Cia RDP82 00457R004600050006 4 PDF

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@Vovey UWTELLOEAK a CLASSIFICATION night 1A Approved For Release. 29041 fxaeinspes roscoe pay INFORMATION REPORT oo no Aye COUNTRY YK tarot) CONFIDENTIAL, vOr DATE OF ‘SUPPLEMENT TO INFO. 251 REPORT NO. 28K1X a ‘although the Vunkers of the Urainian underground soveu it considered below are all eubierranean, it is nct uncomsoa for bunkere te .e built alove ground in buildings. The najority of bunkers of all types consist of one aub= terranean roua used oaly duriry the cold mo the of thy year. In direct contrast to operating rroceds's up to tie end of world var 1, 00 offensive actions are ever carried ou: fon bunkers, since they are ouilt only for defensive purposes. ALL brartnes of the Tvsistance movesent use bunkers, both active partisans and spe-lalists. In otter words, those aeduera of UPA, OUN, the UK, the SB. Ine aed Crovs, and the finance and propeganda sections who are Living asi legal residente of the Soviet Union or roland Hive in bunkers sone tine du ing each year. Supplies of food and water cust, be sufficient in the fall to permit the inhabitants to renin enti” | within Une bunker as long e: snow is on the groand, In reaction to in- creasingly refined and clewr Soviet methods of bunker detection, the resistance sovesent haa per force con: nally taprovéd casou?iage devices and other neasures to prevent dets 2, The site chosen for an unciresound bunker depends largely on local cofiddtionsy terrain, density of population, etc, Bunkers are often vuilt into the sides of hills because it is easie> to dig horizontally than vertically. In general, the fartuer a bunker io eivvatec froma settlement, a rosd, or any sort‘of thoroughfare, the better, the common location presently weed Le ta an ordinary field covered wit! brash one or tro feet high rior to 1946, the partisans found that bunke s near brooks were very 3 Uisfactory wecause, when Sproaching the bunker, cr: coilé made along the brook, thereby eliminating tell-tale footprints. “Afisr the discovery of such a bunker in 19L6, the vovlsto - began searching :11 brooks for binkera; and since that tins the UPA units have been instructs: to stop building bunkers beside brocks- Ura Headquarters issues no sj«cific instractions concerning the location of bunkers, The choice of sites is left to the discretion of the local. conmandera, who are nore familiar Witt on-the-spot conditions. 3. Spades, leks, and showls are the sain inplemnts used in building bunkers. Navatly & large bunker :o acconodate seven to nine cen can be bull! in thre? “This document Ie hereby CONFIDENTIAL in scar letter of 16 October 1978 kom the Director of Contra! Inotigence to the ‘Ahivet of tho United State 1a Approved For Release 2001/03/17,:.Cl -RDPB2-00457R004600050006-4 bu Aile INTELLTORLCH wGatoY | weeks Af the wen wording on Lt spend ten houre « day or night on the Jou. Only tho sen wio are to Live in it participate dr the taildine of the bunker. Formerly, ordinary worksen were elirlfolded and led to the site, but this teoane an'insecure sethod when Soviet anti-partisan pressure on the civilian population increased, shen building in an o,en field, the Partisans attenpt to disjose of the dirt ina nearby field under cultivation. ‘at night they mix the dirt wlth plowed soll eo thit 4t looks natural, Directly over the cunker on the ground, branches and Libs of trees are laid in a criss-cross fashion to increase the azount of weight uhich the round over the vunker can surzort. leaves are then strewn over these branches. and Linvs of trees. ifter a firm foundation haa been sade, a tyye of aaphalt or cenent is 1>rud anong the branches and leaves. Above this "asphalem, dirt and grass or shru sare planted so that the location blends with its natural surroandings. The ground atove 4 bunker should slope so that. water will drain off, 26x1x Intertor WMS of o2toing coscrsotion ot bunker sien be cccupted Or tires and a pait nonthe dir:ng the winter of 1946-47. This typleal bunker cons"sted of one room tive ueters long and four netere wide The height of tio sloped ceiling varied "om three ands half asters on one aide of the Toon lo two eters on the other side. The four corners of the dunker vere fortified by posts ado from tree trunks and the tarer walle ere Lined with strong branches erise-erogsed in mich the sane sanner am dove the ounker and streieunened mith the. same ceusrteltke, eubetanees This banker had tro operings ius with the ground, one-half meter square, shich served aa nindowe. These wladons were cade of concuflaged renevatle voards. The only moans of entry and exit to the bunker was a square tunel two acters long and one acter ide, extending between the ceiling ofthe bunker and the surface of the ground above, At the Wiper entrance to the tunnel, a sooden vox resting on two Ledges waa fitted flush with the ground. Thia tox, filled with dirt, mas camouflaged with crags. To eter the unker, Gne had to Litt the ox by pulling # wire well hidden in the sur- Tounding orush, To leave the sunker, one pushed the vox up fron below: within tits ounker there was one tose with an ofl lamp, two chairs, several barrels containing food, @ chest containing weapons and auminition, & stove, and a nooden stricture partitioned into twelve bunks, Under the bunks were stored boxes of food and arns. The stove in the bunker was used not only for couking but for warmth, ooking was done only on mooniess nights; the stovepipe emerged in a clum of bushes above the bunker. The host created during the cookin: hours had to last to wara the bunker until the stove could be used apsin tie folloming Ment. An order to ventilate most bunkers, a onall hole is drilled up the niddle of a nearby tree. This method is generuliy used for forest bunsers. Other= wise, there apreers to be no specific provision for ventilaticn exert for the ordinary asount that would cose “nto a bunkes through the opening and closing of the tunnel cr "xindoxs" or througn cracks, In some tunkers there iy a stall tunnel built off the asin rom whieh de used fur teslet, facilities. sonal wankers ar. usually ouilt in the iate fall or just before the prond freezes, The partisans sove into the bunkers in Decerber or January and stay there underground until about April. During this tiwe, they ao oot leave the bun= ker unless there 13 no som on the ground, Sunkers are built edthor as the winter quarters fer small groups of ordinary artisans or for specialist underground sorkere euch as jrinters.. tarticans noraally leave their bunkers in the spring and live atove round until the following winter. Specialists, however, often continue iv in their vunker as long ag st 4s safe to do ge diring all seaeons of the yosr. fe An s Bunker ‘The mon who live in bunkers usually sleep between 00 pa ‘Rpproved For'Rel AP? tk REPRE OAS RDO ROBBED” uu a. Approved For Release 2o0t10sr17 in RDPS2-004s7ROOAERHR AONE 4 GoNTHaL, INTALATGANOS aGeLCY r | 3 lecture and study period which laste five or eix jours, wLlitary history of the Uknuine, compass and aap reading, political indoctrination, end partisan warfare are only a few of the topics thet are taught during, tin Sessions. Naturally, the caliber teaching ceponds on the ability of the group leader aud the special talents of the other inhabitants. At id= hight the secupants have their muin neal, anc an hour before daybreak they hhave thelr supper and fo to bed Daring the summer, the UPA haa a five-week course in first aid, which trains about fifty men each year. shenever possible, the occusanta of a bunker WiLL dnelude one of these traited uwen during the winuer. If, however, a bunker hae no one trained in first aid, all occupants io what they can to aid a= lek oF wounded comanion. segatdless of the circumstances, a sick san Penaine \vside the ounker until epring. The security danger is considered too great during tne winter period to allow the san to go to a villa;e or town for medical treatment. wourity keasuree chenever practical, i.e., not during the snow season, the wen in a bunker perfora guard duty, This duty consiste solely of guurding Une bunker. The Guard reste in consealnent usuelly not more Ulan a aster from the entrance fo the banker itee Lf, 80 lat no unnecessary footprints are left on the ground, This guard is necessary to keep the eccupants from vein7 caught Unaware by an intruder. ‘There are four etandard ways of dealing with intruders who élscover the location of a bunker nile it is in use: IE the nen in the ounker know the msn who discovers their hiding piace » they warn him of the danger to all concerned if the Soviete snoula “ad the location of the bunker, Followine a lengthy lecture, the aan is set Tree Should the man not be well-known to the ecoupants of the bunker, he is kept in the bunker until @ check can be made of hin. If tie occupants are unable to obtain any information, derogatory or otherwise, they often keep the san with then in the bunker taroughout the winter. Ie the min who uiecovers the ounker ie a known agent, or subsequent in formation should prove him to ce one, he is liquidated. 4. men @ bunker has been discovered and 4t a;yeare Likely that other per- sons of unknown reliability know of ite location, the bunker is evacuated. Svacuation ie also normal if a person whe has discovered the location manages to escape Sone bunkers are built with an essage tunnel or haten, usually very crudely Tasiiioned und barely wide and high enovgh for ons van’at a tine Lo squeese through. This exit do never used except for energency escape ‘the decision to evacuate hee been made the occupants take ali jafere and printed wmaterial, weapons, asauni don, and, if tine peraits, their food. A one-rooa Dunker with about Len non can usually be evacuated conpletely in half an hours after leaving the bunker, the een bury everything thet thoy have taken ith thon in order to be able to travel to the next safest ;lace sitnout being burdened with extra ecaipaent. Sovtet Me 2 for Uiscovering Lunkers Generally speaking, Soviet binker-detecting methods have gone trough the following three phases since 1943: A ‘ ee ~ 1Se 2001/03/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004600050006-4 Approved For Rel Approved For Release 2001/03/17.i,6AR-RDP82-00457RO046 000599064 cota INTELLLOHNCS act _ a The ed Aray on the way to or frum the western front 4n 1943 through 1945 conbed sjecified areas Looking for bunke partisans. They concentrated coutly on rooded areas. Larger troop units were sent. through the woods searching. The soldiers rere easily spotted by the UPa wen and fen partisans ners diseovered during these years, b. By 1945 and 1916, Soviet army troops were no long r used Lecause they vere considered unreliable, Instead, Ki) and speois) troops in groups of 200 were sent into areas known to contain partisans. One source told of a wooded area, forty-five Kilomters long and. seven Kilomters wide, where about 700 UPA gartisens lived, The covietn sent 8,000 WD troops into this area to ferret out the partisans turing the sunmer of 1946. Ab that uise of the year, Ura partisane were Living avove ground. There wi three forser forest rangers with the parti~ sans that sumer oho bad formerly worked in this sae forest compen, Consequently, oy followiig, the directions of these rangers, the par Livan units Spent tke entire cumer lesdin the doviete a cerry chase through the woods. The groups of 200 mon thal. the Soviet sent out from bse to Line mere not familiar with the woods and were easy marks for the snail bands of UPA man, who could syot then coming and chose the convenient tine and place for an sitush or encounter, oeeause they wore losiny too sany en on these forays into partican country, the wviets gave up Fhase 2 at the end of 196, ©. Barly 1947 carked the beginning of the Latest and most successful Soviet, wethod of detecting the location of bunkers and partisan units. After ‘the ase troop action of thases 1 and 2 {roved unsvecessful, the Soviets decided on the one-nen penetration wethiod. They would put one aan into 2 suspected partisan area and order hia lo rerort all inforeation that he could obtain regard:ng the possible location of partiean groupe, according to recent reports, these agents ere wore interested in the general area viere artisan bunkere are located than in the specific location of any one bunker, These won aleo live in an area for a bng ‘ine and etvempt to gain the confidence of the local population before starting on their task of fevreting out bunkers of the underground novemnt. rior vo July 1948, it vas known that WWD troope staticn:+ An the oblast capital, Drogobych, were riven a course in the detection of Uunkers. 4 captured wil aan uno had altended the course in Drogo bych told the UEA that the aU troops were piven instruction on seventy-six different types of ounkors used by the partisans. iD Headquarters in Kiev reportedly has = central office entirely de “sted to tne study and comarison of bunkace and means of detecting then. 16, EEE ae Soviewsare very thorough in their attempts to 25X1X locate centers of sartisan activity. He elaine that, if, for esample, the AVO locates a bunker in a sell or near a srook, a check of every wrook and well in that particular area for further evidence of bunkars can ve sapecied. Ho elo menticned the fact that to the winter of 1947-1948 the Soviets aise posted tat there wure strung and well-organized UPA partisans in a certain territory in the western Ukraine. In this region of atout fifteen villag fand 7,000 inhabitants, there was a nocded area were the Soviets had cap- tnrea’a Polish yout tho apparently hag no crest love for the Ukrainians, Arter plying the Fole for a week with food and vine, they instructed him to vend sone tine in the forest area and to attempt to obtain all the inforna- ion that he oould concerning possible partisan activity, This method proved Unsuccessful because the young Fole wes not familia: with the woods. 17. StL undaunted, the Soviets tried ancther apjrosch. One even“ they robved several home in one of the villages and the next day, professing great concern over the rousery, the Sovicts went into the village and searened for the "rovber", The wor sae quietly passed around by the MVD hat quite possibly the Fole who had spent sone tine in the village might, Approved For Release 2001/03/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004600050006-4 Approved For Release 2001/03/17, ; GJA-RDP62-00457R004600050006-4 25X18 ColiThad INBaeTQ.2G aba tie hhave connitted the robveries. deanshile, che Polish boy hud taken to the woods to hide out from the villagers and’ surposedly from the Soviets. Not Jon. atter having cone to the wods, he net’ tuo UP nen one eveniin. He warted tiem thst the Soviets sere in the village. They tienked hi and went on, out the young Fole quietly followed ther.. He acon noticed that. their footsteps suddenly sto;,.ed ahead and he heard nothing for a ynile In this mnnor he was able to suratee the ajjroxiaste location of the bun= ker, The nest-evoniny the LVO troops surrounded the area, and a fight ensued the follocins morning. During Unie encounter, four Ura eon and six Soviets »+.¢ killed. The young role who nad been the infor.» later captured by the UPa and verified tho avove ineident in detail. ake Approved For Release anowoart y0re2 GONRBENRIAhoS

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