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Timeline :
Milestones Amount Tasks Deliverables Working
$ 938 USD as Upfront, For Project Initiation

Customization : Analysis, Design / Logo Design, Admin Panel

Setup (Backend)
1562 User Module : Splash Screen, Social media or Email / Phone
number (Verification / OTP required), Create New Profile
Screen, Login / Forgot Password, OTP (One Time Password),
Milestone 1 Select Location from, Destination Address, Change User App 8
Destination Address(Drop Pin)

Driver Module : Splash Screen, Driver Registration and

uploading document, Verify from Admin, App Login Screen,
Home Screen, Online Screen, Sidebar Menu/Navigation
User Module : Get Ride Estimate, Contact Driver After
Booking, Track Driver, Car Categories ( Dynamic -Moto-Bike ,
User + Driver +
Small / Big Car), Customer dashboard / Notification
Milestone 2 Testing/Bug
1500 12
Driver Module : Accept/Reject Request, Location of
Customer, Contact User after booking, Initiate Ride
User Module : Ride Initiate and completes, Rating, Menu,
Prior Booking, Add Favorite Location, Card, Support / FAQ,
Emergency Contact.
User + Driver + 10
1250 Driver Module : Track through Google Map, Update Ride Info, Admin Panel +
Milestone 3
Payment Option, Feedback, Experience, Customer Rating. Testing/Bug
Admin Panel : Manage Driver/Customer, Manage Fixing
transaction, Bulk Notification, Single Notification, Ride
Booked by Driver/Customer, Manage Driver through GPS,
Overall history, data Accessibility

Admin Panel : Add/Remove vehicle category, Manage Prior

Booking, Fare depends upon the category chosen (Small,
Medium, Moto-Bike etc.), Valid driver info with vehicle, Admin Panel +
Milestone 4 1000 Manage document of driver, Manage Payouts (Cash/Online) Testing / Bug 10
for Driver/User from backend Fixing
Force Download : From Customer Side, From Driver Side, only
highly required updates

Total Cost : $ 6250 USD 30 Days

Complete Web panel on ROR (RubyOnRails) as Backend with MySQL as Database

App Support 30 Days After that we’ll work on AMC

Number of developers Indulged

Manager, Designer 1 Project Manager, 1 Designer

Android, iOS 2 Developers

Admin + APIs 1 Developers (Senior Developer for ROR & User Interface)

Testing 1 Resource

Development Languages and IDE

Admin Panel Twitter bootstrap, Ruby on Rails, MySQL

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