©geobuddy - Net/Jrf, Gate/Gsi: Csir-Net Part-B

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©GeoBuddy – NET/JRF, GATE/GSI Assignment: CSIR-NET PART B

Earth, Ocean, Atmosphere and planetary science


Maximum marks: 70 Time allowed: 45 minutes


 The assignment includes 50 MCQs for CSIR-NET Part-B only.

 Use of calculators and other electronic gadgets is not allowed in the exam hall
 Each question is of 02 marks and there will be negative marking for each wrong question
@33%, candidate can attempt max of 35 questions only.
 Candidate is advised not to leave the examination hall till the time is over.

1. Chondrites are dated at?

A) 500 Ma
B) 1050 Ma
C) 2500 Ma
D) 4500 Ma

2. The base of the Upper Mantle is drawn at the seismic discontinuity at?
A) 1000 km
B) 650 km
C) 400 km
D) 250 km

3. The secondary (Transverse) waves do not travel through the outer Core because its:
A) Density is high
B) Bulk modules is low
C) Density is low
D) Shearing (rigidity) modulus is low

4. Current views are that the Earth

A) Grew out of an aggregation of fragments derived from the disruption of two stars.
B) Grew out of accretion of particles in space
C) Was produced out of a gaseous filament drawn out of a primitive sun by an advancing
D) Developed out of the breaking up of a disc rotating round a primitive sun.

5. Continental Shelf is designated as a miogeocline and described as an analogue of

eugeosyncline by
A) Aubouin
B) Dietz
C) Kay
D) Stille

Telegram: http://t.me/GeoBuddy WhatsApp: (+91-9797018021) YouTube: GeoBuddy-2020

©GeoBuddy – NET/JRF, GATE/GSI Assignment: CSIR-NET PART B
Earth, Ocean, Atmosphere and planetary science

6. Continental rise is absent along the active continental margins because of the presence
A) Ridge
B) Transform fault
C) Continental slope
D) Trench

7. The Polar Wandering theory

A) Supports the continental drift theory
B) Shows polar migration paths of different continents
C) Traces the coherent movement paths of the major continents.
D) Explains the contraction theory.

8. The rate of ocean floor spreading is highest in

A) East Pacific Rise
B) Mid-Atlantic Ridge
C) Indian Ocean Ridge
D) Juan de Fuca Ridge

9. Strong proof for the ocean floor spreading hypothesis is provided by the observation
A) The Eastern coastline of South America fits with the western Coastline of Africa.
B) The sediments near the continental margins are older than those near the oceanic ridges
C) There is a regular magnetic pattern of ocean floor rocks which increase in age away from
the oceanic ridges.
D) The sediments near the continental margins are younger than those near the oceanic

10. The present day ocean floor does not contain sediments older than the
A) Cretaceous
B) Devonian
C) Eocene
D) Triassic

11. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge system is an area of

A) Shear plate boundary
B) Consuming plate boundary
C) Accreting plate boundary
D) Stable plate boundary

12. Asthenosphere which underlies the lithosphere differs from the latter in its
A) Higher rigidity
B) Lower rigidity and higher thermal state
C) Higher thermal state and higher rigidity
D) Lower rigidity, higher thermal state and a lowering in the velocity of seismic waaves.

Telegram: http://t.me/GeoBuddy WhatsApp: (+91-9797018021) YouTube: GeoBuddy-2020

©GeoBuddy – NET/JRF, GATE/GSI Assignment: CSIR-NET PART B
Earth, Ocean, Atmosphere and planetary science

13. Subduction zones are usually marked by

A) Deep oceanic trenches
B) Deep oceanic trenches and volcanic island area
C) Volcanic island arcs
D) Deep oceanic trenches , volcanic island arcs and deep-focus-earthquakes.

14. According to the Plate Tectonic Theory

A) India and Antarctica may drift towards each other.
B) African rift will give birth to a new ocean
C) The Mediterranean will not widen up
D) The Indian ocean will disappear.

15. The difference between the observed and predicted gravity values is called
A) Bouguer anomaly
B) Isostatic gravity anomaly
C) Topographic correction
D) Bouguer correction.

16. Blocks of various materials, having different lengths and densities, but equal in cross-
section and in total weight, are immersed in Hg (sp.gr.13.6). It is observed that these
blocks sink to equal depth.
Which one of the following explains the observed Isostatic equilibrium?
A) Airy’s hypothesis
B) Heiskanen’s hypothesis
C) Pratt’s hypothesis
D) Phase-change theory

17. Magnetic anamoly bands like those if the mid-oceanic ridges are
A) Fond in the trenches
B) Absent in the trenches
C) Found flanking the trough zone
D) Randomly oriented.

18. The Paleomagnetic dip (I) is related to the latitude (ƛ) of the locality as
A) Sin 1=2 sin ƛ
B) Cos 1=2 cos ƛ
C) Tan 1=2 tan ƛ
D) 2 tan I = tan ƛ

19. Which of the following is most important in radioactive dating of archaeological

A) U-238
B) Rb-87
C) K-40
D) C-14

20. Chronostratigraphic position of a Tertiary strata is best determined by studying its

Telegram: http://t.me/GeoBuddy WhatsApp: (+91-9797018021) YouTube: GeoBuddy-2020

©GeoBuddy – NET/JRF, GATE/GSI Assignment: CSIR-NET PART B
Earth, Ocean, Atmosphere and planetary science

A) Fossil assemblage
B) C14 /C12 Ratio
C) Remnant magnetism
D) Minerals

21. The velocity of the P waves in the inner core is

A) 20.45 km/sec
B) 18 km/sec
C) 15.20 km/sec
D) 11.23 km/sec

22. Which of the following indicates that the Earth‟s core is in the liquid state, in contrast
to the surrounding mantle, which is in a solid state ?
A) Simple S waves are not received on the side of the globe opposite the earthquake focus.
B) The surface waves travel along the ground surface.
C) Rigid continental plates ride over the plastic asthenosphere
D) P-waves are first to be recorded by the Seismograph.

23. The continental crust in the thickest under the

A) Shield areas
B) Platform areas
C) Tertiary folded belt area
D) Proterozoic folded belt areas.

24. According to the Kay‟s classification of tectonic elements , geosyncline located between
the cratons are of two types, one is actively subsiding with associated volcanoes and the
other is less active with no volcanoes . they are, respectively
A) Exogeosyncline and Autogeosyncline
B) Exogeosyncline and Miogeosyncline
C) Polygeosyncline and Mesogeosyncline
D) Parageosyncline and Embayment

25. Hawaiian volcanism belongs to which one of the following types?

1. Mid Oceanic Ridge volcanism
2. Island arc volcanism
3. Geosynclinal volcanism
4. Intraplate volcanism

26. Which of the following belongs to an Island arc?

A) Ireland
B) Japan
C) Madagascar
D) Sri Lanka

27. Seismicity associated with mid Oceanic ridges is

1. Shallow focus
2. Intermediate focus

Telegram: http://t.me/GeoBuddy WhatsApp: (+91-9797018021) YouTube: GeoBuddy-2020

©GeoBuddy – NET/JRF, GATE/GSI Assignment: CSIR-NET PART B
Earth, Ocean, Atmosphere and planetary science

3. Deep focus
4. Randomly focused

28. Active volcanism at the end of a seismic ridges are some of the most prolific volcanoes
in the world whose lavas are mostly
A) Trachytic
B) Rhyolite
C) Basaltic
D) Andesitic

29. The deep Oceanic trenches are marked by

A) Negative gravity anamoly.
B) Extinct volcanoes
C) Folded sediments
D) Faulted sediments

30. The increase in seismic velocity from 4.5 km/sec to 6.7 km/sec as one proceeds away
from the ridge crest is attributed by Hess to
A) Consolidated volcanic rocks
B) Cooling and heating up of the fracture by slight recrystallization
C) Sedimentary layers
D) The presence of magma.

31. The „Andesite Line‟

A) Runs along the Mediterranean
B) Marks the Himalayan axes
C) Generally seperates the continental crust from the oceanic crust.
D) Runs in the Atlantic Ocean.

32. Reef building corals flourish best in the zone lying between
A) 400 N and 400 S latitudes
B) 600 N and 600 S latitudes
C) 800 N and 800 S latitudes
D) 300 N and 300 S latitudes

33. The Hercynian Orogeny has taken place during the Late
A) Carboniferous
B) Cambrian
C) Devonian
D) Precambrian

34. Moraines deposited during the retreating stages of a glacier are known as
A) Recessional moraines
B) Terminal moraines
C) Lateral moraines
D) Ground moraines

Telegram: http://t.me/GeoBuddy WhatsApp: (+91-9797018021) YouTube: GeoBuddy-2020

©GeoBuddy – NET/JRF, GATE/GSI Assignment: CSIR-NET PART B
Earth, Ocean, Atmosphere and planetary science

35. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched

A) Massive reef building along the shore. Fringing reef
B) Waves drag off fragments of the reef and pile them up above Guyots
sea level on the Lagoon ward side , in time ,land is thus formed,
vegetation gets started and a ring like structure is formed .
C) Coral reaches which are separated from the shore by a Barrier reef
Channel or a lagoon.
D) Coral reefs which are enclosing a lagoon and are more Atoll
Or less circular in shape.

36. The portion of the enclosed within an Atoll

A) Bay
B) Coral lake
C) Fringing reef
D) Lagoon

37. Clastic sediments on the continental shelves usually exhibit which one of the following
patterns of Distribution in the slope direction?
A) Sandy Mud-Sand-mud
B) Sand-Mud-sandy Mud
C) Mud-Sandy Mud-Sand
D) Mud-Sand-Sandy Mud

38. Lapis are

A) Glacial forms
B) Volcanic forms
C) Solution etched and fluted landforms in Karst areas
D) Structural landforms.

39. Travertine is a
A) Lava flow
B) Glacial moraine
C) Deposits formed by waves and currents
D) Deposit of CaCO3 from hot springs

40. Sapropelite is a sedimentary rock which is a kind of

A) Alluvial deposit
B) Colluvial deposit
C) Glacial deposit
D) Lacustrine deposit

41. The residual hills standing out over the end surfaces in an arid landscape are called
A) Monadnocks
B) Magotes
C) Inselberg
D) Hums

Telegram: http://t.me/GeoBuddy WhatsApp: (+91-9797018021) YouTube: GeoBuddy-2020

©GeoBuddy – NET/JRF, GATE/GSI Assignment: CSIR-NET PART B
Earth, Ocean, Atmosphere and planetary science

42. When a stream is flowing over a very low gradient and it is carrying a coarse bed load,
it begins to
A) Meander
B) Develop Braided Channels
C) Flow straight
D) Cut gorge in the bed rock.

43. Peneplain is a type of plain formed by

A) Slope retreat in mountains region mainly by wave erosion.
B) Weathering of table land and removal of the wave residuum by the denudation.
C) Lateral erosion by streams with attendant flood plain construction.
D) Denudation of rocks of varying resistance by continental ice sheets.

44. Match the following and choose the correct code

(Process) (Landforms)
a. Volcanic action 1. Oxbow lake
b. Oceanic deposition 2. Kame Terraces
c. Glacial action 3. Calderas
4. Atolls
5. Batholiths
A) A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1
B) A-3, B-4,C-2,D-1
C) A-5,B-3,C-4, D-2
D) A-2,B-1,C-3,D-4

45. Which of the following environments is confined between the low tidal level and the
high tidal level
A) Sub-littoral
B) Continental slope
C) Littoral
D) Abyssal

46. Fresh or salt water intertrapped in sediments during their deposition as called
A) Connate water
B) Juvenile water
C) Meteoric water
D) Spring water

47. Match the following and choose the correct answer.

(Process) (Landforms)
a. River action 1. Exfoliation domes
b. Glacial action 2. Karst areas
c. Weathering 3. Natural bridge
d. Ground water 4. Eskers
A) A-1,B-2,C-3,D-4
B) A-2,B-4,C-1,D-3

Telegram: http://t.me/GeoBuddy WhatsApp: (+91-9797018021) YouTube: GeoBuddy-2020

©GeoBuddy – NET/JRF, GATE/GSI Assignment: CSIR-NET PART B
Earth, Ocean, Atmosphere and planetary science

C) A-3,B-4,C-1,D-2
D) A-4,B-3,C-2,D-1

48. An antecedent drainage is

A) Younger than the structure
B) Older than the structure
C) Contemporaneous with the structures
D) Not related to the structure

49. Which one of the following deposits can be considered to be the best example of wind
A) Levees
B) Loess and dunes
C) Moraines
D) Drumlins

50. Podsols are

A) Lateritic soils of the tropics
B) Grey soil of the temperature
C) Red earths of the deserts
D) Black cotton soils.

Answer keys:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Disclaimer! While ultimate care has been taken to publish the Answer keys here, however the
candidate is advised to verify (if any) the candidate feels the answer is incorrect, do check the
authentic sources.

Telegram: http://t.me/GeoBuddy WhatsApp: (+91-9797018021) YouTube: GeoBuddy-2020

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