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Observing the State of a Linear System


Summary-In much of modern control theory designs are based techniques have been developed to find the function F
on the assunption that the state vector of the system to be controlled for special classes of control problems. These techniques
is available for measurement. In many practical situations only a few include dynamic programming [8]- [10], Pontryagin's
output quantities are available. Application of theories which assume
that the state vector is known is severely limited in these cases. In maximum principle [11], and methods based on Lya-
this paper it is shown that the state vector of a linear system can be punov's theory [2], [12].
reconstructed from observations of the system inputs and outputs. In most control situations, however, the state vector
It is shown that the observer, which reconstructs the state vector, is not available for direct measurement. This means
is itself a linear system whose complexity decreases as the number of that it is not possible to evaluate the function F[y(t), t].
output quantities available increases. The observer may be incorpo-
rated in the control of a system which does not have its state vector In these cases either the method must be abandoned or a
available for measurement. The observer supplies the state vector, reasonable substitute for the state vector must be found.
but at the expense of adding poles to the over-all system. In this paper it is shown how the available system in-
puts and outputs may be used to construct an estimate
I. INTRODUCTION of the system state vector. The device which recon-
I N THE PAST few years there has been an increasing structs the state vector is called an observer. The ob-
percentage of control system literature written from server itself as a time-invariant linear system driven by
the "state variable" point of view [1]-[8]. In the the inputs and outputs of the system it observes.
case of a continuous, time-invariant linear system the Kalman [3], [13], [14] has done some work on this
state variable representation of the system is of the problem, primarily for sampled-data systems. He has
form: treated both the nonrandom problem and the problem
y(t) = Ay(t) +Bx(t), of estimating the state when measurements of the out-
where puts are corrupted by noise. In this paper only the non-
y(t) is an (n X 1) state vector statistical problem is discussed but for that case a fairly
x(t) is an (m X1) input vector complete theory is developed.
A is an (nXn) transition matrix It is shown that the time constants of an observer can
B is an (nXm) distribution matrix. be chosen arbitrarily and that the number of dynamic
elements required by the observer decreases as more
This state variable representation has some con- output measurements become available. The novel point
ceptual advantages over the more conventional transfer of view taken in this paper leads to a simple conceptual
function representation. The state vector y(t) contains understanding of the observer process.
enough information to completely summarize the past
behavior of the system, and the future behavior is II. OBSERVATION OF A FREE DYNAMIC SYSTEM
governed by a simple first-order differential equation. As a first step toward the construction of an observer
The properties of the system are determined by the con- it is useful to consider a slightly more general problem.
stant matrices A and B. Thus the study of the system Instead of requiring that the observer reconstruct the
can be carried out in the field of matrix theory which is state vector itself, require only that it reconstruct some
not only well developed, but has many notational and constant linear transformation of the state vector. This
conceptual advantages over other methods. problem is simpler than the previous problem and its
When faced with the problem of controlling a system, solution provides a great deal of insight into the theory
some scheme must be devised to choose the input vector of observers.
x(t) so that the system behaves in an acceptable man- Assuming it were possible to build a system which re-
ner. Since the state vector y(t) contains all the essential constructs some constant linear transformation T of the
information about the system, it is reasonable to base state vector y, it is clear that it would then be possible
the choice of x(t) solely on the values of y(t) and per- to reconstruct the state vector itself, provided that the
haps also t. In other words, x is determined by a relation transformation T were invertible. This is the approach
of the form x(t) = F[y(t), t]. taken in this paper. It is first shown that it is relatively
This is, in fact, the approach taken in a large portion simple to build a system which will reconstruct some
of present day control system literature. Several new linear transformation of the state vector and then it is
shown how to guarantee that the transformation ob-
Received November 2, 1963. This research was partially sup- tained is invertible.
ported by a grant from Westinghouse Electric Corporation. The first result concerns systems which have no in-
The author is with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. puts. (Such systems are called free systems.) The situa-
Luenberger: State of a Linear System 75
tion which is investigated is illustrated in Fig. 1. The
free system is used to drive another linear system with
state vector z. In this situation it is nearly always true
that z will be a constant linear transformation of the
state vector of the free system. Fig. 1-A simple observer.
Theorem 1 (Observation of a Free System): Let S1 be a
free system: y =Ay, which drives S2: X=Bz+Cy. If A
and B have no common eigenvalues, then there is a
constant linear transformation T such that if z(o)
= Ty(o), then z(t) = Ty(t) for all t > 0. Or more generally,
z(t) = Ty(t) + eSt[z(o) - Ty(o)].
Proof: Notice that there is no need for A and B to Fig. 2-Observation of a first-order system.
be the same size; they only have to be square.
Suppose that such a transformation did exist; i.e.,
suppose that for all t So, if the initial condition on z(o) is chosen as
z(t) = Ty(t). (1) a
z(o) = y(o), (9)
X _p
The two systems are governed by
then for all t>0,
y= Ay, a
x = Bz +Cy, (2) z(t)= y(t), (10)

but using the relation z= Ty, which is just a constant multiple of y. This type of
reasoning may be easily extended to higher-order sys-
Ty = TAy, tems.
Ty =BTy+Cy. The results of Theorem 1 would be of little practical
value if they could not be extended to include nonfree
Now, since the left sides agree, so must the right sides. systems. Fortunately, this extension is relatively straight-
This implies that T satisfies forward.
Assume, now, that the plant or system, Si, that is to
TA-BT= C. (4) be observed is governed by
Since A and B have no common eigenvalues, (4) will y= Ay+ Dx, (11)
have a unique solution T, [15 ]. It will now be shown that
T has the properties of the theorem. Using (3), where x is an input vector. As before, an observer for
this system will be driven by the state vector y. In
z -Ty =Bz-TAy+Cy. (5) addition, it is natural to expect that the observer must
also be driven by the input vector x. Consider the sys-
By using (4), this becomes tem S2 governed by
z- Ty= B (z -Ty). (6) = Bz + Cy + Gx. (12)
This is a simple first-order differential equation in the As before, let T satisfy TA - B T = C. Then, it follows
variable z - Ty. It has the well-known solution that
z(t) Ty(t) + eBt[z(o) Ty(o)], x-Ty-=Bz-TAy + Cy + (G-TD)x, (13)
= -
or, using (4)
which proves the theorem.
The result of Theorem 1 may be easily interpreted in z- T = B(z - Ty) + (G - TD)x. (14)
terms of familiar linear system theory concepts. As a By choosing G = TD the
differential equation above can
simple example, consider the situation described by be easily integrated giving
Fig. 2. Here both SI and S2 are first order systems. It is
clear from the figure that y(t) = y(o)eXt and that ay(o)ext z(t) = Ty(t) + eBt[z(o) Ty(o)]. (15) -

is the signal which drives S2. By elementary transform

This shows that the results for free systems contained in
theory it may be verified that
Theorem 1 will also apply to nonfree systems provided
y(o) a(8 that the input drive satisfies
z(t) =
t + elltLz(o) -

a y(o)I (8)
A G = TD. (16)
This is what one might intuitively expect. The system
which produces Ty is driven with an input just equal to
T times the input used to drive the system which pro-
duces y.
In applications, then, an observer can be designed for
a system by assuming that the system is free; then an
additional input drive can be added to the observer in
order to satisfy (16). For this reason it is possible to
continue to develop the theory and design techniques
for free systems only. Fig. 3-Observation of the entire state vector.

It was shown in the last section that "almost" any
The observer constructed above by requiring T= I
linear system will follow a free system which is driving possesses a certain degree of mathematical simplicity.
it. In fact, the state vectors of the two systems will be The state vector of the observer is equal to the state
related by a constant linear transformation. The ques- vector of the system being observed. Further examina-
tion which naturally arises now is: How does one guar- tion will reveal a certain degree of redundancy in the
antee that the transformation obtained will be in- observer system. The observer constructs the entire
vertible? state vector when the output of the plant, which repre-
One way to insure that the transformation will be
sents part of the state vector, is available by direct
invertible is to force it to be the identity transformation. measurement.
This requirement guarantees that (after the initial Intuitively, it seems that this redundancy might be
transient) the state vector of the observer will equal the eliminated, thereby giving a simpler observer system.
state vector of the plant. In this section it is shown that this redundancy can be
In the notation used here, vectors such as a are com-
eliminated by reducing the dynamic order of the ob-
monly column vectors, whereas row vectors are repre- server. It is possible, however, to choose the pole loca-
sented as transposes of column vectors, such as a'. tions of the observer in a fairly arbitrary manner.
Assume that the plant has a single output v
The results of this section rely heavily on the con-
cepts of controllability and observability introduced by
y= Ay Kalman [3] and on properties of the matrix equation
v = aly (17) TA - B T = C. Some new properties of this equation are
developed but first a motivation for these results is
and that the corresponding observer is driven by v as its given in the form of a rough sketch of the method that
only input is used to reduce the dynamic order of the observer.
B=Rz+bv (18) Consider the problem of building an observer for an
nth-order system Si which has only one output. Let this
or system drive an (n - 1)th-order system S2. Then by the
results of Section II each state variable of S2 is a time-
= Bz + baty. (19) invariant, linear combination of the state variables of
under these conditions z= Ty where T satisfies Si. Thus, the n -1 state variables of S2 together with
the output of S1 give n quantities each of which is a
TA -BT = ba'. (20) linear combination of the state variables of Si. If these
different combinations are linearly independent it is
Forcing T= I gives possible to find the state variables of SI by simple mati ix
B =A-ba' (21) (no dynamics) operations. The scheme is illustrated in
Fig. 4.
which prescribes the observer in this case. In (21) A and Another way to describe the method is in terms of
a' are given as part of the plant, hence, chosing a vector matrix inversion. The state vector of S2 is given by
b will prescribe B and the observer will be obtained. z = Ty; but z has only n -1 components while y has n
This solution to the observer problem is illustrated in components. This means that T is an (n-1) Xn matrix
Fig. 3 and is the solution obtained by Kalman [3 ] using and so it cannot be inverted. However, if another com-
other methods. For a sampled-data system, he deter- ponent that is a linear combination of the components
mined the vector b so that the transient would die out of y is adjoined to the z vector, one obtains an n-dimen-
in minimum time. In the continuous case, presumably, sional vector z1 = T1y, where T, is now an n X n matrix
the vector b would be chosen to make the transient die which may possess an inverse. The component adjoined
out quickly. to the z vector in the scheme of Fig. 4 is the output of Si.
1 964 Luenberger: State of a Linear System 77
Proof: As a first attempt let S1 drive the nth-order
Mi 0 1

= 0 V (22)
O An IjI.jJ
Fig. 4-Reduction of the dynamic order.
where the /ii are arbitrary except that IAi 'tj for i$j
It is appropriate at this point to review the definitions and AiXk for all i and k. Now (under proper initial
of controllability and observability for linear time- conditions) z = Ty and by Theorem 2 the n rows ti of T
invariant systems. A discussion of the physical inter- are independent. It is clear that there is one ti which
pretations of these definitions can be found in [3] and may be replaced by a', so that the (row) vectors
[16]. t1, t2,
*, ti1, , ,tn a' will be independent. (If this
Definition: The nth-order system y-Ay+Bx is said is not clear see Lemma 2 in Appendix IL.)
to be completely controllable if the collection of vectors By removing the ith dynamic element from the ob-
server, an (n - 1)th-degree system (with state vector z1)
is obtained. The state vector y may be recovered from
the n -1 components of zi and the output a'y since
= 1,2, .. ,m
spans n dimensions. (The bi are the m columns of the
nXm matrix B.) t2
As a notational convenience this situation will some- ti-i,
times be described by writing "(A, B) is completely z1

controllable. " V= ti+l y = YTy
Definition: The system -=Ay with output vector
v = B'y is said to be completely observable if (A', B) is tn
completely controllable. As a notational convenience, at
this situation will sometimes be described by writing
"(A, B') is completely observable." and the matrix on the right is invertible. This proves
In the special case that A is diagonal with distinct Theorem 3.
eigenvalues and B is just a column vector there is a Note: By employing here the methods used in Ap-
simple condition which is equivalent to complete con- pendix I in the proof of Theorem 2, it can be shown
trollability [16]. that the n-1 eigenvalues of the observer can, in fact,
Lemma 1: Let A be diagonal with distinct roots. Then be chosen arbitrarily provided only that they are dis-
(A, b) is completely controllable if, and only if, each tinct from those of A.
component bi is nonzero. At this point it is natural to ask whether these results
The following theorem which is proved in Appendix I can be extended to systems with more than one output.
connects complete controllability and complete ob- Theorem 4, which is proved in Appendix II, states that
servability with the matrix equation TA -B T = C. an nth-order system with m independent outputs can
Theorem 2: Let A and B be n X n matrices with no be observed with n-m "arbitrary" dynamic elements.
common eigenvalues. Let a and b be vectors such that Theorem 4: Let S1 be a completely observable nth-
(A, a') is completely observable and (B, b) is completely order system with m independent outputs. Then an ob-
controllable. Let T be the unique solution of TA -BT server, S2, may be built for Si using only n-im dynamic
= ba'. Then T is invertible. elements. (As illustrated by the proof, the eigenvalues of
With this Theorem it is easy to derive a result concern- the observer are essentially arbitrary.)
ing the dynamic order of an observer for a single output In order to illustrate the results obtained in this sec-
system. tion, consider the system shown in Fig. 5. It may be ex-
Theorem 3: Let Si: y=Ay, v=a'y be an nth-order pressed in matrix form as
completely observable system. Let 1,u2, . *n .I be a
set of distinct complex constants distinct from the --[2 O2 1-
eigenvalues of A. An observer can be built for Si which Y = _ O
-1_ Y + 1_ X. (24)
is of (n - 1)th-order and which has n -1 of the /.ti's as
eigenvalues of its transition matrix. It will be assumed that y, is the only measurable output.
To build an observer for this system observer eigen- state vector, rather than the actual state vector, de-
values must be chosen. According to Theorem 3, an teriorates the performance of control. Various criteria
observer can be constructed for this system using a sin- can be used to measure this deterioration. One of the
gle dynamic element. Suppose it is decided to require most important considerations is the effect that an ob-
the observer to have -3 as its eigenvalue. The observer server may have on pole locations. It would be unde-
will have a single state variable z and will be driven bysirable, for example, if an otherwise stable control de-
y, and x. The state variable z will satisfy sign became unstable when an observer is used to real-
z = -3z+ [ 1 0 ]y + kx, ize it. It is shown in this section that an observer has no
effect on a control system's closed-loop pole locations
where k is determined by the input relation given by other than to add the poles of the observer itself.
(16).1 Then z= Ty, where T satisfies Consider a linear plant: y-Ay+Dx, which has all of
its state variables measurable and all of its input com-
TA+3T=[ 1 01. (26)
ponents available for control. It is then possible to de-
This equation is easily solved giving T = [ 1- 1/2 ]. To sign a linear feedback system by putting x= Fy. This
evaluate k (16) is used, is a feedback system without dynamics. The closed-loop
plant would be governed by y= (A +DF)y, so that the
k=[ 1-1/2 ]=-1/2. (27) eigenvalues of A +DF are the closed-loop poles of the
It is easy to see how to combine y, and z to produce Y2. Suppose the same plant is given, except that not all
The final system is shown in Fig. 6. In the figure, 92 state variables are measurable. In this case, an observer
represents the observer's estimate of Y2. for the plant might be used to construct an estimate,
9, of the plant state vector. The vector 9 could then be
used to put x = F9. The closed-loop poles of this system
can be found in terms of the poles of the observer and
Fig. 5-A seco e p the poles of the system above. Suppose the observer is
governed by z=Bz+Cy+TDx, where TA-BT== C.
Fig. 5-A second-order plant. Then 9 is a linear combination of y and z,
9 = Hy + Kz, (28)
H+KT = I. (29)
Putting x = F9, the over-all system becomes
y = Ay + DF(Hy + Kz),
z = Bz + Cy + TDF(Hy + Kz), (30)
or, in matrix form,
Fig. 6-Observer and plant.
y [_ A + DFH DFK y (
The primary justification for an investigation of ob- Theorem 5: The eigenvalues of the over-all system
servers is its eventual application to control system de- (31) are the eigenvalues of A +DF and the eigenvalues
sign. A control system can be regarded as performing of B.
three operations: it measures certain plant inputs and Proof: For an eigenvalue X,
outputs; on the basis of these measurements it computes
certain other input signals and it applies these input sig- Ay + DFHy + DFKz = Xy, (32)
nals to the plant. The philosophy behind this paper is Cy + TDFHy + Bz + TDFKz = Xz. (33)
that the computational aspect of control should be di-
vided into two parts. First, the state vector should be Multiplying (32) by T and subtracting (33),
constructed; this is the job of the observer. Then, the (TA - C)y - Bz = X(Ty - z). (34)
inputs can be calculated using this value for the state Using TA - B T this becomes
A primary consideration that arises when this B(Ty - z) = X(Ty - z). (35)
philosophy is used is the extent that use of the estimated This equation can be satisfied if X is an eigenvalue of B
or if Ty =z. This shows that all eigenvalues of B (in-
corresponds to D, and k corresponds to G in (16). cluding multiplicity) are eigenvalues of the over-all sys-
tem (31).
1964 Luenberger: State of a Linear System 79
Now if Ty= z (32) becomes Theorem 7: Let S be an nth-order, single input, com-
(A + DFH + DFKT)y = Xy, (36) pletely controllable, completely observable system with
m independent outputs. Then a feedback network can
but using (29) this reduces to be designed for S which is (n-m)th-order and the re-
sulting 2n - m poles of the closed-loop system are essen-
(A + DF)y = Xy. (37) tially arbitrary.
This equation immediately shows that all eigenvalues of
A +DF (including multiplicity) are also eigenvalues of VI. CONCLUSIONS
the over-all system (31). This proves the theorem.
Theorem 5 demonstrates that as far as pole location It has been shown that the state vector of a linear sys-
problems are concerned it is possible to design a feed- tem can be reconstructed from observations of its inputs
back system assuming the state were available and then and outputs. The observer which performs the recon-
add an observer to construct the state. There is still the struction is itself a linear system with arbitrary time
problem of what feedback coefficients to use if the state constants. It has been shown that the dynamic order
were available. of an observer which observes an nth-order system with
For a single input system it is possible to find feed- m outputs is n - m. Hence, when more outputs are avail-
back coefficients to place the closed-loop poles anywhere able a simpler observer may be constructed.
in the complex plane. This result can be obtained from Observers may be incorporated in the design of con-
a canonical form given by Kalman [17], or by a simple trol systems. If a feedback system has been designed
application of Theorem 2. based on knowledge of the state, then incorporation of
Theorem 6: Given a completely controllable, single an observer to construct the state does not change the
input system: y=Ay+bx, and a set of complex con- pole locations of the system. The observer simply adds
stants pi, MU2, * * *, tAn; there is a vector c such that if its own poles to the system. Much work remains, how-
x=c'y the resulting closed-loop system will have ever, in the area of incorporation of observers in control
Ali A2 * * * , A, as its eigenvalues.
system design. The effects of parameter variations, use
Proof: First assume that each ,ui is distinct from the of design criteria other than pole location and considera-
eigenvalues of A. Let B be a matrix in Jordan form tion of systems which are "marginally" observable
which has the ui as its eigenvalues and has only one should be investigated.
Jordan block associated with each distinct eigenvalue Most of the results given can be easily extended to
include sampled-data
[31. Let c1 be any vector such that (B, c1') is completely are in fact often simplersystems. The necessary proofs
observable. By Theorem 2 the equation in the sampled case. Likewise,
many of the results can be extended to include time-
TB - AT = bci' (38) varying linear systems.
has a unique solution T which is invertible. Let c'
=c1'T-l then APPENDIX I
A + bc' = TBT-1 Theorem 2: Let A and B be n X n matrices with no
(39) common
eigenvalues. Let a and b be vectors such that
which says A +bc' is similar to B. This establishes the (A, a') is completely observable and (B, b) is completely
result. controllable. Let T be the unique solution of TA - B T
In case some of the Ai are not distinct from the eigen- = ba'. Then T is invertible.
values of A proceed in two steps. First, choose coeffi- Proof: Without loss of generality it may be assumed
cients to make the eigenvalues distinct from those of A that A is in Jordan Canonical Form [13], [18]. A will
and from the ,ui. Then move the eigenvalues of the re- consist of several Jordan blocks but since (A, a') is
sulting system to the /ui. This proves Theorem 6. completely observable no two blocks are associated with
Finally, the results of Theorems 4-6 may be collected the same eigenvalue [3]. Furthermore, the component
to obtain a result for systems that do not have their of the vector a which corresponds to the top of a Jordan
state vector available. Suppose one is given an nth- block must be nonzero [19], [20]. Partition the matrix
order system with m independent outputs. According T into columns
to Theorem 4, an observer can be designed which has
n - m essentially arbitrary eigenvalues. If the state vec- T = [t| t2, ... tn.
tor were available, constant feedback coefficients could
be found to place the closed-loop eigenvalues arbitrarily Then if a particular Jordan block with eigenvalue X is
by the method of Theorem 6. Then, according to Theo- located with its top row in the kth row of A and extends
rem 5, if the observer's estimate of the state is used in to row k+q it is possible to express the corresponding
place of the actual state the resulting system will have columns of T as
the eigenvalues of the observer and the eigenvalues of
the constant coefficient feedback system. This result is tk ak(XI B)-lb,
= -

expressed in Theorem 7. ti = (XI -B)-'(aib -ti-1) k < i -< k + q -1. (40)


Hence, the vectors ti will be linearly dependent only if where P is a polynomial of degree less than p. But since
for some set of aai not all zero each (A'- ujI)-' is nonsingular this implies that
qi P(A') = 0. (44)
A;ZX oaii(IXi -B)-lb = 0.
i 1= Since this polynomial has a degree less than the minimal
This equation can be multiplied by the nonsingular polynomial, each a5 0 in the original combination

matrix (42). This implies that any polynomial in A' can be

written as a linear combination of the (A'-ujI)-1. In
7 (IX, - B)> particular, the vectors (A'-ujI)-1a1, i=1, 2, .. I P,
generate the same space as the vectors (A)ka,, k= 1, 2,
to obtain . ,n.
This same argument applies to each ai. Hence, the
P(B)b = O, output vectors from all observing systems span n dimen-
where P is a polynomial of degree n-I or less. But un- sions. Now, from Lemma 2 n dimensions can be spanned
less P=O, which implies that each aii is zero, this con- with m output vectors a,, a2, , am and n-im dy-
dition contradicts the complete controllability of (B, b). namics. This proves Theorem 4.
Hence, the vectors ti must be linearly independent.
APPENDIX II [1] R. E. Kalman and J. E. Bertram, "A unified approach to the
theory of sampling systems," J. Franklin Inst., vol. 267, pp.
In order to prove the general statement concerning 405-436; May, 1959.
the dynamic order of an observer the following well- [21 "Control system analysis and design via the 'second
method' of Lyapunov-I. Continuous-Time Systems," Journal
known lemma [21 ] will be used. of Basic Engineering, Trans. ASME, Series D, vol. 82, pp. 171-
Lemma 2: Let x1, X2,' *, x,, be n linearly independ-
393; June, 1960.
[3] R. E. Kalman, "On the General Theory of Control Systems,"
ent vectors in an n-dimensional space. LetYi, Y2,* , Ym Proc. of the FirstIFA C Moscow Congress; 1960.
also be independent. Then there are n m xi's such that - [4] J. E." Bertram and P. Sarachik, "On Optimal Computer Con-

trol, Proc. of the First IFA C Moscow Congress; 1960.

Yli, Y2, * * IYM,
Y xil, xi2, *, xin__ are independent. [51 E. B. Lee, "Design of optimum multivariable control systems,"
Theorem 4: Let S1 be a completely observable nth- J. of Basic Engrg., Trans. ASME, Series D, vol. 83, pp. 85-90;
March, 1961.
order system with m independent outputs. Then an ob- [6] R. Bellman,I. Glicksberg, and 0. Gross, "On the 'Bang-Bang'
server, S2, may be built for S1 using only n m dynamic - control problem," Quart. Appl. Math., vol. 14, pp. 11-16; 1961.
[7] H. L. Groginsky, "On a property of optimum controllers with
elements. (As illustrated by the proof, the eigenvalues boundedness constraints," IRE TRANS. ON AUTOMATIC CON-
of the observer are essentially arbitrary.) TROL,vol. AC-6, pp. 98-1 10; May, 1961.
[81 K. K. Maitra, "An Application of the Theory of Dynamic Pro-
Proof: Let the m outputs be given by al'y, a2'y, * gramming to Optimal Synthesis of Linear Control Systems,"
ainy. Then since S1 is completely observable the collec- Proc. of Dynamic Programming Workshop, ed, J. E. Gibson,
Purdue University, Lafayette,Ind.; 1961.
tion of vectors [9] R. Bellman, "Dynamic Programming," Princeton University
Press, N. J.; 1957.
(A') iaj i -O 1,l 2, * ,n 1 [10] R. Bellman and R. Kalaba, "Dynamic programming and feed-
back control," Proc. of the First IFA C Moscow Congress; 1960.
j.1-1, 2;,*, m [11] V. G. Boltyanski, R. V. Gamkrelidze, E. F. Mischenko, and L. S.
Pontryagin, "The maximum principle in the theory of optimal
spans n dimensions. processes of control," Proc. of the First IFA C Moscow Congress;
Let p be the order of the minimal polynomial of A. 1960.
112] J. La Salle and S. Lefshetz,"Stability by Liapunov's Direct
To each output of S1 connect a completely controllable Method with Applications," Academic Press, New York, N. Y.;
pth-order system with distinct eigenvalues. Consider the 1961.
[13] R. E. Kalman, "A new approach to linear filtering and pre-
system driven by al'y. The p state variables of this sys- diction theory," J. of Basic Engrg., Trans. A SME, Series D,
vol. 82, pp. 35-45; March, 1960.
tem (under proper initial conditions) are [141 R.E. Kalman and R. S. Bucy, "New results in linear filtering
and prediction theory," J. of Basic Engrg., Trans. ASME,
zi= [b(A' u)-lal]'y
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