
first term with him. She asked him if she should call him "Sir"
or "Mr. Chips." She said "Mr. Chips would be right. Then he
said “Good-Bye Mr. Chips.”

Q5. When did Mr. Chips and Katherine get married? (DG-

Ans. In 1896, Mr. Chips and Katherine got married in London

a week before the begin the autumn term.

Q.6. How young was Katherine when she was married?


Ans. When Katherine was married, she was 25 years old,

young enough to be called Chips daughter.

Q.7. How would you rate their marriage? (RP-12) OR Write

a note on their married life. (LR-08, RP-09, BP-11, FB, SG-
13, GW-14)

Ans. Their marriage was the union of two negatives which gave
positive results. Katherine exercised a healthy influence on
Mr. Chips. Katherine was more sensible than her husband. He
also responded to her well. They were an ideal couple.

Q.8. Did Mr. Chips tell Katherine all about his weaknesses
before marriage? What were his weaknesses? (FB-09)

Ans. Yes, Mr. Chips had told Katherine of his mediocre

position, his weak discipline, his certainty of never getting
promotion and his inability of marrying a young girl.
Q.9. Why was he called Mr. Chips? (RP-12)

Ans. Katherine called him Mr. Chips out of love.

Q.10: What recollections (past memories), did Chips have

of the early courtship with Katherine?

Ans. Chips recollected his early courtship with Katherine as a

happy dizzy time when they used to walk together by the
waterside in the evening and plan their future. He still felt her
cool voice and her gay-laughter.

Q.11: Why was Katherine glad thinking that Mr. Chips was
a schoolmaster? (SG-11 DG-12,13, BP-14,16) OR Which
were the professions disliked by Katherine? (LR-08, GW-09
BP-10) OR Did Katherine like Mr. Chips' profession? (DG-
14, RP-16)

Ans. She was glad to think that Chips was a school master. He
could influence the minds of the young boys who would, in
future, become useful citizens of England. She was glad that
he was not a solicitor, a stock broker, a dentist or a
businessman in Manchester.

Q.12: Compare the mental approach of Chips with that of

Katherine (FB-10, RP-12)

Ans. Chips was conservative. He lived in past; His mind was

inactive. He hated women of nineties. Katherine was a radical
socialist. She was a modern lady. She wore pent and shirt.
She was in favour of women to vote.

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