Tomorrow's World

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Lesson plan

Name: Mihaela Nistor

School: Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 2 Vicovu de Sus

Date: the 27th of March 2019

Lesson: Tomorrow’s world

Lesson type: Presentation and Practice

Skills: Reading, speaking, writing


1.2 Understanding the global meaning of a message

2.2 Offering different information about oneself, about activities and events

4.4 Offering and asking for information in writing about activities and events

Lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

-match the new words with their definitions;

-answer questions about a text;

-create sentences using future continuous;

Time: 50’

Materials: board, worksheet, book.

Stage T’s activity Ss’ activity Group Skill Aids Purpose


Warm-up T greets Ss and asks how they Ss greet T and read their T-SS Reading
are and checks the homework. homework. -to create a
Ss-Ss Speaking atmosphere;

Lead-in T asks Ss to work in pairs and Ss work in pairs and write -to introduce the
think about the things that will be down the ideas. GW Writing new topic;
possible in the future. Speaking

T asks SS to read the text from SS read the text about

page 70 and find out how many tomorrow’s world.
Presentation of their ideas are there. T-SS Speaking -to practise
Writing reading,
Listenin speaking;
T asks Ss to read the text again Ss match the words with Reading
and to match the new words with their definitions.
their definitions. (ex1)
Presentatio T writes several sentences on the SS listen to the T’s Board -to introduce
n board (e.g At 10 o’clock explanations and write down Writing future
tomorrow John will be working.) the sentences. continuous;
T introduces the future

Practice T asks SS to look at ex 2 and to SS form sentences with the T-Ss Writing Worksheet -to practise
make full sentences with futures given words. Speaking future
continuous. continuous;

T-SS Speaking
Production T asks SS to think of their next SS work in pairs and write PW Writing Worksheet -to practise
birthday and write down six down different sentences Speaking future
things they will be doing at about their birthday. continuous
different times.
Setting the Worksheet -further practice

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