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Audio visual equipment is breaking new ground in the field of outside classroom
To break new ground = to make a new discovery
2. enrich
3. cover
4. leafing
5. condition
Currently, students willing to enrich their knowledge on a variety of sbjs needn’t cover
large distances to their libraries or expend much time leafing through fat volumes in
search of the required info on condition that they are the proud possessors of a personal
computer or other audiovisual accessories
6. advancement
7. gather
Extreme technological advancement has accelerated radical changes in the way ppl gather
info and in the mutual rela between humans and electronic machines
8. source
9. developed
10. amount
11. advantage
Optical videodiscs as well as compact discs have developed into the most substantial
mass storage media whereas satellite broadcast and optical fibre connections have made
an immeasurable amount of data accessible to all the individuals capable of taking
advantage of the Internet
To make st accessible to sb
12. replace
The expectations are that in the future home audiovisual edu will replace the
conventional methods including tutors, blackboards and stuffy classrooms, which may be
an encouraging piece of news to all those who tremble and sweat awaiting the school bell
1. likeness
James bears a strong likeness to his father
To bear a (striking/close/strong) resemblance to sb
2. voluntary
3. unpardonable
Unpardonable = inexcusable = unforgivable
Sending me no invitation to their wedding ceremony is unpardonable
4. imprisoned
To be mistakenly imprisoned
5. foreseeable
The left – wing party seems to have gained enormous power lately. No other party will
defeat them in the foreseeable future
6. composure
To keep/lose/recover/regain your composure
An intoxicated guy = under the influence of alcohol or drug
7. vanity
I think she acts like this out of sheer vanity
8. affectionate
9. invariably
To get fed up with her constant nagging at sb
10. expenditures/expenses
11. rashness
Alex should learn more before he becomes a good stockbroker. So far, his youthful
rashness has resulted in too many losses
12. invalidity
How can you explain the invalidity of your statements? there’s not a grain of truth in any
of them
13. endurance
Only competitors with the best endurance can be qualified for such a long race
14. empowered
Sb to be empowered to V/listen in on private talks on special occasions only
15. desensitised
His childhood spent in the harsh condition of the civil war has completely desensitized
the boy to the sight of blood and cruelty
to desensitize sb to st
1. of; within/in
It is characteristic of this region that the weather can change within/in minutes
2. in
Sb to be in great demand
3. by
4. within
5. to
6. at
7. on
Sb to be on the lookout for sth/sb = be looking for
8. from
To infer sth from sth = deduce
To make/draw inferences from
9. of
10. out
11. from
Find it hard to abstain from lighting a cigarette
12. at; in
13. under; in
Sb to come under the influence of such a bad company
14. to
15. at
Peter’s expertise in electronics is admirable. He’s got all the info required at his fingertips
To have sth at your fingertips
1. … will be given the
2. wishing to wake us up, mother left..
3. I haven’t the faintest idea (of) how much…
I don’t have the faintest idea what you meant
4… came into…
5. was repaired at Mark’s
At one’s expense = paid for by sb
6. not have been…
7. surprised us was the fact that…
What surprised us was the fact that no support was offered to the survivors
8. It is up to her whether
9. Knowledge that
10. that there are no protests, the ballot…
To not take much care of his children’s future
Leave them to their own devices
3. Ladder
4. Fingers
To not indulge in too much gambling
Burn your fingers = to suffer
5. dash
To make a dash for sw
6. water
7. end
Sb to be at a loose end
8. odds
Sb to be at odds with sb over/on sth
9. accord
Do sth of your own accord
10. score
11. terms
12. face
13. grips
The technicians were hesitant to get to grips with their duties until I offered to pay extra $
for their service
14. bet
15. vent
I’m telling you, there is no better way to give vent to your anger than by applying
yourself to a heavy body workout..
4. CHÉP 5

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