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Meal plan

Approx. 1,800 calories per day

taken from The Hardgainer Solution

Meal 1
• ½ cup of egg-whites (~125ml), 1/3 of a cup of dry cream-of-wheat and a tablespoon
of natural peanut butter OR
• 3 whole eggs and a 1/3 of a cup of dry cream of wheat OR

• Two tablespoons of natural peanut butter and ½ a cup of oats

Meal 2
• 20-30g (0.7 oz) of nuts (about what fits in the small palm of your hand) and 5 large
rice cakes Or

• 1 can of tuna packed in water and 1 cup of cooked long-grain brown rice and a small
salad with a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil on top OR

• 1 scoop of protein powder and 6 large rice cakes (preferably the first or second

Meal 3
• 120g (4.2oz) white fish and a 3 pieces of fruit OR

• One scoop of protein powder and 3 pieces of fruit (berries - either frozen or fresh
are a great choice and 1 cup would serve as 1-2 pieces of fruit) OR

• 150g shrimp drained, 1 cup of cooked brown-rice and a small salad

Meal 4
• 100g (3.5 oz) skinless chicken/turkey breast and 150g (5.3oz) of potatoes/sweet
potatoes and a small salad and a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil on top OR

• 100g (3.5 oz) of white fish (refer to ‘food-sources’ guide for white-fish types) with
150g (5.3 oz) of potatoes/sweet potatoes and a small salad and a tablespoon of
extra virgin olive oil as dressing OR

• 100g (3.5 oz) skinless chicken/turkey breast and 1 cup of cooked brown rice and a
small salad and a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil as dressing

Meal 5
• 1.5 cups (~325ml) of egg-whites and a few pieces of fruit OR
• 1.5 cups of low-fat cottage cheese and ¾ of a cup of oats OR

• 1.5 cups (~250ml)of egg-whites and a 1/3 of a cup of dry cream-of-wheat

Extra Notes
Once per week sub in 100g of lean-cut steak as a protein source in place of any of the protein
sources for meal 4 – keep the rest of the meal the same.

Once per week sub in 100g of wild-salmon as a protein source in place of any of the protein
sources for meal 4 – keep the rest of the meal the same.

Once per week have a large salad as a meal – lots of leafy greens, tablespoon of cranberries,
teaspoon of seeds, palm-full of crumbled walnuts, 2-3 tablespoons of chickpeas (refer to ‘food-
sources’ guide for garden variety vegetables and leafy green and s eed options)

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