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Tourism Industry is recognized as one of the largest and fastest-growing sector globally.
It is one of the few industries globally, which, despite shocks and diversification, had lead to a
contribution to the economy and contributed to 9% of the total GDP in 2014. This statement
means that 1 out of 11 global employments was tourism-oriented and commit to 6% of exports.

Tourism is a broad term. It has effects on the local population, economy, environment,
and tourists. It is a complex process involving a variety of stakeholders, goods manufacturing,
and services for visitors. Therefore, tourism management, development, and monitoring require a
holistic approach that can engage with these implications.
Tourism is a tremendously competitive industry. The involvement of various stakeholders
makes it even more complicated. This statement requires a prevailing perception for all the
stakeholders involved with strong collaboration for promoting a specific destination for a better
economy, tourist attraction, and employment outlooks. This problem can reach out holistically by
the destination management organization.

Destination Management is a comprehensive approach. It is a coordinated process that

manages many aspects of the destination, including accommodation, branding, events, tourist
attraction points, and transportations. The optimum DM leads to tourist attractions for a specific
destination, maximize the profit, and bring capital benefits to the country owning the destination.
Tourism Industry one of the most vastly growing sectors globally, despite wars, economic crises,
political instability, and diasters. Tourism is a critical factor for the socio-economic growth of
the country. It opens the gate for agriculture, telecommunications, and construction sectors for
developed and industrialized nations creating employment opportunities for the states. Emerging
economies like Europe and the USA have invested and made tourism a pivotal contributor to
boost their economy. The thriving economy has generated employment, export revenues, and
infrastructure development. Growing economies had augmented their market shares from 30% in
1980 to 45% in 2014, and the prediction 57% in 2014 (UNWTO., 2015).

Destination Management is a complex process. It involves several factors, from accommodation to

transportation to branding. It requires a human resources team for its management. This team works on an
innovative and collaborative level with policymakers, stakeholders at both local and government sectors. To

address the issues regarding tourism, a DM is constructed. These issues are due to the business alliance between
various stakeholders and industries. (Boes, Buhalis & Inversini, 2015).

Destination Management Organisation or Destination Marketing Organisation, the two terms are
interchangeably used in the literature. The primary notion behind this term is to attract tourists, investors, and
businesses to a particular destination. The focus is on promoting the goal to bring maximum profit, revenues,
and capital development.

Discussion :

Destination Marketing organization focuses on creating different destination marketing strategies to

attract tourists and increase their market shares.

Destination Marketing Organisation Framework

Destination Branding

Destination Branding is an essential aspect of destination management. Destination branding is necessary

as it turns a place into a tourist destination. Branding is a strengths project. It involves giving name, identity to a
place so that it becomes a point of focal interest for the tourists. It will provide the product a designation, and
differentiate it from the competitors. Branding usually requires different stages to be passed before it can be
recognized to the stage of a brand. This includes awareness of a brand tourist place, recognition by the tourists
of the brand place around the world, whether it is accepted or rejected by the tourist around the world, and last
is the loyalty of the tourists. A most crucial aspect of the destination branding is the generation of the tourist
destination image. Once it is generated as the tourist destination, selling it into the international market for
investment will create Foreign Direct Investment. (Akoijam & Meitei, 2016)

Branding is a necessity because of the higher competition among the destinations. Marketing of
destination essential, and it is different from the marketing of a consumer brand. Marketing depends on the
product we are marketing. When viewing holistically as a city, the tourist has a different perception than
considering a single destination site like a shopping mall, or museums. Although the negative attitude of the
tourist can be changed by redesigning the image, the city rejection cannot be replaced. Referring to the case
studies we have studied in the class, branding has adverse effects on the culture, and sometimes heritages of the
town. Epitome is the case of the branding of Singhai. The branding of Singhai, on the one hand, has pulled

economic prosperity into the city through the proper building of infrastructure, business investment. This has
helped citizens to prosper, and their creativity has also nourished. Skyscrapers in Singhai has attracted many
tourists in the Singhai. (Morgan, Pritchard, & Pride, 2010)

The drawback of branding in Singhai

The brand destination has devasted the Singhai of its fishing community because the water has been polluted.
This can be because of Industrialization and Infrastructure development. The city is densely populated now, and
there is a lack of natural resources and also green space, which was once available along the west bank of the
river. But as the branding progress, the development of the skyscrapers, industries has to lead to pollution. Xu
suggested in her studies that despite the high income, the maternal life of Singhainese is far from the
satisfaction. Because of the industrial restructuring and new employment reforms, many old citizens have lost
their job due to a lack of required skills and inadequate education. (Morgan, Pritchard, & Pride, 2010)

Use of Emerging Technologies

The use of information technology is becoming crucial for the survival of humankind. DMO uses IT for the
marketing and sale of the product. DMO websites are the central point of marketing online. Social media
platforms like Facebook can also be used for the destination marketing organization. Different communities
share their travel experience online. A destination marketer can target such a population for its marketing
strategies. (Li, Robinson, & Oriade, 2017) The active Facebook page can attract consumers through advertising
pictures and videos of destinations. The marketing strategy on Facebook is through the creation of a Facebook
page with recent photos of destination, placed a vanity URL, shows the details of the destination marketing
website, soo that consumers can reach it through Facebook. The marketer can use the advantage of reviews by
past visitors to attract new consumers (Rahman, 2017). Mobile phones have made use of mobile-friendly apps
for the advertisements of the tourism industry. Different apps are available were ads of a tourist destination can
be placed, and photos, videos of the destination can be shared. (Li, Robinson, & Oriade, 2017). An example of
how media builds the image of the destination is Philadelphia. During convention week, the media coverage of
Philadelphia creates an attraction for tourists by showing nigh clubs, shopping malls, historical sites, and new
restaurants. The different magazines staes that Philadelphia is more than a liberty bell. The above was an
example of branding in itself by media. (Morgan, Pritchard, & Pride, 2010)

Product development and consumer decision-making process are the other areas to be covered by the
Destination Marketing organization.

Customer decision-making process

It is the process in which customers make a decision by his thought process based on information he
gathered, evaluate the alternatives, and then make the decision process. The consumer selects a destination
based on the mental image he has about that destination. This image is built on the literature, models, and
influence of the destination on his though process. The essential aspects of the destination, which affect
destination making, are attributes of the destination. Several variables affect the decision-making process,
including consumer/traveler variables, and marketing variables: destination experience, a socio-economic
system of travel, lifestyle, his age. The marketing variables are the promotion of the destination, pricing,
product design, and channel decision. (Nuraeni, Arru, & Novani, 2015).

Product Development in the tourism

Product in tourism refers to any service provided to the tourist. The product development is the tourist
attraction packages and the development of commercial facilities. For better product development, excellent
market research is necessary. It is essential to know the current market and the reasons for the decline in tourist
destinations before designing a new product.

Challenges faced by DMO:

There are several challenges faced by the DMO; some of them are stated below:

 Difficulties due to political instability

 Challenges due to economic instability
 Challenges to social problems
 Terrorism
 Climate Changes
 Natural disasters
 Pandemic for, e.g., COVID-19
 Lack of financial support
 Accepting technological change
 Executing Expectation
 From destination marketing to destination management

 Encounter a new level of competition

 Making creative Partnership for the prosperity of business
 Establish success measures(Gretzel, Fesenmaier, Formica, & O’Leary, 2006)

ove mention are some of the challenges faced by the DMO.

ifficult in establishing a business due to political instability is because the investor doesn’t want to invest in a
ry whose law and the government are changing continuously. Thus, political uncertainty is a barrier to a
ssful destination marketing organization.
Challenges due to economic instability leads to poor infrastructure, which makes it difficult for the tourist to
s the destination. Also, poor airline services to economically stabilize the country, with harsh medical facilities,
it a non-selective place to travel by the tourists.
Climate changes, natural disasters, and pandemic make it challenging to go to active areas. The current examples
OVID-19 are best to describe the damage it has caused to tourist destinations like Dubai, Maldives, and others.
Lack of financial support by the government makes it difficult to travel as a lack of proper transportation;
mmodation makes it unattractive to the tourists.
Accepting technological change has made positive effects on the tourism industry, but it has not questioned the
tance of already present technologies. Websites are present to guide the customers, but still, customers like to
enters and acquire information about the destination. The customers want personal feedback and more specific
mation which websites have to fail to answer.
Terrorism is another factor that is a barrier to DMO, as terrorism has negative feedback and leads to a decreasing
er of customers.
Executing expectations means that many DMO managers only concentrate on the small number of hoteliers and
holders, but forget to communicate with the small business owners who have played an essential role in tourism.
a communication barrier leads to an improper understanding of tourist demands.
Making a creative partnership with, local authorities lead to regional marketing and an increase in a tourist
tion, but many DMO managers fail to understand this and remain bound to their circle of thoughts. (Gretzel,
maier, Formica, & O’Leary, 2006)


DMO is an essential aspect of tourism and needs proper planning for execution. The appropriate promotion and
eting of the product/destination are critical to creating a mental effect on the mind of the consumer/traveler. Most
challenges faced by the DMO are because of a lack of understanding of the managers. The tourism industry can
sh by Destination marketing organization manages who took the picture from all the sided before creating the
on. Therefore, the modern DMO manager can develop a product that can be quickly gained attention in the eyes
tourists. It is necessary to work through strategies.
public and private stakeholder partnership, generating and implementation of tourism business model with
et-driven packages (attractive towards tourist), the local supplier should increase its service quality. These
s can contribute to enhance tourism by DMO.


Akoijam, S. L., & Meitei, C. I. (2016). Branding of Tourist Destination: A Case Study of Manipur in
India. SSRN Electronic Journal. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2910285

Boes K., Buhalis D., Inversini A., (2015). Conceptualizing Smart Tourism Destination Dimensions.
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14343-

Gretzel, U., Fesenmaier, D. R., Formica, S., & O’Leary, J. T. (2006). Searching for the Future: Challenges
Faced by Destination Marketing Organizations. Journal of Travel Research, 45(2), 116–126.
DOI: 10.1177/0047287506291598

Li, S. C., Robinson, P., & Oriade, A. (2017). Destination marketing: The use of technology since the
millennium. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 6(2), 95–102. DOI:

Morgan, N., Pritchard, A., & Pride, R. (2010). Destination branding: creating a unique destination
proposition. Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Nuraeni, S., Arru, A. P., & Novani, S. (2015). Understanding Consumer Decision-making in the Tourism
Sector: Conjoint Analysis. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 169, 312–317. DOI:

Rahman, S. (2017). Tourism Destination Marketing Using Facebook As A Promotional Tool. IOSR Journal of
Humanities and Social Science, 22(2), 87–90. DOI: 10.9790/0837-2202018790

UNWTO (2015). Tourism Highlights 2015 Edition. Available at:

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