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Jataayu Software (P) Ltd

Software Requirements Specification

MML Gateway


JSPL/MMLGateway-SRS 1.0

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Prepared by: Senthil Kumar.K Senior Engineer 9-May-2006

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Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

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Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

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This Quality System Documentation is the property of Jataayu Software (P) Ltd. All ideas and
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Copyright  2001 Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.

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Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

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Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

1 Introduction............................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Scope................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations..........................................................................6
1.4 References........................................................................................................................ 6
2 Overview................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Current System.................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Proposed System.............................................................................................................. 7
2.3 System Architecture.......................................................................................................... 8
2.4 General Transactional Flow............................................................................................... 9
2.4.1 Network Listener........................................................................................................ 9
2.4.2 MML Translator.......................................................................................................... 9
2.4.3 Message Dispatcher................................................................................................... 9
2.4.4 Response Generator.................................................................................................. 9
2.4.5 LDAP Client................................................................................................................ 9
2.4.6 CORBA Client/Server................................................................................................. 9
3 System Features.................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 MML Client Interface....................................................................................................... 11
3.2 eSM CORBA interface..................................................................................................... 12
3.3 DG LDAP Interface.......................................................................................................... 13
3.4 Operation, Maintenance and Control Manager................................................................14
3.5 Detailed Logging & CDR Writing.....................................................................................15
3.6 External Interface Requirements.....................................................................................16
3.6.1 User Interfaces......................................................................................................... 16
3.6.2 Hardware Interfaces................................................................................................. 17
3.6.3 Software Interfaces.................................................................................................. 18
3.6.4 Software Components.............................................................................................. 18
3.6.5 Database (s)............................................................................................................. 18
3.6.6 Integrated Commercial Components........................................................................18
3.6.7 Communications Interfaces......................................................................................19
4 Operating Environment........................................................................................................... 20
4.1 Hardware......................................................................................................................... 20
5 Accessories............................................................................................................................ 20
5.1 Software.......................................................................................................................... 20
5.2 Network........................................................................................................................... 20
5.3 Communication................................................................................................................ 20
6 Other Nonfunctional Requirements........................................................................................21
6.1 Performance Requirements.............................................................................................21
6.1.1 Performance Definitions........................................................................................... 21
6.1.2 Scalability................................................................................................................. 21
6.1.3 Redundant Deployment Setup.................................................................................21
6.1.4 Installation & Setup.................................................................................................. 21
6.2 Error Recovery Requirements.........................................................................................22
6.2.1 MML Gateway Crash................................................................................................ 22
6.2.2 LDAP Connection Failure......................................................................................... 22
6.2.3 eSM Connection Failure...........................................................................................22
6.2.4 IP Interface Failure................................................................................................... 22
6.2.5 Hardware Failure...................................................................................................... 22
6.3 Safety Requirements....................................................................................................... 22
6.4 Security Requirements.................................................................................................... 23
6.5 Software Quality Attributes..............................................................................................23
6.6 Business Rules................................................................................................................ 23
7 Special User Requirements.................................................................................................... 24
8 Standards............................................................................................................................... 25
9 User Characteristics............................................................................................................... 26
10 Design and Implementation Constraints.............................................................................27

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Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

11 Deliverables........................................................................................................................ 28
12 Assumptions and Dependencies......................................................................................... 29
13 Acceptance Criterion........................................................................................................... 30
14 Others................................................................................................................................. 31
15 Appendix............................................................................................................................. 32
16 Change History................................................................................................................... 33

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Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This document describes the software requirement specifications for the Jataayu MML
Gateway product, Version 1.0. This document is intended for internal circulation to
marketing, technical and operational heads of wireless infrastructure team for their
comments and review.

1.2 Scope
This SRS covers the features that shall be available in the Jataayu MML Gateway Version

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

MML Man Machine Language

eSM enhanced Services Manager
DG Data Grid
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
HLR Home Location Register
API Application Programmer Interface

1.4 References

1. Erission Jprovisioning Agent 5.1

2. Lucent eSM CORBA Upstream Interface Programmer's Manual for Release 25 SU7 /
3. Lucent SDHLR Provisioning Document
4. MML Gateway PIN/SHB

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Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

2 Overview

2.1 Current System

There is no current implementation of the current system and as such, it needs to be

designed and developed from scratch.

2.2 Proposed System

The MML Gateway project shall involve design and implementation of gateway software
that can translate from one form of command set to another. The MML Gateway shall be
used to interface between provisioning clients and provisioning systems from two different
vendors. The provisioning clients interface using an MML protocol – a simple text-based
attribute-value protocol that specifies a command along with the parameters to be used.
The provisioning systems interface using CORBA and LDAP. The MML Gateway shall
transform MML commands to CORBA/LDAP and vice-versa.

The product shall make use of the Jataayu Server Framework to build a carrier grade MML
Gateway entity that shall allow rapid deployment and deliver optimum performance. The
necessary documentation shall be referred to in the design and development of this product
so that it shall be compatible with the external provisioning nodes and shall achieve all
objectives as desired.

The MML Gateway shall address the following major requirements as specified.

 It shall convert all MML commands into CORBA/LDAP objects

 It shall deliver optimum performance and shall have the following attributes.
o High degrees of availability of the order of 99.9% or more.
o A scalability that increases as linearly as possible.
o High reliability with no command loss.

MML Gateway shall be composed of the following components.

 MML Translator
 OMC Manager

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Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

2.3 System Architecture

MML Gateway

Network Q Translator
Network Translator
MML Client Listener
MML Client Listener

Response Q
Generator CORBA eSM

Trans Conf
Table Items

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Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

2.4 General Transactional Flow

MML Gateway shall be split into the following components logically.

2.4.1 Network Listener

The Network Listener interface is used to receive the MML requests from MML client and
store the request into the Receive queue for processing.

2.4.2 MML Translator

The MML Translator is used to parse and validate the MML request. If it is a valid request
map the corresponding CORBA object fields or LDAP schema fields based on the request
type. Send the Mapped request to Message dispatcher.

2.4.3 Message Dispatcher

The Dispatcher interface is used to interface the translator with the eSM server and the DG.
It receives all translated MML requests from MML Translator and transfers it into DG and
eSM server based on the request type. It receives all response from the DG and the eSM
server and sends it to the Response Generator for further processing. It supports batching
of commands – sending multiple commands at a time to the eSM server to increase its TPS
capability. One or more MML requests are combined into a single work order and sent to
the eSM server.

2.4.4 Response Generator

The Response Generator is used to generate the MML response for the MML Client. It
receives the response from the eSM server or the DG, converts the message to a format
that is understood by the MML client and then sends it back to the MML Client as an MML

2.4.5 LDAP Client

The LDAP client is used to interface with the Data Grid. It sends LDAP request to DG and
returns the response to the Response Generator.

2.4.6 CORBA Client/Server

The CORBA client/server is used to interface with the eSM CORBA server. It generates a
CORBA request and sends it to the eSM CORBA server. The response from the eSM
CORBA server is sent to the Response Generator.

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Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

3 System Features
This release of MML Gateway shall have the features as described below.

1. MML Gateway shall support all commands in Erission JPA versions 5.1.
2. MML Gateway translates all MML commands into equivalent eSM work order format.
3. MML Gateway sends all work orders to eSM server.
4. MML Gateway receives response from eSM server.
5. MML Gateway translates the response into MML format and sends it back to MML Client.
6. MML Gateway supports batch process.
7. All MML select operations process through DG.
8. MMLG supports mapping of a specific IP address to an eSM/DG pair.
9. MMLG supports load balancing of DG.
10. MMLG supports user profiles for authentication and grouping of users into different
categories based on user rights.
11. OMC Manager
12. Clustered architecture support

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Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

3.1 MML Client Interface

MML Gateway shall support MML Client interface for receiving and sending MML
commands. It shall be compliant with Ericsson JPA 5.1.

Description and Priority

The MML Client interface shall allow MML clients to communicate the MML Gateway. The
MML Client connects to the MML Gateway using the IP address and port number of the
MML Gateway. All MML client requests are validated in the MML Gateway. If any error is
found in the client request, MML Gateway rejects the command and sends an error
message as a response to the client.
All MML client requests are translated into new CORBA work order form. These work orders
shall be sent to the eSM. If the command is a Query Request it shall be sent to the DG.

This requirement has high priority.

Stimulus/Response Sequences

For each MML request, MML Gateway shall generate appropriate new CORBA work order
request and shall send it to the eSM server. MML Gateway shall also perform validation of
the MML command issued from the client.

Functional Requirements

S.No. Tag Requirements

1 FR1.1 MML Gateway shall complaint compliant with Erission
Ericsson JPA 5.1
2 FR1.2 MML Gateway shall support HLR commands
3 FR1.3 MML Gateway shall support AC commands
4 FR1.4 MML Gateway shall support HLR Services commands
5 FR1.5 MMLG shall perform validation of MML commands
6 FR1.6 MMLG shall support persistent connections for MML client

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Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

3.2 eSM CORBA interface

MML Gateway shall support CORBA interface to connect to the eSM CORBA server. It shall
be complaint compliant with eSM CORBA IDL interfaces.

Description and Priority

This eSM CORBA interface shall be used to interface with the eSM server. The eSM server
has a set of published IDL interfaces that may be used by a client application to interface
with it. The MML Gateway shall use the IDL interfaces to interface with the eSM servers.
The MML Gateway acts as a CORBA server to receive responses from the eSM server. It
parses the response and sends it back to the MML client.
The MML Gateway generates work orders to sends them to the eSM. Each work order has
a unique work order name. The work order has event Destination, work order type and other
attributes related to MML requests. One work order may allow more than one MML
The MML Gateway shall communicate more than one eSM server and DG. MML Gateway
route the MML request to specific eSM server based on MML request incoming IP Interface
The MML Gateway supports batch process. More than one MML commands combined into
a single work order and sends it to eSM CORBA server.
The eSM server interface is asynchronous. The work order requests are mapped with the
response using a unique work order name.
All insert, delete and update operations shall be realized using the eSM CORBA interface.
This requirement has high priority.

Stimulus/Response Sequences
The MML Gateway shall keep a configurable number of connections with the eSM server.
All MML requests are sent via these persistent connections. The MML Gateway shall
establish different connections to receive responses from the eSM server. All requests and
responses are mapped using a unique work order name.

Functional Requirements

S No Tag Requirements
1 FR2.1 Support for eSM CORBA Session interface
2 FR2.2 Support for eSM CORBA Event Handler interface
3 FR2.3 Support for eSM CORBA Provisioning interface.
4 FR2.4 Support for eSM CORBA LDAP Interface
5 FR2.5 Support for eSM CORBA Server config change interface
6 FR2.6 MML Gateway shall keep pre-connected sockets with eSM
7 FR2.7 CORBA interface shall be CORBA 2.3 compliant
8 FR2.8 Support for Batch process
9 FR2.9 All insert, delete and update commands shall be realized
using CORBA interface.

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Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

3.3 DG LDAP Interface

The MML Gateway shall support an LDAP interface to interface with the eSM DG. It shall be
complaint compliant with the LDAP schema of the DG.

Description and Priority

The LDAP interface is used to interface with the eSM DataGrid. The eSM server has a set
of published LDAP schemas to interface with it. The MML Gateway shall use the LDAP
schema to interface and query the DG.
The MML Gateway sends all “read” operations with HLR through this LDAP interface. It
receives the response from DG. It parses the response and sends it back to MML client.
The MML Gateway generates LDAP requests based on schema and sends it to DG.
Each eSM Server keeps two Data Grid for LDAP operations.
This LDAP client interface keeps a load balancer between two Data Grids.
This requirement has high priority.

Stimulus/Response Sequences

For each “read” MML request, MML Gateway shall generate appropriate new LDAP request
for eSM. If the request is a “read” operation, it will generate a LDAP request and send it to
the DG. The response from the DG is sent back to the MML client.

Functional Requirements

S No Tag Requirements
1 FR3.1 MML Gateway shall interface with the DG for all “read”
2 FR3.2 MML Gateway shall keep set of pre-connected sockets with
3 FR3.3 MML Gateway shall keep timeout value for response from
4 FR3.4 MML Gateway shall keep a load balancer between two DGs

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Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

3.4 Operation, Maintenance and Control Manager

MML Gateway shall support an extensive OMC Manager that shall be used for operation,
maintenance and control of MML Gateway.

Description and Priority

The MML Gateway shall have an OMC manager that shall be used for overall control of
MML Gateway.
An extensive and intuitive web based administrative UI shall be provided to configure and
control MML Gateway. The UI shall offer the following minimum functionality.

 MML Gateway Configuration

 Viewing Logs and CDRs

This requirement has medium priority.

Stimulus/Response Sequences
The Administration

Functional Requirements

S No Tag Requirements
1 FR4.1 Admin authentication
2 FR4.2 Service control (start/stop)
3 FR4.3 Configuration management
4 FR4.4 Viewing Logs and CDRs

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Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

3.5 Detailed Logging & CDR Writing

MML Gateway shall support extensive logging for all transactions and shall write CDR
records for all success and failure requests and responses.

Description and Priority

The MML Gateway shall interface with a CDR Server for writing detailed CDR records for all
request and response transactions.
The MML Gateway shall write detailed logs that may be used for analyzing
request/response sequences and debugging problems.
MML Gateway uses different log level for writing logs. The level specifies the amount of
logging that shall be done in the log file. All CDR entries shall be stored in a database or file
system. MML Gateway shall generate CDR records with appropriate status codes.

Stimulus/Response Sequences
For each transaction, MML Gateway shall generate appropriate CDR records. MML
Gateway shall support detailed logging for debugging problems and analyzing
request/response sequences.

Functional Requirements

S.No. Tag Requirements

1 FR6.1 MML Gateway shall write detailed logs
2 FR6.2 MML Gateway shall support multiple log levels
3 FR6.3 MML Gateway shall support log rotations on time basis
4 FR6.4 MML Gateway shall support log rotations on size basis
5 FR6.5 MML Gateway shall interface to CDR Server for writing CDR
7 FR6.6 MML Gateway shall support local CDR records in case CDR
Server is unavailable

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Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

3.6 External Interface Requirements

3.6.1 User Interfaces

MML Gateway shall realize the following user interfaces.
 Administration module
The administration module shall consist of a web interface. The administrator shall be
able to do administrative activities on MML Gateway.

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Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

3.6.2 Hardware Interfaces

MML Gateway shall interact with the following hardware components and needs to implement the
necessary interfaces as described.

 LDAP Database System

 eSM Server

MML Gateway shall require a TCP/IP based Ethernet connection to interact with the LDAP
database system.

MML Gateway shall require a TCP/IP based Ethernet connection to interact with the eSM Server.

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Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

3.6.3 Software Interfaces

MML Gateway shall have software interfaces with the following components.

3.6.4 Software Components

1. OMC Manager
2. eSM
3. DG
4. MML client

3.6.5 Database (s)

1. None

3.6.6 Integrated Commercial Components

1. None

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Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

3.6.7 Communications Interfaces

The following protocols need to be supported by MML Gateway.

1. HTTP – HTTP shall be required for interface of MML Gateway to the OMC Manager.
2. TCP/IP – TCP/IP shall be used by IP applications (MML client) to interface with MML

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Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

4 Operating Environment

4.1 Hardware

Machine 2 Server class machine

Processor INTEL Based Quad Xeon CPU @ 3.0 Ghz or above
Main Memory 4 GB
Cache L3 Cache of 4 MB
HDD 36GB x 3 Hotswap HDD
RAID RAID Level 5 Support
Backup 12/24GB Internal DAT drive
NIC Dual –Fast Ethernet Cards
Power supply Std A/C – RPS
OS Redhat Linux – EL 4.0
Form Factor Rack Mount
5 Accessories
12/24 Port Fast #1
Ethernet Switches
19” rack with #1
integrated KB,
Mouse and
KVM Switch – 8 #1
LAN Cables,
connectors etc

5.1 Software

Operating System RedHat Linux ES 4.0 and above

Web Server Apache 2.x Web Server
SNMP Net-SNMP 5.0.8

5.2 Network

LAN Connection 100 Mbps

Internet Connection Not required

5.3 Communication
 LAN Connection to the MML Client/LDAPDatabase/eSM/DG server

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Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

6 Other Nonfunctional Requirements

6.1 Performance Requirements

6.1.1 Performance Definitions

1 MML Per Second 102 MML / second on

standard hardware as

6.1.2 Scalability
The software shall support vertical (scale up) and horizontal (scale out) scaling options. The
increase in performance shall be as linear as possible although this may not be possible in real
deployment scenarios because of the inter communication overheads of the clustering software

6.1.3 Redundant Deployment Setup

The software shall support redundant deployment scenarios where ‘n’ instance of the software
may be deployed across ‘n’ machines to provide higher performance and software availability.
Additional software may have to be deployed to control these ‘n’ instances so that they can
perform together.

6.1.4 Installation & Setup

The software installation package shall be shipped as zipped file that shall contain an install script
for installation and the required product binaries, configuration files and other supporting
components as necessary.
It shall be possible to install and completely setup & configure the product within a period of 2

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Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

6.2 Error Recovery Requirements

6.2.1 MML Gateway Crash

In the unlikely event of a MML Gateway crash, MML Gateway shall be able to restart itself. The
current transactions that were being processed by MML Gateway shall be lost and cannot be
recovered. The recovery period of MML Gateway from the crash should be as fast as possible so
that there is minimum amount of service outage. A crash of the MML Gateway should also avoid
corruption of CDR records and log files.

6.2.2 LDAP Connection Failure

If there is a failure on the LDAP interface, all “read” query functionality of MML Gateway shall be
affected. This is because MML Gateway shall perform “read” queries directly using LDAP. Any
failure on the LDAP database shall imply a failure of the MML Gateway software. In such
conditions, MML Gateway should send proper error message to MML Client. It will not send any
commands to DG till the DG service is restored again.

6.2.3 eSM Connection Failure

An eSM connection failure is a critical failure and shall cause a complete outage of the MML
Gateway service. If the connection is down, the MML Gateway should send proper error message
to the MML Client. It shall not send any commands to eSM server till the eSM Server service is
restored again.

6.2.4 IP Interface Failure

An IP link failure caused by an Ethernet outage or a faulty network card is a critical failure and
shall cause a complete outage of the MML Gateway service. This is because an IP based
application is used for implementing the MML Gateway functionality. If the IP based application
cannot communicate with the eSM Server, no commands can be transferred between both

6.2.5 Hardware Failure

A hardware failure involves failure of physically connected hardware devices on the MML
Gateway. e.g. hard disks, CPU’s, cooling fans, power supplies etc.
Of these failures, a hard disk failure is very critical. Since the operating system itself depends on
the hard disk for proper functioning, in some cases the OS itself may crash or stop unexpectedly
making MML Gateway hard disk failure handling routines redundant. If the OS functions normally,
MML Gateway shall stop all operations immediately and close all interfaces. This is done because
a hard disk failure would imply CDR records not getting generated for requests that are serviced
after the disk crash. Since missing CDR records constitute lost revenue and is unacceptable to the
operator, MML Gateway shall cease all operations.
Handling routines for other hardware failures are not considered necessary because there is very
little an application can do under those circumstances to detect and possibly alert an administrator
of such problems.

6.3 Safety Requirements

There are no safety requirements that need to be specified for this product.

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Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

6.4 Security Requirements

Since the product shall be deployed in an operator network, it is assumed to be operating in
a secure environment. Additional security concerns are met by using authentication features
wherever applicable, for e.g. in the OMC manager.

6.5 Software Quality Attributes

1 Internal Response Time <= 10 msec

2 Success Rate 99.999 %

6.6 Business Rules

There are currently no specific business rules for this product.

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Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

7 Special User Requirements

There are no special user requirements for this software.

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Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

8 Standards
1. Ericsson Jprovisiong Agent 5.1
2. CORBA eSM Server Release 25 SU7 / R26SU1

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Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

9 User Characteristics

The software shall be deployed at carrier locations and it is assumed that is shall be
administered by operator personnel who are familiar with provisioning concepts. The
product is an emulator between their provisioning client and provisioning server.
It is proposed that some form of training shall be provided to the operator personnel
administering this product. The standard product training, installation, configuration &
maintenance training and the user manual & trouble shooting document are deemed as
sufficient for the operator personnel to be able to perform suitable administration of the

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Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

10 Design and Implementation Constraints

1. MML Gateway shall be created using the CORBA/JAVA language.

2. MML Gateway shall support multi-threaded operations for best use of hardware/software
to achieve optimum performance.
3. MML Gateway shall be designed as carrier grade software with high load handling
capabilities, excellent performance characteristics on standard hardware and good
scalability and high availability features.
4. MML Gateway shall be designed in a manner that allows for easy extensibility for adding
new MML commands.

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Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

11 Deliverables

Following shall be the deliverables.

 MML Gateway SRS
 MML Gateway SDD
 MML Gateway Installable
 MMLG ATP document
 MMLG IOT Test Document

Documents accompanying MML Gateway shall be as follows.

 Installation Guide
 User Manual
 Documentation/APIs for implementing provisioning
 Acceptance Test Plan document

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Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

12 Assumptions and Dependencies

 An eSM DG shall be made available for live testing of the product.

 An eSM Server shall be made available for live testing of the product.
 An MML client shall be made available for live testing of the product.

Jataayu Software (P) Ltd- Confidential and Proprietary
Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

13 Acceptance Criterion
An Acceptance Test Plan document shall be provided for the appropriate acceptance testing.

Jataayu Software (P) Ltd- Confidential and Proprietary
Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

14 Others

Jataayu Software (P) Ltd- Confidential and Proprietary
Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

15 Appendix

Jataayu Software (P) Ltd- Confidential and Proprietary
Jataayu Software (P) Ltd.
Software Requirements JSPL/MML Gateway SRS
Specification Version: 1.0

16 Change History

Jataayu Software (P) Ltd- Confidential and Proprietary

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